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JSON::Simple - Perl extension for easily producing and parsing JSON.


  use JSON::Simple;
  $json = to_json( $complex_data_structure );       # procudes JSON
  $data = parse_json( $json );                      # parses JSON
  # -- OR: --
  use JSON::Simple(':file');                        # load only file-related
                                                    #   subroutines.
  json_to_file $filename, $data;                    # store it in a file
  $data = json_from_file $filename;                 # read JSON from file
  # -- OR: --
  use JSON::Simple(':all');                         # load all subroutines


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation, is a simple to use format for data exchange, and actually a subset of JavaScript. JSON::Simple is a module that allows easy production of valid JSON from complex Perl data structures, and easy parsing of JSON into such data structures.

JSON::Simple is written out of personal discontent with the interfaces of existing JSON modules. JSON being a simple format, any modules dealing with it should be simple to use as well.

Exported subroutines

By default JSON::Simple exports two subroutines. to_json, to_pretty_json, and from_json. Two more subroutines are available on request. They are json_to_file and json_from_file.

Two other subroutines aren't exported but they're accessable by their full names: JSON::Simple::true and JSON::Simple::false. They're discussed in-depth in "Boolean values".

Easy importing of subroutines can be done through:

  # to_json and parse_json:
  use JSON::Simple;          
  # json_to_file and json_from_file:
  use JSON::Simple (':file') 

  # load all:
  use JSON::Simple (':all') 


  my $json = to_json( $data );

Produces JSON from an arrayref or hashref.

Will croak when it runs into data that's not representable in JSON. This normally includes blessed references and things that are neither an arrayref, a hashref, a string, a number, or an instance of the the special JSON::Simple::Boolean class.


  my $data = parse_json( $json );

Given a string of valid JSON, parse_json converts that JSON into a native Perl data structure.

Will croak on invalid JSON.


  json_to_file( $filepath, $data) or die "Couldn't dump: $!";

Produces JSON from an arrayref or hashref and stores it in the specified file.

Will croak when it runs into data that's not representable in JSON. This normally includes blessed references and things that are neither an arrayref, a hashref, a string, a number, or an instance of the the special JSON::Simple::Boolean class.


  $data = json_fron_file( $filepath ) or die "Couldn't read: $!";

Loads a file into memory, tries to parse it as JSON, and builds a native Perl data structure out of it.

Will croak on invalid JSON.


Returns a JSON::Simple::Boolean object representing a boolean true.

In-depth information can be found at "Boolean values".


Returns a JSON::Simple::Boolean object representing a boolean false.

In-depth information can be found at "Boolean values".



How many spaces to use for one level of indentation when pretty-formatting JSON. Defaults to 4.


Defines how deep JSON::Simple should go into a data structure. Since JSON doesn't really support structures with circular references, but Perl does, anything with a circular reference will make JSON::Simple go into an endless loop until your computer runs out of memory.

max_depth helps you prevent that, as JSON::Simple will croak when it is asked to go deeper into the structure than max_depth.

Defaults to 49, since I emperically discovered that Perl will begin to throw warnings at you about deep recursion if it's higher.


If set to a true value, to_json() and json_to_file() will pretty-format the JSON they produce.

Defaults to 1.


Like keys of hashes in Perl, names of name/value pairs in JSON objects aren't bound to come in any specific order. This variablke, however, tells JSON::Simple to make an attempt at somehow sorting the keys in the produces JSON anyway.

Set to a true value to enable, or to false to disable.

Defaults to 1. Even though the sorting gives a little overhead, output is so much more consistent if name/value pairs come in a predicable order that I think it's worth it.


From Perl to JSON

  In Perl                   In JSON     FORMAT
  Array reference           Array       [ELEMENT, ...]
  Hash reference            Object      {"NAME": VALUE, ...}
  String                    String      "VALUE"
  Number                    Number      e.g. 10, or 3.14, ...
    blessed reference       Boolean     true or false
  Other reference       (will throw a fatal error)
  undef                     null        null

From JSON to Perl

  In JSON       In Perl
  Array         Array reference
  Object        Hash reference
  String        String
  Number        Number
  Boolean       JSON::Simple::Boolean blessed reference
  null          undef

Boolean values

JSON, being a subset of JavaScript, supports native booleans. Perl doesn't, so JSON::Simple uses a workaround to represent booleans in Perl. JSON booleans become JSON::Simple::Boolean (JSB) objects. Each JSB object takes a value of either true or false. Through overloading, JSB knows to return a false value in boolean context and a string (either true or false) when it's interpolated in a string.

A cool side effect of the JSB design is that you're now effectively able to use these boolean values in your Perl data structure:

  my $hotel_room = {
    number => 414,
    floor => 4,
    available => JSON::Simple::false

  # translates to JSON as {"number": 414, "floor": 4, "available": false}

  if ( $hotel_room->{available} ) {

There are two ways to change the JSB object's value. Either you replace it with another JSB object:

  $hotel_room->{available} = JSON::Simple::true;
  # This is short-hand for:
  $hotel_room->{available} = JSON::Simple::Boolean->true;

Or you just tell the JSB object which value you want it to assume:


Using JSB for a relatively simple thing as this sounds overcomplicated, but in fact it's not. Other designs were considered, but each of them has drawbacks that the JSB design overcomes.

Use 1 and 0 for true and false

If the JSON parser finds a true, it could translate it to 1 and a false to 0. That would work, but if you then convert the data structure back to JSON again, JSON::Simple wouldn't know that these 1s and 0s were supposed to mean true and false. JSB removes the ambiguity.

Use \1 and \0 for true and false

Instead of using plain 1s and 0s for true and false, it would be possible to use references to 1 and 0 for boolean values.

Initially that was the design, but that would force you to write code like if ( ${ $hotel_room-{available} } )>. Having you dereference just because you want to check for trueness or falseness of a variable doesn't sound right, does it?

Use undef for false

No go. Perl's undef and JSON's null are so alike that undef can't mean anything else than null. That, or JSON::Simple wouldn't be so simple anymore.


  • Unicode support is flawed.

  • Version 0.01 croaks (throws a fatal error) every time in runs into something it doesn't recognize. JSON::Simple will be more forgiving in a next version.


Introducing JSON:

RFC 4627:


Author: P. Ramakers <>


Copyright (C) 2011 by P. Ramakers

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.