Used when one file is dependent on many files to make sure that the target is younger than all its sources. Allows for an easy test of the form:

if (fileOutOfDate($target, $source1,$source2,$source3))

as in 'make' to decide whether the target needs to be updated from its sources.

Returns the first out of date source file to make debugging easier, or undef if no files are out of date.


Data::Table::Text - Write data in tabular text format


use Data::Table::Text;

say STDERR formatTable([
  [".", "aa", "bb", "cc"],
  [1, "A", "B", "C"],
  [2, "AA", "BB", "CC"],
  [3, "AAA", "BBB", "CCC"],
  [4, 1, 22, 333]]);

#    .  aa   bb   cc
# 1  1  A    B    C
# 2  2  AA   BB   CC
# 3  3  AAA  BBB  CCC
# 4  4    1   22  333

say STDERR formatTable([
  { aa => "A", bb => "B", cc => "C" },
  { aa => "AA", bb => "BB", cc => "CC" },
  { aa => "AAA", bb => "BBB", cc => "CCC" },
  { aa => 1, bb => 22, cc => 333 }]);

#    aa   bb   cc
# 1  A    B    C
# 2  AA   BB   CC
# 3  AAA  BBB  CCC
# 4    1   22  333

say STDERR formatTable({
  "" => ["aa", "bb", "cc"],
  "1" => ["A", "B", "C"],
  "22" => ["AA", "BB", "CC"],
  "333" => ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"],
  "4444" => [1, 22, 333]});

#       aa   bb   cc
#    1  A    B    C
#   22  AA   BB   CC
#  333  AAA  BBB  CCC
# 4444    1   22  333

say STDERR formatTable({
  a => { aa => "A", bb => "B", cc => "C" },
  aa => { aa => "AA", bb => "BB", cc => "CC" },
  aaa => { aa => "AAA", bb => "BBB", cc => "CCC" },
  aaaa => { aa => 1, bb => 22, cc => 333 }});
#       aa   bb   cc
# a     A    B    C
# aa    AA   BB   CC
# aaa   AAA  BBB  CCC
# aaaa    1   22  333

say STDERR formatTable(["a", "bb", "ccc", 4444]);
# 0  a
# 1  bb
# 2  ccc
# 3  4444

say STDERR formatTable({ aa => "A", bb => "B", cc => "C" });
# aa  A
# bb  B
# cc  C


Prints an array or a hash or an array of arrays or an array of hashes or a hash of arrays or a hash of hashes in a tabular format that is easier to read than a raw data dump.


Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:

perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install



Copyright (c) 2016 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.