
Dita::PCD - Implementation of the Please Change Dita Language.


Applying the PCD file test.pcd:

# Sample pcd file
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B
  rn BBBB

Merge two adjacent b
  mergeLikePrev b

To a sample Xml file 1.dita:


Produces the following messages:

Change d under c under b to D at test.pcd line 2
BBBB  at test.pcd line 8
Change B to b at test.pcd line 6
Merge two adjacent b at test.pcd line 10

And the following output Xml in out/1.dita:


The Dita::Pcd commands available are those documented in: Data::Edit::Xml.

Each block of commands is applied to each node of the parse tree produced by Data::Edit::Xml. If the block completes successfully the description line at the head of the block is printed. Execution of a block is halted if one of the commands in the block returns a false value. Any changes made to the parse tree before a block halts are retained so it is sensible to put as many tests as might be necessary at the start of the block to ensure that all the conditions are met to allow the block to complete successfully or to halt the block before the block starts making changes to the parse tree.


Implementation of the Please Change Dita Language.

Version 20201030.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Please Change Dita

Edit Dita using directives written in Dita::Pcd. An introduction to Dita::Pcd can be found at: PCD.


Parse the url representation of a parse tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $url       Url


if (1)                                                                          
 {my $testUrl =
   {q(001_action)    => q(),
    q(001_rowType1)  => q(comment),
    q(001_rowType2)  => q(comment),
    q(001_method)    => q(Sample+Pcd+file),
    q(002_action)    => q(),
    q(002_rowType1)  => q(description),
    q(002_rowType2)  => q(description),
    q(002_method)    => q(sf-111+unwrap+ph+under+title),
    q(003_action)    => q(),
    q(003_rowType1)  => q(method),
    q(003_rowType2)  => q(method),
    q(003_method)    => q(unwrap),
    q(003_context_1) => q(ph),
    q(003_context_2) => q(title),
    q(003_context_3) => q()};

  my $parseTree = parseUrlRepresentationOfPcd($testUrl);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok representPcdParseTreeAsText($parseTree) eq <<END;
# Sample Pcd file

sf-111 unwrap ph under title
  unwrap ph title

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(parseUrlRepresentationOfPcd)


Compile the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

   Parameter  Description
1  $if        Input file


    my $in  = temporaryFolder;
    my $out = temporaryFolder;

    my $inXml = <<END;

    my $outXml = <<END;

    writeFile(fpe($in, qw(1 dita)), $inXml);

    my $inFile = writeFile(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B

Merge two adjacent b
  mlp b

    pleaseChangeDita(in=>$in, out=>$out);

    ok readFile(fpe($out, qw(1 dita))) eq $outXml;

    my $blocks = compilePcdFile($inFile);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok dump(compilePcdFiles($in)) eq dump($blocks);

     {my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new($inXml);

      transformDitaWithPcdOptimized(q(), $x, $blocks);

      ok -p $x eq $outXml;

    clearFolder($_, 1e2) for $in, $out;

  my $in = temporaryFolder;

  my $f = owf(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
# Sample Pcd file
sf-111 unwrap ph under title
  unwrap2 ph2 title

  my $p = parsePcdFile($f);
  delete $p->{inputFile};

  is_deeply $p, bless({
  errors => [],
  rows   => [
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                comment      => "Sample Pcd file",
                rowType      => "comment",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdComment"),
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                description  => "sf-111 unwrap ph under title",
                rowType      => "description",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdDescription"),
                action        => "",
                actionError   => "",
                context       => ["ph2", "title"],
                contextErrors => {},
                method        => "unwrap2",
                methodError   => "",
                rowType       => "method",
                rowTypeError  => "",
              }, "DitaPcdMethod"),
   }, "DitaPCDParseTree");

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(compilePcdFile)


Locate and compile the Dita files in the specified folder @in.

   Parameter  Description
1  @in        Input folders


    my $in  = temporaryFolder;
    my $out = temporaryFolder;

    my $inXml = <<END;

    my $outXml = <<END;

    writeFile(fpe($in, qw(1 dita)), $inXml);

    my $inFile = writeFile(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B

Merge two adjacent b
  mlp b

    pleaseChangeDita(in=>$in, out=>$out);

    ok readFile(fpe($out, qw(1 dita))) eq $outXml;

    my $blocks = compilePcdFile($inFile);

    ok dump(compilePcdFiles($in)) eq dump($blocks);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     {my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new($inXml);

      transformDitaWithPcdOptimized(q(), $x, $blocks);

      ok -p $x eq $outXml;

    clearFolder($_, 1e2) for $in, $out;

  my $in = temporaryFolder;

  my $f = owf(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
# Sample Pcd file
sf-111 unwrap ph under title
  unwrap2 ph2 title

  my $p = parsePcdFile($f);
  delete $p->{inputFile};

  is_deeply $p, bless({
  errors => [],
  rows   => [
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                comment      => "Sample Pcd file",
                rowType      => "comment",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdComment"),
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                description  => "sf-111 unwrap ph under title",
                rowType      => "description",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdDescription"),
                action        => "",
                actionError   => "",
                context       => ["ph2", "title"],
                contextErrors => {},
                method        => "unwrap2",
                methodError   => "",
                rowType       => "method",
                rowTypeError  => "",
              }, "DitaPcdMethod"),
   }, "DitaPCDParseTree");

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(compilePcdFiles)

transformDitaWithPcd($if, $x, $blocks)

Transform the contents of file $if represented as a parse tree $x by applying the specified Dita::Pcd directives in $blocks.

   Parameter  Description
1  $if        Input file
2  $x         Parse tree
3  $blocks    Change blocks


    my $in  = temporaryFolder;
    my $out = temporaryFolder;

    my $inXml = <<END;

    my $outXml = <<END;

    writeFile(fpe($in, qw(1 dita)), $inXml);

    my $inFile = writeFile(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B

Merge two adjacent b
  mlp b

    pleaseChangeDita(in=>$in, out=>$out);

    ok readFile(fpe($out, qw(1 dita))) eq $outXml;

    my $blocks = compilePcdFile($inFile);

    ok dump(compilePcdFiles($in)) eq dump($blocks);

     {my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new($inXml);

      transformDitaWithPcdOptimized(q(), $x, $blocks);

      ok -p $x eq $outXml;

    clearFolder($_, 1e2) for $in, $out;

  my $in = temporaryFolder;

  my $f = owf(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
# Sample Pcd file
sf-111 unwrap ph under title
  unwrap2 ph2 title

  my $p = parsePcdFile($f);
  delete $p->{inputFile};

  is_deeply $p, bless({
  errors => [],
  rows   => [
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                comment      => "Sample Pcd file",
                rowType      => "comment",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdComment"),
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                description  => "sf-111 unwrap ph under title",
                rowType      => "description",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdDescription"),
                action        => "",
                actionError   => "",
                context       => ["ph2", "title"],
                contextErrors => {},
                method        => "unwrap2",
                methodError   => "",
                rowType       => "method",
                rowTypeError  => "",
              }, "DitaPcdMethod"),
   }, "DitaPCDParseTree");

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(transformDitaWithPcd)

transformDitaWithPcdOptimized($if, $x, $blocks)

Transform the specified parse tree $x by applying the specified Dita::Pcd directive $blocks without any reporting to speed up execution.

   Parameter  Description
1  $if        Input file
2  $x         Parse tree
3  $blocks    Change blocks


    my $in  = temporaryFolder;
    my $out = temporaryFolder;

    my $inXml = <<END;

    my $outXml = <<END;

    writeFile(fpe($in, qw(1 dita)), $inXml);

    my $inFile = writeFile(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B

Merge two adjacent b
  mlp b

    pleaseChangeDita(in=>$in, out=>$out);

    ok readFile(fpe($out, qw(1 dita))) eq $outXml;

    my $blocks = compilePcdFile($inFile);

    ok dump(compilePcdFiles($in)) eq dump($blocks);

     {my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new($inXml);

      transformDitaWithPcdOptimized(q(), $x, $blocks);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

      ok -p $x eq $outXml;

    clearFolder($_, 1e2) for $in, $out;

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(transformDitaWithPcdOptimized)


Transform L[dita] files as specified by the directives in Dita::Pcd files.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Execution options


    my $in  = temporaryFolder;
    my $out = temporaryFolder;

    my $inXml = <<END;

    my $outXml = <<END;

    writeFile(fpe($in, qw(1 dita)), $inXml);

    my $inFile = writeFile(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
Change d under c under b to D
  change D d c b

Change B to b
  change b B

Merge two adjacent b
  mlp b

    pleaseChangeDita(in=>$in, out=>$out);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok readFile(fpe($out, qw(1 dita))) eq $outXml;

    my $blocks = compilePcdFile($inFile);

    ok dump(compilePcdFiles($in)) eq dump($blocks);

     {my $x = Data::Edit::Xml::new($inXml);

      transformDitaWithPcdOptimized(q(), $x, $blocks);

      ok -p $x eq $outXml;

    clearFolder($_, 1e2) for $in, $out;

  my $in = temporaryFolder;

  my $f = owf(fpe($in, qw(test pcd)), <<END);
# Sample Pcd file
sf-111 unwrap ph under title
  unwrap2 ph2 title

  my $p = parsePcdFile($f);
  delete $p->{inputFile};

  is_deeply $p, bless({
  errors => [],
  rows   => [
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                comment      => "Sample Pcd file",
                rowType      => "comment",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdComment"),
                action       => "",
                actionError  => "",
                description  => "sf-111 unwrap ph under title",
                rowType      => "description",
                rowTypeError => "",
              }, "DitaPcdDescription"),
                action        => "",
                actionError   => "",
                context       => ["ph2", "title"],
                contextErrors => {},
                method        => "unwrap2",
                methodError   => "",
                rowType       => "method",
                rowTypeError  => "",
              }, "DitaPcdMethod"),
   }, "DitaPCDParseTree");

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(pleaseChangeDita)

pleaseChangeDitaString($xml, $pcd, %options)

Apply a pcd string to an xml string and return the resulting string

   Parameter  Description
1  $xml       Xml
2  $pcd       Pcd options
3  %options   Options


ok pleaseChangeDitaString(q(<a><b>C</b></a>), qq(Unwrap
unwrap b))->string eq qq(<a>C</a>);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

This method can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(pleaseChangeDitaString)

DitaPcdComment Definition

Description of a comment

Output fields


Comment text

DitaPcdDescription Definition


Output fields


Description text

Private Methods


Base of various objects used by the editor

   Parameter  Description
1  $rowType   Row type


Create a new comment

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Attributes


Create a new description

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Attributes


Create a new Method

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Attributes


Create a new Parse Tree

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Attributes


Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $string specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String of PCD directives


Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

   Parameter  Description
1  $if        Input file


Validate a $parseTree

   Parameter   Description
1  $parseTree  Parse tree

makeDataList($name, @values)

Create a data list

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Name
2  @values    Values


Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

   Parameter   Description
1  $parseTree  Parse tree


Print a PCD using HTML

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    Pcd as a string


Print a parse tree as text

   Parameter   Description
1  $parseTree  Parse tree

compilePcdString($string, $file)

Compile the specified Dita::Pcd directives in the supplied $string optionally associated with $file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    Input string
2  $file      Optional name of file associated with string


Replace <> by &lt; &gt; to make example html displayable

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String

printPcdExamplesHtml($mod, $formatter)

Print the PCD examples found in the module description of Data::Edit::Xml.

   Parameter   Description
1  $mod        Module description of Data::Edit::Xml
2  $formatter  Optional sub to format xml


1 compilePcdFile - Compile the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

2 compilePcdFiles - Locate and compile the Dita files in the specified folder @in.

3 compilePcdString - Compile the specified Dita::Pcd directives in the supplied $string optionally associated with $file.

4 ditaPcdBase - Base of various objects used by the editor

5 editPcdParseTree - Validate a $parseTree

6 formatHtml - Replace <> by &lt; &gt; to make example html displayable

7 makeDataList - Create a data list

8 newDitaPcdComment - Create a new comment

9 newDitaPcdDescription - Create a new description

10 newDitaPcdMethod - Create a new Method

11 newDitaPcdParseTree - Create a new Parse Tree

12 parsePcdFile - Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

13 parsePcdString - Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $string specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

14 parseUrlRepresentationOfPcd - Parse the url representation of a parse tree.

15 pleaseChangeDita - Transform L[dita] files as specified by the directives in Dita::Pcd files.

16 pleaseChangeDitaString - Apply a pcd string to an xml string and return the resulting string

17 printPcdExamplesHtml - Print the PCD examples found in the module description of Data::Edit::Xml.

18 printPcdHtml - Print a PCD using HTML

19 representPcdParseTreeAsHtml - Parse the specified Dita::Pcd directives $file specifying changes to be made to Dita files.

20 representPcdParseTreeAsText - Print a parse tree as text

21 transformDitaWithPcd - Transform the contents of file $if represented as a parse tree $x by applying the specified Dita::Pcd directives in $blocks.

22 transformDitaWithPcdOptimized - Transform the specified parse tree $x by applying the specified Dita::Pcd directive $blocks without any reporting to speed up execution.


All of the following methods can be imported via:

use Dita::PCD qw(:all);

Or individually via:

use Dita::PCD qw(<method>);

1 compilePcdFile

2 compilePcdFiles

3 parseUrlRepresentationOfPcd

4 pleaseChangeDita

5 pleaseChangeDitaString

6 transformDitaWithPcd

7 transformDitaWithPcdOptimized


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Dita::PCD



Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.