Data::Edit::Xml::Xref - Cross reference Dita XML, match topics and ameliorate missing references.
Xref scans an entire document corpus looking primarily for problems with references between the files in the corpus; it reports any opportunities for improvements it finds and makes changes to the corpus to implement these improvements if so requested taking advantage of parallelism where ever possible.
The following example checks the references in a corpus of Dita XML documents held in folder inputFolder running processes in parallel where ever possible:
use Data::Edit::Xml::Xref;
my $x = xref(inputFolder => q(in),
fixBadRefs => 1,
flattenFolder => q(out2),
matchTopics => 0.9,
The cross reference analysis can be requested as a status line:
ok nws($x->statusLine) eq nws(<<END);
Xref: 108 references fixed, 50 bad xrefs, 16 missing image files, 16 missing image references, 13 bad first lines, 13 bad second lines, 9 bad conrefs, 9 duplicate topic ids, 9 files with bad conrefs, 9 files with bad xrefs, 8 duplicate ids, 6 bad topicrefs, 6 files not referenced, 4 invalid guid hrefs, 2 bad book maps, 2 bad tables, 1 External xrefs with no format=html, 1 External xrefs with no scope=external, 1 file failed to parse, 1 href missing
Or as a tabular report:
ok nws($x->statusTable) eq nws(<<END);
Count Condition
1 108 references fixed
2 50 bad xrefs
3 16 missing image files
4 16 missing image references
5 13 bad first lines
6 13 bad second lines
7 9 files with bad conrefs
8 9 bad conrefs
9 9 files with bad xrefs
10 9 duplicate topic ids
11 8 duplicate ids
12 6 bad topicrefs
13 6 files not referenced
14 4 invalid guid hrefs
15 2 bad book maps
16 2 bad tables
17 1 href missing
18 1 file failed to parse
19 1 External xrefs with no format=html
20 1 External xrefs with no scope=external
More detailed reports are produced in the reports folder:
and indexed by the reports report:
which contains a list of all the reports generated:
Rows Title File
1 5 Attributes reports/count/attributes.txt
2 13 Bad Xml line 1 reports/bad/xmlLine1.txt
3 13 Bad Xml line 2 reports/bad/xmlLine2.txt
4 9 Bad conRefs reports/bad/ConRefs.txt
5 2 Bad external xrefs reports/bad/externalXrefs.txt
6 16 Bad image references reports/bad/imageRefs.txt
7 9 Bad topicrefs reports/bad/bookMapRefs.txt
8 50 Bad xRefs reports/bad/XRefs.txt
9 2 Bookmaps with errors reports/bad/bookMap.txt
10 2 Document types reports/count/docTypes.txt
11 8 Duplicate id definitions within files reports/bad/idDefinitionsDuplicated.txt
12 3 Duplicate topic id definitions reports/bad/topicIdDefinitionsDuplicated.txt
13 3 File extensions reports/count/fileExtensions.txt
14 1 Files failed to parse reports/bad/parseFailed.txt
15 0 Files types reports/count/fileTypes.txt
16 16 Files whose short names are bi-jective with their md5 sums reports/good/shortNameToMd5Sum.txt
17 0 Files whose short names are not bi-jective with their md5 sums reports/bad/shortNameToMd5Sum.txt
18 108 Fixes Applied To Failing References reports/lists/referencesFixed.txt
19 0 Good bookmaps reports/good/bookMap.txt
20 9 Good conRefs reports/good/ConRefs.txt
21 5 Good topicrefs reports/good/bookMapRefs.txt
22 8 Good xRefs reports/good/XRefs.txt
23 1 Guid topic definitions reports/lists/guidsToFiles.txt
24 2 Image files reports/good/imagesFound.txt
25 1 Missing hrefs reports/bad/missingHrefAttributes.txt
26 16 Missing image references reports/bad/imagesMissing.txt
27 4 Possible improvements reports/improvements.txt
28 2 Resolved GUID hrefs reports/good/guidHrefs.txt
29 2 Tables with errors reports/bad/tables.txt
30 23 Tags reports/count/tags.txt
31 11 Topic Reuses reports/lists/topicReuse.txt
32 0 Topic Reuses reports/lists/similar/byTitle.txt
33 16 Topics reports/lists/topics.txt
34 15 Topics with similar vocabulary reports/lists/similar/byVocabulary.txt
35 0 Topics with validation errors reports/bad/validationErrors.txt
36 0 Topics without ids reports/bad/topicIdDefinitionsMissing.txt
37 6 Unreferenced files reports/bad/notReferenced.txt
38 11 Unresolved GUID hrefs reports/bad/guidHrefs.txt
Add navigation titles to topic references
Xref will create or update the navigation titles navtitles of topic refs appendix|chapter|topicref in maps if requested by both file name and GUID reference:
addNavTitle => 1
Reports of successful updates will be written to:
Reports of unsuccessful updates will be written to:
Fix bad references
It is often desirable to ameliorate unresolved Dita href attributes so that incomplete content can be loaded into a content management system. The:
fixBadRefs => 1
attribute requests that the:
conref and href
attributes be renamed to:
if the conref or href attribute specification cannot be resolved in the current corpus by other methods of fixing failing references such as: fixDitaRefs, fixRelocatedRefs or fixXrefsByTitle.
This feature designed by
Some content management systems use guids, some content management systems use file names as their means of identifying content. When moving from a guid to a file name content management system it might be necessary to replace the guids representing file names with the actual underlying file names. If the
deguidize => 1
parameter is set to true, Xref will replace any such file guids with the underlying file name if it is present in the content being cross referenced.
File flattening
It is often desirable to flatten or reflatten the topic files in a corpus so that they can coexist in a single folder of a content management system without colliding with each other.
The presence of the input attribute:
flattenFolder => folder-to-flatten-files-into
causes topic files to be flattened into the named folder using the GBStandard to generate the flattened file names. Xref will then update all Dita references to match these new file names. If the flattenFolder folder is the same as the inputFolder then the input files are flattened in place.
Locating relocated files
File references in conref or hrefs that have a unique valid base file name and an invalid path can be fixed by setting the input attribute:
fixRelocatedRefs => 1
to a true value to request that Xref should replace the incorrect paths to the unique bases file names with the correct path.
If coded in conjunction with the fixBadRefs input attribute this will cause Xref to first try and fix any missing xrefs, any that still fail to resolve will then be ameliorated by moving them to the xtrf attribute.
Fix Xrefs by Title
Dita xref tags with broken or missing href attributes can sometimes be fixed by matching the text content of the xref with the titles of topics.
fixXrefsByTitle => 1
is specified, Xref will locate possible targets for a broken href by matching the white space normalized Data::Table::Text::nws of the text content of the xref with the similarly normalized title of each topic that is referenced by any book map that refers to the topic containing the xref.
If a single matching candidate is located then it will be used to update the href attribute of the xref.
Fix References in Dita To Dita Conversions
When converting a Dita input source corpus to Dita the referenced topics are usually renamed and flattened via the GBStandard. If enabled:
fixDitaRefs => targets/
updates valid Dita references in the input corpus with the latest name for the referenced topic to make links that were valid in the input corpus valid in the output corpus as well.
The targets/ folder should contain the same set of file names as the original input corpus, each such file should contain the name of a bookmap topic present in the inputFolder= whose chapter and topicrefs identify the new names of the files cut out and flattened from the existing input corpus.
The creation of the target/ folder is usually done by some other piece of software such as Data::Edit::Xml::To::Dita as it is too complex and laborious to be performed reliably by hand. No validation of the contents of this folder is performed as it is assumed that it has been created reliably in software.
Topic Matching
Topics can be matched on title and vocabulary to assist authors in finding similar topics by specifying the:
matchTopics => 0.9
attribute where the value of this attribute is the confidence level between 0 and 1.
Topic matching produces the reports:
Topic matching might take some time for large input folders.
Title matching
This report can be found at:
Title sorts topics by their titles so that topic with similar titles can be easily located:
Similar Prefix Source
1 14 c_Notices__ c_Notices_5614e96c7a3eaf3dfefc4a455398361b
2 c_Notices__ c_Notices_14a9f467215dea879d417de884c21e6d
3 c_Notices__ c_Notices_19011759a2f768d76581dc3bba170a44
4 c_Notices__ c_Notices_aa741e6223e6cf8bc1a5ebdcf0ba867c
5 c_Notices__ c_Notices_f0009b28c3c273094efded5fac32b83f
6 c_Notices__ c_Notices_b1480ac1af812da3945239271c579bb1
7 c_Notices__ c_Notices_5f3aa15d024f0b6068bd8072d4942f6d
8 c_Notices__ c_Notices_17c1f39e8d70c765e1fbb6c495bedb03
9 c_Notices__ c_Notices_7ea35477554f979b3045feb369b69359
10 c_Notices__ c_Notices_4f200259663703065d247b35d5500e0e
11 c_Notices__ c_Notices_e3f2eb03c23491c5e96b08424322e423
12 c_Notices__ c_Notices_06b7e9b0329740fc2b50fedfecbc5a94
13 c_Notices__ c_Notices_550a0d84dfc94982343f58f84d1c11c2
14 c_Notices__ c_Notices_fa7e563d8153668db9ed098d0fe6357b
15 3 c_Overview__ c_Overview_f9e554ee9be499368841260344815f58
16 c_Overview__ c_Overview_f234dc10ea3f4229d0e1ab4ad5e8f5fe
17 c_Overview__ c_Overview_96121d7bcd41cf8be318b96da0049e73
Vocabulary matching
This report can be found at:
Vocabulary matching compares the vocabulary of pairs of topics: topics with similar vocabularies within the confidence level specified are reported together:
Similar Topic
1 8 in/1.dita
2 in/2.dita
3 in/3.dita
4 in/4.dita
5 in/5.dita
6 in/6.dita
7 in/7.dita
8 in/8.dita
10 2 in/map/bookmap.ditamap
11 in/map/bookmap2.ditamap
13 2 in/act4. dita
14 in/act5.dita
Cross reference Dita XML, match topics and ameliorate missing references.
Version 20191121.
The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.
Immediately useful methods
These methods are the ones most likely to be of immediate use to anyone using this module for the first time:
Using cross reference $xref options and an array of arrays $data format a report as a table using %options as described in Data::Table::Text::formatTable and Data::Table::Text::formatHtmlTable.
Cross reference
Check the cross references in a set of Dita files and report the results.
Check the cross references in a set of Dita files held in inputFolder and report the results in the reports folder. The possible attributes are defined in Data::Edit::Xml::Xref
Parameter Description
1 {my $xref = newXref(@_); Create the cross referencer
if (1) References from a topic that has been cut out to a topic that has been cut out
{clearFolder(tests, 111);
my $x = 𝘅𝗿𝗲𝗳(inputFolder => out, fixBadRefs => 1, fixDitaRefs => targets);
ok $x->statusLine eq q(Xref: 1 ref);
is_deeply checkXrefStructure($x, q(inputFileToTargetTopics), in, targets), { "a.xml" => { "c_aaaa_121939eab89cd7d2c3eb4c4189772a1f.dita" => 1, "c_aaaa_bbbb_55baefe9258538b26a95b0015a8d5a2b.dita" => 1, "c_aaaa_cccc_a91633094220d068c453eecae1726eff.dita" => 1, "c_aaaa_dddd_914b8e11993908497768c50d992ea0f0.dita" => 1, }, "b.xml" => { "c_bbbb_6100b51ca1f789836cd4f31893ed67d2.dita" => 1, "c_bbbb_aaaa_cfd3a140e06a914fc8469583ad87829d.dita" => 1, "c_bbbb_bbbb_c90ebf976073b2a3f7a8dc27a3c8254b.dita" => 1, "c_bbbb_cccc_d1c80714275637cde524bdfa1304a8f3.dita" => 1, }, };
is_deeply checkXrefStructure($x, q(targetTopicToInputFiles), in, targets), { "c_aaaa_121939eab89cd7d2c3eb4c4189772a1f.dita" => { "a.xml" => 1, }, "c_aaaa_bbbb_55baefe9258538b26a95b0015a8d5a2b.dita" => { "a.xml" => 1, }, "c_aaaa_cccc_a91633094220d068c453eecae1726eff.dita" => { "a.xml" => 1, }, "c_aaaa_dddd_914b8e11993908497768c50d992ea0f0.dita" => { "a.xml" => 1, }, "c_bbbb_6100b51ca1f789836cd4f31893ed67d2.dita" => { "b.xml" => 1, }, "c_bbbb_aaaa_cfd3a140e06a914fc8469583ad87829d.dita" => { "b.xml" => 1, }, "c_bbbb_bbbb_c90ebf976073b2a3f7a8dc27a3c8254b.dita" => { "b.xml" => 1, }, "c_bbbb_cccc_d1c80714275637cde524bdfa1304a8f3.dita" => { "b.xml" => 1, }, };
is_deeply checkXrefStructure($x, q(sourceTopicToTargetBookMap), in, targets), { "a.xml" => bless({ source => "a.xml", sourceDocType => "concept", target => "bm_a_9d0a9f8e0ac234de9e22c19054b6e455.ditamap", targetType => "bookmap", }, "Bookmap"), "b.xml" => bless({ source => "b.xml", sourceDocType => "concept", target => "bm_b_d2806ba589f908da1106574afd9db642.ditamap", targetType => "bookmap", }, "Bookmap"), };
is_deeply checkXrefStructure($x, q(topicFlattening), in, targets), {};
is_deeply checkXrefStructure($x, q(originalSourceFileAndIdToNewFile), in, targets), { "a.xml" => { "GUID-400c2c59-95e1-7bf3-4647-3a135281bfaf" => "c_aaaa_cccc_a91633094220d068c453eecae1726eff.dita", "GUID-68822563-d568-f418-38ae-f1c62cb4ac8d" => "c_aaaa_dddd_914b8e11993908497768c50d992ea0f0.dita", "GUID-c67821ef-3da2-c89f-0fc9-9fba3937f368" => "c_aaaa_121939eab89cd7d2c3eb4c4189772a1f.dita", "GUID-f0c0e170-8128-10ef-045d-97602fdde76f" => "c_aaaa_bbbb_55baefe9258538b26a95b0015a8d5a2b.dita", }, "b.xml" => { "GUID-2b6aab4f-9328-e326-f55f-160771a8c3dd" => "c_bbbb_cccc_d1c80714275637cde524bdfa1304a8f3.dita", "GUID-86a684b0-1a0b-4c30-6da9-24c74ff1f0cc" => "c_bbbb_aaaa_cfd3a140e06a914fc8469583ad87829d.dita", "GUID-96a20d7f-bbaf-deef-55ef-e09a0a059251" => "c_bbbb_6100b51ca1f789836cd4f31893ed67d2.dita", "GUID-cfe7cb3d-05e7-a147-db10-dcbacaeecef7" => "c_bbbb_bbbb_c90ebf976073b2a3f7a8dc27a3c8254b.dita", "p1" => "c_bbbb_6100b51ca1f789836cd4f31893ed67d2.dita", "p2" => "c_bbbb_bbbb_c90ebf976073b2a3f7a8dc27a3c8254b.dita", "p3" => "c_bbbb_cccc_d1c80714275637cde524bdfa1304a8f3.dita", }, };
Using cross reference $xref options and an array of arrays $data format a report as a table using %options as described in Data::Table::Text::formatTable and Data::Table::Text::formatHtmlTable.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
2 $data Table to be formatted
3 %options Options
Convert a $hash of {key} = count to an array so it can be formatted with formatTables
Parameter Description
1 $hash Hash to be converted
Advise in the feasibility of moving othermeta data from topics to bookmaps assuming that the othermeta data will be applied only at the head of the map rather than individually to each topic in the map.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Create a subject scheme map from othermeta
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Create a classification map for each bookmap
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
2 $bookMap Bookmap to classify
Create classification maps for each bookmap
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Meta data for the oxygen project files
sub 𝗼𝘅𝘆𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮
} # 𝗼𝘅𝘆𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮
You can provide you own implementation of this method in your calling package via:
sub oxygenProjectFileMetaData {...}
if you wish to override the default processing supplied by this method.
Create an Oxygen project file for the specified bookmap
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref
2 $bm Bookmap
3 $xprName Xpr name from bookmap
Create Oxygen project files from Xref results
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Create test data
Create files to test the various capabilities provided by Xref
Data::Edit::Xml::Xref Definition
Attributes used by the Xref cross referencer.
Input fields
addNavTitles - If true, add navtitle to outgoing bookmap references to show the title of the target topic.
changeBadXrefToPh - Change xrefs being placed in M3 by fixBadRefs to ph.
classificationMaps - Create classification maps if true
deguidize - Set true to replace guids in dita references with file name. Given reference g1#g2/id convert g1 to a file name by locating the topic with topicId g2. This requires the guids to be genuinely unique. SDL guids are thought to be unique by language code but the same topic, translated to a different language might well have the same guid as the original topic with a different language code: =(de|en|es|fr). If the source is in just one language then the guid uniqueness is a reasonable assumption. If the conversion can be done in phases by language then the uniqueness of guids is again reasonably assured. Data::Edit::Xml::Lint provides an alternative solution to deguidizing by using labels to record the dita reference in the input corpus for each id encountered, these references can then be resolved in the usual manner by Data::Edit::Xml::Lint::relint.
deleteUnusedIds - Delete ids (except on topics) that are not referenced in any reference in the corpus regardless of the file component of any such reference.
fixBadRefs - Fix any remaining bad references after any all allowed attempts have been made to fix failing references by moving the failing reference to the xtrf attribute i.e. placing it in M3 possibly renaming the tag to ph if changeBadXrefToPh is in effect as well.
fixDitaRefs - Fix references in a corpus of Dita documents that have been converted to the GB Standard and whose target structure has been written to the named folder.
fixRelocatedRefs - Fix references to topics that have been moved around in the out folder structure assuming that all file names are unique which they will be if they have been renamed to the GB Standard.
fixXrefsByTitle - Try to fix invalid xrefs by the Gearhart Title Method enhanced by the Monroe map method if true
flattenFolder - Files are renamed to the Gearhart standard and placed in this folder if set. References to the unflattened files are updated to references to the flattened files. This option will eventually be deprecated as the Dita::GB::Standard is now fully available allowing files to be easily flattened before being processed by Xref.
getFileUrl - A url to retrieve a specified file from the server running xref used in generating html reports. The complete url is obtained by appending the fully qualified file name to this value.
html - Generate html version of reports in this folder if supplied
indexWords - Index words to topics and topics to words if true.
indexWordsFolder - Folder into which to save words to topic and topics to word indexes if indexWords is true.
inputFolder - A folder containing the dita and ditamap files to be cross referenced.
matchTopics - Match topics by title and by vocabulary to the specified confidence level between 0 and 1. This operation might take some time to complete on a large corpus.
maxZoomIn - Optional hash of names to regular expressions to look for in each file
maximumNumberOfProcesses - Maximum number of processes to run in parallel at any one time with a sensible default.
oxygenProjects - Create oxygen project files for each map in this folder
reports - Reports folder: Xref will write text versions of the generated reports to files in this folder.
requestAttributeNameAndValueCounts - Report attribute name and value counts
subjectSchemeMap - Create a subject scheme map in the named file
suppressReferenceChecks - Suppress reference checking - which normally happens by default - but which takes time and might be irrelevant if an earlier xref has already checked all the references.
Output fields
allowUniquePartialMatches - Allow unique partial matches - i.e ignore the stuff to the right of the # in a reference if doing so produces a unique result. This feature has been explicitly disabled for conrefs (PS2-561) and might need to be disabled for other types of reference as well.
attributeCount - {file}{attribute name} == count of the different xml attributes found in the xml files.
attributeNamesAndValuesCount - {file}{attribute name}{value} = count
author - {file} = author of this file.
badGuidHrefs - Bad conrefs - all.
badNavTitles - Details of nav titles that were not resolved
badReferencesCount - The number of bad references at the start of the run - however depending on what options were chosen Xref might ameliorate these bad references and tehreby reduce this count.
badTables - Array of tables that need fixing.
badXml1 - [Files] with a bad xml encoding header on the first line.
badXml2 - [Files] with a bad xml doc type on the second line.
baseFiles - {base of file name}{full file name}++ Current location of the file via uniqueness guaranteed by the GB standard
baseTag - Base Tag for each file
bookMapRefs - {bookmap full file name}{href}{navTitle}++ References from bookmaps to topics via appendix, chapter, bookmapref.
conRefs - {file}{href}{tag}++ : conref source detail
currentFolder - The current working folder used to make absolute file names from relative ones
docType - {file} == docType: the docType for each xml file.
duplicateIds - [file, id] Duplicate id definitions within each file.
duplicateTopicIds - [topicId, [files]] Files with duplicate topic ids - the id on the outermost tag.
emptyTopics - {file} : topics where the *body is empty.
errors - Number of significant errors as reported in statusLine or 0 if no such errors found
exteriorMaps - {exterior map} : maps that are not referenced by another map
fileExtensions - Default file extensions to load
fixRefs - {file}{ref} where the href or conref target is not valid.
fixedFolder - Fixed files are placed in this folder if fixBadRefs has been specified.
fixedRefs - [] hrefs and conrefs from fixRefs which were invalid but have been fixed by deguidizing them to a valid file name.
fixedRefsFailed - [] hrefs and conrefs from fixRefs which were moved to the "xtrf" attribute as requested by the fixBadHrefs attribute because the reference was invalid and could not be improved by deguidization.
fixedRefsGB - [] files fixed to the Gearhart-Brenan file naming standard
fixedRefsNoAction - [] hrefs and conrefs from fixRefs for which no action was taken.
flattenFiles - {old full file name} = file renamed to Gearhart-Brenan file naming standard
goodImageFiles - {file}++ : number of references to each good image
goodNavTitles - Details of nav titles that were resolved.
guidHrefs - {file}{href} = location where href starts with GUID- and is thus probably a guid.
guidToFile - {topic id which is a guid} = file defining topic id.
hrefUrlEncoding - Hrefs that need url encoding because they contain white space.
idNotReferenced - {file}{id}++ - id in a file that is not referenced
idReferencedCount - {file}{id}++ - the number of times this id in this file is referenced from the rest of the corpus
idTags - {file}{id}[tag] The tags associated with each id in a file - there might be more than one if the id is duplicated
ids - {file}{id} - id definitions across all files.
idsRemoved - {id}++ : Ids removed from all files
images - {file}{href} Count of image references in each file.
imagesReferencedFromBookMaps - {bookmap full file name}{full name of image referenced from topic referenced from bookmap}++
imagesReferencedFromTopics - {topic full file name}{full name of image referenced from topic}++
imagesToRefferingBookMaps - {image full file name}{bookmap full file name}++ : images to referring bookmaps
improvements - Suggested improvements - a list of improvements that might be made.
indexedWords - {word}{full file name of topic the words occurs in}.
inputFileToTargetTopics - {input file}{target file}++ : Tells us the topics an input file was split into
inputFiles - Input files from inputFolder.
inputFolderImages - {full image file name} for all files in input folder thus including any images resent
ltgt - {text between < and >}{filename} = count giving the count of text items found between < and >
maxZoomOut - Results from maxZoomIn where {file name}{regular expression key name in maxZoomIn}++
md5Sum - MD5 sum for each input file.
md5SumDuplicates - {md5sum}{file}++ : md5 sums with more than one file
missingImageFiles - [file, href] == Missing images in each file.
missingTopicIds - Missing topic ids.
noHref - Tags that should have an href but do not have one.
notReferenced - {file name} Files in input area that are not referenced by a conref, image, bookmapref or xref tag and are not a bookmap.
olBody - The number of ol under body by file
originalSourceFileAndIdToNewFile - {original file}{id} = new file: Record mapping from original source file and id to the new file containing the id
otherMeta - {original file}{othermeta name}{othermeta content}++ : the contents of the other meta tags
otherMetaBookMapsAfterTopicIncludes - Bookmap othermeta after topic othermeta has been included
otherMetaBookMapsBeforeTopicIncludes - Bookmap othermeta before topic othermeta has been included
otherMetaConsolidated - {Name}{Content}++ : consolidated other meta data across entire corpus
otherMetaDuplicatesCombined - Duplicate othermeta in bookmaps with called topics othermeta included
otherMetaDuplicatesSeparately - Duplicate othermeta in bookmaps and topics considered separately
otherMetaPushToBookMap - Othermeta that can be pushed to the calling book map
otherMetaRemainWithTopic - Othermeta that must stay in the topic
parseFailed - {file} files that failed to parse.
publicId - {file} = Public id on Doctype
references - {file}{reference}++ - the various references encountered
relocatedReferencesFailed - Failing references that were not fixed by relocation
relocatedReferencesFixed - Relocated references fixed
requiredCleanUp - {full file name}{cleanup} = number of required-cleanups
results - Summary of results table.
sourceFile - The source file from which this structure was generated.
sourceTopicToTargetBookMap - {input topic cut into multiple pieces} = output bookmap representing pieces
statusLine - Status line summarizing the cross reference.
statusTable - Status table summarizing the cross reference.
tableDimensions - {file}{columns}{rows} == count
tagCount - {file}{tags} == count of the different tag names found in the xml files.
tags - Number of tags encountered
tagsTextsRatio - Ratio of tags to text encountered
targetFolderContent - {file} = bookmap file name : the target folder content which shows us where an input file went
targetTopicToInputFiles - {current file} = the source file from which the current file was obtained
texts - Number of texts encountered
timeEnded - Time the run ended
timeStart - Time the run started
title - {full file name} = title of file.
titleToFile - {title}{file}++ if fixXrefsByTitle is in effect
topicFlattening - {topic}{sources}++ : the source files for each topic that was flattened
topicFlatteningFactor - Topic flattening factor - higher is better
topicIds - {file} = topic id - the id on the outermost tag.
topicsFlattened - Number of topics flattened
topicsNotReferencedFromBookMaps - {topic file not referenced from any bookmap} = 1
topicsReferencedFromBookMaps - {bookmap full file name}{topic full file name}++ : bookmaps to topics
topicsToReferringBookMaps - {topic full file name}{bookmap full file name}++ : topics to referring bookmaps
validationErrors - True means that Lint detected errors in the xml contained in the file.
vocabulary - The text of each topic shorn of attributes for vocabulary comparison.
xRefs - {file}{href}++ Xrefs references.
xrefBadFormat - External xrefs with no format=html.
xrefBadScope - External xrefs with no scope=external.
xrefsFixedByTitle - Xrefs fixed by locating a matching topic title from their text content.
Optional Replace Methods
The following is a list of all the optionally replaceable methods in this package. A method coded with the same name in your package will over ride the method of the same name in this package providing your preferred processing for the replaced method in place of the default processing supplied by this package. If you do not supply such an over riding method, the existing method in this package will be used instead.
Replaceable Method List
Private Methods
Create a new cross referencer
Parameter Description
1 %attributes Attributes
Count has elements to the specified number of levels
Parameter Description
1 $l Levels
2 $h Hash
Check for an external reference
Parameter Description
1 $reference Reference to check
A fixing run fixes problems where it can and thus induces changes which might make the updated output different from the incoming source. Returns a useful message describing this state of affairs.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Load the names of the files to be processed
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Analyze one input file
Parameter Description
1 $Xref Xref request
2 $iFile File to analyze
Map and report guids to files
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
Edit an xml file retaining any existing XML headers and lint trailers
Parameter Description
1 $in Input file
2 $out Output file
3 $source Source to write
Fix one file by moving unresolved references to the xtrf attribute
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
2 $sourceFile Source file to fix
Fix just the file containing references using a number of techniques and report those references that cannot be so fixed.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
Fix one file to the Gearhart-Brenan standard
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
2 $file File to fix
Rename files to the GB Standard
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
Analyze the input files
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report the number of times each id is referenced
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Remove ids that do are not mentioned in any href or conref in the corpus regardless of the file component of any such reference. This is a very conservative approach which acknowledges that writers might be looking for an id if they mention it in a reference.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report empty topics
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report duplicate ids
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report duplicate topic ids
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report locations where an href was expected but not found
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Check each reference, report bad references and mark them for fixing.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report on guid hrefs
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Reports on images and references to images
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report failed parses
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report bad xml on line 1
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report bad xml on line 2
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report doc type count
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report tag counts
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report tags and texts counts
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report items found between < and >
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report attribute counts
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report attribute value counts
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report the files known to have validation errors
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report on tables that have problems
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report file extension counts
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report file type counts - takes too long in series
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report external xrefs missing other attributes
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report improvements possible
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Text located via Max Zoom In
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Things that occur once in each file
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Count how frequently each topic is reused
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report of hrefs that need to be fixed
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Source file for each topic
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Topics and images referenced from bookmaps
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Maps that are not referenced by any other map
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Topics not referenced from bookmaps
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report table dimensions
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report topics likely to be similar on the basis of their titles as expressed in the non Guid part of their file names
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report topics likely to be similar on the basis of their vocabulary
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Index words to the files they occur in
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report files with identical md5 sums
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
ol under body - indicative of a task
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
href needs url encoding
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report conref matching
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report public ids in use
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Report required clean ups
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
Fix navtitles in one map
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
2 $file File to fix
Add nav titles to files containing maps.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Xref results
Check one reference and return the first error encountered or undef if no errors encountered. Relies on topicIds to test files present and test the topicId is valid, relies on ids to check that the referenced id is valid.
Parameter Description
1 $xref Cross referencer
2 $file File containing reference
3 $href Reference
Given a data structure, remove the specified strings from it
Parameter Description
1 $d Structure
2 @r Strings to remove
Create sample input files for testing. The attribute inputFolder supplies the name of the folder in which to create the sample files.
Parameter Description
1 $in Input folder
2 $N Number of sample files
Create sample input files for testing fixFolder
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for testing items between < and >
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for fixing renamed topic refs
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
2 $targets Targets folder
Create sample input files for fixing references into renamed topics by xref
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for fixing a conref
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for matching conref source and targets
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files with duplicate md5 sums
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files with unreferenced ids
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for empty body detection
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Create sample input files for a classification map
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Index words to file
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Change file structure to the current folder and write
Parameter Description
1 $f Data structure as a string
2 $D Target folder
Create sample input files for fixing references via the targets/ folder
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample input files for fixing conref references via the targets/ folder
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample input files for fixing bookmap references to topics that get cut into multiple pieces
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample input files for fixing bookmap reference to a topic that did not get cut into multiple pieces
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample input files for fixing bookmap reference to a topic that did not get cut into multiple pieces
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample input files for testing topic flattening ratio reporting
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Full reference to a topic that has been flattened
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
References from a topic that has been cut out to a topic that has been cut out
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
Create sample data for othermeta reports
Parameter Description
1 $out Folder
One topic refernced and the other not
Parameter Description
1 $folder Folder to switch to
The number of times a topic is referenced from a bookmap
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Good and bad image references
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Required clean ups report
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Fix file part of conref even if the rest is invalid
Parameter Description
1 $in Folder to create the files in
Check an output structure produced by Xrf
Parameter Description
1 $x Cross references
2 $field Field to check
3 @folders Folders to suppress
Write the test for an Xref structure
Parameter Description
1 $x Cross referencer
2 $field Field
3 @folders Names of the folders to suppress
Test reference checking
1 addNavTitlesToMaps - Add nav titles to files containing maps.
2 addNavTitlesToOneMap - Fix navtitles in one map
3 analyzeInputFiles - Analyze the input files
4 analyzeOneFile - Analyze one input file
5 changeFolderAndWriteFiles - Change file structure to the current folder and write
6 checkReferences - Check each reference, report bad references and mark them for fixing.
7 checkXrefStructure - Check an output structure produced by Xrf
8 countLevels - Count has elements to the specified number of levels
9 createClassificationMap - Create a classification map for each bookmap
10 createClassificationMaps - Create classification maps for each bookmap
11 createClassificationMapsTest - Create sample input files for a classification map
12 createEmptyBody - Create sample input files for empty body detection
13 createOxygenProjectFile - Create an Oxygen project file for the specified bookmap
14 createOxygenProjectMapFiles - Create Oxygen project files from Xref results
15 createRequiredCleanUps - Required clean ups report
16 createSampleConRefMatching - Create sample input files for matching conref source and targets
17 createSampleConRefs - Create sample input files for fixing a conref
18 createSampleDuplicateMd5Sum - Create sample input files with duplicate md5 sums
19 createSampleImageReferences - Good and bad image references
20 createSampleImageTest - Create sample input files for fixing bookmap reference to a topic that did not get cut into multiple pieces
21 createSampleInputFilesBaseCase - Create sample input files for testing.
22 createSampleInputFilesFixFolder - Create sample input files for testing fixFolder
23 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefs - Create sample input files for fixing renamed topic refs
24 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefsImproved1 - Create sample input files for fixing references via the targets/ folder
25 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefsImproved2 - Create sample input files for fixing conref references via the targets/ folder
26 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefsImproved3 - Create sample input files for fixing bookmap references to topics that get cut into multiple pieces
27 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefsImproved4 - Create sample input files for fixing bookmap reference to a topic that did not get cut into multiple pieces
28 createSampleInputFilesForFixDitaRefsXref - Create sample input files for fixing references into renamed topics by xref
29 createSampleInputFilesLtGt - Create sample input files for testing items between < and >
30 createSampleOtherMeta - Create sample data for othermeta reports
31 createSampleTopicsReferencedFromBookMaps - The number of times a topic is referenced from a bookmap
32 createSampleUnreferencedIds - Create sample input files with unreferenced ids
33 createSoftConrefs - Fix file part of conref even if the rest is invalid
34 createTestOneNotRef - One topic refernced and the other not
35 createTestReferencedToFlattenedTopic - Full reference to a topic that has been flattened
36 createTestReferenceToCutOutTopic - References from a topic that has been cut out to a topic that has been cut out
37 createTestTopicFlattening - Create sample input files for testing topic flattening ratio reporting
38 createWordsToFilesTest - Index words to file
39 editXml - Edit an xml file retaining any existing XML headers and lint trailers
40 externalReference - Check for an external reference
41 fixFilesGB - Rename files to the GB Standard
42 fixingRun - A fixing run fixes problems where it can and thus induces changes which might make the updated output different from the incoming source.
43 fixOneFileGB - Fix one file to the Gearhart-Brenan standard
44 fixReferences - Fix just the file containing references using a number of techniques and report those references that cannot be so fixed.
45 fixReferencesInOneFile - Fix one file by moving unresolved references to the xtrf attribute
46 formatTables - Using cross reference $xref options and an array of arrays $data format a report as a table using %options as described in Data::Table::Text::formatTable and Data::Table::Text::formatHtmlTable.
47 hashOfCountsToArray - Convert a $hash of {key} = count to an array so it can be formatted with formatTables
48 loadInputFiles - Load the names of the files to be processed
49 newXref - Create a new cross referencer
50 oneBadRef - Check one reference and return the first error encountered or undef if no errors encountered.
51 oxygenProjectFileMetaData - Meta data for the oxygen project files
52 removeStringsFromData - Given a data structure, remove the specified strings from it
53 removeUnusedIds - Remove ids that do are not mentioned in any href or conref in the corpus regardless of the file component of any such reference.
54 reportAttributeCount - Report attribute counts
55 reportAttributeNameAndValueCounts - Report attribute value counts
56 reportConRefMatching - Report conref matching
57 reportDocTypeCount - Report doc type count
58 reportDuplicateIds - Report duplicate ids
59 reportDuplicateTopicIds - Report duplicate topic ids
60 reportEmptyTopics - Report empty topics
61 reportExteriorMaps - Maps that are not referenced by any other map
62 reportExternalXrefs - Report external xrefs missing other attributes
63 reportFileExtensionCount - Report file extension counts
64 reportFileTypes - Report file type counts - takes too long in series
65 reportFixRefs - Report of hrefs that need to be fixed
66 reportGuidHrefs - Report on guid hrefs
67 reportGuidsToFiles - Map and report guids to files
68 reportHrefUrlEncoding - href needs url encoding
69 reportIdRefs - Report the number of times each id is referenced
70 reportImages - Reports on images and references to images
71 reportLtGt - Report items found between < and >
72 reportMaxZoomOut - Text located via Max Zoom In
73 reportMd5Sum - Report files with identical md5 sums
74 reportNoHrefs - Report locations where an href was expected but not found
75 reportOlBody - ol under body - indicative of a task
76 reportOtherMeta - Advise in the feasibility of moving othermeta data from topics to bookmaps assuming that the othermeta data will be applied only at the head of the map rather than individually to each topic in the map.
77 reportOtherMetaConsolidated - Create a subject scheme map from othermeta
78 reportParseFailed - Report failed parses
79 reportPossibleImprovements - Report improvements possible
80 reportPublicIds - Report public ids in use
81 reportReferencesFromBookMaps - Topics and images referenced from bookmaps
82 reportRequiredCleanUps - Report required clean ups
83 reportSimilarTopicsByTitle - Report topics likely to be similar on the basis of their titles as expressed in the non Guid part of their file names
84 reportSimilarTopicsByVocabulary - Report topics likely to be similar on the basis of their vocabulary
85 reportSourceFiles - Source file for each topic
86 reportTableDimensions - Report table dimensions
87 reportTables - Report on tables that have problems
88 reportTagCount - Report tag counts
89 reportTagsAndTextsCount - Report tags and texts counts
90 reportTopicDetails - Things that occur once in each file
91 reportTopicReuse - Count how frequently each topic is reused
92 reportTopicsNotReferencedFromBookMaps - Topics not referenced from bookmaps
93 reportValidationErrors - Report the files known to have validation errors
94 reportWordsByFile - Index words to the files they occur in
95 reportXml1 - Report bad xml on line 1
96 reportXml2 - Report bad xml on line 2
97 testReferenceChecking - Test reference checking
98 writeXrefStructure - Write the test for an Xref structure
99 xref - Check the cross references in a set of Dita files held in inputFolder and report the results in the reports folder.
This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:
sudo cpan install Data::Edit::Xml::Xref
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.