## Domain Registry Interface, .NO message extensions
## Copyright (c) 2008-2010,2013 UNINETT Norid AS, E<lt>http://www.norid.noE<gt>,
## Trond Haugen E<lt>info@norid.noE<gt>
## Copyright (c) 2016,2018 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>.
## All rights reserved.
## This file is part of Net::DRI
## Net::DRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Message - .NO Mesage Extensions for Net::DRI
Please see the README file for details.
=head1 SUPPORT
For now, support questions should be sent to:
Please also see the SUPPORT file in the distribution.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Trond Haugen, E<lt>info@norid.noE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2008-2010,2013 UNINETT Norid AS, E<lt>http://www.norid.noE<gt>,
Trond Haugen E<lt>info@norid.noE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2016,2018 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
sub register_commands {
my ( $class, $version ) = @_;
my %tmp = (
noretrieve => [ \&pollreq, \&parse_poll ],
nodelete => [ \&pollack, \&Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Result::condition_parse ],
return { 'message' => \%tmp };
sub facet {
my ( $epp, $rd ) = @_;
return Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Host::build_facets( $epp, $rd );
sub pollack {
my ( $epp, $msgid, $rd ) = @_;
my $mes = $epp->message();
my $r = ( $mes->command( [ [ 'poll', { op => 'ack', msgID => $msgid } ] ] ) );
if (defined($rd->{facets}) && $rd->{facets}) {
$r = facet( $epp, $rd );
return $r;
sub pollreq {
my ( $epp, $rd ) = @_;
my $mes = $epp->message();
my $r = ( $mes->command( [ [ 'poll', { op => 'req' } ] ] ) );
if (defined($rd->{facets}) && $rd->{facets}) {
$r = facet( $epp, $rd );
return $r;
sub parse_resp_result
my ($node, $NS, $rinfo, $msgid)=@_;
push @{$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{results}},Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Util::parse_node_result($node,$NS,'no');
sub transfer_resp_parse {
my ($po, $trndata, $oname, $rinfo, $msgid)=@_;
return unless $trndata;
foreach my $el (Net::DRI::Util::xml_list_children($trndata))
my ($name,$c)=@$el;
if ($name eq 'name') {
} elsif ($name=~m/^(trStatus|reID|acID)$/mx) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{domain}->{$oname}->{$1}=$c->textContent() if ($c->getFirstChild());
} elsif ($name=~m/^(reDate|acDate|exDate)$/mx) {
sub contact_resp_parse {
my ($po, $credata, $oname, $rinfo, $msgid)=@_;
return unless $credata;
foreach my $el (Net::DRI::Util::xml_list_children($credata))
my ($name,$c)=@$el;
if ($name eq 'id')
my $new=$c->getFirstChild()->getData();
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{contact}->{$oname}->{id}=$new if (defined($oname) && ($oname ne $new)); ## registry may give another id than the one we requested or not take ours into account at all !
} elsif ($name=~m/^(crDate)$/)
## We take into account all parse functions, to be able to parse any result
sub parse_poll {
my ( $po, $otype, $oaction, $oname, $rinfo ) = @_;
my $mes = $po->message();
my $eppNS = $mes->ns('epp');
# both message and results are defined by the same no-ext-result schema
my $NS = $mes->ns('no-ext-result');
return unless $mes->is_success();
return if $mes->result_is('COMMAND_SUCCESSFUL_QUEUE_EMPTY');
my $msgid = $mes->msg_id();
$rinfo->{message}->{session}->{last_id} = $msgid;
## Parse any message
my $mesdata = $mes->get_response('no-ext-result','message');
$rinfo->{$otype}->{$oname}->{message} = $mesdata;
return unless $mesdata;
my ( $epp, $rep, $ext, $ctag, @conds, @tags );
my $command = $mesdata->getAttribute('type');
@tags = $mesdata->getElementsByTagNameNS( $NS, 'desc' );
# We supplement the standard top desc with our more detailed one
if (@tags && $tags[0]->getFirstChild() && $tags[0]->getFirstChild()->getData()) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{nocontent} = $tags[0]->getFirstChild()->getData();
# Now the data tag
@tags = $mesdata->getElementsByTagNameNS( $NS, 'data' );
return unless @tags;
my $data = $tags[0];
# Inside a data we can have variants,
# a normal result block in the start, then an <entry ..>
# which is a sequence, the other is a late response which will contain
# a complete and ordinary EPP response, only delayed.
# Parse any ordinary result block(s)
foreach my $result ($data->getElementsByTagNameNS($eppNS,'result')) {
parse_resp_result($result, $eppNS, $rinfo, $msgid);
# Parse entry
@tags = $data->getElementsByTagNameNS( $NS, 'entry' );
foreach my $entry (@tags) {
next unless ( defined( $entry->getAttribute('name') ) );
if ( $entry->getAttribute('name') eq 'objecttype' ) {
= $entry->getFirstChild()->getData();
} elsif ( $entry->getAttribute('name') eq 'command' ) {
= $entry->getFirstChild()->getData();
} elsif ( $entry->getAttribute('name') eq 'objectname' ) {
= $entry->getFirstChild()->getData();
} elsif (
$entry->getAttribute('name') =~ /^(domain|contact|host)$/mx )
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{object_type} = $1;
= $entry->getFirstChild()->getData();
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{action} ||= $command;
# The various EPP late response messages can be encapsulated in the service message data.
# There may in principle be any type of object response, so we try to parse all variants
# We try to use our various parse methods, copy the data and copy the data from it
# into our message structure. The delete the source data to hopefully not
# contaminate anything.
# inside a data and a late-responses, an inner TRID pair should exist.
# No more than one inner TRID pair is expected and handled
# In case more exist, the first one is used.
# Find the values and stash them in an $rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{trid} hash
if (my $trid=(($data->getElementsByTagNameNS($eppNS,'trID'))[0])) {
my $tmp=Net::DRI::Util::xml_child_content($trid,$eppNS,'clTRID');
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{trid}->{cltrid} = $tmp if defined($tmp);
$tmp = Net::DRI::Util::xml_child_content($trid,$eppNS,'svTRID');
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{trid}->{svtrid} = $tmp if defined($tmp);
# Parse any domain command late response data
if (my $infdata=$mes->get_response('domain','infData')) {
if (defined($rinfo->{domain}) && $rinfo->{domain}) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{domain} = $rinfo->{domain};
# Parse any domain transfer late response data
if (my $trndata = (($data->getElementsByTagNameNS($mes->ns('domain'), 'trnData'))[0])) {
transfer_resp_parse($po, $trndata, $oname, $rinfo, $msgid);
# Parse any any contact create late response data
if (my $credata = (($data->getElementsByTagNameNS($mes->ns('contact'), 'creData'))[0])) {
contact_resp_parse($po, $credata, $oname, $rinfo, $msgid);
# Parse any any contact info late response data
if (my $condata = $mes->get_extension('no-ext-contact','infData')) {
Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::NO::Contact::parse_info($po,'contact', 'info',$oname,$rinfo);
if (defined($rinfo->{contact}) && $rinfo->{contact}) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{contact} = $rinfo->{contact};
delete ($rinfo->{contact});
# Parse any any host info late response data
if (my $condata = $mes->get_extension('no-ext-host','infData')) {
if (defined($rinfo->{host}) && $rinfo->{host}) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{host} = $rinfo->{host};
# Parse any result extension conditions
my $innerepp=$data->getElementsByTagNameNS($eppNS,'epp')->shift();
my $condata;
if (defined($innerepp) && ($condata = $innerepp->getElementsByTagNameNS($NS,'conditions'))) {
if ((defined($rinfo->{$otype}->{$oname}->{conditions})) &&
$rinfo->{$otype}->{$oname}->{conditions}) {
$rinfo->{message}->{$msgid}->{conditions} = $rinfo->{$otype}->{$oname}->{conditions};
#delete ($rinfo->{$otype}->{$oname}->{conditions});
return 1;