WebService::GoogleHack Package


WebService::GoogleHack - Is a Perl package that interacts with the Google API, and has some basic functionalities that allow the user to interact with Googleand retrieve results. It also has some Natural Language Processing capabilities, such as the ability to predict the semantic orienation of words, build word clusters, find words that are common to a pair of words etc.


This module acts as a driver module. Basically it acts as an interface between the user and the modules. The modules that are controlled by WebService::GoogleHack are:

WebService::GoogleHack::Text, Search, Rate, Spelling


Pratheepan Raveendranathan, <rave0029@d.umn.edu>

Ted Pedersen, <tpederse@d.umn.edu>



WebService::GoogleHack home page Pratheepan Raveendranathan Ted Pedersen

Google-Hack Maling List <google-hack-users@lists.sourceforge.net>


Copyright (c) 2003 by Pratheepan Raveendranathan, Ted Pedersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to

The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Purpose: This function creates an object of type GoogleHack and returns a blessed reference.


Purpose: This this function can used to inititalize the member variables.

Valid arguments are :

  • key

    string. key to the google-api

  • File_location

    string. This the wsdl file name

  • adverbs_list

    string. The location of the adverbs list file

  • verbs_list

    string. The location of the verbs list file

  • adjectives_list

    string. The location of the adjectives list file

  • nouns_list

    string. The location of the nouns list file

  • stop_list

    string. The location of the stop_words list file


Purpose: This function sets the maximum number of results retrived

Valid arguments are :

  • maxResults

    Number. The maximum number of results we want to be able to retrieve. Should be less than 10.


Purpose: This this function can used to set the language restriction

Valid arguments are :

  • lr

    string. Language Restricion eg lang_eng


Purpose: This this function can used to set oe

Valid arguments are :

  • oe



Purpose: This this function can used to set ie

Valid arguments are :

  • ie



Purpose: This function sets the startposition for the search results

Valid arguments are :

  • StartPos



Purpose: This functions sets the search filter as on or off

Valid arguments are :

  • Filter

    boolean. True or False


Purpose: this funciton restricts the search to a specific domains

Valid arguments are :

  • Restrict

    String. UncleSam for the US Government


Purpose: This functions enables safe search, Restricts search to non-abusive material.

Valid arguments are :

  • Restrict

    Boolean. "True" or "False".


Purpose: this is function is used to measure the relatedness between two words it basically calls the measureSemanticRelatedness function which is in the Rate class

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

Returns: Returns the object containing the PMI measure. ($search->{'PMI'}).


Purpose: this function tries to predict the semantic orientation of a paragraph of text need

Valid arguments are :

  • config_file

    string. The location of the review file

  • positive_inference.

    string. Positive inference such as excellent

  • negative_inference.

    string. Negative inference such a poor

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

Returns : the PMI measure and the prediction which is 0 or 1.


Purpose: This is function is used to retrieve a spelling suggestion from Google

Valid arguments are :

  • $searchString

    string. Need to pass the search string, which can be a single word

Returns: Returns suggested spelling if there is one, otherwise returns "No Spelling Suggested":


Purpose: This function is used to query googles

Valid arguments are :

  • $searchString

    string. Need to pass the search string, which can be a single word or phrase, maximum ten words

  • num_results

    integer. The number of results you wast to retrieve, default is 10. Maximum is 1000.

Returns: Returns a GoogleHack object containing the search results.


Purpose: this function is used to read a configuration file containing informaiton such as the Google-API key, the words list etc.

Valid arguments are :

  • filename

    string. Location of the configuration file.

returns : Returns an object which contains the parsed information.


Purpose: This function is used to print the information read from a configuration file

No arguments.


Purpose: Given a search word, this function tries to retreive the text surrounding the search word in the retrieved snippets.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • numResults

    string. The number of results to be processed from google.

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

  • proximity

    string. The number of words surrounding the searchString (Not Implemented yet

returns : Returns an object which contains the parsed information


Purpose:  Given a search word, this function tries to retreive the text 
surrounding the search word in the retrieved CACHED Web pages. It basically 
does the search and passes the search results to the 
WebService::GoogleHack::Text::getCachedSurroundingWords function.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns a hash with the keys being the words and the values being the frequency of occurence.


Purpose:  Given a search word, this function tries to retreive the 
sentences in the snippet.It basically does the search and passes the 
search results to the WebService::GoogleHack::Text::getSnippetSentences 

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns an array of strings.


Purpose:  Given a search word, this function tries to retreive the 
sentences in the cached web page.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns a hash which contains the parsed sentences as values and the key being the web URL.


Purpose:Given two search words, this function tries to retreive the common 
text/words surrounding the search strings in the retrieved snippets.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns a hash which contains the parsed sentences as values and the key being the web URL.


Purpose:Given a search string, this function retreive the top frequency words
, and does a search on those words, and builds a list of words that can be 
regarded as a cluster of related words.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • *=item *


    number. The number of iterations that you want the function to search and build cluster on.


    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns a hash which contains the parsed sentences as values and the key being the web URL.


Purpose:Given two search strings, this function retreive the snippets for 
each string, and then finds the intersection of words, and then repeats the 
search with the intersection of words.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase

  • iterations

    number. The number of iterations that you want the function to search and build cluster on.

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

returns : Returns a hash which contains the intersecting words as keys and the values being the frequency of occurence.


 Purpose:Given a search string, this function will retreive the resulting 
URLs from Google, follow those links, and retrieve the text from there.  The 
function will then clean up the text and store it in a file along with the URL,
Date and time of retrieval.The file will be stored under the name of the 
search string.

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString

    string. The search string which can be a word or phrase.

  • iterations

    number. The number of iterations that you want the function to search and build cluster on.

  • path_to_data_directory.

    string. The location where the file containing the retrived information has to be stored.

returns : Returns nothing.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1324:

Expected '=item *'