Aws::Polly::Select - Select AWS Polly speakers with specified characteristics
use Aws::Polly::Select;
ok qw(Penelope) eq join " ", map {$_->name}
country=>qr(us), gender=>qr(female), speaking=>qr(Spanish);
Aws::Polly::Select::select(key=>qr(value), ...)
Returns zero or more Amazon Web Services Polly speaker definitions which match the hash of characteristics provided. Each hash key must name one of the b<KEY>s given below, the value for the key should be a regular expression to select against the possible b<VALUES> listed beside each key. Please take care with case or code qr()i;
written cy da de en es fr is it ja nb nl pl pt ro ru sv tr
code cy-GB da-DK de-DE en-AU en-GB en-GB-WLS en-IN en-US
es-ES es-US fr-CA fr-FR is-IS it-IT ja-JP nb-NO
nl-NL pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ro-RO ru-RU sv-SE tr-TR
country au br ca de dk es fr gb in is it jp nl no pl pt ro ru se tr us
gender Female Male
speaking Australian-English Brazilian-Portuguese British-English
Canadian-French Castilian-Spanish Danish Dutch French German
Icelandic Indian-English Italian Japanese Norwegian Polish Portuguese
Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish US-English US-Spanish Welsh
The returned speaker definitions have the following METHODs which will yield one of th specified b<VALUES> for each speaker definition:
written cy da de en es fr is it ja nb nl pl pt ro ru sv tr
code cy-GB da-DK de-DE en-AU en-GB en-GB-WLS en-IN en-US es-ES es-US
fr-CA fr-FR is-IS it-IT ja-JP nb-NO nl-NL pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT
ro-RO ru-RU sv-SE tr-TR
name Amy Astrid Brian Carla Carmen Celine Chantal Conchita Cristiano
Dora Emma Enrique Ewa Filiz Geraint Giorgio Gwyneth Hans Ines Ivy
Jacek Jan Joanna Joey Justin Karl Kendra Kimberly Liv Lotte Mads
Maja Marlene Mathieu Maxim Miguel Mizuki Naja Nicole Penelope
Raveena Ricardo Ruben Russell Salli Tatyana Vitoria
speaking Australian-English Brazilian-Portuguese British-English
Canadian-French Castilian-Spanish Danish Dutch French German
Icelandic Indian-English Italian Japanese Norwegian Polish
Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish US-English US-Spanish
Welsh Welsh-English
gender female male
country au br ca de dk es fr gb in is it jp nl no pl pt ro ru se tr us
Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Copyright (c) 2017 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.