
Data::DFA - Deterministic finite state parser from regular expression


Create a deterministic finite state parser to recognize sequences of symbols that match a given regular expression.

To recognize sequences of symbols drawn from 'a'..'e' that match the regular expression: a (b|c)+ d? e:

# Construct a deterministic finite state automaton from the regular expression:

use Data::DFA qw(:all);
use Data::Table::Text qw(:all);
use Test::More qw(no_plan);

my $dfa = fromExpr
  oneOrMore(choice(element("b"), element("c"))),

ok  $dfa->parser->accepts(qw(a b e));
ok !$dfa->parser->accepts(qw(a d));

# Print the symbols used and the transitions table:

is_deeply ['a'..'e'], [$dfa->symbols];

ok $dfa->print("Dfa for a(b|c)+d?e :") eq nws <<END;
Dfa for a(b|c)+d?e :
  State        Final  Symbol  Target       Final
1   0                   a       1 3          0
2   1 2 3 4 5 6  0      b       1 2 3 4 5 6  0
3                       c       1 3 4 5 6    0
4                       d       6            0
5                       e       7            1
6   1 3          0      b       1 2 3 4 5 6  0
7                       c       1 3 4 5 6    0
8   1 3 4 5 6    0      b       1 2 3 4 5 6  0
9                       c       1 3 4 5 6    0
10                      d       6            0
11                      e       7            1
12  6            0      e       7            1

# Create a parser and use it to parse a sequence of symbols

my $parser = $dfa->parser;                                                    # New parser

eval { $parser->accept($_) } for qw(a b a);                                   # Try to parse a b a

say STDERR $@;                                                                # Error message
#   Already processed: a b
#   Expected one of  : b c d e
#   But was given    : a

is_deeply [$parser->next],     [qw(b c d e)];                                 # Next acceptable symbol
is_deeply  $parser->processed, [qw(a b)];                                     # Symbols processed
ok !$parser->final;                                                           # Not in a final state


The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Construct regular expression

Construct a regular expression that defines the language to be parsed using the following combining operations which can all be imported:


One element.

   Parameter  Description
1  $label     Transition symbol

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(element)


Sequence of elements.

   Parameter  Description
1  @elements  Elements

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(sequence)


An optional sequence of element.

   Parameter  Description
1  @element   Elements

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(optional)


Zero or more repetitions of a sequence of elements.

   Parameter  Description
1  @element   Elements

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(zeroOrMore)


One or more repetitions of a sequence of elements.

   Parameter  Description
1  @element   Elements

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(oneOrMore)


Choice from amongst one or more elements.

   Parameter  Description
1  @elements  Elements to be chosen from

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


This method can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(choice)

Deterministic finite state parser

Create a deterministic finite state automaton to parse sequences of symbols in the language defined by a regular expression.


Create a DFA from a regular expression.

   Parameter  Description
1  @expr      Expression

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Print DFA to a string and optionally to STDERR or STDOUT

   Parameter  Description
1  $dfa       DFA
2  $title     Title
3  $print     1 - STDOUT or 2 - STDERR


Print DFA with whitespace normalized

   Parameter  Description
1  $dfa       DFA
2  $title     Title
3  $print     1 - STDOUT or 2 - STDERR


Return an array of all the symbols accepated by the DFA

   Parameter  Description
1  $dfa       DFA


Create a parser from a deterministic finite state automaton constructed from a regular expression.

   Parameter  Description
1  $dfa       Deterministic finite state automaton generated from an expression

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


Parser methods

Use the DFA to parse a sequence of symbols


Accept the next symbol drawn from the symbol set if possible by moving to a new state otherwise confessing with a helpful message

   Parameter  Description
1  $parser    DFA Parser
2  $symbol    Next symbol to be processed by the finite state automaton


Returns whether we are currently in a final state or not

   Parameter  Description
1  $parser    DFA Parser


Returns an array of symbols that would be accepted in the current state

   Parameter  Description
1  $parser    DFA Parser


Confirm that a DFA accepts an array representing a sequence of symbols

   Parameter  Description
1  $parser    DFA Parser
2  @symbols   Array of symbols

Private Methods


Check whether any of the specified states in the NFA are final

   Parameter  Description
1  $nfa       NFA
2  $reach     Hash of states in the NFA


Create super states from existing superstate

   Parameter              Description
1  $dfa                   DFA
2  $superStateName        Start state in DFA
3  $nfa                   NFA we are converting
4  $symbols               Symbols in the NFA we are converting
5  $nfaSymbolTransitions  States reachable from each state by symbol


Create super states from existing superstate

   Parameter        Description
1  $dfa             DFA
2  $SuperStateName  Start state in DFA
3  $nfa             NFA we are tracking


The super state reached by transition on a symbol from a specified state

   Parameter        Description
1  $dfa             DFA
2  $superStateName  Start state in DFA
3  $symbol          Symbol


1 choice

2 Data::DFA::Parser::accept

3 Data::DFA::Parser::accepts

4 Data::DFA::Parser::final

5 Data::DFA::Parser::next

6 element

7 finalState

8 fromExpr

9 oneOrMore

10 optional

11 parser

12 print

13 printNws

14 sequence

15 superState

16 superStates

17 symbols

18 transitionOnSymbol

19 zeroOrMore


All of the following methods can be imported via:

use Data::DFA qw(:all);

Or individually via:

use Data::DFA qw(<method>);

1 choice

2 element

3 oneOrMore

4 optional

5 sequence

6 zeroOrMore


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, use, modify and install.

Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:

perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install



Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.