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Brackets are used to distinguish between optional, required, or plain arguments. Usually square brackets are placed around optional arguments, [-f | -g], and curly brackets are placed around required arguments, {-f | -g}. Plain arguments are required, but are not decorated with brackets.


Data::Edit::Xml - Edit data held in the XML format.


Create a new XML parse tree:

my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new q(<a><b><c/></b><d><c/></d></a>);


say STDERR -p $a;

to print:


Cut out c under b but not under d in the created tree by traversing in post-order applying a sub to each node to cut out c when we are at c under b under a.

$a -> by(sub {$_ -> cut_c_b_a});

Or if you know when you are going:

$a -> go_b_c__cut;

To get:


Bullets to unordered list

To transform a series of bullets into an unordered list, parse the input XML:

my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<p>• Minimum 1 number</p>
<p>• No leading, trailing, or embedded spaces</p>
<p>• Not case-sensitive</p>

Traverse the resulting parse tree, removing bullets and leading white space, changing p to li and a to ul:

{$_->up__change_li if $_->text_p and $_->text =~ s/\A•\s*//s

Print to get:

ok -p $a eq <<END;
<li>Minimum 1 number</li>
<li>No leading, trailing, or embedded spaces</li>
<li>Not case-sensitive</li>

XSLT Transformation Example from Wikipedia

Given sample data for an XSLT transformation from Wikipedia

my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<person username="JS1"><name>John</name><surname>Smith</surname></person>
<person username="MI1"><name>Morka</name><surname>Ismincius</surname></person>

We can transform it by the rather shorter:


To get:

ok -p $x eq <<END;
<name username="JS1">John</name>
<name username="MI1">Morka</name>

Convert ol to steps

Given an ordered list:

my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);

A single call transforms the ordered list:


To Dita steps:

ok -p $a eq <<END;


Edit data held in the XML format.

Version 20190721.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Immediately useful methods

These methods are the ones most likely to be of immediate use to anyone using this module for the first time:


Confirm that the specified $node has the specified ancestry and return the specified $node if it does else undef. Ancestry is specified by providing the expected tags that the $node's parent, the parent's parent etc. must match at each level. If undef is specified then any tag is assumed to match at that level. If a regular expression is specified then the current parent node tag must match the regular expression at that level. If all supplied tags match successfully then the starting node is returned else undef


Return the value of the specified $attribute of the specified $node or q() if the $node does not have such an attribute.


Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_. This is equivalent to the x= operator.


Change the name of the specified $node, optionally confirming that the $node is in a specified context and return the $node.


Cut out and return the specified $node so that it can be reinserted else where in the parse tree.


Return the node reached from the specified $node via the specified path: (index position?)* where index is the tag of the next node to be chosen and position is the optional zero based position within the index of those tags under the current node. Position defaults to zero if not specified. Position can also be negative to index back from the top of the index array. * can be used as the last position to retrieve all nodes with the final tag.


Move the end of a $node to just after the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a subsequent sibling or a child of $node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.


Create a new parse tree - call this method statically as in Data::Edit::Xml::new(file or string) to parse a file or string or with no parameters and then use "input", "inputFile", "inputString", "errorFile" to provide specific parameters for the parse, then call "parse" to perform the parse and return the parse tree.


Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it. Or use -p $node


Place a cut out or new node last in the content of the specified $node and return the new node. See putLastCut to cut and put last in one operation. See addLast to perform this operation conditionally.


Unwrap the specified $node by inserting its content into its parent at the point containing the specified $node and return the parent node. Returns undef if an attempt is made to unwrap a text node. Confesses if an attempt is made to unwrap the root node.


Wrap the specified $node in a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes forcing the specified $node down - deepening the parse tree - return the new wrapping node. See addWrapWith to perform this operation conditionally.


Create a parse tree, either by parsing a file or string, or, node by node, or, from another parse tree.

File or String

Construct a parse tree from a file or a string.


Create a new parse tree - call this method statically as in Data::Edit::Xml::new(file or string) to parse a file or string or with no parameters and then use "input", "inputFile", "inputString", "errorFile" to provide specific parameters for the parse, then call "parse" to perform the parse and return the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $fileNameOrString Optional file name or string from which to construct the parse tree
2 @options Hash of other options.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::𝗻𝗲𝘄(<<END);
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



The name of the tag to be used to represent text - this tag must not also be used as a command tag otherwise the parser will confess.


{ok Data::Edit::Xml::𝗰𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗮 eq q(CDATA);


Parse input XML specified via: inputFile, input or inputString.

Parameter Description
1 $parser Parser created by L</new>


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new;
$x->inputString = <<END;
<a id="aa"><b id="bb"><c id="cc"/></b></a>
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>

Node by Node

Construct a parse tree node by node.


Create a new text node.

Parameter Description
1 undef Any reference to this package
2 $text Content of new text node


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a class="aa" id="1">
<b class="bb" id="2"/>
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a class="aa" id="1">
<b class="bb" id="2"/>


Create a new non text node.

Parameter Description
1 undef Any reference to this package
2 $command The tag for the node
3 %attributes Attributes as a hash.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree("a", id=>1, class=>"aa");
$x->putLast($x->𝗻𝗲𝘄𝗧𝗮𝗴("b", id=>2, class=>"bb"));
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a class="aa" id="1">
<b class="bb" id="2"/>


Create a new tree.

Parameter Description
1 $command The name of the root node in the tree
2 %attributes Attributes of the root node in the tree as a hash.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::𝗻𝗲𝘄𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲("a", id=>1, class=>"aa");
ok -s $x eq '<a class="aa" id="1"/>';


Create a new non text node by duplicating the tag of an existing node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 %attributes Attributes as a hash.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $d = $a->go_b__dupTag;
ok -p $d eq <<END;


Replace < > " & with &lt; &gt; &quot; &amp; Larry Wall's excellent "Xml parser" unfortunately replaces &lt; &gt; &quot; &amp; etc. with their expansions in text by default and does not seem to provide an obvious way to stop this behavior, so we have to put them back again using this method.

Parameter Description
1 $string String to be edited.


ok Data::Edit::Xml::𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘀(q(<">)) eq q(&lt;&quot;&gt;);

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Reverse the results of calling replaceSpecialChars.

Parameter Description
1 $string String to be edited.


ok Data::Edit::Xml::𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘀(q(&lt;&quot;&gt;)) eq q(<">);

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:


Parse tree attributes

Attributes of a node in a parse tree. For instance the attributes associated with an XML tag are held in the attributes attribute. It should not be necessary to use these attributes directly unless you are writing an extension to this module. Otherwise you should probably use the methods documented in other sections to manipulate the parse tree as they offer a safer interface at a higher level.

Parse tree

Construct a parse tree from another parse tree.


Returns a renewed copy of the parse tree, optionally checking that the starting node is in a specified context: use this method if you have added nodes via the "Put as text" methods and wish to traverse their parse tree.

Returns the starting node of the new parse tree or undef if the optional context constraint was supplied but not satisfied.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to renew from
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a/>");
ok !$a->go(q(b));
my $A = $a->𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘄;
ok -t $A->go(q(b)) eq q(b)


Return a clone of the parse tree optionally checking that the starting node is in a specified context: the parse tree is cloned without converting it to string and reparsing it so this method will not renew any nodes added as text.

Returns the starting node of the new parse tree or undef if the optional context constraint was supplied but not satisfied.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to clone from
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a> </a>");
my $A = $a->𝗰𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲;
ok -s $A eq q(<a/>);
ok $a->equals($A);
{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $y = $x->𝗰𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲;
ok !$x->diff($y);


Return the first node if the two parse trees have identical representations via string, else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node1 Parse tree 1
2 $node2 Parse tree 2.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a> </a>");
my $A = $a->clone;
ok -s $A eq q(<a/>);
ok $a->𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝘀($A);


Return the first node if the two parse trees have identical representations via string if the specified attributes are ignored, else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node1 Parse tree 1
2 $node2 Parse tree 2
3 @attributes Attributes to ignore during comparison


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="1" outputclass="1" name="b">
<c id="2" outputclass="2" name="c"/>
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="11" outputclass="11" name="b">
<c id="22" outputclass="22" name="c"/>
ok !$a->equals($A);
ok !$a->𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗜𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀($A, qw(id));
ok $a->𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗜𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀($A, qw(id outputclass));


Return () if the dense string representations of the two nodes are equal, else up to the first N (default 16) characters of the common prefix before the point of divergence and the remainder of the string representation of each node from the point of divergence. All <!-- ... --> comments are ignored during this comparison and all spans of white space are reduced to a single blank.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 $N Maximum length of difference strings to return


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok !$x->𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳($x);
my $y = $x->clone;
ok !$x->𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳($y);
ok nws(<<END) eq nws(-p $y);
is_deeply [$x->𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳($y)], ["<d>ddd</d> eee <", "/a></x>", "f/></a></x>"];
is_deeply [𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳(-p $x, $y)], ["<d>ddd</d> eee <", "/a></x>", "f/></a></x>"];
is_deeply [$x->𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳(-p $y)], ["<d>ddd</d> eee <", "/a></x>", "f/></a></x>"];
my $X = writeFile(undef, -p $x);
my $Y = writeFile(undef, -p $y);
is_deeply [𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳($X, $Y)], ["<d>ddd</d> eee <", "/a></x>", "f/></a></x>"];


Save a copy of the parse tree to a file which can be restored and return the saved node. This method uses Storable which is fast but produces large files that do not compress well. Use writeCompressedFile to produce smaller save files at the cost of more time.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $file File.


my $Y = Data::Edit::Xml::restore($f);
ok $Y->equals($y);


Return a parse tree from a copy saved in a file by save.

Parameter Description
1 $file File


my $Y = Data::Edit::Xml::𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗲($f);
ok $Y->equals($y);

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Expand the includes mentioned in a parse tree: any tag that ends in include is assumed to be an include directive. The file to be included is named on the href keyword. If the file to be included is a relative file name, i.e. it does not begin with / then this file is made absolute relative to the file from which this parse tree was obtained.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree


{my @files =
(writeFile("in1/a.xml", q(<a id="a"><include href="../in2/b.xml"/></a>)),
writeFile("in2/b.xml", q(<b id="b"><include href="c.xml"/></b>)),
writeFile("in2/c.xml", q(<c id="c"/>)));
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(fpf(currentDirectory, $files[0]));
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a id="a">
<b id="b">
<c id="c"/>


Create a string representation of the parse tree with optional selection of nodes via conditions.

Normally use the methods in Pretty to format the XML in a readable yet reparseable manner; use Dense string to format the XML densely in a reparseable manner; use the other methods to produce unreparseable strings conveniently formatted to assist various specialized operations such as debugging CDATA, using labels or creating tests. A number of the file test operators can also be conveniently used to print parse trees in these formats.


Pretty print the parse tree.


Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it. Or use -p $node

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $depth Optional depth.


{my $s = <<END;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new($s);
ok $s eq $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴;
ok $s eq -p $a;
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);


Return a readable string representing the parse tree below the specified $node with appropriate headers. Or use -x $node

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 eq <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd" []>


Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it with a number attached to each tag. The node numbers can then be used as described in Order to monitor changes to the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $depth Optional depth.


{my $s = <<END;
ok $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<A id="3"/>
<B id="4"/>
<c id="5">
<C id="6"/>
<D id="7"/>


Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it with the text fields wrapped with <CDATA>...</CDATA>.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $depth Optional depth.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a><b>A</b></a>");
my $b = $a->first;
ok $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗔 eq <<END;
<b><CDATA> </CDATA></b>


Return a readable string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


{my $s = <<END;
ok $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 eq <<END;


Return a readable string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree with numbering added.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


{my $s = <<END;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new($s);
ok $a->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 eq <<END;
<b id="2">
<c id="3"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b))->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 eq <<END;
<c id="3"/>


Add the standard xml header to a string

Parameter Description
1 $string String to which a standard xml header should be prefixed


ok 𝘅𝗺𝗹𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿("<a/>") eq <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Represent the parse tree using html or Json


Return a string of html representing a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node of parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<task id="t1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<context>To add a new configuration:</context>
<step><cmd>Click<b>Next</b>to go to the next page</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>On the Ports page, complete the following fields</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Click to exit without saving</cmd></step>
ok fileMd5Sum($a->𝗵𝘁𝗺𝗹𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀 =~ s(#\w+) ()gsr) eq q(1e8555c2ea191a54361cbd8cc5baa94b);
ok fileMd5Sum($a->jsonString) eq q(3afa81dc2b2a249834fbac53a1ebd5f1);


Return a Json representation of a parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node of parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<task id="t1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<context>To add a new configuration:</context>
<step><cmd>Click<b>Next</b>to go to the next page</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>On the Ports page, complete the following fields</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Click to exit without saving</cmd></step>
ok fileMd5Sum($a->htmlTables =~ s(#\w+) ()gsr) eq q(1e8555c2ea191a54361cbd8cc5baa94b);
ok fileMd5Sum($a->𝗷𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴) eq q(3afa81dc2b2a249834fbac53a1ebd5f1);


Return a Json string representing valid xml contained in a file or string, optionally double escaping escape characters.

Parameter Description
1 $xml File name or string of valid html
2 $escape Double escape the escaped characters if true


if (1) {
my $x = <<END;
<a a="1">t1
<b b="2" c="3"/>
ok 𝘅𝗺𝗹𝗧𝗼𝗝𝘀𝗼𝗻($x) eq <<'END';
"attributes" : {
"a" : "1"
"contents" : [
"tag" : "CDATA",
"text" : "t1
"attributes" : {
"b" : "2",
"c" : "3"
"tag" : "b"
"tag" : "CDATA",
"text" : "
"tag" : "a"
ok 𝘅𝗺𝗹𝗧𝗼𝗝𝘀𝗼𝗻($x, 1) eq <<'END';
"attributes" : {
"a" : "1"
"contents" : [
"tag" : "CDATA",
"text" : "t1\
"attributes" : {
"b" : "2",
"c" : "3"
"tag" : "b"
"tag" : "CDATA",
"text" : "\
"tag" : "a"

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Convert a json string representing an xml parse tree into an xml parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $json Json string


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a">
<b id="b" out="out">b1
<c id="c"/>
<d id="d"/>
my $json = $a->jsonString;
ok fileMd5Sum($json) eq q(5bb9140c7076978dfd5f600d68a82164);
ok -p 𝗷𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗧𝗼𝗫𝗺𝗹($json) eq <<END;
<a id="a">
<b id="b" out="out">b1
<c id="c"/>
<d id="d"/>


Print the parse tree.


Return a dense string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it. Or use -s $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok -s $a eq '<a><b><c id="42" match="mm"/></b><d><e/></d></a>';


Return the md5 sum of the dense string representing a node of a parse tree minus its id and all the nodes below it. Or use -k $node. The id of the top most node is not included in the md5sum to equate parse trees that would otherwise only differ by the arbitrary root node id value.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗠𝗱𝟱𝗦𝘂𝗺 eq q(390bf05d8f5671cc6a4771834840d695);
ok ((-k $a)->id eq q(GUID-390bf05d-8f56-71cc-6a47-71834840d695));
ok $a->id ne (-k $a->first)->id;


Return a quoted string representing a parse tree a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it. Or use -o $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node


{my $s = <<END;
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗤𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗱 eq q('<a><b><A/><B/></b><c><C/><D/></c></a>');


Return a string representing the specified parse tree with the id attribute of each node set to the Labels attached to each node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


ok $x->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗜𝗱𝘀𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀 eq '<a><b><c/></b></a>';
ok $x->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗜𝗱𝘀𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀 eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c id="5, 6, 7, 8"/></b></a>';
my $s = $x->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗜𝗱𝘀𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀;
ok $s eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c id="5, 6, 7, 8"/></b></a>';


Return a string representing the specified parse tree with the id attribute of each node extended by the Labels attached to each node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a">
<b id="b">
<c id="c"/>
<b id="B">
<c id="C"/>
my $N = 0; $a->by(sub{$_->addLabels((-t $_).++$N)});
ok -p (new $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗘𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗜𝗱𝘀𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀) eq <<END;
<a id="a, a5">
<b id="b, b2">
<c id="c, c1"/>
<b id="B, b4">
<c id="C, c3"/>


Return a string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node.


{my $s = <<END;
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 eq "<b><A/><B/></b><c><C/><D/></c>";


Return a string representing the specified $node showing the attributes, labels and node number.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b><c/></b></a>';
my $b = $x->go(q(b));
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c/></b></a>';
ok $b->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲 eq "b(2) 0:1 1:2 2:3 3:4";


Return a string showing just the tags and text at and below a specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Return a string showing just the text of the text nodes (separated by blanks) at and below a specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Sets the representationLast for every node in the specified $tree via stringTagsAndText.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree of nodes.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Sets the representationLast for every node in the specified $tree via stringText.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree of nodes.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Creates a hash of arrays of nodes that have the same representation in the specified $tree. Set representation for each node in the tree before calling this method.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree to examine


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗕𝘆𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗕𝘆𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Print a subset of the parse tree determined by the conditions attached to it.


Return a string representing the specified $node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it subject to conditions to select or reject some nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @conditions Conditions to be regarded as in effect.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a >= 'b';
my ($c, $d) = $b->contents;
$b->addConditions(qw(bb BB));
$c->addConditions(qw(cc CC));
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 eq '<a><b><c/><d/></b></a>';
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀(qw(bb)) eq '<a><b><d/></b></a>';
ok $a->𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀(qw(cc)) eq '<a/>';


Return the node if it has the specified condition and is in the optional @context, else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $condition Condition to check
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


$b->addConditions(qw(bb BB));
$c->addConditions(qw(cc CC));
ok $c->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻(q(cc));
ok !$c->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻(q(dd));
ok $c->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻(q(cc), qw(c b a));


Return the node if it has any of the specified conditions, else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @conditions Conditions to check


$b->addConditions(qw(bb BB));
$c->addConditions(qw(cc CC));
ok $b->𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻(qw(bb cc));
ok !$b->𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻(qw(cc CC));


Return the node if it has all of the specified conditions, else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @conditions Conditions to check


$b->addConditions(qw(bb BB));
$c->addConditions(qw(cc CC));
ok $b->𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀(qw(bb BB));
ok !$b->𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀(qw(bb cc));


Add conditions to a node and return the node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @conditions Conditions to add.


$b->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀(qw(bb BB));
ok join(' ', $b->listConditions) eq 'BB bb';


Delete conditions applied to a node and return the node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @conditions Conditions to add.


ok join(' ', $b->listConditions) eq 'BB bb';
ok join(' ', $b->listConditions) eq 'bb';


Return a list of conditions applied to a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


$b->addConditions(qw(bb BB));
ok join(' ', $b->𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀) eq 'BB bb';


Get or set the attributes of nodes in the parse tree. Well Known Attributes can be set directly via lvalue method subs. To set or get the values of other attributes use Get or Set Attributes. To delete or rename attributes see: Other Operations on Attributes.

Well Known Attributes

Get or set these node attributes via lvalue method subs as in:

$x->href = "#ref";

Get or Set Attributes

Get or set the attributes of nodes.


Return the value of an attribute of the current node as an lvalue method sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 $attribute Attribute name.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(my $s = <<END);
<a number="1"/>
ok $x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿(qq(number)) == 1;
$x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿(qq(number)) = 2;
ok $x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿(qq(number)) == 2;
ok -s $x eq '<a number="2"/>';


Return the value of the specified $attribute of the specified $node or q() if the $node does not have such an attribute.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 $attribute Attribute name.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b name="bb"/></a>));
my $b = $a->first;
ok $b->attrX_name eq q(bb);
ok !$b->attrX_bbb;


Set the values of some attributes in a node and return the node. Identical in effect to setAttr.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 %values (attribute name=>new value)*


ok q(<a a="1" b="1" id="aa"/>) eq -s $a;
$a->𝘀𝗲𝘁(a=>11, b=>undef, c=>3, d=>4, e=>5);


Set the values of some attributes in a node and return the node. Identical in effect to set.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 %values (attribute name=>new value)*


ok -s $x eq '<a number="2"/>';
$x->𝘀𝗲𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿(first=>1, second=>2, last=>undef);
ok -s $x eq '<a first="1" number="2" second="2"/>';

Other Operations on Attributes

Perform operations other than get or set on the attributes of a node


Return the values of the specified attributes of the current node as a list

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 @attributes Attribute names.


ok -s $x eq '<a first="1" number="2" second="2"/>';
is_deeply [$x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀(qw(third second first ))], [undef, 2, 1];


Return the number of attributes in the specified $node, optionally ignoring the specified names from the count.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 @exclude Optional attribute names to exclude from the count.


ok -s $x eq '<a first="1" number="2" second="2"/>';
ok $x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 == 3;
ok $x->𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁(qw(first second third)) == 1;


Return a sorted list of all the attributes on the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree.


ok -s $x eq '<a first="1" number="2" second="2"/>';
is_deeply [$x->𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀], [qw(first number second)];


Delete the named attribute in the specified $node, optionally check its value first, returning the value of the attribute or undef if the attribute does not exist on this node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $attr Attribute name
3 $value Optional attribute value to check first.


ok -s $x eq '<a delete="me" number="2"/>';
ok -s $x eq '<a number="2"/>';


Delete the specified attributes of the specified $node without checking their values and return the node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @attrs Names of the attributes to delete


ok -s $x eq '<a first="1" number="2" second="2"/>';
$x->𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀(qw(first second third number));
ok -s $x eq '<a/>';


Delete the specified attributes of the specified $node and all the nodes under it and return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @attrs Names of the attributes to delete


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a class="2" id="0">
<b class="1" id="1">
<c class="0" id="0">
<d class="1" id="1"/>
<e class="2" id="0"/>
<e class="0" id="1"/>
<f class="1" id="0"/>
<f class="2" id="1"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END
<a id="0">
<b id="1">
<c id="0">
<d id="1"/>
<e id="0"/>
<e id="1"/>
<f id="0"/>
<f id="1"/>


Delete all instances of the specified $attribute with the specified $value in the specified @context in the specified $tree and return the modified $tree. An undefined $value will cause the attribute to be deleted without first confirming its value. An empty context will remove the attribute from every node in the $tree.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $attribute Attribute name
3 $value Attribute value or B<undef> for all values
4 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c id="c"/>
<c id="d"/>
<c id="c"/>
<c id="d"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="d"/>
<c id="c"/>
<c id="d"/>


Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node with optional context @context regardless of whether attribute $new already exists or not and return the $node. To prevent inadvertent changes to an existing attribute use changeAttr.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $new New attribute name
4 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( no="1" word="first");
$x->𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿(qw(no number));
ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( number="1" word="first");


Rename the attributes @attr as far as possible to xtrc or xtrf. Returns an array of the attributes that could not be so renamed.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @attr Attributes to rename if they exist

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a a="1" b="2" c="3" d="4"/>));
my @a = $a->renameAttrXtr_a_b_c;
ok -A $a eq q(a c="3" d="4" xtrc="1" xtrf="2");
is_deeply [@a], [qw(c)];
my $b = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<b a="1" b="2" c="3" d="4" xtrf="5"/>));
my @b = $b->renameAttrXtr_a_b_c;
ok -A $b eq q(b b="2" c="3" d="4" xtrc="1" xtrf="5");
is_deeply [@b], [qw(b c)];


Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node with optional context @context unless attribute $new is already set and return the $node. To make changes regardless of whether the new attribute already exists use renameAttr.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $new New attribute name
4 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( number="1" word="first");
$x->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿(qw(number word));
ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( number="1" word="first");


Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set in which case delete attribute $old. Return $node regardless of what action was taken. To make changes regardless of whether the new attribute already exists use renameAttr.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $new New attribute name
4 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a b="1"/>
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a b="2"/>


Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue in the specified $node in the optional @context regardless of whether attribute $new already exists or not as long as the attribute $old has the value $oldValue. Return the $node regardless of what changes were made. To prevent inadvertent changes to existing attributes use changeAttrValue.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $oldValue Existing attribute value
4 $new New attribute name
5 $newValue New attribute value
6 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( number="1" word="first");
$x->𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲(qw(number 1 numeral I));
ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( numeral="I" word="first");


Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue on the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set or the value of the $old attribute is not $oldValue. Return the $node regardless of what changes were made. To make changes regardless of whether the new attribute already exists use renameAttrValue.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $oldValue Existing attribute value
4 $new New attribute name
5 $newValue New attribute value
6 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( numeral="I" word="first");
$x->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲(qw(word second greek mono));
ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( numeral="I" word="first");
$x->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲(qw(word first greek mono));
ok $x->printAttributes eq qq( greek="mono" numeral="I");


Apply a sub to the value of an attribute of the specified $node. The value to be changed is supplied and returned in: $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $attribute Attribute name
3 $sub Change sub
4 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a aa="abc"/>
$a->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲(q(aa), sub{s(b) (B)});
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a aa="aBc"/>


Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue on the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set or the value of the $old attribute is not $oldValue in which cases the $old attribute is deleted. Return the $node regardless of any changes made. To make changes regardless of whether the new attribute already exists use renameAttrValue.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $old Existing attribute name
3 $oldValue Existing attribute value
4 $new New attribute name
5 $newValue New attribute value
6 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a a="1"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a b="3"/>
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a b="2"/>
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a b="3"/>


Copy all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node
3 @attr Optional list of attributes to copy


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->contents;
$a->𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀($b, qw(aa bb));
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b a="1" b="2" c="4"/>


Copy all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, without overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node
3 @attr Optional list of attributes to copy


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->contents;
$a->𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗡𝗲𝘄𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀($b, qw(aa bb));
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b a="1" b="3" c="4"/>


Move all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to move is supplied, overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node
3 @attr Attributes to move


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->contents;
$a->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀($c, qw(aa bb));
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b a="1" b="2" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<c a="1" b="2" c="4"/>


Move all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, without overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node
3 @attr Optional list of attributes to move


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b b="3" c="4"/>
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->contents;
$b->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗡𝗲𝘄𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝘀($c, qw(aa bb));
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<b a="1" b="3" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<c a="1" b="3" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<c a="1" b="3" c="4"/>
<a a="1" b="2"/>


Traverse the parse tree in various orders applying a sub to each node.


This order allows you to edit children before their parents.


Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_. This is equivalent to the x= operator.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->𝗯𝘆(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "cbeda"


Post-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die. The traversal is halted if the called sub does die on any call with the reason in ?@ The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors up to the node on which this sub was called. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_.

Returns the start node regardless of the outcome of calling sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $sub Sub to call

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->𝗯𝘆𝗫(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "cbeda"
sub 𝗯𝘆𝗫($$)
{my ($node, $sub) = @_; # Start node, sub to call
eval {$node->byX2($sub)}; # Trap any errors that occur


Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in post-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok -c $e eq q(e d a);
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok q(c d b e g h f a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->𝗯𝘆𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁;
ok q(h g f e d c b a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byReverseList;
ok q(a b c d e f g h) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downList;
ok q(a f h g e b d c) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downReverseList;


Reverse post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting $node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->𝗯𝘆𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "edcba"


Reverse post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree below the specified $node calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting $node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->byReverse(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "edcba"


Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in reverse preorder or the empty list if the specified $node is not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
my ($E, $D, $C, $B) = $a->𝗯𝘆𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁;
ok -A $C eq q(c id="42" match="mm");
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok q(c d b e g h f a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byList;
ok q(h g f e d c b a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->𝗯𝘆𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁;
ok q(a b c d e f g h) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downList;
ok q(a f h g e b d c) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downReverseList;


This order allows you to edit children after their parents


Pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


{my $s; $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "abcde"


Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die. The traversal is halted for the entire parse tree if the called sub does die with the reason returned in ?@. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors up to the node on which this sub was called. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_.

Returns the start node regardless of the outcome of calling sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $sub Sub to call


{my $s; $a->down(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "abcde"
sub 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗫($$)
{my ($node, $sub) = @_; # Start node, sub to call
eval {$node->downX2($sub)}; # Trap any errors that occur


Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die. The traversal of the current sub tree is halted and continue with the next sibling or parent if the called sub does die. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors up to the node on which this sub was called. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_.

Returns the start node regardless of the outcome of calling sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $sub Sub to call


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my @a;
{confess if -t $_ eq q(b);
push @a, -t $_;
is_deeply [@a], [qw(a d e)];
my @b;
{confess if -t $_ eq q(c);
push @b, -t $_;
is_deeply [@b], [qw(a b d e)];


Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in pre-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok q(c d b e g h f a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byList;
ok q(h g f e d c b a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byReverseList;
ok q(a b c d e f g h) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁;
ok q(a f h g e b d c) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downReverseList;


Reverse pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "adebc"


Reverse pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a->downReverse(sub{$s .= $_->tag}); ok $s eq "adebc"


Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in reverse pre-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok q(c d b e g h f a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byList;
ok q(h g f e d c b a) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->byReverseList;
ok q(a b c d e f g h) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->downList;
ok q(a f h g e b d c) eq join ' ', map{-t $_} $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁;

Pre and Post order

Visit the parent first, then the children, then the parent again.


Traverse parse tree visiting each node twice calling the specified sub $before as we go down past the node and sub $after as we go up past the node, finally return the specified starting node. The subs $before, $after are passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $before Sub to call when we meet a node
3 $after Sub to call we leave a node
4 @context Accumulated context.


{my $s; my $n = sub{$s .= $_->tag}; $a->𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵($n, $n);
ok $s eq "abccbdeeda"


Identical to through except the $before, $after subs are called in an eval block to prevent die terminating the traversal of the full tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $before Sub to call when we meet a node
3 $after Sub to call we leave a node
4 @context Accumulated context.


{my $s; my $n = sub{$s .= $_->tag}; $a->through($n, $n);
ok $s eq "abccbdeeda"


Ranges of nodes


Return a list consisting of the specified node and its following siblings optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

Parameter Description
1 $start Start node
2 @match Optional list of tags to match


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
{my ($d, $c, $D) = $a->findByNumbers(5, 7, 10);
my @f = $d->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺;
ok @f == 4;
ok $d == $f[0];
my @F = $d->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺(qw(c));
ok @F == 2;
ok $F[1]->number == 12;
ok $D == $t[-1];


Return a list of the sibling nodes preceding the specified node optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

Parameter Description
1 $end End node
2 @match Optional list of tags to match


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
{my ($d, $c, $D) = $a->findByNumbers(5, 7, 10);
my @t = $D->𝘁𝗼;
ok @t == 4;
my @T = $D->𝘁𝗼(qw(c));
ok @T == 2;
ok $T[1]->number == 7;


Return a list of the nodes between the specified start and end nodes optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

Parameter Description
1 $start Start node
2 $end End node
3 @match Optional list of tags to match


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
{my ($d, $c, $D) = $a->findByNumbers(5, 7, 10);
my @r = $d->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗧𝗼($D);
ok @r == 3;
my @R = $d->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗧𝗼($D, qw(c));
ok @R == 1;
ok $R[0]->number == 7;
ok !$D->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗧𝗼($d);
ok 1 == $d->𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗧𝗼($d);


Locate the line numbers and columns of a specified node and write that information as a Oxygen Message.


Return the line number.column location of this tag in its source file or string if the source was parsed with the line number option on.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END, lineNumbers=>1, inputFile=>q(aaa.xml));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<test id="t1">
<p>Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<p>Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<p>Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<p>Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<p>An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<test id="t1" xtrf="3.1:14">
<title xtrf="4.2:8">Test_</title>
<testbody xtrf="5.3:12">
<setup xtrf="6.5:11">
<p xtrf="7.7:9">Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<checks xtrf="9.5:12">
<p xtrf="10.7:9">Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<run xtrf="12.5:9">
<p xtrf="13.7:9">Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<results xtrf="15.5:13">
<p xtrf="16.7:9">Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<outcome xtrf="18.5:13">
<p xtrf="19.7:9">An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok $a->go_testbody_run_p__location eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
my $p = $a->go_testbody_run_p;
$p->putNext(my $q = $p->newTag_hello);
ok $p->𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 eq q(on line 13 from 7 to 9);
ok $q->location eq q( in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->closestLocation == $p;
ok $q->approxLocation eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->formatOxygenMessage(q(E), q(), q(Hello detected)) eq <<END;
Type: E
Line: 13
Column: 7
EndLine: 13
EndColumn: 9
Description: Hello detected


Return the line number.column plus file location of this tag in its source file or string if the source was parsed with the line number option on.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $file Optionally the location of the source.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END, lineNumbers=>1, inputFile=>q(aaa.xml));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<test id="t1">
<p>Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<p>Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<p>Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<p>Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<p>An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<test id="t1" xtrf="3.1:14">
<title xtrf="4.2:8">Test_</title>
<testbody xtrf="5.3:12">
<setup xtrf="6.5:11">
<p xtrf="7.7:9">Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<checks xtrf="9.5:12">
<p xtrf="10.7:9">Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<run xtrf="12.5:9">
<p xtrf="13.7:9">Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<results xtrf="15.5:13">
<p xtrf="16.7:9">Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<outcome xtrf="18.5:13">
<p xtrf="19.7:9">An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok $a->go_testbody_run_p__location eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
my $p = $a->go_testbody_run_p;
$p->putNext(my $q = $p->newTag_hello);
ok $p->lineLocation eq q(on line 13 from 7 to 9);
ok $q->𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 eq q( in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->closestLocation == $p;
ok $q->approxLocation eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->formatOxygenMessage(q(E), q(), q(Hello detected)) eq <<END;
Type: E
Line: 13
Column: 7
EndLine: 13
EndColumn: 9
Description: Hello detected


Return the nearest node with line number.column information

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END, lineNumbers=>1, inputFile=>q(aaa.xml));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<test id="t1">
<p>Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<p>Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<p>Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<p>Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<p>An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<test id="t1" xtrf="3.1:14">
<title xtrf="4.2:8">Test_</title>
<testbody xtrf="5.3:12">
<setup xtrf="6.5:11">
<p xtrf="7.7:9">Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<checks xtrf="9.5:12">
<p xtrf="10.7:9">Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<run xtrf="12.5:9">
<p xtrf="13.7:9">Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<results xtrf="15.5:13">
<p xtrf="16.7:9">Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<outcome xtrf="18.5:13">
<p xtrf="19.7:9">An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok $a->go_testbody_run_p__location eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
my $p = $a->go_testbody_run_p;
$p->putNext(my $q = $p->newTag_hello);
ok $p->lineLocation eq q(on line 13 from 7 to 9);
ok $q->location eq q( in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 == $p;
ok $q->approxLocation eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->formatOxygenMessage(q(E), q(), q(Hello detected)) eq <<END;
Type: E
Line: 13
Column: 7
EndLine: 13
EndColumn: 9
Description: Hello detected


Return the line number.column location of the node nearest to this node in the source file if the source was parsed with the line number option on.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $file Optionally the location of the source.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END, lineNumbers=>1, inputFile=>q(aaa.xml));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<test id="t1">
<p>Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<p>Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<p>Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<p>Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<p>An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<test id="t1" xtrf="3.1:14">
<title xtrf="4.2:8">Test_</title>
<testbody xtrf="5.3:12">
<setup xtrf="6.5:11">
<p xtrf="7.7:9">Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<checks xtrf="9.5:12">
<p xtrf="10.7:9">Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<run xtrf="12.5:9">
<p xtrf="13.7:9">Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<results xtrf="15.5:13">
<p xtrf="16.7:9">Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<outcome xtrf="18.5:13">
<p xtrf="19.7:9">An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok $a->go_testbody_run_p__location eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
my $p = $a->go_testbody_run_p;
$p->putNext(my $q = $p->newTag_hello);
ok $p->lineLocation eq q(on line 13 from 7 to 9);
ok $q->location eq q( in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->closestLocation == $p;
ok $q->𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘅𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->formatOxygenMessage(q(E), q(), q(Hello detected)) eq <<END;
Type: E
Line: 13
Column: 7
EndLine: 13
EndColumn: 9
Description: Hello detected


Write an error message in Oxygen format

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $level Error level [F|E|W]
3 $url Explanatory Url
4 @message Message text


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END, lineNumbers=>1, inputFile=>q(aaa.xml));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<test id="t1">
<p>Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<p>Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<p>Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<p>Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<p>An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<test id="t1" xtrf="3.1:14">
<title xtrf="4.2:8">Test_</title>
<testbody xtrf="5.3:12">
<setup xtrf="6.5:11">
<p xtrf="7.7:9">Place the boiling water and fresh tea in the pot.</p>
<checks xtrf="9.5:12">
<p xtrf="10.7:9">Make sure the pot is on an insulated surface.</p>
<run xtrf="12.5:9">
<p xtrf="13.7:9">Stir with a spoon then let brew for 5 minutes.</p>
<results xtrf="15.5:13">
<p xtrf="16.7:9">Pour the tea into a cup.</p>
<outcome xtrf="18.5:13">
<p xtrf="19.7:9">An enjoyable cup of tea.</p>
ok $a->go_testbody_run_p__location eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
my $p = $a->go_testbody_run_p;
$p->putNext(my $q = $p->newTag_hello);
ok $p->lineLocation eq q(on line 13 from 7 to 9);
ok $q->location eq q( in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->closestLocation == $p;
ok $q->approxLocation eq q( on line 13 from 7 to 9 in file: aaa.xml);
ok $q->𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗢𝘅𝘆𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲(q(E), q(), q(Hello detected)) eq <<END;
Type: E
Line: 13
Column: 7
EndLine: 13
EndColumn: 9
Description: Hello detected


Confirm that the position navigated to is the expected position.


Confirm that the specified $node has the specified ancestry and return the specified $node if it does else undef. Ancestry is specified by providing the expected tags that the $node's parent, the parent's parent etc. must match at each level. If undef is specified then any tag is assumed to match at that level. If a regular expression is specified then the current parent node tag must match the regular expression at that level. If all supplied tags match successfully then the starting node is returned else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Ancestry.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c> <d/> </c>
<c> <e/> </c>
<c> <f/> </c>
ok $a->go(qw(b c -1 f))->𝗮𝘁(qw(f c b a));
ok $a->go(qw(b c 1 e))->𝗮𝘁(undef, qr(c|d), undef, qq(a));
ok $d->context eq q(d c b a);
ok $d->𝗮𝘁(qw(d c b), undef);
ok !$d->𝗮𝘁(qw(d c b), undef, undef);
ok !$d->𝗮𝘁(qw(d e b));


Return the specified $node if it has the specified $attribute with the specified $value and the optional specified ancestry else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $attribute Attribute
3 $value Wanted value of attribute
4 @context Ancestry.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b c="C"/></a>));
my $b = $a->first;
ok !$b->attrValueAt_c_C_c_a;
ok $b->attrValueAt_c_C_b_a;


Return the specified $node if it does not match any of the specified tags, else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags not to match


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->first->not_a_c;


Confirm that the node or one of its ancestors has the specified context as recognized by at and return the first node that matches the context or undef if none do.

Parameter Description
1 $start Starting node
2 @context Ancestry.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $d->context eq q(d c b a);
ok $d->𝗮𝘁𝗢𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄(qw(d c b a));
ok $d->𝗮𝘁𝗢𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄(qw( c b a));
ok $d->𝗮𝘁𝗢𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄(qw( b a));
ok !$d->𝗮𝘁𝗢𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄(qw( c a));


Return the first node if it is adjacent to the second node else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok !$a->𝗮𝗱𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁($B);
ok $b->𝗮𝗱𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁($B);


Return a list containing: (the specified $node, its parent, its parent's parent etc..). Or use upn to go up the specified number of levels.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node.


ok $a->prettyStringNumbered eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<A id="3"/>
<B id="4"/>
<c id="5">
<C id="6"/>
<D id="7"/>
is_deeply [map {-t $_} $a->findByNumber(7)->𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆], [qw(D c a)];


Return a string containing the tag of the starting node and the tags of all its ancestors separated by single spaces.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok $a->go(qw(d e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 eq 'e d a';


Return the single text element below the specified $node else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a><b>bb</b><c>cc<d/>ee</c></a>");
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁->text eq q(bb);
ok !$a->go(q(c))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;


Returns the depth of the specified $node, the depth of a root node is zero.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
ok 0 == $a->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵;
ok 4 == $a->findByNumber(14)->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b><c><d/></c><e/></b></a>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my ($d, $c, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $a->height == 4;
ok $a->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵 == 0;
ok $c->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵 == 2;
ok $c->height == 2;
ok $e->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵 == 2;
ok $e->height == 1;
is_deeply [$a->depthProfile], [qw(4 3 3 2 1)];
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Returns the depth profile of the tree rooted at the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b><c><d/></c><e/></b></a>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my ($d, $c, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $a->height == 4;
ok $a->depth == 0;
ok $c->depth == 2;
ok $c->height == 2;
ok $e->depth == 2;
ok $e->height == 1;
is_deeply [$a->𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲], [qw(4 3 3 2 1)];
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Sets the depthProfile for every node in the specified $tree. The last set depthProfile for a specific niode can be retrieved from depthProfileLast.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree of nodes.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Returns the height of the tree rooted at the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b><c><d/></c><e/></b></a>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my ($d, $c, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $a->𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 == 4;
ok $a->depth == 0;
ok $c->depth == 2;
ok $c->𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 == 2;
ok $e->depth == 2;
ok $e->𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 == 1;
is_deeply [$a->depthProfile], [qw(4 3 3 2 1)];
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $a->first_b; my $B = $a->last_B;
my $c = $b->first_c; my $C = $B->first_c;
my $d = $c->first_d; my $D = $C->first_d;
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq q(3 3 3 2 1);
ok $b->depthProfileLast eq $B->depthProfileLast;
# Represent using tags and text
is_deeply [$b->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c b)];
is_deeply [$B->stringTagsAndText], [qw(cc d dd c B)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c b);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c B);
ok $c->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok $C->representationLast eq qq(cc d dd c);
ok dump($b->representationLast) ne dump($B->representationLast);
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $m = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $bb = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$bb}, [$b];
my $cc = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $m->{$cc}, [$c, $C];
# Represent using just text
is_deeply [$b->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
is_deeply [$B->stringText], [qw(cc dd)];
ok $b->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
ok $B->representationLast eq qq(cc dd);
is_deeply $b->representationLast,
is_deeply $c->representationLast,
my $M = $a->matchNodesByRepresentation;
my $BB = $b->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
my $CC = $c->representationLast;
is_deeply $M->{$BB}, [$c, $b, $C, $B];
ok $b->representationLast eq $c->representationLast;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->isOnlyChildText;


Return the specified $node if it is first under its parent and optionally has the specified context, else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use isFirstNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use isFirstNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $a->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;


Return the first $N nodes as an array if the first $N tags of the parent of $node finish at the specified $node and have the specified tags in the sequence specified by @context. If @context contains more then $N entries, the remainder are checked as the context of the parent of $node. Returns an array of nodes found or an empty array if the specified $node does not match these conditions.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of tags to be first
3 @context First tags and optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->byList;
is_deeply [$b->isFirstN_2_a_b_x], [$a, $b];
ok !$b->isFirstN_2_b_x;
is_deeply [$d->isLastN_2_d_e_x], [$d, $e];
ok !$d->isLastN_2_d_x;
is_deeply [$b->nextN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];
is_deeply [$d->prevN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];


Return the specified $node if it is first to the specified depth else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $depth Depth
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(4);
ok !$f->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(2);
ok $f->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(1);
ok !$f->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(3);


Return the specified $node if it is last under its parent and optionally has the specified context, else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use isLastNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use isLastNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok $a->go(q(d))->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $a->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;


Return the last $N nodes as an array if the last $N tags of the parent of $node start at the specified $node and have the specified tags in the sequence specified by @context. If @context contains more then $N entries, the remainder are checked as the context of the parent of $node. Returns an array of nodes found or an empty array if the specified $node does not match these conditions.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of tags to be last
3 @context Last tags and optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->byList;
is_deeply [$b->isFirstN_2_a_b_x], [$a, $b];
ok !$b->isFirstN_2_b_x;
is_deeply [$d->isLastN_2_d_e_x], [$d, $e];
ok !$d->isLastN_2_d_x;
is_deeply [$b->nextN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];
is_deeply [$d->prevN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];


Return the specified $node if it is last to the specified depth else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $depth Depth
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $c->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(1);
ok !$c->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(3);
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(2);
ok !$d->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(4);


Return $N nodes as an array starting at $node inclusive if they match the first $N tags of @context. If @context contains more then $N entries, the remainder are checked as the context of the parent of $node. Returns an array of nodes found or an empty array if the specified $node does not match these conditions.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of tags to be last
3 @context Last tags and optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->byList;
is_deeply [$b->isFirstN_2_a_b_x], [$a, $b];
ok !$b->isFirstN_2_b_x;
is_deeply [$d->isLastN_2_d_e_x], [$d, $e];
ok !$d->isLastN_2_d_x;
is_deeply [$b->nextN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];
is_deeply [$d->prevN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];


Return $N nodes as an array ending at $node inclusive if they match the first $N tags of @context. If @context contains more then $N entries, the remainder are checked as the context of the parent of $node. Returns an array of nodes found or an empty array if the specified $node does not match these conditions.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of tags to be first
3 @context First tags and optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->byList;
is_deeply [$b->isFirstN_2_a_b_x], [$a, $b];
ok !$b->isFirstN_2_b_x;
is_deeply [$d->isLastN_2_d_e_x], [$d, $e];
ok !$d->isLastN_2_d_x;
is_deeply [$b->nextN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];
is_deeply [$d->prevN_3_b_c_d], [$b, $c, $d];


Return the specified $node if it is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok !$d->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱(qw(b));
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $a->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;


Return the specified $node if it and its ancestors are only children to the specified depth else return undef. isOnlyChildToDepth(1) is the same as isOnlychild

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $depth Depth to which each parent node must also be an only child
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(1, qw(d c b a));
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(2, qw(d c b a));
ok !$d->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(3, qw(d c b a));


Return the specified $node if it is a text node and it is an only child else and its parent is in the specified optional context else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
ok $a->first->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;


Return the only child of the specified $node if the child is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text and has the optional specified context, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b" b="bb">
<b id="c" c="cc"/>
my ($c, $b) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [$b->id, $c->id], [qw(b c)];
ok $c == $b->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok $b == $a->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;


Return the only child of the specified $node if the child is a text node and the child is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text and the child has the optional specified context, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok !$a->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok $a->last->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;


Return the specified $node if it has single children to at least the specified depth else return undef. hasSingleChildToDepth(0) is equivalent to hasSingleChild.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $depth Depth
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $h == $g->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(1);
ok $i == $g->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(2);
ok !$g->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(0);
ok !$g->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(3);
ok $i == $i->𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗧𝗼𝗗𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗵(0);


Confirm that the specified $node is empty, that is: the specified $node has no content, not even a blank string of text. To test for blank nodes, see isAllBlankText.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->𝗶𝘀𝗘𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘆;
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗶𝘀𝗘𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘆;


Confirm that the string representing the tags at the level below the specified $node match a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space. Use contentAsTags to visualize the tags at the next level.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(q(b))->𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿(qr(d.+e));


Confirm that the string representing the tags at the level below the specified $node match a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space. This arrangement simplifies the regular expression used to detect combinations like p+ q? . Use contentAsTags2 to visualize the tags at the next level.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(q(b))->𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝟮(qr(\A c d e f g \Z));
ok $x->go(q(b))->contentAsTags eq q(c d e f g) ;


Return the specified b<$node> if all of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->overAllTags_b_c_d;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oat_b_c_d;
ok !$a->oat_B_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overFirstTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oft_b_c;
ok !$a->oft_B_c;
ok $a->overLastTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overLastTags_c_d;
ok !$a->overLastTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->olt_c_d;
ok !$a->olt_C_d;

oat is a synonym for overAllTags.


Return the specified b<$node> if the first of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->overAllTags_b_c_d;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oat_b_c_d;
ok !$a->oat_B_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overFirstTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oft_b_c;
ok !$a->oft_B_c;
ok $a->overLastTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overLastTags_c_d;
ok !$a->overLastTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->olt_c_d;
ok !$a->olt_C_d;

oft is a synonym for overFirstTags.


Return the specified b<$node> if the last of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->overAllTags_b_c_d;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overAllTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oat_b_c_d;
ok !$a->oat_B_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overFirstTags_b_c;
ok !$a->overFirstTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->oft_b_c;
ok !$a->oft_B_c;
ok $a->overLastTags_b_c_d;
ok $a->overLastTags_c_d;
ok !$a->overLastTags_b_c_d_e;
ok $a->olt_c_d;
ok !$a->olt_C_d;

olt is a synonym for overLastTags.


Confirm that the string representing the tags following the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space. Use contentAfterAsTags to visualize these tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 (qr(\Af g\Z));


Confirm that the string representing the tags following the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space. This arrangement simplifies the regular expression used to detect combinations like p+ q? Use contentAfterAsTags2 to visualize these tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝟮 (qr(\A f g \Z));


Confirm that the string representing the tags preceding the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space. Use contentBeforeAsTags to visualize these tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 (qr(\Ac d\Z));


Confirm that the string representing the tags preceding the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space. This arrangement simplifies the regular expression used to detect combinations like p+ q? Use contentBeforeAsTags2 to visualize these tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝟮(qr(\A c d \Z));


Return a list representing the path to a node from the root of the parse tree which can then be reused by go to retrieve the node as long as the structure of the parse tree has not changed along the path.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
is_deeply [$x->go(qw(b d 1 e))->𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵], [qw(b d 1 e)];
$x->by(sub {ok $x->go($_->𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵) == $_});


Return a string representing the path to the specified $node from the root of the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
ok $a->findByNumber(9)->𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 eq 'b c 1 d e';

Prev At Next

Locate adjacent nodes that match horizontally and vertically


Return the next node if the specified $node has the specified tag and the next node is in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag node must match
3 @context Optional context of the next node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $e == $d->an_d_e_b_a;
ok $f == $e->an_e;
ok !$f->an_f;


Return the previous node if the specified $node has the specified tag and the previous node is in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag node must match
3 @context Optional context of the previous node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $c == $d->ap_d_c_b_a;
ok $c == $d->ap_d;
ok !$c->ap_c;


Return (previous node, next node) if the previous and current nodes have the specified tags and the next node is in the specified context else return ().

Parameter Description
1 $node Current node
2 $prev Tag for the previous node
3 $tag Tag for specified node
4 @context Context for the next node.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
is_deeply[$c, $e], [$d->apn_c_d_e_b_a];


Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings following the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -t $a->first__first__matchesNextTags_d_e eq q(c);
ok -t $a->first__first__mnt_d_e eq q(c);
ok !$a-> first__matchesNextTags_d_e;
ok -t $a-> last->last__matchesPrevTags_e_d eq q(f);
ok -t $a-> last->last__mpt_e_d eq q(f);
ok !$a-> last__matchesPrevTags_e_d;

mnt is a synonym for matchesNextTags.


Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings prior to the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -t $a->first__first__matchesNextTags_d_e eq q(c);
ok -t $a->first__first__mnt_d_e eq q(c);
ok !$a-> first__matchesNextTags_d_e;
ok -t $a-> last->last__matchesPrevTags_e_d eq q(f);
ok -t $a-> last->last__mpt_e_d eq q(f);
ok !$a-> last__matchesPrevTags_e_d;

mpt is a synonym for matchesPrevTags.

Child of, Parent of, Sibling of

Nodes that are directly above, below or adjacent to another node.


Returns the specified $parent node if it is the parent of the specified $child node and the $parent node is in the specified optional context.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent
2 $child Child
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $e->𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗢𝗳($j);


Returns the specified $child node if it is a child of the specified $parent node and the $child node is in the specified optional context.

Parameter Description
1 $child Child
2 $parent Parent
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $j->𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗢𝗳($e);


Returns the specified $child node if it has the same parent as $sibling and occurs after $sibling and has the optionally specified context else returns undef.

Parameter Description
1 $child Child
2 $sibling Sibling thought to occur before child
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $e, $b, $C, $D, $B) = $a->byList;
ok !$e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($e);
ok $e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($d);
ok $e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($c);
ok !$e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($b);
ok !$e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($B);
ok !$e->𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($C);
ok !$c->precedingSiblingOf($c);
ok $c->precedingSiblingOf($d);
ok $c->precedingSiblingOf($e);
ok !$c->precedingSiblingOf($b);
ok !$c->precedingSiblingOf($B);
ok !$c->precedingSiblingOf($C);


Returns the specified $child node if it has the same parent as $sibling and occurs before $sibling and has the optionally specified context else returns undef.

Parameter Description
1 $child Child
2 $sibling Sibling thought to occur after child
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $e, $b, $C, $D, $B) = $a->byList;
ok !$e->succeedingSiblingOf($e);
ok $e->succeedingSiblingOf($d);
ok $e->succeedingSiblingOf($c);
ok !$e->succeedingSiblingOf($b);
ok !$e->succeedingSiblingOf($B);
ok !$e->succeedingSiblingOf($C);
ok !$c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($c);
ok $c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($d);
ok $c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($e);
ok !$c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($b);
ok !$c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($B);
ok !$c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗢𝗳($C);


Move around in the parse tree.


Return the node reached from the specified $node via the specified path: (index position?)* where index is the tag of the next node to be chosen and position is the optional zero based position within the index of those tags under the current node. Position defaults to zero if not specified. Position can also be negative to index back from the top of the index array. * can be used as the last position to retrieve all nodes with the final tag.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @path Search specification.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(my $s = <<END);
<c id="1"/><c id="2"/><c id="3"/><c id="4"/>
ok $x->𝗴𝗼(qw(a c)) ->id == 1;
ok $x->𝗴𝗼(qw(a c -2))->id == 3;
ok $x->𝗴𝗼(qw(a c *)) == 4;
ok 1234 == join '', map {$_->id} $x->𝗴𝗼(qw(a c *));


Return an array of all the nodes with the specified tag below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b1"><𝗰 id="1"/></b>
<d id="d1"><𝗰 id="2"/></d>
<e id="e1"><𝗰 id="3"/></e>
<b id="b2"><𝗰 id="4"/></b>
<d id="d2"><𝗰 id="5"/></d>
<e id="e2"><𝗰 id="6"/></e>
is_deeply [map{-u $_} $x->𝗰(q(d))], [qw(d1 d2)];


Return an array of all the text nodes immediately below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my (undef, $c, undef, $d, undef, $b, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
is_deeply ["b".."f"], [map {-t $_} ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f)];
ok $b->𝗰𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 == 3;
my @b = $b->𝗰𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok "b1 b2 b3" eq join " ", map {trim $_->text} @b;
ok !$e->𝗰𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok !$a->𝗰𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;


Find a node in the parse tree under the specified $node with the specified $id.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $id Id desired.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="i1">
<b id="i2"/>
<c id="i3"/>
<B id="i4">
<c id="i5"/>
<c id="i6"/>
<b id="i7"/>
ok -t $a->findById_i4 eq q(B);
ok -t $a->findById_i5 eq q(c);


Return the $first node if it matches the $second node's tag and the specified @attributes else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @attributes Attributes to match on


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="1">
<b id="2" name="b">
<c id="3" name="c"/>
<c id="4">
<b id="5" name="b">
<c id="6" name="c"/>
my ($c, $b, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
ok $b->id == 2;
ok $c->id == 3;
ok $B->id == 5;
ok $C->id == 6;
ok $c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲($C, qw(name));
ok !$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲($C, qw(id name));
ok $c->matchesSubTree($C, qw(name));
ok $b->matchesSubTree($B, qw(name));
ok !$c->matchesSubTree($C, qw(id name));
ok !$b->matchesSubTree($C, qw(name));
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees($b, qw(name))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees($c, qw(name))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<c/>)))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<b><c/></b>)))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<b id="2"><c id="3"/></b>)), q(id))], [$b];


Return the $first node if it matches the $second node and the nodes under the first node match the corresponding nodes under the second node, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @attributes Attributes to match on


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="1">
<b id="2" name="b">
<c id="3" name="c"/>
<c id="4">
<b id="5" name="b">
<c id="6" name="c"/>
my ($c, $b, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
ok $b->id == 2;
ok $c->id == 3;
ok $B->id == 5;
ok $C->id == 6;
ok $c->matchesNode($C, qw(name));
ok !$c->matchesNode($C, qw(id name));
ok $c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($C, qw(name));
ok $b->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($B, qw(name));
ok !$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($C, qw(id name));
ok !$b->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($C, qw(name));
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees($b, qw(name))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees($c, qw(name))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<c/>)))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<b><c/></b>)))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->findMatchingSubTrees(new(q(<b id="2"><c id="3"/></b>)), q(id))], [$b];


Find nodes in the parse tree whose sub tree matches the specified $subTree excluding any of the specified $attributes.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $subTree Parse tree to match
3 @attributes Attributes to match on


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="1">
<b id="2" name="b">
<c id="3" name="c"/>
<c id="4">
<b id="5" name="b">
<c id="6" name="c"/>
my ($c, $b, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
ok $b->id == 2;
ok $c->id == 3;
ok $B->id == 5;
ok $C->id == 6;
ok $c->matchesNode($C, qw(name));
ok !$c->matchesNode($C, qw(id name));
ok $c->matchesSubTree($C, qw(name));
ok $b->matchesSubTree($B, qw(name));
ok !$c->matchesSubTree($C, qw(id name));
ok !$b->matchesSubTree($C, qw(name));
is_deeply [$a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀($b, qw(name))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀($c, qw(name))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀(new(q(<c/>)))], [$c, $C];
is_deeply [$a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀(new(q(<b><c/></b>)))], [$b, $B];
is_deeply [$a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗦𝘂𝗯𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀(new(q(<b id="2"><c id="3"/></b>)), q(id))], [$b];


Find nodes that are first amongst their siblings.


Return the first node below the specified $node optionally checking the first node's context. See addFirst to ensure that an expected node is in position.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use firstNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use firstNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁->id == 13;
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁(qw(c b a));
ok !$a->go(q(b))->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁(qw(b a));


Return the $n'th first node below the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node. firstn(1) is identical in effect to first.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of times to go first
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $a->firstn_0 eq q(a);
ok -t $a->firstn_1 eq q(b);
ok -t $a->firstn_2 eq q(c);
ok -t $a->firstn_3 eq q(d);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_0 eq q(d);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_1 eq q(e);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_2 eq q(f);


Return the first node under the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a>AA<b/>BB<c/>CC<d/><e/><f/>DD<g/>HH</a>");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $a->firstText_a__text eq q(AA);
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_a;
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_b;
ok $a->lastText__text eq q(HH);
ok $a->lastText_a__text eq q(HH);
ok !$a->go_c__lastText;
ok $a->go_c__nextText_c_a__text eq q(CC);
ok !$a->go_e__nextText;
ok $a->go_c__prevText_c__text eq q(BB);
ok !$a->go_e__prevText;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the first node under the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context. Else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $match Regular expression the text must match
3 @context Optional context of specified node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($bb, $cc, $c, $BB, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $bb->matchesText(qr(bb));
ok $b->at_b_a && $b->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb));
ok $b->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb), qw(b a));
ok $c->at_c_b && $c->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(cc));
ok $c->at_c_b && !$c->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb));


Return a list of the first instance of each specified tag encountered in a post-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all first instances if no tags are specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
{my %f = $a->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗕𝘆;
ok $f{b}->id == 12;


Return a list of the first instance of each specified tag encountered in a pre-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all first instances if no tags are specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my %f = $a->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻;
ok $f{b}->id == 15;


Return the first child node matching one of the named tags under the specified parent node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 @tags Child tags to search for.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<'END';
ok $a->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻(qw(b B c C))->tag eq qq(C);


Return the first child node that does not match any of the named @tags under the specified parent $node. Return undef if there is no such child node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 @tags Child tags to avoid.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $c == $a->firstNot_a_b;


Return the specified $node if it is first in its index and optionally at the specified context else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
ok $a->findByNumber (5)->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅;
ok !$a->findByNumber(7) ->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅;


Return an array of the nodes that are continuously first under their specified parent node and that match the specified list of tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
is_deeply [qw(c d d)], [map {-t $_} $a->go(q(b))->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(c d))];


Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly as long as each first child node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the deepest such node encountered or else return undef if no such node is encountered.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($f, $e, $d, $c, $b, $F, $E, $D, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
if (1)


Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly until a first child node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node. Return the first child of the specified $node if no @context is specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context to search for.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($f, $e, $d, $c, $b, $F, $E, $D, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
if (1)


Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly until a text node is encountered whose parent matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context to search for.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁->text =~ m(cccc)s;
ok $a->lastUntilText ->text =~ m(mmmm)s;


Return the first node encountered in the specified context in a depth first post-order traversal of the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Array of tags specifying context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a1">
<b1 id="b1">
<c id="c1">
<d id="d1">DD11</d>
<e id="e1">EE11</e>
<b2 id="b2">
<c id="c2">
<d id="d2">DD22</d>
<e id="e2">EE22</e>
<b3 id="b3">
<c id="c3">
<d id="d3">DD33</d>
<e id="e3">EE33</e>
ok $x->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(d c)) ->id eq qq(d1);
ok $x->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(e c b2)) ->id eq qq(e2);
ok $x->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(CDATA d c b2))->string eq qq(DD22);


Return the first sibling of the specified $node in the optional @context else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Array of tags specifying context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b b))->𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴->id == 13;


Find nodes that are last amongst their siblings.


Return the last node below the specified $node optionally checking the last node's context. See addLast to ensure that an expected node is in position.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use lastNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use lastNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 ->id == 22;
ok $a->go(q(b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁(qw(g b a));
ok !$a->go(q(b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁(qw(b a));
ok !$a->go(q(b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁(qw(b a));


Return the $n'th last node below the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node. lastn(1) is identical in effect to last.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of times to go last
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $a->lastn_0 eq q(a);
ok -t $a->lastn_1 eq q(B);
ok -t $a->lastn_2 eq q(C);
ok -t $a->lastn_3 eq q(F);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_0 eq q(F);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_1 eq q(E);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_2 eq q(D);


Return the last node under the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a>AA<b/>BB<c/>CC<d/><e/><f/>DD<g/>HH</a>");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $a->firstText_a__text eq q(AA);
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_a;
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_b;
ok $a->lastText__text eq q(HH);
ok $a->lastText_a__text eq q(HH);
ok !$a->go_c__lastText;
ok $a->go_c__nextText_c_a__text eq q(CC);
ok !$a->go_e__nextText;
ok $a->go_c__prevText_c__text eq q(BB);
ok !$a->go_e__prevText;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the last node under the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context. Else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $match Regular expression the text must match
3 @context Optional context of specified node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($bb, $cc, $c, $BB, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $BB->matchesText(qr(BB));
ok $b->at_b_a && $b->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(BB));
ok $b->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(BB), qw(b a));
ok $c->at_c_b && $c->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(cc));
ok $c->at_c_b && !$c->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb));


Return a list of the last instance of each specified tag encountered in a post-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all last instances if no tags are specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
{my %l = $a->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗕𝘆;
ok $l{b}->id == 23;


Return a list of the last instance of each specified tag encountered in a pre-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all last instances if no tags are specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my %l = $a->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻;
ok $l{b}->id == 26;


Return the last child node matching one of the named tags under the specified parent node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 @tags Child tags to search for.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<'END';
ok $a->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻(qw(e E f F))->tag eq qq(E);


Return the last child node that does not match any of the named @tags under the specified parent $node. Return undef if there is no such child node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 @tags Child tags to avoid.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $d == $a->lastNot_e_f;


Return an array of the nodes that are continuously last under their specified parent node and that match the specified list of tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
is_deeply [qw(d d c)], [map {-t $_} $a->go(q(b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗢𝗳 (qw(c d))];


Return the specified $node if it is last in its index and optionally at the specified context else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
ok $a->findByNumber(10)->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅;
ok !$a->findByNumber(7) ->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗜𝗻𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅;


Return the last node encountered in the specified context in a depth first reverse pre-order traversal of the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Array of tags specifying context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a1">
<b1 id="b1">
<c id="c1">
<d id="d1">DD11</d>
<e id="e1">EE11</e>
<b2 id="b2">
<c id="c2">
<d id="d2">DD22</d>
<e id="e2">EE22</e>
<b3 id="b3">
<c id="c3">
<d id="d3">DD33</d>
<e id="e3">EE33</e>
ok $x-> 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(d c)) ->id eq qq(d3);
ok $x-> 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(e c b2 )) ->id eq qq(e2);
ok $x-> 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗳(qw(CDATA e c b2))->string eq qq(EE22);


Return the last sibling of the specified $node in the optional @context else undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Array of tags specifying context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b b))->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 ->id == 22;


Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly as long as each last child node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the deepest such node encountered or else return undef if no such node is encountered.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($f, $e, $d, $c, $b, $F, $E, $D, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
if (1)


Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly until a last child node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node. Return the last child of the specified $node if no @context is specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context to search for.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($f, $e, $d, $c, $b, $F, $E, $D, $C, $B) = $a->byList;
if (1)


Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly until a last child text node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context to search for.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->firstUntilText->text =~ m(cccc)s;
ok $a->𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 ->text =~ m(mmmm)s;


Find sibling nodes after the specified $node.


Return the node next to the specified $node, optionally checking the next node's context. See addNext to ensure that an expected node is in position.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use nextNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use nextNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 ->id == 19;
ok $a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(f b b a));
ok !$a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(f b a));


Return the $n'th next node after the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node. nextn(1) is identical in effect to next.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of times to go next
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $a->firstn_0 eq q(a);
ok -t $a->firstn_1 eq q(b);
ok -t $a->firstn_2 eq q(c);
ok -t $a->firstn_3 eq q(d);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_0 eq q(d);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_1 eq q(e);
ok -t $a->firstn_3__nextn_2 eq q(f);


Return the node after the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a>AA<b/>BB<c/>CC<d/><e/><f/>DD<g/>HH</a>");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $a->firstText_a__text eq q(AA);
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_a;
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_b;
ok $a->lastText__text eq q(HH);
ok $a->lastText_a__text eq q(HH);
ok !$a->go_c__lastText;
ok $a->go_c__nextText_c_a__text eq q(CC);
ok !$a->go_e__nextText;
ok $a->go_c__prevText_c__text eq q(BB);
ok !$a->go_e__prevText;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the next node to the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context. Else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $match Regular expression the text must match
3 @context Optional context of specified node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $cc->matchesText(qr(cc));
ok $c->at_c_b && $c->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(BB));
ok $b->at_b && !$b->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(BB));


Return the nearest sibling after the specified $node that matches one of the named tags or undef if there is no such sibling node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<'END';
ok $a->firstIn(qw(b B c C))->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗜𝗻(qw(A G))->tag eq qq(G);


Step forwards as far as possible from the specified $node while remaining on nodes with the specified tags. In scalar context return the last such node reached or the starting node if no such steps are possible. In array context return the start node and any following matching nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @tags Tags identifying nodes that can be step on to context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="1"/>
<d id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<d id="4"/>
<e id="5"/>
ok $c->id == 1;
ok $e->id == 5;
ok $c->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗻(qw(d)) ->id == 2;
ok $c->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗻(qw(c d))->id == 4;
ok $e->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗢𝗻(qw(c d)) == $e;


Go to the next sibling of the specified $node and continue forwards while the tag of each sibling node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the first sibling node that does not match else undef if there is no such sibling.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Child tags to avoid.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $e == $b->nextWhile_c_d;
ok $c == $b->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲;


Go to the next sibling of the specified $node and continue forwards until the tag of a sibling node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the matching sibling node else undef if there is no such sibling node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to look for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $e == $b->nextUntil_e_f;
ok !$b->𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹;


Find sibling nodes before the specified $node.


Return the node before the specified $node, optionally checking the previous node's context. See addLast to ensure that an expected node is in position.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.

Use prevNonBlank to skip a (rare) initial blank text CDATA. Use prevNonBlankX to die rather then receive a returned undef or false result.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃 ->id == 17;
ok $a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃(qw(d b b a));
ok !$a->go(qw(b b e))->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃(qw(d b a));


Return the node before the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a>AA<b/>BB<c/>CC<d/><e/><f/>DD<g/>HH</a>");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $a->firstText_a__text eq q(AA);
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_a;
ok !$a->go_c__firstText_c_b;
ok $a->lastText__text eq q(HH);
ok $a->lastText_a__text eq q(HH);
ok !$a->go_c__lastText;
ok $a->go_c__nextText_c_a__text eq q(CC);
ok !$a->go_e__nextText;
ok $a->go_c__prevText_c__text eq q(BB);
ok !$a->go_e__prevText;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the $n'th previous node after the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node. prevn(1) is identical in effect to prev.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of times to go prev
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $a->lastn_0 eq q(a);
ok -t $a->lastn_1 eq q(B);
ok -t $a->lastn_2 eq q(C);
ok -t $a->lastn_3 eq q(F);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_0 eq q(F);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_1 eq q(E);
ok -t $a->lastn_3__prevn_2 eq q(D);


Return the previous node to the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context. Else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $match Regular expression the text must match
3 @context Optional context of specified node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $cc->matchesText(qr(cc));
ok $c->at_c_b && $c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb));
ok $b->at_b && !$b->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀(qr(bb));


Return the nearest sibling node before the specified $node which matches one of the named tags or undef if there is no such sibling node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to search for.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<'END';
ok $a->lastIn(qw(e E f F))->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗜𝗻(qw(A G))->tag eq qq(A);


Step backwards as far as possible while remaining on nodes with the specified tags. In scalar context return the last such node reached or the starting node if no such steps are possible. In array context return the start node and any preceding matching nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @tags Tags identifying nodes that can be step on to context.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="1"/>
<d id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<d id="4"/>
<e id="5"/>
ok $c->id == 1;
ok $e->id == 5;
ok $e->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗢𝗻(qw(d)) ->id == 4;
ok $e->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗢𝗻(qw(c d)) == $c;


Go to the previous sibling of the specified $node and continue backwards while the tag of each sibling node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the first sibling node that does not match else undef if there is no such sibling.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 @tags Child tags to avoid.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $c == $f->prevWhile_e_d;
ok $b == $c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲;


Go to the previous sibling of the specified $node and continue backwards until the tag of a sibling node matches one of the specified @tags. Return the matching sibling node else undef if there is no such sibling node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags to look for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok $b == $f->prevUntil_a_b;
ok !$c->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹;


Methods for moving up the parse tree from a node.


Return the parent of the current node optionally checking the parent node's context or return undef if the specified $node is the root of the parse tree. See addWrapWith to ensure that an expected node is in position.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context of parent.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<b id="4">
<b id="5">
<b id="6">
<b id="7">
<c id="8"/>
my $c = $a->findByNumber(8);
ok -t $c eq q(c);
ok $c->up_b__number == 7;
ok $c->upn_2__number == 6;
ok $c->upWhile_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_a_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_b_c__number == 2;
ok $c->upUntil__number == 7;
ok $c->upUntil_b_c__number == 4;


Go up the specified number of levels from the specified $node and return the node reached optionally checking the parent node's context or undef if there is no such node.upn(1) is identical in effect to up. Or use ancestry to get the path back to the root node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 $levels Number of levels to go up
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<b id="4">
<b id="5">
<b id="6">
<b id="7">
<c id="8"/>
my $c = $a->findByNumber(8);
ok -t $c eq q(c);
ok $c->up_b__number == 7;
ok $c->upn_2__number == 6;
ok $c->upWhile_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_a_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_b_c__number == 2;
ok $c->upUntil__number == 7;
ok $c->upUntil_b_c__number == 4;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $e = $e->upn_0_e_d_c_b_a;
ok $d = $e->upn_1_d_c_b_a;
ok $c = $e->upn_2_c_b_a;
ok $b = $e->upn_3_b_a;
ok $a = $e->upn_4_a;
ok !$e->upn_5;
is_deeply [$e, $d, $c, $b, $a], [$e->ancestry];
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $e = $e->upn_0_e_d_c_b_a;
ok $d = $e->upn_1_d_c_b_a;
ok $c = $e->upn_2_c_b_a;
ok $b = $e->upn_3_b_a;
ok $a = $e->upn_4_a;
ok !$e->upn_5;


Go up one level from the specified $node and then continue up while each node matches on of the specified <@tags>. Return the last matching node or undef if no node matched any of the specified @tags.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @tags Tags to match


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<b id="4">
<b id="5">
<b id="6">
<b id="7">
<c id="8"/>
my $c = $a->findByNumber(8);
ok -t $c eq q(c);
ok $c->up_b__number == 7;
ok $c->upn_2__number == 6;
ok $c->upWhile_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_a_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_b_c__number == 2;
ok $c->upUntil__number == 7;
ok $c->upUntil_b_c__number == 4;


Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is a first node or return undef if the specified $node is not a first node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $h == $i->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
ok $a == $c->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
ok !$d->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;


Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is a last node or return undef if the specified $node is not a last node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $j == $j->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
ok $a == $l->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
ok !$d->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
ok $i == $k->upUntilLast;


Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is an only child or return undef if the specified $node is not an only child.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $h == $i->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗜𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok $j == $j->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗜𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok !$d->𝘂𝗽𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗜𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;


Return the nearest ancestral node to the specified $node that matches the specified @context or undef if there is no such node. Returns the parent node of the specified $node if no @context is specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<b id="4">
<b id="5">
<b id="6">
<b id="7">
<c id="8"/>
my $c = $a->findByNumber(8);
ok -t $c eq q(c);
ok $c->up_b__number == 7;
ok $c->upn_2__number == 6;
ok $c->upWhile_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_a_b__number == 4;
ok $c->upWhile_b_c__number == 2;
ok $c->upUntil__number == 7;
ok $c->upUntil_b_c__number == 4;


Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or a first node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $b == $d->𝘂𝗽𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;


Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or a last node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;


Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or another only child.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $i == $k->𝘂𝗽𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗜𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;


Go up the specified path from the specified $node returning the node at the top or undef if no such node exists.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @tags Tags identifying path.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $e, $f, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -t $f eq q(f);
ok -t $f->𝘂𝗽𝗧𝗵𝗿𝘂 eq q(f);
ok -t $f->𝘂𝗽𝗧𝗵𝗿𝘂(qw(d)) eq q(d);
ok -t eval{$f->𝘂𝗽𝗧𝗵𝗿𝘂(qw(d))->last->prev} eq q(e);
ok ! eval{$f->𝘂𝗽𝗧𝗵𝗿𝘂(qw(d b))->next};


Methods for moving down through the parse tree from a node.


Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a first node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $k == $g->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
ok $c == $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
ok $c == $c->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;
ok !$d->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁;

firstLeaf is a synonym for downWhileFirst.


Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a last node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $j, $e, $f, $b, $k, $l, $i, $h, $g) = $a->byList;
ok $l == $a->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
ok $l == $g->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;
ok !$d->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁;

lastLeaf is a synonym for downWhileLast.


Move down from the specified $node as long as it has a single child else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $h == $g->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok $h == $h->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok !$i->𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;


Edit the data in the parse tree and change the structure of the parse tree by wrapping and unwrapping nodes, by replacing nodes, by cutting and pasting nodes, by concatenating nodes, by splitting nodes, by adding new text nodes or swapping nodes.


Change the name of the specified $node, optionally confirming that the $node is in a specified context and return the $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $name New name
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new('<a/>');
ok -s $a eq '<b/>';


Change the names of all the immediate children of the specified $node, if they match the optional @context, to the specified $tag and return the $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $name New name
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗞𝗶𝗱𝘀(q(B), qr(\A(b|j|k|l|m)\Z), q(a));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


If the specified $node is a text node in the specified context then the specified sub is passed the text of the node in $_, any changes to which are recorded in the text of the $node.

Returns undef if the specified $node is not a text node in the specified optional context else it returns the result of executing the specified sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Text node
2 $sub Sub
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a>Hello World</a>
$a->first->𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(sub{s(l) (L)g});
ok -s $a eq q(<a>HeLLo WorLd</a>);


Duplicate the specified $node in the optional @context and return the new node created or undef on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<!-- 𝗱𝘂𝗽 -->


Duplicate the specified $node $N times in the optional @context and return the last new node created on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of duplications
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<!-- 𝗱𝘂𝗽𝗡 2 -->


Set the selection to start at the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef..

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>


Set the selection to end at the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef..

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>


Move the current selection (if there is one) so that it is first under the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>


Move the current selection (if there is one) after the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>


Move the current selection (if there is one) before the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>


Move the current selection (if there is one) so that it is last under the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<e><!-- start --></e>
<f><!-- end --></f>

Cut and Put

Cut and paste nodes in the parse tree.


Cut out and return the specified $node so that it can be reinserted else where in the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to cut out
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>
my $c = $a->go(qw(b c))->𝗰𝘂𝘁;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb"/>


Cut out and return the specified $node so that it can be reinserted else where in the parse tree if it is empty.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to cut out
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my (undef, $b, $c, $d, undef, $e) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [q(b)..q(e)], [map {-t $_} ($b, $c, $d, $e)];
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok !$_->𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗜𝗳𝗘𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘆 for $a, $b, $e;


Delete the content of the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a cut out or new node at the front of the content of the specified $node and return the new node. See putFirstCut to cut and put first in one operation. See addFirst to perform this operation conditionally.

Parameter Description
1 $old Original node
2 $new New node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>
my $c = $a->go(qw(b c))->cut;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<c id="cc"/>
<b id="bb"/>


Cut out the $second node, place it first under the $first node and return the $second node.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
$c->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗖𝘂𝘁($d, qw(c b a));
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a cut out or new node last in the content of the specified $node and return the new node. See putLastCut to cut and put last in one operation. See addLast to perform this operation conditionally.

Parameter Description
1 $old Original node
2 $new New node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<c id="cc"/>
<b id="bb"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb"/>
<c id="cc"/>


Cut out the $second node, place it last under the $first node and return the $second node.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
$a->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗖𝘂𝘁($d, qw(a));
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a cut out or new node just after the specified $node and return the new node. See putNextCut to cut and put next in one operation. See addNext to perform this operation conditionally.

Parameter Description
1 $old Original node
2 $new New node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb"/>
<c id="cc"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<c id="cc"/>
<b id="bb"/>


Cut out the $second node, place it after the $first node and return the $second node.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
$d->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗖𝘂𝘁($c, qw(d b a));
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a cut out or new node just before the specified $node and return the new node. See putPrevCut to cut and put previous in one operation. See addPrev to perform this operation conditionally.

Parameter Description
1 $old Original node
2 $new New node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<c id="cc"/>
<b id="bb"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb"/>
<c id="cc"/>


Cut out the $second node, place it before the $first node and return the $second node.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
$c->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗖𝘂𝘁($d, qw(c b a));
ok -p $a eq <<END;

Put Siblings or Contents

Move a node and its siblings up and down the parse tree.


Move the siblings preceding the specified $node in the optional @context down one level and place them first under the specified $node preceding any existing content. Return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the siblings following the specified $node in the optional @context down one level so that they are last under the specified $node following any existing content. Return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node and its following siblings up one level and place them after the parent of the specified $node if the specified $node is in the optional @context. Return the specified $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node and its preceding siblings up one level and place them before the parent of the specified $node if the specified $node is in the optional @context. Return the specified $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the content of the specified $node and place it after that node if that node is in the optional @context. Return the specified $node or confess if the move is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the content of the specified $node and place it before that node if that node is in the optional @context. Return the specified $node or confess if the move is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move nodes around in the parse tree by cutting and pasting them.


Move the start of a $node to contain all of its preceding siblings as children. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $e, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the start end of a $node to just after the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a preceding sibling or a child of $node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 $to Target node
3 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $e, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $d eq q(d);
ok -t $c eq q(c);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the start of a $node to just before the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a preceding sibling or a child of $node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose start should be moved
2 $to Target node
3 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $e, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $d eq q(d);
ok -t $e eq q(e);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -t $d eq q(d);
ok -t $e eq q(e);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the end of a $node to contain all of its following siblings as children. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose end should be moved
2 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b, $d, $e) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the end of a $node to just after the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a subsequent sibling or a child of $node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose end should be moved
2 $to Target node
3 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b, $d, $e) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the end of a $node to just before the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a subsequent sibling or a child of $node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose end should be moved
2 $to Target node
3 @context Optional context of node.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b, $d, $e) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node so it is first in the next node with the optional context. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $d, $c) = $a->byList;
ok !$b->putNextFirstCut_c_x;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node so it is first in the first node with the specified optional context of the next node. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $d, $c) = $a->byList;
ok !$b->putNextFirstCut2_c_a;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node so it is last in the preceding node with the optional context. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b, $d) = $a->byList;
ok !$d->putPrevLastCut_b_c;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node so it is last in the last node with the specified optional context of the preceding node. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b, $d) = $a->byList;
ok !$d->putPrevLastCut2_c_a;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Move the specified $node so it is next after its parent. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END


Move the specified $node so it is next after its grandparent. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END


Move the specified $node so it is prior to its its parent. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END


Move the specified $node so it is prior to its grandparent. Return the specified $node on success else return undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end first under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $end Last sibling
3 $parent Parent to move first under
4 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $g, $f, $h) = $x->byList;
$c->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁($d, $f, qw(c x));
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end last under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $end Last sibling
3 $parent Parent to move last under
4 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $g, $f, $h) = $x->byList;
$c->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁($d, $f, qw(c x));
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end after the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $end Last sibling
3 $after Node to move after
4 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<x><a/><b/><c/><d/><e/><f/><g/><h/></x>));
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = $x->byList;
$c->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿($d, $f, qw(c x));
ok -C $x eq q(<a/><b/><e/><f/><c/><d/><g/><h/>);


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end before the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $end Last sibling
3 $before Node to move before
4 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<x><a/><b/><c/><d/><e/><f/><g/><h/></x>));
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = $x->byList;
$f->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲($g, $b, qw(f x));
ok -C $x eq q(<a/><f/><g/><b/><c/><d/><e/><h/>);


Move the siblings starting with $node in the optional context first under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start Start sibling
2 $parent Parent to move first under
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context last under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $parent Parent to move last under
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $a, $f, $g, $h, $e) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context after the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $after Node to move after
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $a, $e) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context before the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $before Node to move before
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $c, $d, $e, $b) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the siblings starting with $node in the optional context first under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start Start sibling
2 $parent Parent to move first under
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $a, $f, $g, $h, $e) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context last under the specified $parent node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $parent Parent to move last under
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $b, $c) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context after the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $after Node to move after
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d, $a, $e) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;


Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context before the specified $after node. Returns $node if the move was made successfully, else confess that the specified move is impossible.

Parameter Description
1 $start First sibling
2 $before Node to move before
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($a, $c, $d, $e, $b) = $x->byList;
ok -p $x eq <<END;

Add selectively

Add new nodes unless they already exist.


Add a new node first below the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree(q(a));
$a->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁(qw(b id b)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>


Add a new node next to the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
<e id="e"/>
$a->addFirst(qw(b id B))->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(c id c));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
<c id="c"/>
<e id="e"/>


Add a new node before the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
<c id="c"/>
<e id="e"/>
$a->addLast(qw(e id E))->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃(qw(d id d));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
<c id="c"/>
<d id="d"/>
<e id="e"/>


Add a new node last below the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
$a->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁(qw(e id e)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b"/>
<e id="e"/>


Wrap the specified $node with the specified tag if the node is not already wrapped with such a tag and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/></a>));
my $b = $a->first;
$b->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗪𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵(qw(c id c)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="c">


Wrap the content of a specified $node in a new node with the specified $tag and optional %attribute unless the content is already wrapped in a single child with the specified $tag.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag of new node
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="c">
$a->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱(q(d)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="c">

Add text selectively

Add new text unless it already exists.


Add a new text node first below the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and starts with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Text


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree(q(a));
$a->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(q(aaaa)) for 1..2;
ok -s $a eq q(<a>aaaa</a>);


Add a new text node after the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and starts with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Text


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/></a>));
$a->go(q(b))->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(q(bbbb)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Add a new text node before the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and ends with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Text


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$a->go(q(b))->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(q(aaaa)) for 1..2;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Add a new text node last below the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and ends with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Text


ok -s $a eq q(<a>aaaa</a>);
$a->𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(q(dddd)) for 1..2;
ok -s $a eq q(<a>aaaadddd</a>);


Split the parent before or after the specified sibling.


Split the parent node into two identical nodes except all the siblings before the specified $node are retained by the existing parent while any following siblings become siblings of the new parent node which is placed after the existing parent. The new parent is returned.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split before
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Split the parent node into two identical nodes except all the siblings after the specified $node are retained by the existing parent while any preceding siblings become siblings of the new parent node which is placed before the existing parent. The new parent is returned

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split before
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Join consecutive nodes


Concatenate two successive nodes and return the $target node.

Parameter Description
1 $target Target node to replace
2 $source Node to concatenate
3 @context Optional context of $target

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $s = <<END;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new($s);
my $t = <<END;
ok $t eq -p $a;


Concatenate the nodes that precede and follow the specified $node in the optioonal @context as long as they have the same tag as the specified $node and return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Concatenate around this node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<c id="4"/>
$a->go(qw(b 3))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<c id="4"/>


Merge a parent node with its only child if their tags are the same and their attributes do not collide other than possibly the id in which case the parent id is used. Any labels on the child are transferred to the parent. The child node is then unwrapped and the parent node is returned.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent this node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b" b="bb">
<b id="c" c="cc"/>
my ($c, $b) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [$b->id, $c->id], [qw(b c)];
ok $c == $b->hasSingleChild;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b b="bb" c="cc" id="b"/>
ok $b == $a->hasSingleChild;

Put as text

Add text to the parse tree.


Add a new text node first under a parent and return the new text node.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be added which might contain unparsed Xml as well as text
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁("<d id=\"dd\">DDDD</d>");
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d></c>


Add a new text node last under a parent and return the new text node.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be added which might contain unparsed Xml as well as text
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d></c>
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁("<e id=\"ee\">EEEE</e>");
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d><e id="ee">EEEE</e></c>


Add a new text node following the specified $node and return the new text node.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be added which might contain unparsed Xml as well as text
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d><e id="ee">EEEE</e></c>
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁("<n id=\"nn\">NNNN</n>");
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d><e id="ee">EEEE</e></c>
<n id="nn">NNNN</n>


Add a new text node following the specified $node and return the new text node

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be added which might contain unparsed Xml as well as text
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d><e id="ee">EEEE</e></c>
<n id="nn">NNNN</n>
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁("<p id=\"pp\">PPPP</p>");
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb"><p id="pp">PPPP</p>
<c id="cc"><d id="dd">DDDD</d><e id="ee">EEEE</e></c>
<n id="nn">NNNN</n>

Put as tree

Add parsed text to the parse tree.


Put parsed text first under the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree. Confess if the text cannot be parsed successfully.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be parsed and added
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $a->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲(q(<b/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $e = $a->putLastAsTree(q(<e/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Put parsed text last under the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree. Confess if the text cannot be parsed successfully.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be parsed and added
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $a->putFirstAsTree(q(<b/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $e = $a->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲(q(<e/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Put parsed text after the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree. Confess if the text cannot be parsed successfully.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be parsed and added
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $a->putFirstAsTree(q(<b/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $e = $a->putLastAsTree(q(<e/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Put parsed text before the specified $parent parent and return a reference to the parsed tree. Confess if the text cannot be parsed successfully.

Parameter Description
1 $node The parent node
2 $text The string to be parsed and added
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $a->putFirstAsTree(q(<b/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $e = $a->putLastAsTree(q(<e/>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;

Put as comment

Add some comments to the parse tree relative to the specified $node in the optional $context and return the specified $node.


Put a comment first under the specified $node and return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 $text Comment
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->putLastAsComment (q(Last));
$a->go_b_c->putPrevAsComment(q(Before C));
$a->go_b_c->putNextAsComment(q(After C));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a><!-- First -->
<b><!-- Before C -->
<!-- After C -->
<!-- Last -->


Put a comment last under the specified $node and return the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parent node
2 $text Comment
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 (q(Last));
$a->go_b_c->putPrevAsComment(q(Before C));
$a->go_b_c->putNextAsComment(q(After C));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a><!-- First -->
<b><!-- Before C -->
<!-- After C -->
<!-- Last -->


Put a comment after the specified $node and return the specified $node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Comment
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->putLastAsComment (q(Last));
$a->go_b_c->putPrevAsComment(q(Before C));
$a->go_b_c->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁(q(After C));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a><!-- First -->
<b><!-- Before C -->
<!-- After C -->
<!-- Last -->


Put a comment before the specified $parent parentand return the specified $node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Comment
3 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->putLastAsComment (q(Last));
$a->go_b_c->𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗔𝘀𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁(q(Before C));
$a->go_b_c->putNextAsComment(q(After C));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a><!-- First -->
<b><!-- Before C -->
<!-- After C -->
<!-- Last -->

Break in and out

Break nodes out of nodes or push them back


Concatenate the nodes following and preceding the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node. To concatenate only the preceding nodes, use breakInBackwards, to concatenate only the following nodes, use breakInForwards.

Parameter Description
1 $start The start node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$a->go(qw(b 1))->𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗜𝗻;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Concatenate the nodes following the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node in the manner of breakIn.

Parameter Description
1 $start The start node
2 @context Optional context..

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Concatenate the nodes preceding the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node in the manner of breakIn.

Parameter Description
1 $start The start node
2 @context Optional context..

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$a->go(qw(b 1))->𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗜𝗻𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Lift child nodes with the specified tags under the specified parent node splitting the parent node into clones and return the cut out original node.

Parameter Description
1 $parent The parent node
2 @tags The tags of the modes to be broken out.


{my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a><b><d/><c/><c/><e/><c/><c/><d/></b></a>");
$a->go(q(b))->𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗢𝘂𝘁($a, qw(d e));
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Lift the specified $node up one level splitting its parent. Return the specified $node on success or undef if the operation is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to break out
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $e, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;

Split and Zip

Move a node up the parse tree by splitting its parent nodes


Finish and restart the parent of the specified $node just after the specified $node and return the newly created parent node on success or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node The splitting node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Finish and restart the parent of the specified $node just before the specified $node and return the newly created parent node on success or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node The splitting node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a ne <<END;


Lift the specified $node up until it splits the specified $parent node. Return the specified $node on success or undef if the operation is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to break out
2 $parent Ancestral node to split
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok !$a->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($a);
ok !$b->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($a);
ok $e->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok !$a->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($a);
ok !$b->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($a);
ok $e->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->zipDownOnce; # Invalidates b
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗼($a->first); # b invalidated by zipDownOnce
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Lift the specified $child node up until it is an immediate child of the specified $parent node by splitting any intervening nodes. Return the specified $child node on success or undef if the operation is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Adopting parent node
2 $child Child node to adopt
3 @context Optional context of child

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Push a node down one level by making it a child of a node formed by merging the preceding and following siblings if they have the same tag.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok !$a->splitTo($a);
ok !$b->splitTo($a);
ok $e->splitTo($b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->𝘇𝗶𝗽𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗢𝗻𝗰𝗲; # Invalidates b
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->splitTo($a->first); # b invalidated by 𝘇𝗶𝗽𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗢𝗻𝗰𝗲
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Push a node down as many levels as possible by making it a child of a node formed by merging the preceding and following siblings if they have the same tag.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($e, $d, $c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok !$a->splitTo($a);
ok !$b->splitTo($a);
ok $e->splitTo($b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->zipDownOnce; # Invalidates b
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok $e->splitTo($a->first); # b invalidated by zipDownOnce
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Split the child nodes of $parent on the child nodes with a tag of $split wrapping the splitting node and all preceding nodes from the previous splitting node or the start with the specified $wrapping node with optional %attributes. Returns an array of the wrapping nodes created.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent node
2 $split Tag of splitting nodes
3 $wrap Tag for wrapping node
4 %attributes Attributes for wrapping nodes

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $a = $A->clone;
ok 3 == $a->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗪𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁(qw(b B));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $A->clone;
ok 3 == $b->splitAndWrapToEnd(qw(b B));
ok -p $b eq <<END;


Split the child nodes of $parent on the child nodes with a tag of $split wrapping the splitting node and all following nodes up until the next splitting node or the end with the specified $wrapping node with optional %attributes. Returns an array of the wrapping nodes created.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent node
2 $split Tag of splitting nodes
3 $wrap Tag for wrapping node
4 %attributes Attributes for wrapping nodes

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $a = $A->clone;
ok 3 == $a->splitAndWrapFromStart(qw(b B));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = $A->clone;
ok 3 == $b->𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗪𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗧𝗼𝗘𝗻𝗱(qw(b B));
ok -p $b eq <<END;


Replace nodes in the parse tree with nodes or text


Replace a node (and all its content) with a new node (and all its content) and return the new node. If the node to be replaced is the root of the parse tree then no action is taken other then returning the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $old Old node
2 $new New node
3 @context Optional context..

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(qq(<a><b><c id="cc"/></b></a>));
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵($x->newTag(qw(d id dd)));
ok -s $x eq '<a><b><d id="dd"/></b></a>';


Replace a node (and all its content) with a new text node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $old Old node
2 $text Text of new node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(qq(<a><b><c id="cc"/></b></a>));
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qq(BBBB));
ok -s $x eq '<a><b>BBBB</b></a>';


Replace a node (and all its content) with a new blank text node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $old Old node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(qq(<a><b><c id="cc"/></b></a>));
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸;
ok -s $x eq '<a><b> </b></a>';


Replace the content of a specified target node with the contents of the specified source nodes removing the content from each source node and return the target node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Target node
2 @nodes Source nodes


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->contents;
$d->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁($c, $b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d) = $a->contents;
my ($b, $c) = $d->contents;
$d->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁($c, $b);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Replace the content of a node with the specified nodes and return the replaced content

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose content is to be replaced
2 @content New content


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(qq(<a><b/><c/></a>));
$x->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵(map {$x->newTag($_)} qw(B C));
ok -s $x eq '<a><B/><C/></a>';


Replace the content of a node with the specified texts and return the replaced content

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose content is to be replaced
2 @text Texts to form new content


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(qq(<a><b/><c/></a>));
$x->𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(b c));
ok -s $x eq '<a>bc</a>';


Swap nodes both singly and in blocks


Swap a parent and child node where the child is the only child of the parent and return the parent.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b">
<c id="c">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="c">
<b id="b">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="b">
<c id="c">


Swap a parent and child node where the child is the first child of the parent by placing the parent last in the child. Return the parent.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Swap a parent and child node where the child is the last child of the parent by placing the parent first in the child. Return the parent.

Parameter Description
1 $parent Parent
2 @context Context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Swap two nodes optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context and return the first node.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok <<END eq -p $x;
<a a="1" b="2"/>
<c a="1" b="3" c="4"/>
ok <<END eq -p $x;
<c a="1" b="3" c="4"/>
<a a="1" b="2"/>


Swap $node with its following node if $$node matches the first element of the specified context and the next node matches the rest. Return the node that originally followed $node on success or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $e, $c, $g, $f, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -t $b eq q(b);
$d->𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿; $g->swapBefore;
ok $d->after($e);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
$d->swapBefore; $c->𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿;
ok $f->before($c);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Swap $node with its preceding node if $$node matches the first element of the specified context and the previous node matches the rest. Return the node that originally followed $node on success or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $e, $c, $g, $f, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -t $b eq q(b);
$d->swapAfter; $g->𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲;
ok $d->after($e);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
$d->𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲; $c->swapAfter;
ok $f->before($c);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Swap the tags of two nodes optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context and return ($first, $second) nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my ($C, $A) = $a->downWhileFirst->swapTagWithParent;
ok -t $A eq q(a);
ok -t $C eq q(c);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Swap the tags of the specified $node and its parent optionally checking that the $node is in the specified context and return (parent of $node, $node) or () if there is no such parent node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my ($C, $A) = $a->downWhileFirst->𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁;
ok -t $A eq q(a);
ok -t $C eq q(c);
ok -p $a eq <<END;

Wrap and unwrap

Wrap and unwrap nodes to alter the depth of the parse tree


Wrap nodes to deepen the parse tree


Wrap the specified $node in a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes forcing the specified $node down - deepening the parse tree - return the new wrapping node. See addWrapWith to perform this operation conditionally.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag for the new node or tag
3 %attributes Attributes for the new node or tag.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
<c id="11"/>
$x->go(qw(b c))->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵(qw(C id 1));
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<C id="1">
<c id="11"/>


Wrap the specified $node in a sequence of new nodes created from the specified @tags forcing the original node down - deepening the parse tree - return the array of wrapping nodes if want array else the last wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap
2 @tags Tags to wrap the node with - with the uppermost tag rightmost.


{my $c = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree("c", id=>33);
my ($b, $a) = $c->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗨𝗽(qw(b a));
ok -p $a eq <<'END';
<c id="33"/>


Wrap this $node with the first $N elements of @context. If @context contains more then $N entries, the remainder are checked as the context of $node. Returns the upper most wrapping node or undef if the specified $node does not match these conditions.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of tags wrapping tags
3 @context Tags and optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok !$a->go_d__wrapWithN_2_c_b_a;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $node wrapped with the specified @tags and return the last wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @tags Tags

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a id="c4"/>));
my $b = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a id="c5"/>));
ok -M $a eq -M $b;


Wrap the content of the specified $node in a sequence of new nodes forcing the original node up - deepening the parse tree - return the array of wrapping nodes if want array else the last wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap
2 @tags Tags to wrap the node with - with the uppermost tag rightmost.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree("a", id=>33);
my ($b, $c) = $a->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻(qw(b c));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="33">


Wrap the content of the specified $node in a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes: the specified $node then contains just the new node which, in turn, contains all the content of the specified $node.

Returns the new wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $old Node
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 %attributes Attributes for new node.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
$x->go(q(b))->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵(qw(D id DD));
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<D id="DD">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<b id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<d id="3"/>
<c id="4"/>
<d id="5"/>
<e id="6"/>
<b id="7"/>
<c id="8"/>
<d id="9"/>
<f id="10"/>


If there are any siblings before the specified $node, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the newly created node.

Returns undef if the specified $node is the first node under its parent.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 %attributes Attributes for new node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/><c/><d/></a>));
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $node and any preceding siblings with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 %attributes Attributes for new node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/><c/><d/></a>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap the first $N nodes under this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of nodes to wrap
3 $tag Wrapping tag
4 @context Optional context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


If there are any siblings between the specified $nodes, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes. Return the wrapping node else undef if there are no nodes to wrap.

Parameter Description
1 $first First sibling
2 $last Last sibling
3 $tag Tag for new node
4 %attributes Attributes for new node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/><c/><d/></a>));
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->byList;
$b->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗻($d, q(Y));
ok -p $a eq <<END;


If there are any siblings after the specified $node, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the newly created node.

Returns undef if the specified $node is the last node under its parent.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 %attributes Attributes for new node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/><c/><d/></a>));
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $node and the following sibling with a new node created from the specified $tag. If the optional context is specified then it should match the first node, next node and the context of the parent of the $node as far as it is specified. Return the new node created or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 @context Context.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $nodeand the next $N-1 nodes following this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of nodes to wrap
3 $tag Wrapping tag
4 @context Optional context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $node and the preceding sibling with a new node created from the specified $tag. If the optional context is specified then it should match the first node, previous node and the context of the parent of the $node as far as it is specified. Return the new node created or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 @context Context.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $nodeand the previous $N-1 nodes following this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of nodes to wrap
3 $tag Wrapping tag
4 @context Optional context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap this $node and any following siblings with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to wrap before
2 $tag Tag for new node
3 %attributes Attributes for new node.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a><b/><c/><d/></a>));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap the last $N nodes under this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $N Number of nodes to wrap
3 $tag Wrapping tag
4 @context Optional context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Wrap all the nodes from the $start node to the $end node inclusive with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the new node.

Return undef if the $start and $end nodes are not siblings - they must have the same parent for this method to work.

Parameter Description
1 $start Start node
2 $end End node
3 $tag Tag for the wrapping node
4 %attributes Attributes for the wrapping node


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(my $s = <<END);
<c id="1"/><c id="2"/><c id="3"/><c id="4"/>
$x->go(qw(a c))->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗧𝗼($x->go(qw(a c -1)), qq(C), id=>1234);
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<C id="1234">
<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<c id="4"/>
my $C = $x->go(qw(a C));
$C->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗧𝗼($C, qq(D));
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<C id="1234">
<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>
<c id="4"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<D id="DD">
<c id="0"/>
<c id="1"/>
<E id="EE">
<c id="2"/>
<F id="FF">
<c id="3"/>


Wrap all the nodes from the $start node to the $end node with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the new node. Return undef if the $start and $end nodes are not siblings - they must have the same parent for this method to work.

Parameter Description
1 $end End node
2 $start Start node
3 $tag Tag for the wrapping node
4 %attributes Attributes for the wrapping node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(my $s = <<END);
<c id="0"/><c id="1"/><c id="2"/><c id="3"/>
my $b = $a->first;
my @c = $b->contents;
$c[1]->𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺($c[0], qw(D id DD));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<D id="DD">
<c id="0"/>
<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>
<c id="3"/>


Unwrap nodes to reduce the depth of the parse tree


Unwrap the specified $node by inserting its content into its parent at the point containing the specified $node and return the parent node. Returns undef if an attempt is made to unwrap a text node. Confesses if an attempt is made to unwrap the root node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to unwrap
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -s $x eq "<a>A<b> c </b>B</a>";
ok -s $x eq "<a>A c B</a>";
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaa</a>));
my $t = $a->first;
ok !$t->𝘂𝗻𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽;


Unwrap the parent of the specified $node in the optional @context when the $node is the only child of its parent. Return the specified $node regardless unless the node is not in the optional context in which case return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Unwrap the specified $node in the optional @context when the $node is the only child of its parent. Return the specified $node regardless unless the node is not in the optional context in which case return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Unwrap any immediate ancestors of the specified $node in the optional @context which have only a single child and return the specified $node regardless unless the node is not in the optional context in which case return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->go(qw(b c d))->𝘂𝗻𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Unwrap all the non text nodes below the specified $node adding a leading and a trailing space to prevent unwrapped content from being elided and return the specified $node else undef if not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to unwrap
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $x eq <<END;
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<b> DD EE FF </b>


Wrap consecutive runs of children under the specified parent $node that are not already wrapped with $wrap. Returns an array of any wrapping nodes created. Returns () if the specified $node is not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to unwrap
2 $wrap Tag of wrapping node
3 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="i1">
<b id="i2"/>
<c id="i3"/>
<B id="i4">
<c id="i5"/>
<c id="i6"/>
<b id="i7"/>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="i1">
<b id="i2"/>
<c id="i3"/>
<B id="i4">
<c id="i5"/>
<c id="i6"/>
<b id="i7"/>


The children of each node.


Return a list of all the nodes contained by the specified $node or an empty list if the node is empty or not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b1"><c id="1"/></b>
<d id="d1"><c id="2"/></d>
<e id="e1"><c id="3"/></e>
<b id="b2"><c id="4"/></b>
<d id="d2"><c id="5"/></d>
<e id="e2"><c id="6"/></e>
is_deeply [map{-u $_} $x->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀], [qw(b1 d1 e1 b2 d2 e2)];


Return a list of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node or an empty list if the specified $node is last or not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok 'f g' eq join ' ', map {$_->tag} $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿;


Return a list of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node (in the normal sibling order) or an empty list if the specified $node is last or not in the optional @context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok 'c d' eq join ' ', map {$_->tag} $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲;


Return a string containing the tags of all the child nodes of the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use over to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(q(b))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀 eq 'c d e f g';


Return a string containing the tags of all the child nodes of the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use over2 to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression. Use over2 to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


ok $x->go(q(b))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀𝟮 eq q( c d e f g );


Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use matchAfter to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok 'f g' eq join ' ', map {$_->tag} $x->go(qw(b e))->contentAfter;
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀 eq 'f g';


Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use matchAfter2 to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀𝟮 eq q( f g );


Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use matchBefore to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok 'c d' eq join ' ', map {$_->tag} $x->go(qw(b e))->contentBefore;
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀 eq 'c d';


Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context. Use matchBefore2 to test the sequence of tags with a regular expression.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context.

Use the @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If a context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns an empty list () immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->go(qw(b e))->𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗔𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀𝟮 eq q( c d );


Return the index of the specified $node in the content of the parent of the $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b 1 b))->id == 26;
ok $a->go(qw(b 1 b))->𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 == 2;


Return the index of the specified $node in its parent index. Use position to find the position of a node under its parent.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="11">
<b id="12">
<c id="13"/>
<d id="14"/>
<b id="15">
<c id="16"/>
<d id="17"/>
<e id="18"/>
<f id="19"/>
<g id="20"/>
<f id="21"/>
<g id="22"/>
<b id="23">
<c id="24"/>
<d id="25"/>
<b id="26">
<c id="27"/>
<d id="28"/>
<e id="29"/>
<f id="30"/>
<g id="31"/>
<f id="32"/>
<g id="33"/>
ok $a->go(qw(b 1))->id == 23;
ok $a->go(qw(b 1))->𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅 == 1;


Return the count of the number of the specified tag types present immediately under a node or a hash {tag} = count for all the tags present under the node if no names are specified.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @names Possible tags immediately under the node.


is_deeply {$a->first->𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁}, {c=>2, d=>2, e=>1};


Return the text of a text $node as an lvalue string reference that can be modified by a regular expression, else as a reference to a dummy string that will be ignored.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
$a->by(sub{$_->𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 =~ s(bbbb) (BBBB)gs});
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<END;
<b><CDATA> </CDATA></b>
ok $b->first->𝗶𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok $b->first->𝗶𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(b a));


Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, the first node under its parent and that the parent is optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context for parent

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $a = $x->first;
my ($ta, $b, $tc, $d, $te) = $a->contents;
ok $ta ->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(a x));
ok $b->first->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(b a x));
ok $b->prev ->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(a x));
ok $d->last ->𝗶𝘀𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(d a x));


Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, the last node under its parent and that the parent is optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context for parent

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $d->next ->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 (qw(a x));
ok $d->last ->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 (qw(d a x));
ok $te ->𝗶𝘀𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁 (qw(a x));


Return a list of nodes that match the specified tree of match expressions, else () if one or more match expressions fail to match nodes in the tree below the specified start node. A match expression consists of [parent node tag, [match expressions to be matched by children of parent]|tags of child nodes to match starting at the first node]. Match expressions for a single item do need to be surrounded with [] and can be merged into their predecessor. The outermost match expression should not be enclosed in [].

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to start matching from
2 @match Tree of match expressions.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b, $g, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [$b, $c, $d], [$b->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲(qw(b c d))];
is_deeply [$e, $f, $g], [$e->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲(qr(\Ae\Z), [qw(f g)])];
is_deeply [$c], [$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲(qw(c))];
is_deeply [$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g],
[$a->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲({a=>1}, [qw(b c d)], [qw(e), [qw(f g)]])];


Returns an array of regular expression matches in the text of the specified $node if it is text node and it matches the specified regular expression and optionally has the specified context otherwise returns an empty array.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 $re Regular expression
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $c = $x->go(qw(b c))->first;
ok !$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qr(\AD));
ok $c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qr(\AC), qw(c b a));
ok !$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qr(\AD), qw(c b a));
is_deeply [qw(E)], [$c->𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qr(CD(.)CD))];


Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, optionally in the specified context, and contains nothing other than white space else return undef. See also: isAllBlankText

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq <<END;
<b><CDATA> </CDATA></b>
ok $b->first->𝗶𝘀𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;


Return the specified $node if the specified $node, optionally in the specified context, does not contain anything or if it does contain something it is all white space else return undef. See also: bitsNodeTextBlank

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $c, $d) = $a->firstBy(qw(b c d));
ok $c->𝗶𝘀𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok $c->𝗶𝘀𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(c b a));
ok !$c->𝗶𝘀𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁(qw(c a));


Return the specified $node if it is a blank text node and an only child else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>aaaa</a>));
$a->first->text = q( );
ok $a->prettyStringCDATA eq qq(<a><CDATA> </CDATA></a>
ok $a->first->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
ok !$a->𝗶𝘀𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a/>));
my $b = $a->new(q(<b/>));
ok -p $a eq qq(<a/>
ok -p $b eq qq(<b/>


Return a bit string that shows if there are any non text nodes, text nodes or blank text nodes under a node. An empty string is returned if there are no child nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test.


ok $x->prettyStringCDATA eq <<END;
ok '100' eq -B $x;
ok '100' eq -B $x->go(q(b));
ok '110' eq -B $x->go(q(c));
ok '111' eq -B $x->go(q(d));
ok !-B $x->go(qw(e));


Number the nodes of a parse tree so that they can be easily retrieved by number - either by a person reading the source xml or programmatically.


Find the node with the specified number as made visible by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found node or undef if no such node exists.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in the parse tree to search
2 $number Number of the node required.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3"/>
<d id="4">
<e id="5"/>
ok -t $a->findByNumber_4 eq q(d);
ok $a->findByNumber_3__up__number == 2;
ok $a->prettyStringNumbered eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<A id="3"/>
<B id="4"/>
<c id="5">
<C id="6"/>
<D id="7"/>
ok q(D) eq -t $a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗕𝘆𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿(7);


Find the nodes with the specified numbers as made visible by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found nodes in a list with undef for nodes that do not exist.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in the parse tree to search
2 @numbers Numbers of the nodes required.


ok $a->prettyStringNumbered eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<A id="3"/>
<B id="4"/>
<c id="5">
<C id="6"/>
<D id="7"/>
is_deeply [map {-t $_} $a->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗕𝘆𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀(1..3)], [qw(a b A)];


Number the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source. You can see the numbers by printing the tree with prettyStringNumbered. Nodes can be found using findByNumber. This method differs from forestNumberTrees in that avoids overwriting the id= attribute of each node by using a system attribute instead; this system attribute can then be made visible on the id attribute of each node by printing the parse tree with prettyStringNumbered.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
<d id="4">
<e id="5"/>
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3"/>
<d id="4">
<e id="5"/>
ok -t $a->findByNumber_4 eq q(d);
ok $a->findByNumber_3__up__number == 2;


Return a map of the ids at and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="A">
<b id="B">
<c id="C"/>
<d id="D">
<e id="E"/>
<f id="F"/>
my $i = $a->𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅𝗜𝗱𝘀;
ok $i->{C}->tag eq q(c);
ok $i->{E}->tag eq q(e);


Number the ids of the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source. You can see the numbers by printing the tree with prettyStringNumbered(). This method differs from numberTree in that only non text nodes without ids are numbered. The number applied to each node consists of the concatenation of the specified prefix, an underscore and a number that is unique within the specifed parse tree. Consequently the ids across several trees trees can be made unique by supplying different prefixes for each tree. Nodes can be found using findByNumber. Returns the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $prefix Prefix for each id at and under the specified B<$node>


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="bb">B
<e id="ee"/>
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="T1">A
<b id="bb">B
<c id="T2"/>
<d id="T3">D
<e id="ee"/>
<f id="T4"/>
ok -p $a eq -p $A;

Forest Numbers

Number the nodes of several parse trees so that they can be easily retrieved by forest number - either by a person reading the source xml or programmatically.


Number the ids of the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source. You can see the numbers by printing the tree with prettyString. This method differs from numberTree in that only non text nodes are numbered and nodes with existing id= attributes have the value of their id= attribute transferred to a label. The number applied to each node consists of the concatenation of the specified tree number, an underscore and a number that is unique within the specified parse tree. Consequently the ids across several trees can be made unique by supplying a different tree number for each tree. Nodes can be found subsequently using findByForestNumber. Returns the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree to be numbered
2 $prefix Tree number


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b">
<b id="B">
my $e = $a->go(qw(b -1 e));
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="1_1">
<b id="1_2">
<c id="1_3"/>
<b id="1_4">
<d id="1_5"/>
<e id="1_6"/>


Find the node with the specified forest number as made visible on the id attribute by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found node or undef if no such node exists.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in the parse tree to search
2 $tree Forest number
3 $id Id number of the node required.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="1_1">
<b id="1_2">
<c id="1_3"/>
<b id="1_4">
<d id="1_5"/>
<e id="1_6"/>
my $B = $e->𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗕𝘆𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿(1, 4);
is_deeply [$B->getLabels], ["B"];


Check the order and relative position of nodes in a parse tree.


Return the first node if the first node is above the second node optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context otherwise return undef

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $b->id eq 'b1';
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok $E->id eq "e2";
ok $b->𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲($e);
ok !$E->𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲($e);


Return the nodes along the path from the first node down to the second node when the first node is above the second node else return ().

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->firstDown(@tags);
is_deeply [$b, $d, $e], [$b->𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗵($e)];
is_deeply [], [$c->𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗵($d)];


Return the first node if the first node is below the second node optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context otherwise return undef

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $d->id eq 'd1';
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok !$d->𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄($e);


Return the nodes along the path from the first node up to the second node when the first node is below the second node else return ().

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $x->firstDown(@tags);
is_deeply [$e, $d, $b], [$e->𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗵($b)];
is_deeply [$c], [$c->𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗵($c)];


Return the first node if it occurs after the second node in the parse tree optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context or else undef if the node is above, below or before the target.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $c->id eq 'c1';
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok $e->𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿($c);


Return the first node if it occurs before the second node in the parse tree optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context or else undef if the node is above, below or before the target.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok $E->id eq "e2";
ok $e->𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲($E);


Return the first node that is out of the specified order when performing a pre-ordered traversal of the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @nodes Following nodes.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $b->id eq 'b1';
ok $c->id eq 'c1';
ok $d->id eq 'd1';
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok $e->𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($c )->id eq "c1";
ok $b->𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($c, $e, $d)->id eq "d1";
ok !$c->𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($e);


Find the most recent common ancestor of the specified nodes or undef if there is no common ancestor.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @nodes @nodes


ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="3">
<e id="4"/>
<d id="5">
<e id="6"/>
<c id="7">
<d id="8">
<e id="9"/>
<d id="10">
<e id="11"/>
<c id="12">
<d id="13">
<e id="14"/>
{my ($b, $e, @n) = $a->findByNumbers(2, 4, 6, 9);
ok $e == $e->𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿;
ok $e == $e->𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿($e);
ok $b == $e->𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿($b);
ok $b == $e->𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿(@n);


Given two nodes, find a pair of adjacent ancestral siblings if such a pair exists else return ().

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [$d->𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗔𝗱𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀($C)], [$b, $B];


Return the first node if the specified nodes are all in order when performing a pre-ordered traversal of the parse tree else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @nodes Following nodes.


my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id='a1'>
<b id='b1'>
<c id='c1'/>
<c id='c2'/>
<d id='d1'>
<e id='e1'/>
<c id='c3'/>
<c id='c4'/>
<d id='d2'>
<e id='e2'/>
<c id='c5'/>
<c id='c6'/>
ok $e->id eq "e1";
ok $E->id eq "e2";
ok $e->𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($E);
ok !$E->𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($e);
ok $e->𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱($e);
ok $e->𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱;


Analyze two similar parse trees and create a patch that transforms the first parse tree into the second as long as each tree has the same tag and id structure with each id being unique.


Create a patch that moves the source parse tree to the target parse tree node as long as they have the same tag and id structure with each id being unique.

Parameter Description
1 $a Source parse tree
2 $A Target parse tree


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b b1="b1" b2="b2">Bbbbb
<c c1="c1" />Ccccc
<d d1="d1" >Ddddd
<e e1="e1" />
<f f1="f1" />
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b b1="b1" b3="B3">BbbBbbB
<c c1="C1" />Ccccc
<d d2="D2" >DddDddD
<e e3="E3" />
<f f1="F1" />
my $patches = $a->𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵($A);
ok !$a->diff ($A);
ok $a->equals($A);


Replay a patch created by createPatch against a parse tree that has the same tag and id structure with each id being unique.

Parameter Description
1 $patches Patch
2 $a Parse tree


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b b1="b1" b2="b2">Bbbbb
<c c1="c1" />Ccccc
<d d1="d1" >Ddddd
<e e1="e1" />
<f f1="f1" />
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b b1="b1" b3="B3">BbbBbbB
<c c1="C1" />Ccccc
<d d2="D2" >DddDddD
<e e3="E3" />
<f f1="F1" />
my $patches = $a->createPatch($A);
ok !$a->diff ($A);
ok $a->equals($A);


Propagate parent node attributes through a parse tree.


Propagate new attributes from nodes that match the specified tag to all their child nodes, then unwrap all the nodes that match the specified tag. Return the specified parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree
2 $tag Tag of nodes whose attributes are to be propagated
3 @context Optional context for parse tree

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b b="B">
<b c="C">
<b d="D">
<b e="E">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c b="B" c="C"/>
<d b="B" c="C" d="D"/>
<e b="B" c="C" d="D" e="E"/>

Table of Contents

Analyze and generate tables of contents.


Table of Contents number the nodes in a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @match Optional list of tags to descend into else all tags will be descended into


ok $a->prettyStringNumbered eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<A id="3"/>
<B id="4"/>
<c id="5">
<C id="6"/>
<D id="7"/>
my $t = $a->𝘁𝗼𝗰𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀();
is_deeply {map {$_=>$t->{$_}->tag} keys %$t},
{"1" =>"b",
"1 1"=>"A",
"1 2"=>"B",
"2" =>"c",
"2 1"=> "C",
"2 2"=>"D"


Label nodes so that they can be cross referenced and linked by Data::Edit::Xml::Lint


Add the named labels to the specified $node and return the number of labels added. Labels that are not defined will be ignored.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 @labels Names of labels to add.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b><c/></b></a>';
my $b = $x->go(q(b));
ok $b->countLabels == 0;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c/></b></a>';


Return the count of the number of labels at a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b><c/></b></a>';
my $b = $x->go(q(b));
ok $b->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀 == 0;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c/></b></a>';
ok $b->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀 == 4;


Return a hash of all the labels in a tree

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree.


ok -p (new $A->stringExtendingIdsWithLabels) eq <<END;
<a id="aa, a, a5">
<b id="bb, b, b2">
<c id="cc, c, c1"/>
<b id="B, b4">
<c id="C, c3"/>
is_deeply [sort keys %{$A->𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗜𝗻𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲}],
["B", "C", "a", "a5", "b", "b2", "b4", "c", "c1", "c3"];


Return the names of all the labels set on a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b><c/></b></a>';
my $b = $x->go(q(b));
ok $b->countLabels == 0;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c/></b></a>';
is_deeply [1..4], [$b->𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀];


Delete the specified labels in the specified $node or all labels if no labels have are specified and return that node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree
2 @labels Names of the labels to be deleted


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c id="1, 2, 3, 4"/></b></a>';
$b->𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀(1,4) for 1..2;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="2, 3"><c id="1, 2, 3, 4"/></b></a>';


Copy all the labels from the source node to the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c/></b></a>';
$b->𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀($c) for 1..2;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="1, 2, 3, 4"><c id="1, 2, 3, 4"/></b></a>';


Move all the labels from the source node to the target node and return the source node.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node.


ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b id="2, 3"><c id="1, 2, 3, 4"/></b></a>';
$b->𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀($c) for 1..2;
ok $x->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq '<a><b><c id="1, 2, 3, 4"/></b></a>';


Copy all the labels and ids in the source parse tree to the matching nodes in the target parse tree. Nodes are matched via path. Return the number of labels and ids copied.

Parameter Description
1 $source Source node
2 $target Target node.


ok -p (new $a->stringExtendingIdsWithLabels) eq <<END;
<a id="a, a5">
<b id="b, b2">
<c id="c, c1"/>
<b id="B, b4">
<c id="C, c3"/>
ok -p (new $A->stringExtendingIdsWithLabels) eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>
ok $a->𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗜𝗱𝘀𝗜𝗻𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($A) == 10;
ok -p (new $A->stringExtendingIdsWithLabels) eq <<END;
<a id="aa, a, a5">
<b id="bb, b, b2">
<c id="cc, c, c1"/>
<b id="B, b4">
<c id="C, c3"/>


Give a guid to every node in the specified $tree that has an id attribute, saving any existing id attribute as a label, and return the count of the number of such replacements made.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $genGuid A sub that accepts a number and a node and returns a new Guid each time it is called


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a">
<b id="b">
<c id="c"/>
my $n =0;
{my ($n, $o) = @_;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="GUID-3">
<b id="GUID-2">
<c id="GUID-1"/>
ok $a->stringReplacingIdsWithLabels eq q(<a id="a"><b id="b"><c id="c"/></b><d/></a>);
ok $a->stringExtendingIdsWithLabels eq q(<a id="GUID-3, a"><b id="GUID-2, b"><c id="GUID-1, c"/></b><d/></a>);


Create an id for the specified $node from the md5Sum of its content moving any existing id to the labels associated with the $node and return the existing $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗜𝗱->id eq q(GUID-390bf05d-8f56-71cc-6a47-71834840d695);


Operator access to methods use the assign versions to avoid 'useless use of operator in void context' messages. Use the non assign versions to return the results of the underlying method call. Thus '/' returns the wrapping node, whilst '/=' does not. Assign operators always return their left hand side even though the corresponding method usually returns the modification on the right.


-B: bitsNodeTextBlank

-b: isAllBlankText

-c: context

-e: prettyStringEnd

-f: first node

-g: pathString

-l: last node

-M: number

-o: contentAsTags

-p: prettyString

-s: string

-S : printStack

-T : isText

-t : tag

-u: id

-W: unWrap

-w: stringQuoted

-x: prettyStringDitaHeaders

-X: cut

-z: prettyStringNumbered.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $op Monadic operator.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
my ($c, $b, $e, $d) = $a->byList;
ok $c->printNode eq q(c id="42" match="mm");
ok -A $c eq q(c id="42" match="mm");
ok -b $e;
ok -c $e eq q(e d a);
ok -f $b eq $c;
ok -l $a eq $d;
ok -O $a, q( b d );
ok -o $a, q(b d);
ok -w $a eq q('<a><b><c id="42" match="mm"/></b><d><e/></d></a>');
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok -s $a eq '<a><b><c id="42" match="mm"/></b><d><e/></d></a>';
ok -t $a eq 'a';
ok -z $a eq <<END;
<a id="1">
<b id="2">
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
<d id="4">
<e id="5"/>
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $a->prettyStringDitaHeaders eq <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd" []>


@{} : nodes immediately below a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b, $d) = @$a;
ok -c $b eq q(b a);
my ($c) = @$b;
ok -c $c eq q(c b a);


<= : Check that a node is in the context specified by the referenced array of words.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $context Reference to array of words specifying the parents of the desired node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok (($a >= [qw(d e)]) <= [qw(e d a)]);


** : create a new node from the text on the right hand side: if the text contains a non word character \W the node will be create as text, else it will be created as a tag

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Name node of node to create or text of new text element


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a/>");
my $b = $a ** q(b);
ok -s $b eq "<b/>";


>> : put a node or string first under a node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place first under the node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $f = $a >> qq(first);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


>>= : put a node or string first under a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place first under the node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$a >>= qq(first);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


<< : put a node or string last under a node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place last under the node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $l = $a << qq(last);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


<<= : put a node or string last under a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place last under the node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$a <<= qq(last);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


> + : put a node or string after the specified $node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place after the first node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$f += qq(next);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


+= : put a node or string after the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place after the first node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $f = -f $a;
$f += qq(next);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


< - : put a node or string before the specified $node and return the new node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place before the first node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
$l -= qq(prev);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


-= : put a node or string before the specified $node,

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Node or text to place before the first node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $l = -l $a;
$l -= qq(prev);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


x= : Traverse a parse tree in post-order.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $code Code to execute against each node.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
{my $s; $a x= sub{$s .= -t $_}; ok $s eq "cbeda"


>= : Search for a node via a specification provided as a reference to an array of words each number. Each word represents a tag name, each number the index of the previous tag or zero by default.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $go Reference to an array of search parameters.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok (($a >= [qw(d e)]) <= [qw(e d a)]);


% : Get the value of an attribute of the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $attr Reference to an array of words and numbers specifying the node to search for.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new('<a number="1"/>');
ok $a % qq(number) == 1;


/ : Wrap node with a tag, returning the wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag.


{my $c = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<c/>");
my $b = $c / qq(b);
ok -s $b eq "<b><c/></b>";
my $a = $b / qq(a);
ok -s $a eq "<a><b><c/></b></a>";


* : Wrap content with a tag, returning the wrapping node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $tag Tag.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
$b *= q(B);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


-- : Cut out a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my $b = $x >= qq(b);
ok -s $x eq "<a/>";
ok -s $b eq "<b><c/></b>";


++ : Unwrap a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $d, $b) = $a->byList;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Statistics describing the parse tree.


Return the count of the number of instances of the specified tags under the specified $node, either by tag in array context or in total in scalar context.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @names Possible tags immediately under the node.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok $x->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 == 0;


Count the number of tags in a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
<a id="aa">
<b id="bb">
<c id="cc"/>
ok $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀 == 3;


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each tag on and below the specified $node excluding any tags named in @exclude.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @exclude Tags to exclude from the count


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a A="A1" B="B1" C="C1">
<b B="B1" C="C1">
<c C="C1">
<b B="B2">
<c C="C2"/>
is_deeply $x->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀,
{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNames,
{A => 1, B => 3, C => 4};
is_deeply $x->countAttrValues,
{A1 => 1, B1 => 2, B2 => 1, C1 => 3, C2 => 1};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNamesAndValues,
{A => {A1 => 1}, B => {B1 => 2, B2 => 1}, C => {C1 => 3, C2 => 1}};


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each non empty tag on and below the specified $node excluding any tags named in @exclude.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @exclude Tags to exclude from the count


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
is_deeply $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗡𝗼𝗻𝗘𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘆𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀(qw(c)), {a=>1, b=>1};
is_deeply $a->go_b->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗡𝗼𝗻𝗘𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘆𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀, {b=>1, c=>1};


Return a reference to a hash showing the incidence of texts on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
is_deeply $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗧𝗲𝘅𝘁𝘀, {};


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Attribute count so far


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a A="A1" B="B1" C="C1">
<b B="B1" C="C1">
<c C="C1">
<b B="B2">
<c C="C2"/>
is_deeply $x->countTagNames,
{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};
is_deeply $x->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀,
{A => 1, B => 3, C => 4};
is_deeply $x->countAttrValues,
{A1 => 1, B1 => 2, B2 => 1, C1 => 3, C2 => 1};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNamesAndValues,
{A => {A1 => 1}, B => {B1 => 2, B2 => 1}, C => {C1 => 3, C2 => 1}};


Count the number of attributes owned by the specified $node that are not in the specified list.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @attr Attributes to ignore


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a a="1" b="2" c="3" d="4" e="5"/>));


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute value on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Count of attributes so far.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a A="A1" B="B1" C="C1">
<b B="B1" C="C1">
<c C="C1">
<b B="B2">
<c C="C2"/>
is_deeply $x->countTagNames,
{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNames,
{A => 1, B => 3, C => 4};
is_deeply $x->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲𝘀,
{A1 => 1, B1 => 2, B2 => 1, C1 => 3, C2 => 1};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNamesAndValues,
{A => {A1 => 1}, B => {B1 => 2, B2 => 1}, C => {C1 => 3, C2 => 1}};


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute name and value on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Count of attributes so far.


if (1) {
my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a A="A1" B="B1" C="C1">
<b B="B1" C="C1">
<c C="C1">
<b B="B2">
<c C="C2"/>
is_deeply $x->countTagNames,
{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};
is_deeply $x->countAttrNames,
{A => 1, B => 3, C => 4};
is_deeply $x->countAttrValues,
{A1 => 1, B1 => 2, B2 => 1, C1 => 3, C2 => 1};
is_deeply $x->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲𝘀,
{A => {A1 => 1}, B => {B1 => 2, B2 => 1}, C => {C1 => 3, C2 => 1}};


Count instances of outputclass attributes

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Count so far.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::newTree("a", id=>1, class=>2, href=>3, outputclass=>4);
is_deeply { 4 => 1 }, $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀;


Count tags, attributes, words below the specified node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to count from
2 @context Optional context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b>aaa bbb ccc</b>
<c>AAA BBB CCC</c>
<c>aaa AAA</c>
my $t = $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁;
ok $t eq <<END;
Tag Count
2 1 a
3 1 b
4 2 c


Provide a specification to select change reason comments to be inserted as text into a parse tree. A specification can be either:

the name of a code to be accepted,
a regular expression which matches the codes to be accepted,
a hash whose keys are defined for the codes to be accepted or
undef (the default) to specify that no such comments should be accepted.


𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 = {ccc=>1, ddd=>1};
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 = undef;

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Insert a comment consisting of a code and an optional reason as text into the parse tree to indicate the location of changes to the parse tree. As such comments tend to become very numerous, only comments whose codes matches the specification provided in changeReasonCommentSelectionSpecification are accepted for insertion. Subsequently these comments can be easily located using:

grep -nr "<!--code"

on the file containing a printed version of the parse tree. Please note that these comments will be removed if the output file is reparsed.

Returns the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node being changed
2 $code Reason code
3 $reason Optional text description of change


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new("<a><b/></a>");
my ($b) = $a->contents;
changeReasonCommentSelectionSpecification = {ccc=>1, ddd=>1};
$b->putFirst(my $c = $b->newTag(q(c)));
$c->𝗰𝗿𝗰($_) for qw(aaa ccc);
ok <<END eq -p $a;
changeReasonCommentSelectionSpecification = undef;
$c->putFirst(my $d = $c->newTag(q(d)));
$d->𝗰𝗿𝗰($_) for qw(aaa ccc);
ok <<END eq -p $a;


Return the depth to which the specified $node is first else 0.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 == 4;


Return the depth to which the specified $node is last else 0.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $f->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 == 3;


Return the depth to which the specified $node is an only child else 0.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 == 2;


Return how far the first node is from the second node along a path through their common ancestor.

Parameter Description
1 $first First node
2 $second Second node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
is_deeply [$d->commonAdjacentAncestors($C)], [$b, $B];
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿($d) == 0;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿($a) == 3;
ok $b->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿($B) == 1;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿($f) == 5;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿($C) == 4;


Return how far the first node is above the second node is or 0 if the first node is not strictly above the second node.

Parameter Description
1 $above First node above
2 $below Second node below


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $a->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲($d) == 3;
ok !$d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲($c);


Return how far the first node is below the second node is or 0 if the first node is not strictly below the second node.

Parameter Description
1 $below First node below
2 $above Second node above


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($d, $c, $b, $C, $B, $f, $e) = $a->byList;
ok $d->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄($a) == 3;
ok !$c->𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗙𝗮𝗿𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄($d);

Required clean up

Insert required clean up tags.


Replace a node with a required cleanup node around the text of the replaced node with special characters replaced by symbols.

Returns the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $outputclass Optional outputclass attribute of required cleanup tag


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b) = $a->contents;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<required-cleanup outputclass="33">&lt;b&gt;


Replace a node with a required cleanup message and return the new node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to be replace
2 $text Clean up message


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($b) = $a->contents;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a required cleanup tag first under a node and return the required clean up node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Clean up message


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a required cleanup tag last under a node and return the required clean up node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Clean up message


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a required cleanup tag after a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Clean up message


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Place a required cleanup tag before a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Clean up message


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Methods useful for conversions to and from word, html and Dita.


Get the value of a conref attribute given a valid Dita $reference found in the file named $sourceFile or confess if this is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $ref Dita ref value of conref
2 $sourceFile Source file containing conref.


if (1) {
my $dir = temporaryFolder;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b">
my $target = fpe($dir, qw(target xml));
owf($target, -p $a);
my $b = 𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗚𝗲𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗥𝗲𝗳("target.xml#a/b", $dir);
ok -p $b eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b" conref="target.xml#a/b"/>
my $target2 = fpe($dir, qw(target2 xml));
owf($target2, -p $A);
ok -p $A eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $B = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<B conref="target2.xml#a/b"/>
ok -p $B eq <<END;
<b id="b">
clearFolder($dir, 3);

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Replace a conref with parse tree from the referenced content or confess if this is not possible. Returns the referenced content.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node with conref attribute
2 $sourceFile Source file containing the node.


if (1) {
my $dir = temporaryFolder;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b">
my $target = fpe($dir, qw(target xml));
owf($target, -p $a);
my $b = ditaGetConRef("target.xml#a/b", $dir);
ok -p $b eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b" conref="target.xml#a/b"/>
my $target2 = fpe($dir, qw(target2 xml));
owf($target2, -p $A);
ok -p $A eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $B = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<B conref="target2.xml#a/b"/>
ok -p $B eq <<END;
<b id="b">
clearFolder($dir, 3);


Expand all the conrefs in the specified $parseTree relative to the specified $sourceFile.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree
2 $sourceFile Source file we are expanding in


if (1) {
my $dir = temporaryFolder;
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b">
my $target = fpe($dir, qw(target xml));
owf($target, -p $a);
my $b = ditaGetConRef("target.xml#a/b", $dir);
ok -p $b eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $A = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b id="b" conref="target.xml#a/b"/>
my $target2 = fpe($dir, qw(target2 xml));
owf($target2, -p $A);
ok -p $A eq <<END;
<b id="b">
my $B = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<B conref="target2.xml#a/b"/>
ok -p $B eq <<END;
<b id="b">
clearFolder($dir, 3);


Change the specified $list to choices.

Parameter Description
1 $list Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Change the specified $node to steps and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $list Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Change the specified $node to steps-unordered and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $list Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Change the specified $node to substeps and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $list Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Change the specified $node to a node with name $tag or to ol if $tag is not supplied and its cmd\step content to li to create a list optionally only in the specified context.

Parameter Description
1 $steps Node
2 $tag New tag if not ol
3 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Change the specified $node to choices.

Parameter Description
1 $steps Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
Step result
Step example
Step result
Step example
ok -p $a eq <<END;
Step result
Step example
Step result
Step example


Change the $substeps to steps and return the steps on success or undef on failure.

Parameter Description
1 $substeps Substeps
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Convert a list to a table in situ - as designed by MiM.

Parameter Description
1 $node List node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<ul id="Table3" outputclass="fcRowList">
<p id="1">1111</p>
<p id="2">2222</p>
<p id="3">3333</p>
<p id="4">4444</p>
<p id="tableToListA1" outputclass="1">aaaa1111</p>
<p id="tableToListA2" outputclass="1">aaaa2222</p>
<p id="tableToListA3" outputclass="1">aaaa3333</p>
<p id="tableToListA4" outputclass="1">aaaa4444</p>
<p id="tableToListB1" outputclass="1">bbbb1111</p>
<p id="tableToListB2" outputclass="1">bbbb2222</p>
<p id="tableToListB3" outputclass="1">bbbb3333</p>
<p id="tableToListC1" outputclass="1">cccc1111</p>
<p id="tableToListC2" outputclass="1">cccc2222</p>
<p id="tableToListC3" outputclass="1">cccc3333</p>
<p id="tableToListC4" outputclass="1">cccc4444</p>
<p id="tableToListC5" outputclass="1">cccc5555</p>
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END)
<table id="Table3" outputclass="fcRowList">
<tgroup cols="5">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry id="1">1111</entry>
<entry id="2">2222</entry>
<entry id="3">3333</entry>
<entry id="4">4444</entry>
<entry id="tableToListA1" outputclass="1">aaaa1111</entry>
<entry id="tableToListA2" outputclass="1">aaaa2222</entry>
<entry id="tableToListA3" outputclass="1">aaaa3333</entry>
<entry id="tableToListA4" outputclass="1">aaaa4444</entry>
<entry id="tableToListB1" outputclass="1">bbbb1111</entry>
<entry id="tableToListB2" outputclass="1">bbbb2222</entry>
<entry id="tableToListB3" outputclass="1">bbbb3333</entry>
<entry id="tableToListC1" outputclass="1">cccc1111</entry>
<entry id="tableToListC2" outputclass="1">cccc2222</entry>
<entry id="tableToListC3" outputclass="1">cccc3333</entry>
<entry id="tableToListC4" outputclass="1">cccc4444</entry>
<entry id="tableToListC5" outputclass="1">cccc5555</entry>


Merge the specified $node with the preceding or following list or steps or substeps if possible and return the specified $node regardless.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<li id="1"/>
<li id="2"/>
<li id="3"/>
$a x= sub{$_->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀};
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<li id="1"/>
<li id="2"/>
<li id="3"/>


Merge two of the same elements into one, retaining the order of any children. Return the original $node if the request succeeds, else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Merge a $node in an optional context with the next node if the two have the same tag by placing the next node first in the current $node and unwrapping the next node. Return undef if the request fails else the current $node. Identical to mergeLikeElements

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Merge a $node in an optional context with the previous node if the two have the same tag by placing the previous node first in the current $node and unwrapping the previous node. Return undef if the request fails else the current $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @context Optional context

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Return the maximum number of entries in the rows of the specified $table or undef if not a table.

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup TGroup node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
ok $g->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗠𝗮𝘅𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗺𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗢𝗳𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀𝗜𝗻𝗔𝗧𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗥𝗼𝘄 == 3;
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 3,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 3,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 1,
minHead => 1,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="1">


Return statistics about the rows in a given table

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup Table group node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
ok $g->ditaMaximumNumberOfEntriesInATGroupRow == 3;
is_deeply $g->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗧𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 3,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 3,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 1,
minHead => 1,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="1">


Add the specified $number of column specification to a specified $tgroup which does not have any already.

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup Tgroup node
2 $number Number of colspecs to add


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok 3 == $a->go_tgroup->ditaMaximumNumberOfEntriesInATGroupRow;
ok -p $a eq <<END
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>


Fix the colspec attribute and colspec nodes of the specified $tgroup.

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup Tgroup node


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>


Remove empty trailing entry

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup Table node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
ok $g->ditaMaximumNumberOfEntriesInATGroupRow == 3;
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 3,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 3,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 1,
minHead => 1,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="1">


Fix the specified $tgroup so that each row has the same number of entries with this number reflected in the tgroup.cols= attribute and colspec nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup TGroup node

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");


Fix the specified $table so that each row has the same number of entries with this number reflected in the tgroup.cols= attribute and colspec nodes.

Parameter Description
1 $table Table node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");


Fix the colspan on an entry assumed to be under row, tbody, tgroup with @cols and colspecs' set

Parameter Description
1 $entry Entry


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="7">
<colspec colname="a"/>
<colspec colname="b"/>
<colspec colname="c"/>
<colspec colname="d"/>
<colspec colname="e"/>
<colspec colname="f"/>
<colspec colname="g"/>
<entry colspan="7"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="3"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry rowspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
{my ($e) = @_;
if ($e->at_entry)
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="7">
<colspec colname="a"/>
<colspec colname="b"/>
<colspec colname="c"/>
<colspec colname="d"/>
<colspec colname="e"/>
<colspec colname="f"/>
<colspec colname="g"/>
<entry nameend="g" namest="a"/>
<entry nameend="b" namest="a"/>
<entry nameend="e" namest="c"/>
<entry nameend="g" namest="f"/>
<entry morerows="1"/>
<entry nameend="d" namest="c"/>
<entry nameend="f" namest="e"/>


Fix the rowspan on an entry

Parameter Description
1 $entry Entry


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="7">
<colspec colname="a"/>
<colspec colname="b"/>
<colspec colname="c"/>
<colspec colname="d"/>
<colspec colname="e"/>
<colspec colname="f"/>
<colspec colname="g"/>
<entry colspan="7"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="3"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry rowspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
<entry colspan="2"/>
{my ($e) = @_;
if ($e->at_entry)
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="7">
<colspec colname="a"/>
<colspec colname="b"/>
<colspec colname="c"/>
<colspec colname="d"/>
<colspec colname="e"/>
<colspec colname="f"/>
<colspec colname="g"/>
<entry nameend="g" namest="a"/>
<entry nameend="b" namest="a"/>
<entry nameend="e" namest="c"/>
<entry nameend="g" namest="f"/>
<entry morerows="1"/>
<entry nameend="d" namest="c"/>
<entry nameend="f" namest="e"/>


Convert a Dita $dl to a ul if each dlentry has only dt or dl elements but not both. Return undef if such a conversion is not possible else return the new ul node.

Parameter Description
1 $dl Dl


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
my $b = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok !$a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗗𝗹𝗧𝗼𝗨𝗹;


Convert a Dita $ul to substeps else undef if this is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $ol Ul
2 @context Context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Convert a Dita $ol to substeps else undef if this is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $ul Ul
2 @context Context


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Convert a Html $dl to a Dita dl or return undef if this is not possible.

Parameter Description
1 $dl Dl


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Convert a Dita simpletable to a table.

Parameter Description
1 $simpleTable Simple table


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>


Check whether a concept could be converted to a task

Parameter Description
1 $concept Concept to check


if (1) {
my $c = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<concept id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
my $r = $c->ditaConvertConceptToReference;
ok -p $c eq <<END;
<reference id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
my $C = $c->ditaConvertReferenceToConcept;
ok -p $C eq <<END;
<concept id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
ok !$C->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸;
if (1) {
my $ref = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<reference id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
my $concept = $ref->ditaConvertReferenceToConcept;
ok -p $concept eq <<END;
<concept id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
ok $concept->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸;
my $task = $concept->ditaConvertConceptToTask;
ok -p $task eq <<END
<task id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<cmd>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</cmd>
<cmd>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</cmd>


Convert a Dita concept to a task by representing ol as steps. Return undef if the conversion is not possible because there are no ol else return the specified $concept as as task.

Parameter Description
1 $concept Concept


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<concept id="x1">
<li> <note>note</note><image/><fig/> <p>cmd</p> <p>info</p> </li>
<li>cmd text<p>info</p> </li>
<p>cmd <note>first in info</note><note>second in info</note></p>
<li> cmd text <p>info</p> </li>
<ol> <li>substep 1</li> <li>substep 2</li> </ol>
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END);
<task id="x1">
<cmd>cmd text</cmd>
<cmd>cmd </cmd>
<note>first in info</note>
<note>second in info</note>
<cmd> cmd text </cmd>
<cmd>Choose one of the following:</cmd>
<choice>substep 1</choice>
<choice>substep 2</choice>
if (1) {
my $ref = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<reference id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
my $concept = $ref->ditaConvertReferenceToConcept;
ok -p $concept eq <<END;
<concept id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
ok $concept->ditaCouldConvertConceptToTask;
my $task = $concept->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸;
ok -p $task eq <<END
<task id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<cmd>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</cmd>
<cmd>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</cmd>


Convert a Dita reference to a concept by unwrapping sections. Return undef if the conversion is not possible because there are no ol else return the specified $reference as as concept.

Parameter Description
1 $reference Reference


if (1) {
my $ref = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<reference id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
my $concept = $ref->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗧𝗼𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁;
ok -p $concept eq <<END;
<concept id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
ok $concept->ditaCouldConvertConceptToTask;
my $task = $concept->ditaConvertConceptToTask;
ok -p $task eq <<END
<task id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<cmd>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</cmd>
<cmd>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</cmd>


Convert a Dita reference to a task in situ by representing ol as steps. Return undef if the conversion is not possible because there are no such ol else return the specified $reference as as task.

Parameter Description
1 $reference Reference


if (1) {
my $ref = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<reference id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<p>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</p>
<p>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</p>
my $task = $ref->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗧𝗼𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸;
ok -p $task eq <<END
<task id="GUID-0cab6472-6f2a-e46a-9b6d-16649416ab53">
<title>Testing the S3 Feature for PM 4 1</title>
<p>To test the S# feature:</p>
<cmd>Set the PCIe link state to L1.2.</cmd>
<cmd>Issue the command: PM 4 1 command.</cmd>


Convert a Dita concept to a reference. Return undef if the conversion is not possible else return the specified $concept as as reference.

Parameter Description
1 $concept Concept


if (1) {
my $c = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<concept id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
my $r = $c->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲;
ok -p $c eq <<END;
<reference id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
my $C = $c->ditaConvertReferenceToConcept;
ok -p $C eq <<END;
<concept id="c1">
<title>Title Text</title>
<p>Concept 11</p>
<p>A section 11</p>
<p>A section 22</p>
<p>Concept 222</p>
ok !$C->ditaCouldConvertConceptToTask;


Convert a topic that is not already a task into a task

Parameter Description
1 $x Topic parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<concept id="c1">
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END);
<task id="c1">


Convert a Dita $section to a concept. Return undef if the conversion is not possible else return the specified $section as as concept.

Parameter Description
1 $section Section


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗧𝗼𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁 eq <<END;
ok -p $a->ditaConvertConceptToSection eq <<END;


Convert a Dita concept to a $section . Return undef if the conversion is not possible else return the specified $section as as concept.

Parameter Description
1 $concept Section


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a->ditaConvertSectionToConcept eq <<END;
ok -p $a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗧𝗼𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 eq <<END;


Convert a Dita $section to a reference. Return undef if the conversion is not possible else return the specified $section as as reference.

Parameter Description
1 $section Section


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗧𝗼𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 eq <<END


Convert a Dita $section to a task. Return undef if the conversion is not possible else return the specified $section as as task.

Parameter Description
1 $section Section


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗧𝗼𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸 eq <<END


Make obvious changes to a parse tree to make it look more like Dita.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;


Make obvious changes to all the xrefs found in a parse tree to make them more useful in Dita.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<xref href="http://www.org">a</xref>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<xref format="html" href="http://www.org" scope="external">a</xref>


Sample concept

Parameter Description
1 @options Options for concept


if (1) {
ok Data::Edit::Xml::𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁
(title=>q(New Concept),
)->prettyString eq <<END;
<concept id="GUID-a5405560-67e7-0cd1-9188-9a2546d13a37">
<title id="title">New Concept</title>
<p>Please provide the body of this concept using the body keyword</p>

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Sample task

Parameter Description
1 @options Options for task


if (1) {
ok Data::Edit::Xml::𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸
(title=>q(New Task),
)->prettyString eq <<END;
<task id="GUID-2ac5c2a6-2475-d5d4-4ce6-d68fdf2102e3">
<title id="title">New Task</title>

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Sample bookmap

Parameter Description
1 @options Options for bookmap


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗠𝗮𝗽
ok $a->isADitaMap;
ok !$a->first->isADitaMap;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<bookmap id="GUID-3b04e859-bc04-ac2d-e4bb-f0f99b2a8f90">
<prodname product=""/>
<vrm version=""/>

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Return the specified $node if this node is a Dita map else return undef

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to test


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::ditaSampleBookMap
ok $a->𝗶𝘀𝗔𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗠𝗮𝗽;
ok !$a->first->𝗶𝘀𝗔𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗠𝗮𝗽;
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<bookmap id="GUID-3b04e859-bc04-ac2d-e4bb-f0f99b2a8f90">
<prodname product=""/>
<vrm version=""/>


Add xml headers for the dita document type indicated by the specified parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree


ok Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<concept/>))->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗧𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 eq <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd" []>


Add xml headers for the dita document type indicated by the specified parse tree to a pretty print of the parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node in parse tree


if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<concept/>));
ok $a->𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 eq <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd" []>


Position sections just before html header tags so that subsequently the document can be divided into sections.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
{my ($topicref, $section) = @_;
my $file = keys %file;
$topicref->href = $file;
$file{$file} = -p $section;
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<topicref href="0">
<topicref href="1">
<topicref href="2"/>
<topicref href="3"/>
<topicref href="4">
<topicref href="5"/>


Divide a parse tree into sections by moving non section tags into their corresponding section so that the section tags expand until they are contiguous. The sections are then cut out by applying the specified sub to each section tag in the parse tree. The specified sub will receive the containing topicref and the section to be cut out as parameters allowing a reference to the cut out section to be inserted into the topicref.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $cutSub Cut out sub


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
{my ($topicref, $section) = @_;
my $file = keys %file;
$topicref->href = $file;
$file{$file} = -p $section;
ok -p $x eq <<END;
<topicref href="0">
<topicref href="1">
<topicref href="2"/>
<topicref href="3"/>
<topicref href="4">
<topicref href="5"/>


Divide a parse tree representing an html document into sections based on the heading tags.

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<h1>HH11</h1> text1
<h2>HH22</h2> text2
<h2>HH22</h2> text3
<h1>HH11</h1> text5
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END);
<section outputclass="1">
<section outputclass="2">
<section outputclass="2">
<section outputclass="4">
<section outputclass="1">


Convert all <p> nodes to <note> if the paragraph starts with 'Note:', optionally wrapping the content of the <note> with a <p>

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree
2 $wrapNoteContentWithParagaph Wrap the <note> content with a <p> if true


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<p> Note: see over for details.</p>
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<p>See over for details.</p>


Extract style information from a parse tree representing a word document.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<text:list-style style:name="aa">
<text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="2"/>
my $styles = $a->𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗦𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲𝘀;
is_deeply $styles, {bulletedList=>{aa=>{2=>1}}};


Convert an "html table" to a Dita table.

Parameter Description
1 $table Html table node


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="4">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry nameend="c4" namest="c3">555-1212</entry>
<entry nameend="c4" namest="c2">80</entry>


Convert doc book cmdsynopsis to Dita syntax diagram

Parameter Description
1 {package ditaSyntaxDiagramFromDocBookCmdSynopsis; Allows us to package the entire conversion as one method


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<arg choice="plain">list</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--pending</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--running</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--online</arg>
<arg choice="plain">
<group choice="req">
<arg choice="plain">http</arg>
<arg choice="plain">https</arg>
<arg choice="plain">ftp</arg>
<arg choice="plain">ssh</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--special</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--snap</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--real</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--virtual</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--absolute</arg>
<arg choice="opt">--titled</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--total</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--space</arg>
<arg choice="opt">
<arg choice="opt">
<replaceable>sort procedure</replaceable>
<arg choice="opt">--raw</arg>
<arg choice="opt">
<arg choice="opt">--page</arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<kwd outputclass="command">fs</kwd>
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<kwd importance="optional">--titled</kwd>
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupseq importance="optional">
<groupseq importance="optional">
<var>sort procedure</var>
<kwd importance="optional">--raw</kwd>
<groupseq importance="optional">
<kwd importance="optional">--page</kwd>
<groupseq importance="optional">
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END);
[ <codeph>--pending</codeph> | <codeph>--running</codeph> ]
[ <codeph>--online</codeph> |
<codeph> --offline </codeph> { <codeph>http</codeph> | <codeph>https</codeph> | <codeph>ftp</codeph> | <codeph>ssh</codeph> } |
<codeph>--special</codeph> |
[ <codeph>--real</codeph> |
<codeph>--virtual</codeph> |
[ <codeph>--titled</codeph> ]
[ <codeph>--total</codeph> | <codeph>--space</codeph> ]
[ <codeph> --rename </codeph> <userinput>new-name</userinput> ]
[ <codeph> --sort </codeph> <userinput>sort procedure</userinput> ]
[ <codeph>--raw</codeph> ]
[ <codeph> --limit </codeph> <userinput>limits</userinput> ]
[ <codeph>--page</codeph> ]
[ <userinput>files</userinput> <codeph>…</codeph> ]


Convert Dita syntax diagrams into Micaela's Basic Version.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<arg choice="plain">list</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--pending</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--running</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--online</arg>
<arg choice="plain">
<group choice="req">
<arg choice="plain">http</arg>
<arg choice="plain">https</arg>
<arg choice="plain">ftp</arg>
<arg choice="plain">ssh</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--special</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--snap</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--real</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--virtual</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--absolute</arg>
<arg choice="opt">--titled</arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">--total</arg>
<arg choice="plain">--space</arg>
<arg choice="opt">
<arg choice="opt">
<replaceable>sort procedure</replaceable>
<arg choice="opt">--raw</arg>
<arg choice="opt">
<arg choice="opt">--page</arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat">
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<kwd outputclass="command">fs</kwd>
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<kwd importance="optional">--titled</kwd>
<groupchoice importance="optional">
<groupseq importance="optional">
<groupseq importance="optional">
<var>sort procedure</var>
<kwd importance="optional">--raw</kwd>
<groupseq importance="optional">
<kwd importance="optional">--page</kwd>
<groupseq importance="optional">
ok nws(-p $a) eq nws(<<END);
[ <codeph>--pending</codeph> | <codeph>--running</codeph> ]
[ <codeph>--online</codeph> |
<codeph> --offline </codeph> { <codeph>http</codeph> | <codeph>https</codeph> | <codeph>ftp</codeph> | <codeph>ssh</codeph> } |
<codeph>--special</codeph> |
[ <codeph>--real</codeph> |
<codeph>--virtual</codeph> |
[ <codeph>--titled</codeph> ]
[ <codeph>--total</codeph> | <codeph>--space</codeph> ]
[ <codeph> --rename </codeph> <userinput>new-name</userinput> ]
[ <codeph> --sort </codeph> <userinput>sort procedure</userinput> ]
[ <codeph>--raw</codeph> ]
[ <codeph> --limit </codeph> <userinput>limits</userinput> ]
[ <codeph>--page</codeph> ]
[ <userinput>files</userinput> <codeph>…</codeph> ]


Wrap items immediately under Dita conbody with p or merge with any previous p if the item in question does not fit under conbody but does fit under p. Return the current node if it is conbody else return undef.

Parameter Description
1 $conbody Section


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<conbody>text<q>quote</q><p>new paragraph</p>
more text</conbody>
my $b = new(<<END);
<conbody><p>text<q>quote</q></p><p>new paragraph
more text</p></conbody>
ok $a->equals($b);


Debugging methods


Print the attributes of a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose attributes are to be printed.


{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new(my $s = <<END);
<a no="1" word="first"/>
ok $x->𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 eq qq( no="1" word="first");


Print the attributes of a node and each of its parents

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose attributes are to be printed
2 @context Optional context.

Use the optional @context parameter to test the context of the specified $node as understood by method at. If the context is supplied and $node is not in this context then this method returns undef immediately.


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<a id="a">
<b id="b">
<d id="d"/>
my $d = $a->firstUntil_d;
ok $d->𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸 eq <<END;
a id="a"
b id="b"
d id="d"
ok -S $d eq <<END;
a id="a"
b id="b"
d id="d"


Print the tag and attributes of a node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to be printed.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<c id="42" match="mm"/>
ok $c->𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲 eq q(c id="42" match="mm");


A debug version of go that returns additional information explaining any failure to reach the node identified by the path.

Returns ([reachable tag...], failing tag, [possible tag...]) where:

reachable tag

the path elements successfully traversed;

failing tag

the failing element;

possible tag

the possibilities at the point where the path failed if it failed else undef.


Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @path Search specification.


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($good, $fail, $possible) = $a->𝗴𝗼𝗙𝗶𝘀𝗵(qw(b c D));
ok $fail eq q(D);
is_deeply $good, [qw(b c)];
is_deeply $possible, [q(d)];


Read and write files of compressed xml. These methods provide a compact, efficient way to store and retrieve parse trees to/from files.


Write the parse tree starting at $node as compressed xml to the specified $file. Use readCompressedFile to read the $file.

Parameter Description
1 $node Parse tree node
2 $file File to write to.


my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>).(q(<b>𝝱</b>)x1e3).q(</a>));
my $file = $a->𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗲(q(zzz.xml.zip));
my $A = readCompressedFile($file);
ok $a->equals($A);


Read the specified $file containing compressed xml and return the root node. Use writeCompressedFile to write the $file.

Parameter Description
1 $file File to read.


my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(q(<a>).(q(<b>𝝱</b>)x1e3).q(</a>));
my $file = $a->writeCompressedFile(q(zzz.xml.zip));
my $A = 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗲($file);
ok $a->equals($A);

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Allow methods with constant parameters to be called as method_p1_p2...(variable parameters) whenever it is easier to type underscores than (qw()).


Allow methods with constant parameters to be called as method_p1_p2...(variable parameters) whenever it is easier to type underscores than (qw()).


{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
my ($c, $b) = $a->byList;
ok $c->at_c_b_a;
ok !$c->at_b;
ok -t $c->change_d_c_b eq q(d);
ok ! $c->change_d_b;
if (1)
{my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
ok -t $a->first_b__first_c__next__next_e__next eq q(f);
ok !$a->first_b__first_c__next__next_f;

Data::Edit::Xml Definition

Well known attributes useful in respect to xml that conforms to the Dita standard.

Output fields

attributes - The attributes of the specified $node, see also: "Attributes". The frequently used attributes: class, id, href, outputclass can be accessed by an lvalue method method as in: $node->id = 'c1'.

audience - Attribute audience for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use audienceX() to return q() rather than undef.

class - Attribute class for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use classX() to return q() rather than undef.

conditions - Conditional strings attached to a node, see "Conditions".

content - Content of command: the nodes immediately below the specified $node in the order in which they appeared in the source text, see also "Contents".

data - A hash added to the node for use by the programmer during transformations. The data in this hash will not be printed by any of the printed methods and so can be used to add data to the parse tree that will not be seen in any output xml produced from the parse tree.

depthProfileLast - The last known depth profile for this node as set by setDepthProfiles.

errorsFile - Error listing file. Use this parameter to explicitly set the name of the file that will be used to write any parse errors to. By default this file is named: zzzParseErrors/out.data.

forestNumbers - Index to node by forest number as set by numberForest.

guid - Attribute guid for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use guidX() to return q() rather than undef.

href - Attribute href for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use hrefX() to return q() rather than undef.

id - Attribute id for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use idX() to return q() rather than undef.

indexes - Indexes to sub commands by tag in the order in which they appeared in the source text.

input - Source of the parse if this is the parser root node. Use this parameter to specify some input either as a string or as a file name for the parser to convert into a parse tree.

inputFile - Source file of the parse if this is the parser root node. Use this parameter to explicitly set the file to be parsed.

inputString - Source string of the parse if this is the parser root node. Use this parameter to explicitly set the string to be parsed.

labels - The labels attached to a node to provide addressability from other nodes, see: "Labels".

lang - Attribute lang for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use langX() to return q() rather than undef.

lineNumbers - If true then save the line number.column number at which tag starts and ends on the xtrf attribute of each node.

navtitle - Attribute navtitle for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use navtitleX() to return q() rather than undef.

number - Number of the specified $node, see findByNumber.

numbering - Last number used to number a node in this parse tree.

numbers - Nodes by number.

otherprops - Attribute otherprops for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use otherpropsX() to return q() rather than undef.

outputclass - Attribute outputclass for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use outputclassX() to return q() rather than undef.

parent - Parent node of the specified $node or undef if the parser root node. See also "Traversal" and "Navigation". Consider as read only.

parser - Parser details: the root node of a tree is the parser node for that tree. Consider as read only.

props - Attribute props for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use propsX() to return q() rather than undef.

representationLast - The last representation set for this node by one of: setRepresentationAsTagsAndText.

style - Attribute style for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use styleX() to return q() rather than undef.

tag - Tag name for the specified $node, see also "Traversal" and "Navigation". Consider as read only.

text - Text of the specified $node but only if it is a text node otherwise undef, i.e. the tag is cdata() <=> "isText" is true.

type - Attribute type for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use typeX() to return q() rather than undef.

xtrc - Attribute xtrc for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use classX() to return q() rather than undef.

xtrf - Attribute xtrf for a node as an lvalue method sub. Use classX() to return q() rather than undef.

Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics Definition

Statistics about a table

Output fields

colSpec - Number of colspec entries

colsAttribute - Column attribute

maxBody - Maximum number of entries in a body row regardless of padding rows

maxBodyMinusPadding - Maximum number of entries in a body row after an padding entries have been removed

maxHead - Maximum number of entries in a head row regardless of padding rows

maxHeadMinusPadding - Maximum number of entries in a head row after an padding entries have been removed

minBody - Maximum number of entries in a body row regardless of padding rows

minHead - Maximum number of entries in a head row regardless of padding rows

Private Methods


Build a tree representation of the parsed XML which can be easily traversed to look for things.

Parameter Description
1 $parent The parent node
2 $parse The remaining parse


Add line numbers to the source

Parameter Description
1 $string Source string


Remove a leaf node from the parse tree and make it into its own parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $node Leaf node to disconnect.


Index the children of a node so that we can access them by tag and number.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to index.


Merge multiple text segments and set parent and parser after changes to a node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node to index.


Normalize white space, remove comments DOCTYPE and xml processors from a string

Parameter Description
1 $string String to normalize

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it as a here document

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node


Return a Json representation of a parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node of parse tree


Convert a json string to an xml parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $node Start node of parse tree


Post-order traversal of a parse tree

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call for each sub node
3 @context Accumulated context.


Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call
3 @context Accumulated context.


Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call
3 @context Accumulated context.


Pre-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors. The value of the current node is also made available via $_.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call
3 @context Accumulated context.


Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die. The traversal of the current sub tree is halted and continue with the next sibling or parent if the called sub does die. The sub is passed references to the current node and all of its ancestors up to the node on which this sub was called. A reference to the current node is also made available via $_.

Returns the start node regardless of the outcome of calling sub.

Parameter Description
1 $node Starting node
2 $sub Sub to call
3 @context Accumulated context.


Parse a line location

Parameter Description
1 $loc Location

This is a static method and so should be invoked as:



Confirm that a string matches a match expression.

Parameter Description
1 $tag Starting node
2 $match Ancestry.


Ensure that the specified $node has a number.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each tag on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Count of tags so far.


Count the instances of non empty tags on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Count of tags so far.


Count the instances of non empty texts on and below the specified $node.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $count Texts so far


Count instances of words in texts

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<b>aaa bbb ccc</b>
<c>AAA BBB CCC</c>
<c>aaa AAA</c>
my $t = $a->𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀;
is_deeply $t, { AAA => 2, aaa => 2, bbb => 1, BBB => 1, CCC => 1, ccc => 1 };


Create a required clean up node

Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 $text Clean up message


Merge the specified $node with the preceding or following list or steps or substeps if possible and return the specified $node regardless.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node


Return estimate of the number of columns in a row

Parameter Description
1 $row Row


Adding padding entries to a tgroup to make sure every row has the same number of entries

Parameter Description
1 $tgroup TGroup node
2 $nEntries Number of entries


if (1) {
my $a = Data::Edit::Xml::new(<<END);
<tgroup cols="1">
my $g = $a->go_tgroup;
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 1,
colSpec => 1,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
ok -p $a eq <<END;
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");
is_deeply $g->ditaTGroupStatistics,
colsAttribute => 2,
colSpec => 2,
maxBody => 2,
maxBodyMinusPadding => 2,
maxHead => 2,
maxHeadMinusPadding => 2,
minBody => 2,
minHead => 2,
}, "Data::Edit::Xml::Table::Statistics");


Topic type and corresponding body.

Parameter Description
1 $type Type from qw(bookmap concept reference task)


Get the heading level from a section tag.

Parameter Description
1 $o Node


Unwrap single parents of section: in word documents the header is often buried in a list to gain a section number - here we remove these unnecessary items

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree


Extend a section tag until it meets the next section tag

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree


Structure adjacent sections by level

Parameter Description
1 $tree Parse tree


Return a hash of items that Dita permits under p but not directly under conbody


Print the attributes of a node replacing the id with the labels.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose attributes are to be printed.


Print the attributes of a node extending the id with the labels.

Parameter Description
1 $node Node whose attributes are to be printed.


Check the parent pointers are correct in a parse tree.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree.


Check that every node has a parser.

Parameter Description
1 $x Parse tree.


Replace new lines in a string with N to make testing easier.

Parameter Description
1 $s String.


firstLeaf is a synonym for downWhileFirst - Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a first node.

lastLeaf is a synonym for downWhileLast - Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a last node.

mnt is a synonym for matchesNextTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings following the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

mpt is a synonym for matchesPrevTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings prior to the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

oat is a synonym for overAllTags - Return the specified b<$node> if all of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

oft is a synonym for overFirstTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the first of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

olt is a synonym for overLastTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the last of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.


1 above - Return the first node if the first node is above the second node optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context otherwise return undef

2 abovePath - Return the nodes along the path from the first node down to the second node when the first node is above the second node else return ().

3 addConditions - Add conditions to a node and return the node.

4 addFirst - Add a new node first below the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

5 addFirstAsText - Add a new text node first below the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and starts with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

6 addLabels - Add the named labels to the specified $node and return the number of labels added.

7 addLast - Add a new node last below the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

8 addLastAsText - Add a new text node last below the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and ends with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

9 addLineNumbers - Add line numbers to the source

10 addNext - Add a new node next to the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

11 addNextAsText - Add a new text node after the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and starts with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

12 addPrev - Add a new node before the specified $node and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

13 addPrevAsText - Add a new text node before the specified $node and return the new node unless a text node already exists there and ends with the same text in which case return the existing $node.

14 addSingleChild - Wrap the content of a specified $node in a new node with the specified $tag and optional %attribute unless the content is already wrapped in a single child with the specified $tag.

15 addWrapWith - Wrap the specified $node with the specified tag if the node is not already wrapped with such a tag and return the new node unless a node with that tag already exists in which case return the existing $node.

16 adjacent - Return the first node if it is adjacent to the second node else undef.

17 adoptChild - Lift the specified $child node up until it is an immediate child of the specified $parent node by splitting any intervening nodes.

18 after - Return the first node if it occurs after the second node in the parse tree optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context or else undef if the node is above, below or before the target.

19 allConditions - Return the node if it has all of the specified conditions, else return undef

20 an - Return the next node if the specified $node has the specified tag and the next node is in the specified context.

21 ancestry - Return a list containing: (the specified $node, its parent, its parent's parent etc.

22 anyCondition - Return the node if it has any of the specified conditions, else return undef

23 ap - Return the previous node if the specified $node has the specified tag and the previous node is in the specified context.

24 apn - Return (previous node, next node) if the previous and current nodes have the specified tags and the next node is in the specified context else return ().

25 approxLocation - Return the line number.

26 at - Confirm that the specified $node has the specified ancestry and return the specified $node if it does else undef.

27 atOrBelow - Confirm that the node or one of its ancestors has the specified context as recognized by at and return the first node that matches the context or undef if none do.

28 atPositionMatch - Confirm that a string matches a match expression.

29 attr - Return the value of an attribute of the current node as an lvalue method sub.

30 attrCount - Return the number of attributes in the specified $node, optionally ignoring the specified names from the count.

31 attrs - Return the values of the specified attributes of the current node as a list

32 attrValueAt - Return the specified $node if it has the specified $attribute with the specified $value and the optional specified ancestry else return undef.

33 attrX - Return the value of the specified $attribute of the specified $node or q() if the $node does not have such an attribute.

34 AUTOLOAD - Allow methods with constant parameters to be called as method_p1_p2.

35 before - Return the first node if it occurs before the second node in the parse tree optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context or else undef if the node is above, below or before the target.

36 below - Return the first node if the first node is below the second node optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context otherwise return undef

37 belowPath - Return the nodes along the path from the first node up to the second node when the first node is below the second node else return ().

38 bitsNodeTextBlank - Return a bit string that shows if there are any non text nodes, text nodes or blank text nodes under a node.

39 breakIn - Concatenate the nodes following and preceding the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node.

40 breakInBackwards - Concatenate the nodes preceding the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node in the manner of breakIn.

41 breakInForwards - Concatenate the nodes following the start node, unwrapping nodes whose tag matches the start node and return the start node in the manner of breakIn.

42 breakOut - Lift child nodes with the specified tags under the specified parent node splitting the parent node into clones and return the cut out original node.

43 breakOutChild - Lift the specified $node up one level splitting its parent.

44 by - Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node.

45 by2 - Post-order traversal of a parse tree

46 byList - Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in post-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

47 byReverse - Reverse post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting $node.

48 byReverseList - Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in reverse preorder or the empty list if the specified $node is not in the optional @context.

49 byReverseX - Reverse post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree below the specified $node calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting $node.

50 byX - Post-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die.

51 byX2 - Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node.

52 byX22 - Post-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node.

53 c - Return an array of all the nodes with the specified tag below the specified $node.

54 cdata - The name of the tag to be used to represent text - this tag must not also be used as a command tag otherwise the parser will confess.

55 change - Change the name of the specified $node, optionally confirming that the $node is in a specified context and return the $node.

56 changeAttr - Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node with optional context @context unless attribute $new is already set and return the $node.

57 changeAttributeValue - Apply a sub to the value of an attribute of the specified $node.

58 changeAttrValue - Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue on the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set or the value of the $old attribute is not $oldValue.

59 changeKids - Change the names of all the immediate children of the specified $node, if they match the optional @context, to the specified $tag and return the $node.

60 changeOrDeleteAttr - Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set in which case delete attribute $old.

61 changeOrDeleteAttrValue - Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue on the specified $node in the optional @context unless attribute $new is already set or the value of the $old attribute is not $oldValue in which cases the $old attribute is deleted.

62 changeReasonCommentSelectionSpecification - Provide a specification to select change reason comments to be inserted as text into a parse tree.

63 changeText - If the specified $node is a text node in the specified context then the specified sub is passed the text of the node in $_, any changes to which are recorded in the text of the $node.

64 checkParentage - Check the parent pointers are correct in a parse tree.

65 checkParser - Check that every node has a parser.

66 childOf - Returns the specified $child node if it is a child of the specified $parent node and the $child node is in the specified optional context.

67 clone - Return a clone of the parse tree optionally checking that the starting node is in a specified context: the parse tree is cloned without converting it to string and reparsing it so this method will not renew any nodes added as text.

68 closestLocation - Return the nearest node with line number.

69 commonAdjacentAncestors - Given two nodes, find a pair of adjacent ancestral siblings if such a pair exists else return ().

70 commonAncestor - Find the most recent common ancestor of the specified nodes or undef if there is no common ancestor.

71 concatenate - Concatenate two successive nodes and return the $target node.

72 concatenateSiblings - Concatenate the nodes that precede and follow the specified $node in the optioonal @context as long as they have the same tag as the specified $node and return the specified $node.

73 condition - Return the node if it has the specified condition and is in the optional @context, else return undef

74 containsSingleText - Return the single text element below the specified $node else return undef.

75 contentAfter - Return a list of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node or an empty list if the specified $node is last or not in the optional @context.

76 contentAfterAsTags - Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

77 contentAfterAsTags2 - Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes following the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

78 contentAsTags - Return a string containing the tags of all the child nodes of the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

79 contentAsTags2 - Return a string containing the tags of all the child nodes of the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

80 contentBefore - Return a list of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node (in the normal sibling order) or an empty list if the specified $node is last or not in the optional @context.

81 contentBeforeAsTags - Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node separated by single spaces or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

82 contentBeforeAsTags2 - Return a string containing the tags of all the sibling nodes preceding the specified $node separated by two spaces with a single space preceding the first tag and a single space following the last tag or the empty string if the node is empty or undef if the node does not match the optional context.

83 contents - Return a list of all the nodes contained by the specified $node or an empty list if the node is empty or not in the optional @context.

84 context - Return a string containing the tag of the starting node and the tags of all its ancestors separated by single spaces.

85 copyAttrs - Copy all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

86 copyLabels - Copy all the labels from the source node to the target node and return the source node.

87 copyLabelsAndIdsInTree - Copy all the labels and ids in the source parse tree to the matching nodes in the target parse tree.

88 copyNewAttrs - Copy all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, without overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

89 count - Return the count of the number of instances of the specified tags under the specified $node, either by tag in array context or in total in scalar context.

90 countAttrNames - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute on and below the specified $node.

91 countAttrNamesAndValues - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute name and value on and below the specified $node.

92 countAttrNamesOnTagExcluding - Count the number of attributes owned by the specified $node that are not in the specified list.

93 countAttrValues - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each attribute value on and below the specified $node.

94 countLabels - Return the count of the number of labels at a node.

95 countNonEmptyTags - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each non empty tag on and below the specified $node excluding any tags named in @exclude.

96 countNonEmptyTags2 - Count the instances of non empty tags on and below the specified $node.

97 countOutputClasses - Count instances of outputclass attributes

98 countReport - Count tags, attributes, words below the specified node

99 countTagNames - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each tag on and below the specified $node excluding any tags named in @exclude.

100 countTagNames2 - Return a reference to a hash showing the number of instances of each tag on and below the specified $node.

101 countTags - Count the number of tags in a parse tree.

102 countTexts - Return a reference to a hash showing the incidence of texts on and below the specified $node.

103 countTexts2 - Count the instances of non empty texts on and below the specified $node.

104 countWords - Count instances of words in texts

105 crc - Insert a comment consisting of a code and an optional reason as text into the parse tree to indicate the location of changes to the parse tree.

106 createGuidId - Create an id for the specified $node from the md5Sum of its content moving any existing id to the labels associated with the $node and return the existing $node.

107 createPatch - Create a patch that moves the source parse tree to the target parse tree node as long as they have the same tag and id structure with each id being unique.

108 createRequiredCleanUp - Create a required clean up node

109 cText - Return an array of all the text nodes immediately below the specified $node.

110 cut - Cut out and return the specified $node so that it can be reinserted else where in the parse tree.

111 cutIfEmpty - Cut out and return the specified $node so that it can be reinserted else where in the parse tree if it is empty.

112 Data::Edit::Xml::Patch::install - Replay a patch created by createPatch against a parse tree that has the same tag and id structure with each id being unique.

113 deleteAttr - Delete the named attribute in the specified $node, optionally check its value first, returning the value of the attribute or undef if the attribute does not exist on this node.

114 deleteAttrs - Delete the specified attributes of the specified $node without checking their values and return the node.

115 deleteAttrsInTree - Delete the specified attributes of the specified $node and all the nodes under it and return the specified $node.

116 deleteAttrValueAtInTree - Delete all instances of the specified $attribute with the specified $value in the specified @context in the specified $tree and return the modified $tree.

117 deleteConditions - Delete conditions applied to a node and return the node.

118 deleteContent - Delete the content of the specified $node.

119 deleteLabels - Delete the specified labels in the specified $node or all labels if no labels have are specified and return that node.

120 depth - Returns the depth of the specified $node, the depth of a root node is zero.

121 depthProfile - Returns the depth profile of the tree rooted at the specified $node.

122 diff - Return () if the dense string representations of the two nodes are equal, else up to the first N (default 16) characters of the common prefix before the point of divergence and the remainder of the string representation of each node from the point of divergence.

123 disconnectLeafNode - Remove a leaf node from the parse tree and make it into its own parse tree.

124 disordered - Return the first node that is out of the specified order when performing a pre-ordered traversal of the parse tree.

125 ditaAddColSpecToTGroup - Add the specified $number of column specification to a specified $tgroup which does not have any already.

126 ditaAddPadEntriesToTGroupRows - Adding padding entries to a tgroup to make sure every row has the same number of entries

127 ditaConvertConceptToReference - Convert a Dita concept to a reference.

128 ditaConvertConceptToSection - Convert a Dita concept to a $section .

129 ditaConvertConceptToTask - Convert a Dita concept to a task by representing ol as steps.

130 ditaConvertDlToUl - Convert a Dita $dl to a ul if each dlentry has only dt or dl elements but not both.

131 ditaConvertFromHtmlDl - Convert a Html $dl to a Dita dl or return undef if this is not possible.

132 ditaConvertOlToSubSteps - Convert a Dita $ul to substeps else undef if this is not possible.

133 ditaConvertReferenceToConcept - Convert a Dita reference to a concept by unwrapping sections.

134 ditaConvertReferenceToTask - Convert a Dita reference to a task in situ by representing ol as steps.

135 ditaConvertSectionToConcept - Convert a Dita $section to a concept.

136 ditaConvertSectionToReference - Convert a Dita $section to a reference.

137 ditaConvertSectionToTask - Convert a Dita $section to a task.

138 ditaConvertSimpleTableToTable - Convert a Dita simpletable to a table.

139 ditaConvertTopicToTask - Convert a topic that is not already a task into a task

140 ditaConvertUlToSubSteps - Convert a Dita $ol to substeps else undef if this is not possible.

141 ditaCouldConvertConceptToTask - Check whether a concept could be converted to a task

142 ditaExpandAllConRefs - Expand all the conrefs in the specified $parseTree relative to the specified $sourceFile.

143 ditaFixTGroupColSpec - Fix the colspec attribute and colspec nodes of the specified $tgroup.

144 ditaGetConRef - Get the value of a conref attribute given a valid Dita $reference found in the file named $sourceFile or confess if this is not possible.

145 ditaListToChoices - Change the specified $list to choices.

146 ditaListToSteps - Change the specified $node to steps and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

147 ditaListToStepsUnordered - Change the specified $node to steps-unordered and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

148 ditaListToSubSteps - Change the specified $node to substeps and its contents to cmd\step optionally only in the specified context.

149 ditaListToTable - Convert a list to a table in situ - as designed by MiM.

150 ditaMaximumNumberOfEntriesInATGroupRow - Return the maximum number of entries in the rows of the specified $table or undef if not a table.

151 ditaMergeLists - Merge the specified $node with the preceding or following list or steps or substeps if possible and return the specified $node regardless.

152 ditaMergeListsOnce - Merge the specified $node with the preceding or following list or steps or substeps if possible and return the specified $node regardless.

153 ditaNumberOfColumnsInRow - Return estimate of the number of columns in a row

154 ditaObviousChanges - Make obvious changes to a parse tree to make it look more like Dita.

155 ditaParagraphToNote - Convert all <p> nodes to <note> if the paragraph starts with 'Note:', optionally wrapping the content of the <note> with a <p>

156 ditaPrettyPrintWithHeaders - Add xml headers for the dita document type indicated by the specified parse tree to a pretty print of the parse tree.

157 ditaRemoveTGroupTrailingEmptyEntries - Remove empty trailing entry

158 ditaReplaceConref - Replace a conref with parse tree from the referenced content or confess if this is not possible.

159 ditaSampleBookMap - Sample bookmap

160 ditaSampleConcept - Sample concept

161 ditaSampleTask - Sample task

162 ditaStepsToChoices - Change the specified $node to choices.

163 ditaStepsToList - Change the specified $node to a node with name $tag or to ol if $tag is not supplied and its cmd\step content to li to create a list optionally only in the specified context.

164 ditaSubStepsToSteps - Change the $substeps to steps and return the steps on success or undef on failure.

165 ditaSyntaxDiagramFromDocBookCmdSynopsis - Convert doc book cmdsynopsis to Dita syntax diagram

166 ditaSyntaxDiagramToBasicRepresentation - Convert Dita syntax diagrams into Micaela's Basic Version.

167 ditaTGroupStatistics - Return statistics about the rows in a given table

168 ditaTopicHeaders - Add xml headers for the dita document type indicated by the specified parse tree

169 ditaUnderPNotConbody - Return a hash of items that Dita permits under p but not directly under conbody

170 ditaWrapWithPUnderConbody - Wrap items immediately under Dita conbody with p or merge with any previous p if the item in question does not fit under conbody but does fit under p.

171 ditaXrefs - Make obvious changes to all the xrefs found in a parse tree to make them more useful in Dita.

172 divideDocumentIntoSections - Divide a parse tree into sections by moving non section tags into their corresponding section so that the section tags expand until they are contiguous.

173 divideHtmlDocumentIntoSections - Divide a parse tree representing an html document into sections based on the heading tags.

174 down - Pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node.

175 downList - Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in pre-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

176 downReverse - Reverse pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub at each node and returning the specified starting node.

177 downReverseList - Return a list of all the nodes at and below a specified $node in reverse pre-order or the empty list if the $node is not in the optional @context.

178 downReverseX - Reverse pre-order traversal down through a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node.

179 downToDie - Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die.

180 downToDie2 - Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die.

181 downWhileFirst - Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a first node.

182 downWhileHasSingleChild - Move down from the specified $node as long as it has a single child else return undef.

183 downWhileLast - Move down from the specified $node as long as each lower node is a last node.

184 downX - Pre-order traversal of a parse tree calling the specified sub at each node as long as this sub does not die.

185 downX2 - Pre-order traversal of a parse tree or sub tree calling the specified sub within eval{} at each node and returning the specified starting node.

186 dup - Duplicate the specified $node in the optional @context and return the new node created or undef on success else undef.

187 dupN - Duplicate the specified $node $N times in the optional @context and return the last new node created on success else undef.

188 dupTag - Create a new non text node by duplicating the tag of an existing node.

189 editText - Return the text of a text $node as an lvalue string reference that can be modified by a regular expression, else as a reference to a dummy string that will be ignored.

190 equals - Return the first node if the two parse trees have identical representations via string, else undef.

191 equalsIgnoringAttributes - Return the first node if the two parse trees have identical representations via string if the specified attributes are ignored, else undef.

192 expandIncludes - Expand the includes mentioned in a parse tree: any tag that ends in include is assumed to be an include directive.

193 extendSectionToNextSection - Extend a section tag until it meets the next section tag

194 findByForestNumber - Find the node with the specified forest number as made visible on the id attribute by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found node or undef if no such node exists.

195 findById - Find a node in the parse tree under the specified $node with the specified $id.

196 findByNumber - Find the node with the specified number as made visible by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found node or undef if no such node exists.

197 findByNumbers - Find the nodes with the specified numbers as made visible by prettyStringNumbered in the parse tree containing the specified $node and return the found nodes in a list with undef for nodes that do not exist.

198 findMatchingSubTrees - Find nodes in the parse tree whose sub tree matches the specified $subTree excluding any of the specified $attributes.

199 first - Return the first node below the specified $node optionally checking the first node's context.

200 firstBy - Return a list of the first instance of each specified tag encountered in a post-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all first instances if no tags are specified.

201 firstContextOf - Return the first node encountered in the specified context in a depth first post-order traversal of the parse tree.

202 firstDown - Return a list of the first instance of each specified tag encountered in a pre-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all first instances if no tags are specified.

203 firstIn - Return the first child node matching one of the named tags under the specified parent node.

204 firstInIndex - Return the specified $node if it is first in its index and optionally at the specified context else undef

205 firstn - Return the $n'th first node below the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node.

206 firstNot - Return the first child node that does not match any of the named @tags under the specified parent $node.

207 firstOf - Return an array of the nodes that are continuously first under their specified parent node and that match the specified list of tags.

208 firstSibling - Return the first sibling of the specified $node in the optional @context else undef

209 firstText - Return the first node under the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

210 firstTextMatches - Return the first node under the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context.

211 firstUntil - Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly until a first child node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

212 firstUntilText - Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly until a text node is encountered whose parent matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

213 firstWhile - Go first from the specified $node and continue deeper firstly as long as each first child node matches one of the specified @tags.

214 fixEntryColSpan - Fix the colspan on an entry assumed to be under row, tbody, tgroup with @cols and colspecs' set

215 fixEntryRowSpan - Fix the rowspan on an entry

216 fixTable - Fix the specified $table so that each row has the same number of entries with this number reflected in the tgroup.

217 fixTGroup - Fix the specified $tgroup so that each row has the same number of entries with this number reflected in the tgroup.

218 forestNumberTrees - Number the ids of the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source.

219 formatOxygenMessage - Write an error message in Oxygen format

220 from - Return a list consisting of the specified node and its following siblings optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

221 fromTo - Return a list of the nodes between the specified start and end nodes optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

222 getAttrs - Return a sorted list of all the attributes on the specified $node.

223 getLabels - Return the names of all the labels set on a node.

224 getSectionHeadingLevel - Get the heading level from a section tag.

225 giveEveryIdAGuid - Give a guid to every node in the specified $tree that has an id attribute, saving any existing id attribute as a label, and return the count of the number of such replacements made.

226 go - Return the node reached from the specified $node via the specified path: (index position?)* where index is the tag of the next node to be chosen and position is the optional zero based position within the index of those tags under the current node.

227 goFish - A debug version of go that returns additional information explaining any failure to reach the node identified by the path.

228 hasSingleChild - Return the only child of the specified $node if the child is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text and has the optional specified context, else return undef.

229 hasSingleChildText - Return the only child of the specified $node if the child is a text node and the child is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text and the child has the optional specified context, else return undef.

230 hasSingleChildToDepth - Return the specified $node if it has single children to at least the specified depth else return undef.

231 height - Returns the height of the tree rooted at the specified $node.

232 howFar - Return how far the first node is from the second node along a path through their common ancestor.

233 howFarAbove - Return how far the first node is above the second node is or 0 if the first node is not strictly above the second node.

234 howFarBelow - Return how far the first node is below the second node is or 0 if the first node is not strictly below the second node.

235 howFirst - Return the depth to which the specified $node is first else 0.

236 howLast - Return the depth to which the specified $node is last else 0.

237 howOnlyChild - Return the depth to which the specified $node is an only child else 0.

238 htmlHeadersToSections - Position sections just before html header tags so that subsequently the document can be divided into sections.

239 htmlTables - Return a string of html representing a parse tree.

240 htmlTableToDita - Convert an "html table" to a Dita table.

241 index - Return the index of the specified $node in its parent index.

242 indexIds - Return a map of the ids at and below the specified $node.

243 indexNode - Merge multiple text segments and set parent and parser after changes to a node

244 invert - Swap a parent and child node where the child is the only child of the parent and return the parent.

245 invertFirst - Swap a parent and child node where the child is the first child of the parent by placing the parent last in the child.

246 invertLast - Swap a parent and child node where the child is the last child of the parent by placing the parent first in the child.

247 isADitaMap - Return the specified $node if this node is a Dita map else return undef

248 isAllBlankText - Return the specified $node if the specified $node, optionally in the specified context, does not contain anything or if it does contain something it is all white space else return undef.

249 isBlankText - Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, optionally in the specified context, and contains nothing other than white space else return undef.

250 isEmpty - Confirm that the specified $node is empty, that is: the specified $node has no content, not even a blank string of text.

251 isFirst - Return the specified $node if it is first under its parent and optionally has the specified context, else return undef

252 isFirstN - Return the first $N nodes as an array if the first $N tags of the parent of $node finish at the specified $node and have the specified tags in the sequence specified by @context.

253 isFirstText - Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, the first node under its parent and that the parent is optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

254 isFirstToDepth - Return the specified $node if it is first to the specified depth else return undef

255 isLast - Return the specified $node if it is last under its parent and optionally has the specified context, else return undef

256 isLastN - Return the last $N nodes as an array if the last $N tags of the parent of $node start at the specified $node and have the specified tags in the sequence specified by @context.

257 isLastText - Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, the last node under its parent and that the parent is optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

258 isLastToDepth - Return the specified $node if it is last to the specified depth else return undef

259 isOnlyChild - Return the specified $node if it is the only node under its parent ignoring any surrounding blank text.

260 isOnlyChildBlankText - Return the specified $node if it is a blank text node and an only child else return undef.

261 isOnlyChildText - Return the specified $node if it is a text node and it is an only child else and its parent is in the specified optional context else return undef.

262 isOnlyChildToDepth - Return the specified $node if it and its ancestors are only children to the specified depth else return undef.

263 isText - Return the specified $node if the specified $node is a text node, optionally in the specified context, else return undef.

264 jsonString - Return a Json representation of a parse tree

265 jsonString2 - Return a Json representation of a parse tree

266 jsonToXml - Convert a json string representing an xml parse tree into an xml parse tree

267 jsonToXml2 - Convert a json string to an xml parse tree

268 labelsInTree - Return a hash of all the labels in a tree

269 last - Return the last node below the specified $node optionally checking the last node's context.

270 lastBy - Return a list of the last instance of each specified tag encountered in a post-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all last instances if no tags are specified.

271 lastContextOf - Return the last node encountered in the specified context in a depth first reverse pre-order traversal of the parse tree.

272 lastDown - Return a list of the last instance of each specified tag encountered in a pre-order traversal from the specified $node or a hash of all last instances if no tags are specified.

273 lastIn - Return the last child node matching one of the named tags under the specified parent node.

274 lastInIndex - Return the specified $node if it is last in its index and optionally at the specified context else undef

275 lastn - Return the $n'th last node below the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node.

276 lastNot - Return the last child node that does not match any of the named @tags under the specified parent $node.

277 lastOf - Return an array of the nodes that are continuously last under their specified parent node and that match the specified list of tags.

278 lastSibling - Return the last sibling of the specified $node in the optional @context else undef

279 lastText - Return the last node under the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

280 lastTextMatches - Return the last node under the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context.

281 lastUntil - Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly until a last child node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

282 lastUntilText - Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly until a last child text node matches the specified @context or return undef if there is no such node.

283 lastWhile - Go last from the specified $node and continue deeper lastly as long as each last child node matches one of the specified @tags.

284 lineLocation - Return the line number.

285 listConditions - Return a list of conditions applied to a node.

286 location - Return the line number.

287 matchAfter - Confirm that the string representing the tags following the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space.

288 matchAfter2 - Confirm that the string representing the tags following the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space.

289 matchBefore - Confirm that the string representing the tags preceding the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space.

290 matchBefore2 - Confirm that the string representing the tags preceding the specified $node matches a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space.

291 matchesNextTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings following the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

292 matchesNode - Return the $first node if it matches the $second node's tag and the specified @attributes else return undef.

293 matchesPrevTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the siblings prior to the specified $node match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

294 matchesSubTree - Return the $first node if it matches the $second node and the nodes under the first node match the corresponding nodes under the second node, else return undef.

295 matchesText - Returns an array of regular expression matches in the text of the specified $node if it is text node and it matches the specified regular expression and optionally has the specified context otherwise returns an empty array.

296 matchNodesByRepresentation - Creates a hash of arrays of nodes that have the same representation in the specified $tree.

297 matchTree - Return a list of nodes that match the specified tree of match expressions, else () if one or more match expressions fail to match nodes in the tree below the specified start node.

298 mergeDuplicateChildWithParent - Merge a parent node with its only child if their tags are the same and their attributes do not collide other than possibly the id in which case the parent id is used.

299 mergeLikeElements - Merge two of the same elements into one, retaining the order of any children.

300 mergeLikeNext - Merge a $node in an optional context with the next node if the two have the same tag by placing the next node first in the current $node and unwrapping the next node.

301 mergeLikePrev - Merge a $node in an optional context with the previous node if the two have the same tag by placing the previous node first in the current $node and unwrapping the previous node.

302 moveAttrs - Move all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to move is supplied, overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

303 moveBlockAfter - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end after the specified $after node.

304 moveBlockBefore - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end before the specified $after node.

305 moveBlockFirst - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end first under the specified $parent node.

306 moveBlockFromFirstAfter - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context after the specified $after node.

307 moveBlockFromFirstBefore - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context before the specified $after node.

308 moveBlockFromFirstFirst - Move the siblings starting with $node in the optional context first under the specified $parent node.

309 moveBlockFromFirstLast - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context last under the specified $parent node.

310 moveBlockLast - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context and ending with $end last under the specified $parent node.

311 moveBlockToLastAfter - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context after the specified $after node.

312 moveBlockToLastBefore - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context before the specified $after node.

313 moveBlockToLastFirst - Move the siblings starting with $node in the optional context first under the specified $parent node.

314 moveBlockToLastLast - Move the block of siblings starting with $node in the optional context last under the specified $parent node.

315 moveEndAfter - Move the end of a $node to just after the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a subsequent sibling or a child of $node.

316 moveEndBefore - Move the end of a $node to just before the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a subsequent sibling or a child of $node.

317 moveEndLast - Move the end of a $node to contain all of its following siblings as children.

318 moveLabels - Move all the labels from the source node to the target node and return the source node.

319 moveNewAttrs - Move all the attributes of the source node to the target node, or, just the named attributes if the optional list of attributes to copy is supplied, without overwriting any existing attributes in the target node and return the source node.

320 moveSelectionAfter - Move the current selection (if there is one) after the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

321 moveSelectionBefore - Move the current selection (if there is one) before the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

322 moveSelectionFirst - Move the current selection (if there is one) so that it is first under the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

323 moveSelectionLast - Move the current selection (if there is one) so that it is last under the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

324 moveStartAfter - Move the start end of a $node to just after the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a preceding sibling or a child of $node.

325 moveStartBefore - Move the start of a $node to just before the specified $target node assuming that the $target node is either a preceding sibling or a child of $node.

326 moveStartFirst - Move the start of a $node to contain all of its preceding siblings as children.

327 new - Create a new parse tree - call this method statically as in Data::Edit::Xml::new(file or string) to parse a file or string or with no parameters and then use "input", "inputFile", "inputString", "errorFile" to provide specific parameters for the parse, then call "parse" to perform the parse and return the parse tree.

328 newTag - Create a new non text node.

329 newText - Create a new text node.

330 newTree - Create a new tree.

331 next - Return the node next to the specified $node, optionally checking the next node's context.

332 nextIn - Return the nearest sibling after the specified $node that matches one of the named tags or undef if there is no such sibling node.

333 nextN - Return $N nodes as an array starting at $node inclusive if they match the first $N tags of @context.

334 nextn - Return the $n'th next node after the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node.

335 nextOn - Step forwards as far as possible from the specified $node while remaining on nodes with the specified tags.

336 nextText - Return the node after the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

337 nextTextMatches - Return the next node to the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context.

338 nextUntil - Go to the next sibling of the specified $node and continue forwards until the tag of a sibling node matches one of the specified @tags.

339 nextWhile - Go to the next sibling of the specified $node and continue forwards while the tag of each sibling node matches one of the specified @tags.

340 nn - Replace new lines in a string with N to make testing easier.

341 normalizeWhiteSpace - Normalize white space, remove comments DOCTYPE and xml processors from a string

342 not - Return the specified $node if it does not match any of the specified tags, else undef

343 numberNode - Ensure that the specified $node has a number.

344 numberTree - Number the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source.

345 numberTreesJustIds - Number the ids of the nodes in a parse tree in pre-order so they are numbered in the same sequence that they appear in the source.

346 opAt - <= : Check that a node is in the context specified by the referenced array of words.

347 opAttr - % : Get the value of an attribute of the specified $node.

348 opBy - x= : Traverse a parse tree in post-order.

349 opContents - @{} : nodes immediately below a node.

350 opCut - -- : Cut out a node.

351 opGo - >= : Search for a node via a specification provided as a reference to an array of words each number.

352 opNew - ** : create a new node from the text on the right hand side: if the text contains a non word character \W the node will be create as text, else it will be created as a tag

353 opPutFirst - >> : put a node or string first under a node and return the new node.

354 opPutFirstAssign - >>= : put a node or string first under a node.

355 opPutLast - << : put a node or string last under a node and return the new node.

356 opPutLastAssign - <<= : put a node or string last under a node.

357 opPutNext - > + : put a node or string after the specified $node and return the new node.

358 opPutNextAssign - += : put a node or string after the specified $node.

359 opPutPrev - < - : put a node or string before the specified $node and return the new node.

360 opPutPrevAssign - -= : put a node or string before the specified $node,

361 opString - -B: bitsNodeTextBlank

-b: isAllBlankText

-c: context

-e: prettyStringEnd

-f: first node

-g: pathString

-l: last node

-M: number

-o: contentAsTags

-p: prettyString

-s: string

-S : printStack

-T : isText

-t : tag

-u: id

-W: unWrap

-w: stringQuoted

-x: prettyStringDitaHeaders

-X: cut

-z: prettyStringNumbered.

362 opUnwrap - ++ : Unwrap a node.

363 opWrapContentWith - * : Wrap content with a tag, returning the wrapping node.

364 opWrapWith - / : Wrap node with a tag, returning the wrapping node.

365 ordered - Return the first node if the specified nodes are all in order when performing a pre-ordered traversal of the parse tree else return undef.

366 over - Confirm that the string representing the tags at the level below the specified $node match a regular expression where each pair of tags is separated by a single space.

367 over2 - Confirm that the string representing the tags at the level below the specified $node match a regular expression where each pair of tags have two spaces between them and the first tag is preceded by a single space and the last tag is followed by a single space.

368 overAllTags - Return the specified b<$node> if all of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

369 overFirstTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the first of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

370 overLastTags - Return the specified b<$node> if the last of it's child nodes match the specified <@tags> else return undef.

371 parentOf - Returns the specified $parent node if it is the parent of the specified $child node and the $parent node is in the specified optional context.

372 parse - Parse input XML specified via: inputFile, input or inputString.

373 parseLineLocation - Parse a line location

374 path - Return a list representing the path to a node from the root of the parse tree which can then be reused by go to retrieve the node as long as the structure of the parse tree has not changed along the path.

375 pathString - Return a string representing the path to the specified $node from the root of the parse tree.

376 position - Return the index of the specified $node in the content of the parent of the $node.

377 precedingSiblingOf - Returns the specified $child node if it has the same parent as $sibling and occurs before $sibling and has the optionally specified context else returns undef.

378 present - Return the count of the number of the specified tag types present immediately under a node or a hash {tag} = count for all the tags present under the node if no names are specified.

379 prettyString - Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it.

380 prettyStringCDATA - Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it with the text fields wrapped with <CDATA>.

381 prettyStringContent - Return a readable string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree.

382 prettyStringContentNumbered - Return a readable string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree with numbering added.

383 prettyStringDitaHeaders - Return a readable string representing the parse tree below the specified $node with appropriate headers.

384 prettyStringEnd - Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it as a here document

385 prettyStringNumbered - Return a readable string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it with a number attached to each tag.

386 prev - Return the node before the specified $node, optionally checking the previous node's context.

387 prevIn - Return the nearest sibling node before the specified $node which matches one of the named tags or undef if there is no such sibling node.

388 prevN - Return $N nodes as an array ending at $node inclusive if they match the first $N tags of @context.

389 prevn - Return the $n'th previous node after the specified $node optionally checking its context or undef if there is no such node.

390 prevOn - Step backwards as far as possible while remaining on nodes with the specified tags.

391 prevText - Return the node before the specified $node if it is in the optional and it is a text node otherwise undef.

392 prevTextMatches - Return the previous node to the specified $node if: it is a text mode; its text matches the specified regular expression; the specified $node is in the optional specified context.

393 prevUntil - Go to the previous sibling of the specified $node and continue backwards until the tag of a sibling node matches one of the specified @tags.

394 prevWhile - Go to the previous sibling of the specified $node and continue backwards while the tag of each sibling node matches one of the specified @tags.

395 printAttributes - Print the attributes of a node.

396 printAttributesExtendingIdsWithLabels - Print the attributes of a node extending the id with the labels.

397 printAttributesReplacingIdsWithLabels - Print the attributes of a node replacing the id with the labels.

398 printNode - Print the tag and attributes of a node.

399 printStack - Print the attributes of a node and each of its parents

400 propagate - Propagate new attributes from nodes that match the specified tag to all their child nodes, then unwrap all the nodes that match the specified tag.

401 putContentAfter - Move the content of the specified $node and place it after that node if that node is in the optional @context.

402 putContentBefore - Move the content of the specified $node and place it before that node if that node is in the optional @context.

403 putFirst - Place a cut out or new node at the front of the content of the specified $node and return the new node.

404 putFirstAsComment - Put a comment first under the specified $node and return the specified $node.

405 putFirstAsText - Add a new text node first under a parent and return the new text node.

406 putFirstAsTree - Put parsed text first under the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree.

407 putFirstCut - Cut out the $second node, place it first under the $first node and return the $second node.

408 putFirstRequiredCleanUp - Place a required cleanup tag first under a node and return the required clean up node.

409 putLast - Place a cut out or new node last in the content of the specified $node and return the new node.

410 putLastAsComment - Put a comment last under the specified $node and return the specified $node.

411 putLastAsText - Add a new text node last under a parent and return the new text node.

412 putLastAsTree - Put parsed text last under the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree.

413 putLastCut - Cut out the $second node, place it last under the $first node and return the $second node.

414 putLastRequiredCleanUp - Place a required cleanup tag last under a node and return the required clean up node.

415 putNext - Place a cut out or new node just after the specified $node and return the new node.

416 putNextAsComment - Put a comment after the specified $node and return the specified $node

417 putNextAsText - Add a new text node following the specified $node and return the new text node.

418 putNextAsTree - Put parsed text after the specified $node parent and return a reference to the parsed tree.

419 putNextCut - Cut out the $second node, place it after the $first node and return the $second node.

420 putNextFirstCut - Move the specified $node so it is first in the next node with the optional context.

421 putNextFirstCut2 - Move the specified $node so it is first in the first node with the specified optional context of the next node.

422 putNextRequiredCleanUp - Place a required cleanup tag after a node.

423 putPrev - Place a cut out or new node just before the specified $node and return the new node.

424 putPrevAsComment - Put a comment before the specified $parent parentand return the specified $node

425 putPrevAsText - Add a new text node following the specified $node and return the new text node

426 putPrevAsTree - Put parsed text before the specified $parent parent and return a reference to the parsed tree.

427 putPrevCut - Cut out the $second node, place it before the $first node and return the $second node.

428 putPrevLastCut - Move the specified $node so it is last in the preceding node with the optional context.

429 putPrevLastCut2 - Move the specified $node so it is last in the last node with the specified optional context of the preceding node.

430 putPrevRequiredCleanUp - Place a required cleanup tag before a node.

431 putSiblingsAfterParent - Move the specified $node and its following siblings up one level and place them after the parent of the specified $node if the specified $node is in the optional @context.

432 putSiblingsBeforeParent - Move the specified $node and its preceding siblings up one level and place them before the parent of the specified $node if the specified $node is in the optional @context.

433 putSiblingsFirst - Move the siblings preceding the specified $node in the optional @context down one level and place them first under the specified $node preceding any existing content.

434 putSiblingsLast - Move the siblings following the specified $node in the optional @context down one level so that they are last under the specified $node following any existing content.

435 putUpNextCut - Move the specified $node so it is next after its parent.

436 putUpNextCut2 - Move the specified $node so it is next after its grandparent.

437 putUpPrevCut - Move the specified $node so it is prior to its its parent.

438 putUpPrevCut2 - Move the specified $node so it is prior to its grandparent.

439 readCompressedFile - Read the specified $file containing compressed xml and return the root node.

440 reindexNode - Index the children of a node so that we can access them by tag and number.

441 renameAttr - Rename attribute $old to $new in the specified $node with optional context @context regardless of whether attribute $new already exists or not and return the $node.

442 renameAttrValue - Rename attribute $old to $new with new value $newValue in the specified $node in the optional @context regardless of whether attribute $new already exists or not as long as the attribute $old has the value $oldValue.

443 renameAttrXtr - Rename the attributes @attr as far as possible to xtrc or xtrf.

444 renew - Returns a renewed copy of the parse tree, optionally checking that the starting node is in a specified context: use this method if you have added nodes via the "Put as text" methods and wish to traverse their parse tree.

445 replaceContentWith - Replace the content of a node with the specified nodes and return the replaced content

446 replaceContentWithMovedContent - Replace the content of a specified target node with the contents of the specified source nodes removing the content from each source node and return the target node.

447 replaceContentWithText - Replace the content of a node with the specified texts and return the replaced content

448 replaceSpecialChars - Replace < > " & with &lt; &gt; &quot; &amp; Larry Wall's excellent "Xml parser" unfortunately replaces &lt; &gt; &quot; &amp; etc.

449 replaceWith - Replace a node (and all its content) with a new node (and all its content) and return the new node.

450 replaceWithBlank - Replace a node (and all its content) with a new blank text node and return the new node.

451 replaceWithRequiredCleanUp - Replace a node with a required cleanup message and return the new node

452 replaceWithText - Replace a node (and all its content) with a new text node and return the new node.

453 requiredCleanUp - Replace a node with a required cleanup node around the text of the replaced node with special characters replaced by symbols.

454 restore - Return a parse tree from a copy saved in a file by save.

455 save - Save a copy of the parse tree to a file which can be restored and return the saved node.

456 set - Set the values of some attributes in a node and return the node.

457 setAttr - Set the values of some attributes in a node and return the node.

458 setDepthProfile - Sets the depthProfile for every node in the specified $tree.

459 setRepresentationAsTagsAndText - Sets the representationLast for every node in the specified $tree via stringTagsAndText.

460 setRepresentationAsText - Sets the representationLast for every node in the specified $tree via stringText.

461 setSelectionEnd - Set the selection to end at the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

462 setSelectionStart - Set the selection to start at the specified $node in the optional @context and return the specified $node on success else undef.

463 splitAfter - Split the parent node into two identical nodes except all the siblings after the specified $node are retained by the existing parent while any preceding siblings become siblings of the new parent node which is placed before the existing parent.

464 splitAndWrapFromStart - Split the child nodes of $parent on the child nodes with a tag of $split wrapping the splitting node and all preceding nodes from the previous splitting node or the start with the specified $wrapping node with optional %attributes.

465 splitAndWrapToEnd - Split the child nodes of $parent on the child nodes with a tag of $split wrapping the splitting node and all following nodes up until the next splitting node or the end with the specified $wrapping node with optional %attributes.

466 splitBefore - Split the parent node into two identical nodes except all the siblings before the specified $node are retained by the existing parent while any following siblings become siblings of the new parent node which is placed after the existing parent.

467 splitParentAfter - Finish and restart the parent of the specified $node just after the specified $node and return the newly created parent node on success or undef on failure.

468 splitParentBefore - Finish and restart the parent of the specified $node just before the specified $node and return the newly created parent node on success or undef on failure.

469 splitTo - Lift the specified $node up until it splits the specified $parent node.

470 string - Return a dense string representing a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it.

471 stringContent - Return a string representing all the nodes below a node of a parse tree.

472 stringExtendingIdsWithLabels - Return a string representing the specified parse tree with the id attribute of each node extended by the Labels attached to each node.

473 stringMd5Sum - Return the md5 sum of the dense string representing a node of a parse tree minus its id and all the nodes below it.

474 stringNode - Return a string representing the specified $node showing the attributes, labels and node number.

475 stringQuoted - Return a quoted string representing a parse tree a node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it.

476 stringReplacingIdsWithLabels - Return a string representing the specified parse tree with the id attribute of each node set to the Labels attached to each node.

477 stringTagsAndText - Return a string showing just the tags and text at and below a specified $node.

478 stringText - Return a string showing just the text of the text nodes (separated by blanks) at and below a specified $node.

479 stringWithConditions - Return a string representing the specified $node of a parse tree and all the nodes below it subject to conditions to select or reject some nodes.

480 structureAdjacentSectionsByLevel - Structure adjacent sections by level

481 succeedingSiblingOf - Returns the specified $child node if it has the same parent as $sibling and occurs after $sibling and has the optionally specified context else returns undef.

482 swap - Swap two nodes optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context and return the first node.

483 swapAfter - Swap $node with its following node if $$node matches the first element of the specified context and the next node matches the rest.

484 swapBefore - Swap $node with its preceding node if $$node matches the first element of the specified context and the previous node matches the rest.

485 swapTags - Swap the tags of two nodes optionally checking that the first node is in the specified context and return ($first, $second) nodes.

486 swapTagWithParent - Swap the tags of the specified $node and its parent optionally checking that the $node is in the specified context and return (parent of $node, $node) or () if there is no such parent node.

487 through - Traverse parse tree visiting each node twice calling the specified sub $before as we go down past the node and sub $after as we go up past the node, finally return the specified starting node.

488 throughX - Identical to through except the $before, $after subs are called in an eval block to prevent die terminating the traversal of the full tree.

489 to - Return a list of the sibling nodes preceding the specified node optionally including only those nodes that match one of the tags in the specified list.

490 tocNumbers - Table of Contents number the nodes in a parse tree.

491 topicTypeAndBody - Topic type and corresponding body.

492 tree - Build a tree representation of the parsed XML which can be easily traversed to look for things.

493 undoSpecialChars - Reverse the results of calling replaceSpecialChars.

494 unwrap - Unwrap the specified $node by inserting its content into its parent at the point containing the specified $node and return the parent node.

495 unwrapContentsKeepingText - Unwrap all the non text nodes below the specified $node adding a leading and a trailing space to prevent unwrapped content from being elided and return the specified $node else undef if not in the optional @context.

496 unwrapOnlyChild - Unwrap the specified $node in the optional @context when the $node is the only child of its parent.

497 unwrapParentOfOnlyChild - Unwrap the parent of the specified $node in the optional @context when the $node is the only child of its parent.

498 unwrapParentsWithSingleChild - Unwrap any immediate ancestors of the specified $node in the optional @context which have only a single child and return the specified $node regardless unless the node is not in the optional context in which case return undef.

499 unwrapSingleParentsOfSection - Unwrap single parents of section: in word documents the header is often buried in a list to gain a section number - here we remove these unnecessary items

500 up - Return the parent of the current node optionally checking the parent node's context or return undef if the specified $node is the root of the parse tree.

501 upn - Go up the specified number of levels from the specified $node and return the node reached optionally checking the parent node's context or undef if there is no such node.

502 upThru - Go up the specified path from the specified $node returning the node at the top or undef if no such node exists.

503 upUntil - Return the nearest ancestral node to the specified $node that matches the specified @context or undef if there is no such node.

504 upUntilFirst - Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or a first node.

505 upUntilIsOnlyChild - Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or another only child.

506 upUntilLast - Move up from the specified $node until we reach the root or a last node.

507 upWhile - Go up one level from the specified $node and then continue up while each node matches on of the specified <@tags>.

508 upWhileFirst - Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is a first node or return undef if the specified $node is not a first node.

509 upWhileIsOnlyChild - Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is an only child or return undef if the specified $node is not an only child.

510 upWhileLast - Move up from the specified $node as long as each node is a last node or return undef if the specified $node is not a last node.

511 wordStyles - Extract style information from a parse tree representing a word document.

512 wrapContentWith - Wrap the content of the specified $node in a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes: the specified $node then contains just the new node which, in turn, contains all the content of the specified $node.

513 wrapDown - Wrap the content of the specified $node in a sequence of new nodes forcing the original node up - deepening the parse tree - return the array of wrapping nodes if want array else the last wrapping node.

514 wrapFirstN - Wrap the first $N nodes under this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

515 wrapFrom - Wrap all the nodes from the $start node to the $end node with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the new node.

516 wrapFromFirst - Wrap this $node and any preceding siblings with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the wrapping node.

517 wrapLastN - Wrap the last $N nodes under this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

518 wrapNext - Wrap this $node and the following sibling with a new node created from the specified $tag.

519 wrapNextN - Wrap this $nodeand the next $N-1 nodes following this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

520 wrapPrev - Wrap this $node and the preceding sibling with a new node created from the specified $tag.

521 wrapPrevN - Wrap this $nodeand the previous $N-1 nodes following this $node in the optional @context with the specified $tag and return the new node or undef if there are no such nodes to wrap.

522 wrapRuns - Wrap consecutive runs of children under the specified parent $node that are not already wrapped with $wrap.

523 wrapSiblingsAfter - If there are any siblings after the specified $node, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the newly created node.

524 wrapSiblingsBefore - If there are any siblings before the specified $node, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the newly created node.

525 wrapSiblingsBetween - If there are any siblings between the specified $nodes, wrap them with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes.

526 wrapTo - Wrap all the nodes from the $start node to the $end node inclusive with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the new node.

527 wrapToLast - Wrap this $node and any following siblings with a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes and return the wrapping node.

528 wrapUp - Wrap the specified $node in a sequence of new nodes created from the specified @tags forcing the original node down - deepening the parse tree - return the array of wrapping nodes if want array else the last wrapping node.

529 wrapWith - Wrap the specified $node in a new node created from the specified $tag and %attributes forcing the specified $node down - deepening the parse tree - return the new wrapping node.

530 wrapWithAll - Wrap this $node wrapped with the specified @tags and return the last wrapping node.

531 wrapWithN - Wrap this $node with the first $N elements of @context.

532 writeCompressedFile - Write the parse tree starting at $node as compressed xml to the specified $file.

533 xmlHeader - Add the standard xml header to a string

534 xmlToJson - Return a Json string representing valid xml contained in a file or string, optionally double escaping escape characters.

535 zipDown - Push a node down as many levels as possible by making it a child of a node formed by merging the preceding and following siblings if they have the same tag.

536 zipDownOnce - Push a node down one level by making it a child of a node formed by merging the preceding and following siblings if they have the same tag.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Data::Edit::Xml





Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.