Champlain - Map rendering canvas


use Clutter '-init';
use Champlain;

# Standard clutter canvas
my $stage = Clutter::Stage->get_default();
$stage->set_size(800, 600);

# Create the map view and set some properties
my $map = Champlain::View->new();
$map->set('scroll-mode', 'kinetic');
$map->set_size(800, 600);
$map->set_property('zoom-level', 7);
$map->center_on(45.466, -73.75);

# Pack the actors	

# Main loop


Champlain is a Perl binding for the C library libchamplain which provides a canvas widget based on Clutter that displays maps from various free map sources such as OpenStreetMap, OpenAerialMap and Maps for free.

If the C library is compiled with GTK support then the map widget can also be embedded in any GTK application.

For more information about libchamplain see:


The library makes the following constants available:


The tag coords can be used for importing the constants providing the minimal and maximal values for (latitude, longitude) coordinates:

use Champlain ':coords';


The library libchamplain is quite young and its API is changing as the code gains maturity. These bindings try to provide as much coverage from the C library as possible. Don't be surprised if the API changes within the next releases this is normal as libchamplain IS NOT yet API nor ABI frozen.

It's quite probable that bugs will be exposed, please try to report all bugs found through GNOME's Bugzilla (when prompted for a component simply choose bindings). GNOME's bug tracking tool is preferred over RT because the bugs found in the library could impact libchamplain or the other bindings. Of course all bugs entered through RT will be acknowledged and addressed.


Emmanuel Rodriguez <>.


Copyright (C) 2009 by Emmanuel Rodriguez.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of:

the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1; or
the Artistic License, version 2.0.

This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this module; if not, see

For the terms of The Artistic License, see perlartistic.