Data::Edit::Xml::Lint - lint xml files in parallel using xmllint and report the failure rate
Linting and reporting
Create some sample xml files, some with errors, lint them in parallel and retrieve the number of errors and failing files:
for my $n(1..$N) # Some projects
{my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::Lint::new(); # New xml file linter
my $catalog = $x->catalog = catalogName; # Use catalog if possible
my $project = $x->project = projectName($n); # Project name
my $file = $x->file = fileName($n); # Target file
$x->source = <<END; # Sample source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//HPE//DTD HPE DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd" []>
<concept id="$project">
<title>Project $project</title>
<p>Body of $project</p>
$x->source =~ s/id="\w+?"//gs if addError($n); # Introduce an error into some projects
$x->lint(foo=>1); # Write the source to the target file, lint using xmllint, include some attributes to be included as comments at the end of the target file
Data::Edit::Xml::Lint::wait; # Wait for lints to complete
say STDERR Data::Edit::Xml::Lint::report($outDir, "xml")->print; # Report total pass fail rate
50 % success converting 3 projects containing 10 xml files on 2017-07-13 at 17:43:24
# Percent Pass Fail Total Project
1 33.3333 1 2 3 aaa
2 50.0000 2 2 4 bbb
3 66.6667 2 1 3 ccc
# Errors Project File
1 1 ccc out/ccc5.xml
2 1 aaa out/aaa9.xml
3 1 bbb out/bbb1.xml
4 1 bbb out/bbb7.xml
5 1 aaa out/aaa3.xml
Once a file has been linted, it can reread with read to obtain details about the xml including id=?s defined (see: idDefs below) and any labels that refer to these id=?s (see: labelDefs below). Such labels provide additional names for a node which cannot be stored in the xml itself.
{catalog => "/home/phil/hp/dtd/Dtd_2016_07_12/catalog-hpe.xml",
definition => "bbb",
docType => "<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC \"-//HPE//DTD HPE DITA Concept//EN\" \"concept.dtd\" []>",
errors => 1,
file => "out/bbb1.xml",
foo => 1,
header => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
idDefs => { bbb => 1, c1 => 1 },
labelDefs => {
bbb => "bbb",
c1 => "c1",
conbody1 => "c1",
conbody2 => "c1",
concept1 => "bbb",
concept2 => "bbb",
labels => "bbb concept1 concept2",
project => "bbb",
sha256 => "b00cdebf2e1837fa15140d25315e5558ed59eb735b5fad4bade23969babf9531",
source => "..."
In order to fix references between files, a list of files can be relinted:
a map is constructed to locate all the ids and labels defined in the specified files
the resulting parse tree and id map are handed to a caller provided 𝘀𝘂𝗯 that can the traverse the parse tree fixing attributes which make references between the files.
the modified parse trees are written back to the originating file thus fixing the changes
Construct a new linter
Create a new xml linter - call this method statically as in Data::Edit::Xml::Lint
Attributes describing a lint
author :lvalue
Optional author of the xml - only needed if you want to generate an SDL file map
catalog :lvalue
Optional catalog file containing the locations of the DTDs used to validate the xml
ditaType :lvalue
Optional Dita topic type(concept|task|troubleshooting|reference) of the xml - only needed if you want to generate an SDL file map
docType :lvalue
The second line: the document type extracted from the source
dtds :lvalue
Optional directory containing the DTDs used to validate the xml
errors :lvalue
Number of lint errors detected by xmllint
file :lvalue
File that the xml will be written to and read from by lint, read or relint
guid :lvalue
Guid for outermost tag - only required if you want to generate an SD file map
header :lvalue
The first line: the xml header extracted from source
idDefs :lvalue
{id} = count - the number of times this id is defined in the xml contained in this file
labelDefs :lvalue
{label or id} = id - the id of the node containing a label defined on the xml
labels :lvalue
Optional parse tree to supply labels for the current source as the labels are present in the parse tree not in the string representing the parse tree
linted :lvalue
Date the lint was performed by lint
processes :lvalue
Maximum number of xmllint processes to run in parallel - 8 by default
project :lvalue
Optional project name to allow error counts to be aggregated by project and to allow id and labels to be scoped to the files contained in each project
reusedInProject :lvalue
List of projects in which this file is reused
sha256 :lvalue
Sha256 hash of the string containing the xml processed by lint or read
source :lvalue
The source Xml to be linted
title :lvalue
Optional title of the xml - only needed if you want to generate an SDL file map
Lint xml files in parallel
Store some xml in a files, apply xmllint in parallel and update the source file with the results
1 $lint Linter
2 %attributes Attributes to be recorded as xml comments
Store some xml in a files, apply xmllint in single and update the source file with the results
1 $lint Linter
2 %attributes Attributes to be recorded as xml comments
Store just the attributes in a file so that they can be retrieved later to process non xml objects referenced in the xml - like images
1 $lint Linter
2 %attributes Attributes to be recorded as xml comments
Reread a linted xml file and extract the attributes associated with the lint
1 $file File containing xml
Wait for all lints to finish - this is a static method, call as Data::Edit::Xml::Lint::wait
Clear the results of a prior run
1 @foldersAndExtensions Directories to clear and extensions of files to remove
Locate all the labels or id in the specified files, analyze the map of labels and ids with analysisSub parse each file, process each parse with processSub, then "lint" in lint the reprocessed xml back to the original file - this allows you to reprocess the contents of each file with knowledge of where labels or id are located in the other files associated with a project. The analysisSub(linkmap = {project}{labels or id>}=[file, id]) should return true if the processing of each file is to be performed subsequently. The processSub(parse tree representation of a file, id and label mapping, reloaded linter) should return true if a lint is required to save the results after each file has been processed else false, files to reprocess
1 $processes Maximum number of processes to use
2 $analysisSub Analysis 𝘀𝘂𝗯
3 $processSub Process 𝘀𝘂𝗯
4 @foldersAndExtensions Folder containing files to process (recursively)
Methods for reporting the results of linting several files
Analyse the results of prior lints and return a hash reporting various statistics and a printable report
1 $outputDirectory Directory to clear
2 @fileExtensions Types of files to analyze
passRatePercent :lvalue
Total number of passes as a percentage of all input files
timestamp :lvalue
Timestamp of report
numberOfProjects :lvalue
Number of projects defined - each project can contain zero or more files
numberOfFiles :lvalue
Number of files encountered
failingFiles :lvalue
Array of [number of errors, project, files] ordered from least to most errors
projects :lvalue
Hash of "project name"=>[project name, pass, fail, total, percent pass]
print :lvalue
A printable report of the above
Private Methods
Store some xml in a files, apply xmllint in parallel or single and update the source file with the results
1 $inParallel In parallel or not
2 $lint Linter
3 %attributes Attributes to be recorded as xml comments
Format the attributes section of the output file
1 $attributes Hash of attributes
Wait for a processor to become available
1 $processes Maximum number of processes
Format a fraction as a percentage to 4 decimal places
1 $p Pass
2 $f Fail
This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, use, modify and install.
Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.