GitHub::Crud - Create, Read, Update, Delete files on GitHub.
Create, Read, Update, Delete files on GitHub as described at:
sudo apt-get install curl
Create a file by writing some of data to it, read the file to get its contents, delete the file, then try to read the deleted file again:
use GitHub::Crud;
my $g = GitHub::Crud::new();
$g->userid = "...";
$g->repository = "test";
$g->gitFile = "test.html";
$g->personalAccessToken = "...";
my $d = join '-', 1..9;
"Write : ", dump($g->write($d)),
"\nRead 1: ", dump($g->read),
"\nDelete: ", dump($g->delete),
"\nRead 2: ", dump($g->read);
Write : 'created';
Read 1: "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9"
Delete: 1
Read 2: undef
The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.
Create a new() object and then set these attributes to specify your request to GitHub
body :lvalue
The body of an issue
branch :lvalue
Branch name (you should create this branch first) or omit it for the default branch which is usually 'master'
failed :lvalue
Defined if the last request to Github failed else undef.
fileList :lvalue
Reference to an array of files produced by list
gitFile :lvalue
File name on GitHub - this name can contain '/'
gitFolder :lvalue
Folder name on GitHub - this name can contain '/'
logFile :lvalue
The name of a local file to which to write error messages if any errors occur.
message :lvalue
Commit message
personalAccessToken :lvalue
A personal access token with scope "public_repo" as generated on page:
readData :lvalue
Data produced by read
repository :lvalue
The name of your repository - you should create this repository first
response :lvalue
A reference to GitHub's response to the latest request
secret :lvalue
The secret for a web hook - this is created by the creator of the web hook and remembered by GitHuib
title :lvalue
The title of an issue
url :lvalue
The url for a web hook
utf8 :lvalue
Send the data as utf8 - do not use this for binary files containing images or audio, just for files containing text
userid :lvalue
Your userid on GitHub
writeData :lvalue
Data to be written by write
Methods available
Create a new GitHub object.
List the files and folders in a GitHub repository.
Required parameters: userid, repository.
Optional parameters: gitFolder, refOrBranch, patKey.
If the list operation is successful, failed is set to false and fileList is set to refer to an array of the file names found.
If the list operation fails then failed is set to true and fileList is set to refer to an empty array.
Returns the list of file names found or empty list if no files were found.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
Read data from a file on GitHub.
Required parameters: userid, repository, gitFile file to read.
Optional parameters: refOrBranch, patKey.
If the read operation is successful, failed is set to false and readData is set to the data read from the file.
If the read operation fails then failed is set to true and readData is set to undef.
Returns the data read or undef if no file was found.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
3 $noLog Whether to log errors or not
Write data into a GitHub file, creating the file if it is not already present.
Required parameters: userid, repository, gitFile, patKey, writeData.
Optional parameters: refOrBranch.
If the write operation is successful, failed is set to false otherwise it is set to true.
Returns updated if the write updated the file, created if the write created the file else undef if the write failed.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
3 $data Data to be written
Delete a file already present on GitHub.
Required parameters: userid, repository, gitFile, patKey.
Optional parameters: refOrBranch.
If the delete operation is successful, failed is set to false otherwise it is set to true.
Returns true if the delete was successful else false.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
List web hooks.
Required: userid, repository, patKey.
If the list operation is successful, failed is set to false otherwise it is set to true.
Returns true if the list operation was successful else false.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
Create a web hook.
Required: userid, repository, url, patKey.
Optional: secret.
If the create operation is successful, failed is set to false otherwise it is set to true.
Returns true if the web hook was created successfully else false.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
Create an issue.
Required: userid, repository, body, title.
If the operation is successful, failed is set to false otherwise it is set to true.
Returns true if the issue was created successfully else false.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
Save the personal access token in a file.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
3 $file Optional access file - default is /etc/GitHubCrudPersonalAccessToken
Load a personal access token from a file.
1 Parameter Description
2 $gitHub GitHub object
3 $file Optional access file - default is /etc/GitHubCrudPersonalAccessToken
1 body
2 branch
5 delete
6 failed
7 fileList
8 gitFile
10 list
11 listWebHooks
13 logFile
14 message
15 new
17 read
18 readData
19 repository
20 response
22 secret
23 title
24 url
25 userid
26 utf8
27 write
28 writeData
This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, use, modify and install.
Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.