Draw 3d scene as 2d image with lighting and shadowing to assist the human observer in reconstructing the original 3d scene.
PhilipRBrenan@yahoo.com, 2004, Perl License
#example t/draw.t
This package supplies methods to draw a scene, containing three dimensional objects, as a two dimensional image, using lighting and shadowing to assist the human observer in reconstructing the original three dimensional scene.
There are many existing packages to perform this important task: this package is the only one to make the attempt in Pure Perl. Pending the power of Petaflop Parallel Perl (when we will be set free from C), this approach is slow. However, it is not so slow as to be completely useless for simple scenes as might be encountered inside, say for instance, beam lines used in high energy particle physics, the owners of which often have large Perl computers.
The key advantage of this package is that is open: you can manipulate both the objects to be drawn and the drawing itself all in Pure Perl.
package draw;
use vector check=>'vectorCheck';
use vector2;
use triangle2 newnnc=>'triangle2Newnnc';
use triangle;
use color;
use Tk;
use Carp;
use constant debug=>0;
sub draw() {bless {}}
Set view point
sub from($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($v) = vectorCheck(@_[1..1]); # Vector
$d->{from} = $v;
Viewing this point
sub to($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($v) = vectorCheck(@_[1..1]); # Vector
$d->{to} = $v;
Sets the direction of the horizon.
sub horizon($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($v) = vectorCheck(@_[1..1]); # Vector
$d->{horizon} = $v;
Light source position
sub light($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($v) = vectorCheck(@_[1..1]); # Vector
$d->{light} = $v;
Display a window allowing the user to set to,from,horizon,light
sub withControls($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
$d->{withControls} = 1;
Draw this object
sub object($$$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($o) = @_[1..1]; # Object to be drawn
my ($c) = @_[2..2]; # Color of object's surfaces
if ($o->can('triangulate'))
{push @{$d->{triangles}}, $o->triangulate($c);
{die "Cannot draw $o";
Draw the complete object list
sub done($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
Print the complete object list as a triangles in a reusable manner.
sub print($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $l = << 'END';
#!perl -w
use draw;
use triangle;
use vector;
$l .= '->from ('. $d->{from} ->print .")\n";
$l .= '->to ('. $d->{to} ->print .")\n";
$l .= '->horizon ('. $d->{horizon}->print .")\n";
$l .= '->light ('. $d->{light} ->print .")\n";
for my $p(@{$d->{triangles}}) # Triangulation
{$l .= ' ->object('. $p->{triangle}->print .', \''. $p->{color}. "\')\n";
$l .= "->done;\n";
Check its a drawing
sub check(@)
{if (debug)
{for my $t(@_)
{confess "$t is not a drawing" unless ref($t) eq __PACKAGE__;
return (@_)
Test its a drawing
sub is(@)
{for my $t(@_)
{return 0 unless ref($t) eq __PACKAGE__;
Show fission fragments: the objects to be drawn are triangulated where-ever they may intersect. It is useful to see these sub triangles when debugging. See also "fission".
sub showFissionFragments($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
$d->{showFissionFragments} = 1;
Fission the triangles that intersect. See "showFissionFragments"
sub fission($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my @P = @{$d->{triangles}}; # Triangles to be fissoned
my $tested; # Source triangles already tested
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Check each pair of triangles
L: for(;;)
{for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@P); ++$i)
{my $p = $P[$i];
next unless defined($p);
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Check against triangle
for (my $j = $i+1; $j < scalar(@P); ++$j)
{my $q = $P[$j];
next unless defined($q);
my ($t, @t, @T);
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Already tested
next if $tested->{$p->{plane}}{$q->{plane}};
$tested->{$p->{plane}}{$q->{plane}} = 1;
$tested->{$q->{plane}}{$p->{plane}} = 1;
next if $p->{triangle}->parallel($q->{triangle});
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Divide intersecting triangles
@t = $p->{triangle}->divide($q->{triangle});
@T = $q->{triangle}->divide($p->{triangle});
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Add divisions to list of triangles
next unless @t > 1 or @T > 1;
delete $P[$i];
delete $P[$j];
push @P, {triangle=>$_, color=>$q->{color}, plane=>$q->{plane}} for(@t);
push @P, {triangle=>$_, color=>$p->{color}, plane=>$p->{plane}} for(@T);
next L;
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Update list of triangles to be drawn
my @p;
for my $p(@P)
{push @p, $p if defined($p);
$d->{triangles} = [@p];
New drawing - not a constructor
sub new($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
&newCanvas ($d);
&drawing ($d, 1);
Canvas for drawing
sub newCanvas($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $m = $d->{MainWindowCanvas}
= new MainWindow;
my $c = $d->{canvas}
= $m->Canvas(-background=>'yellow')->pack(-expand=>1, -fill=>'both');
$d->{canvas}{width} = $c->cget(-width=>);
$d->{canvas}{height} = $c->cget(-height=>);
$c->CanvasBind('<Configure>' => [$d=>'configure', Ev('w'), Ev('h')]);
Controls for drawing
sub newControl()
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $m = $d->{MainWindowControls} = new MainWindow;
my $a11 = $d->{a11} = $m->Label(-text=>'View point');
my $a12 = $d->{a12} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{from}->{x});
my $a13 = $d->{a13} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{from}->{y});
my $a14 = $d->{a14} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{from}->{z});
my $a21 = $d->{a21} = $m->Label(-text=>'Looking to');
my $a22 = $d->{a22} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{to}->{x});
my $a23 = $d->{a23} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{to}->{y});
my $a24 = $d->{a24} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{to}->{z});
my $a31 = $d->{a31} = $m->Label(-text=>'Horizontal');
my $a32 = $d->{a32} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{horizon}->{x});
my $a33 = $d->{a33} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{horizon}->{y});
my $a34 = $d->{a34} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{horizon}->{z});
my $a41 = $d->{a41} = $m->Label(-text=>'Lit from');
my $a42 = $d->{a42} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{light}->{x});
my $a43 = $d->{a43} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{light}->{y});
my $a44 = $d->{a44} = $m->Entry(-textvariable=>\$d->{light}->{z});
my $a51 = $d->{a51} = $m->Button(-text=>'Redraw', -command=>sub{&drawing($d, 1)});
my $a52 = $d->{a52} = $m->Button(-text=>'In');
my $a53 = $d->{a53} = $m->Button(-text=>'Out');
my $a54 = $d->{a54} = $m->Button(-text=>'Quit', -command=>sub{exit(0)});
$a11->grid($a12, $a13, $a14);
$a21->grid($a22, $a23, $a24);
$a31->grid($a32, $a33, $a34);
$a41->grid($a42, $a43, $a44);
$a51->grid($a52, $a53, $a54);
Configuration of canvas has been changed
sub configure
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $c = $d->{canvas};
$d->{canvas}{width} = $_[1];
$d->{canvas}{height} = $_[2];
&drawing($d, 0);
New drawing of objects
sub drawing($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $zorder = shift; # Re-sort of zorder required?
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Locate background
my $from = $d->{from}; # View point
my $lt = $d->{light}; # Light
my $to = $d->{to}; # View towards
my $hz = $d->{horizon}; # Horizon
my $v = (($from-$to) x $hz)->norm; # Vertical in background plane
my $h = ($v x ($from-$to))->norm; # Horizontal in background plane
my $B = triangle($to, $to+$h, $to+$v); # Background plane
$d->{background} = $B;
&zorder($d) if $zorder; # Partially order triangles from view point
$d->{canvas}->delete('all'); # Clear canvas
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Dimensions of projected image
my ($mx, $Mx, $my, $My);
for my $D(@{$d->{triangles}})
{my $t = $B->project($D->{triangle}, $from); # Project onto background
$D->{project} = $t; # Optimization - record for reuse
my ($ax, $ay) = ($t->a->x, $t->a->y);
my ($bx, $by) = ($t->b->x, $t->b->y);
my ($cx, $cy) = ($t->c->x, $t->c->y);
$mx = $ax if !defined($mx) or $mx > $ax;
$mx = $bx if !defined($mx) or $mx > $bx;
$mx = $cx if !defined($mx) or $mx > $cx;
$Mx = $ax if !defined($Mx) or $Mx < $ax;
$Mx = $bx if !defined($Mx) or $Mx < $bx;
$Mx = $cx if !defined($Mx) or $Mx < $cx;
$my = $ay if !defined($my) or $my > $ay;
$my = $by if !defined($my) or $my > $by;
$my = $cy if !defined($my) or $my > $cy;
$My = $ay if !defined($My) or $My < $ay;
$My = $by if !defined($My) or $My < $by;
$My = $cy if !defined($My) or $My < $cy;
my $cw = $d->{canvas}{width};
my $ch = $d->{canvas}{height};
my $sx = int($d->{canvas}{width} /($Mx-$mx));
my $sy = int($d->{canvas}{height}/($My-$my));
my $s = $d->{canvas}{scale} = ($sx < $sy ? $sx : $sy);
my $dx = $d->{canvas}{dx} = -$mx * $s + ($cw - $s * ($Mx-$mx)) / 2;
my $dy = $d->{canvas}{dy} = $My * $s + ($ch - $s * ($My-$my)) / 2;
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Draw each triangle
for my $D(@{$d->{triangles}})
{my $T = $D->{triangle};
my $color = $D->{color};
my $p = $D->{plane};
my $t = $D->{project};
# Coordinates of triangle to be drawn
my @a = ($dx+$t->a->x*$s, $dy-$t->a->y*$s,
$dx+$t->b->x*$s, $dy-$t->b->y*$s,
$dx+$t->c->x*$s, $dy-$t->c->y*$s,
push @a, -outline=>'black' if defined($d->{showFissionFragments});
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Side towards/away from the light
my $fb = $T->frontInBehindZ($from, $lt);
if (!defined($fb) or $fb < 0) # Towards light
{push @a, -fill=>$color;
&shadows($d, $D);
else # Away from light
{$d->{canvas}->createPolygon(@a, -fill=>color($color)->dark);
Shadows from a point of illumination
sub shadows($$)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my ($p) = (@_[1..1]); # Current triangle to be drawn
my $from = $d->{from}; # View point
my $to = $d->{to}; # Look towards
my $light = $d->{light}; # Position of light
my $back = $d->{background}; # Background
my $c = $d->{canvas}; # Canvas
my $dx = $d->{canvas}{dx}; # Canvas center x
my $dy = $d->{canvas}{dy}; # Canvas center y
my $s = $d->{canvas}{scale}; # Scale factor
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Shadow each triangle
my @s;
for my $q(@{$d->{triangles}})
{next if $p == $q; # Do not shadow self
next if $p->{plane} == $q->{plane}; # Do not shadow stuff in same plane
my $t = $p->{triangle}; # Shadowed triangle
my $T = $q->{triangle}; # Shadowing triangle
# next if $t->frontInBehindZ($from, $light) > 0; # Check that plane view point and light
my $b = $t->project($T, $light); # Project Shadowing triangle onto shadowed triangle
my $d = triangle2Newnnc # Shadow in shadowed plane coordinates
(vector2($b->a->x, $b->a->y),
vector2($b->b->x, $b->b->y),
vector2($b->c->x, $b->c->y)
my $D = triangle2Newnnc # Shadowed plane
return if $d->narrow(); # Projected shadow too narrow?
return if $D->narrow(); # Shadowed triangle too narrow?
my @r = $d->ring($D); # Ring of common points
if (scalar(@r) > 2) # Less than two - small intersection
{my @a;
for my $r(@r) # Points of intersection current/shadowing triangle
{my $sr = $t->convertPlaneToSpace($r); # Convert intersection to space coords
last if $T->frontInBehind($light, $sr) == 1; # $t gives back of shadowing plane
my $sb = $back->intersectionInPlane($from, $sr); # Project from view point onto background
push @a, $dx+$sb->x*$s, $dy-$sb->y*$s; # Save coordinates
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Draw shadow
push @a, -outline=>color($p->{color})->dark, -fill=>color($p->{color})->dark;
Z-order: order the fission triangles from the back ground to the point of view:
Compare each triangle with every other, recording for each triangle which triangles are behind it.
Place all triangles with no triangles behind them with at the start of the order.
Reprocess the remainder until none left (success) or a cycle is detected (bad algorithm).
The two triangles to be compared are projected on to the background: if their projections have no points in common they are unordered, otherwise use the distance to each triangle from the view point towards the common point as a measure of which is first.
fission() guarantees that no two triangles intersect, this algorithm should correctly order each pair of triangles.
sub zorder($)
{my ($d) = check(@_[0..0]); # Drawing
my $from = $d->{from}; # View point
my $back = $d->{background}; # Background
my @P = @{$d->{triangles}}; # Triangles to be drawn
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Filter for useful triangles
my @o;
for(my $ip = 0; $ip < @P; ++$ip)
{my $t = $P[$ip]{triangle};
# next unless $t->area > .1; # Ignore small triangles
# next if $t->narrow(0);
$o{$ip} = {};
push @o, $ip;
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Relationship
for my $ip(@o)
{my $t = $P[$ip]{triangle};
for my $jp(@o)
{next unless $ip < $jp;
my $T = $P[$jp]{triangle};
my $i = $back->project($t, $from);
my $I = $back->project($T, $from);
my $i2 = triangle2Newnnc(vector2($i->a->x, $i->a->y), vector2($i->b->x, $i->b->y), vector2($i->c->x, $i->c->y));
my $I2 = triangle2Newnnc(vector2($I->a->x, $I->a->y), vector2($I->b->x, $I->b->y), vector2($I->c->x, $I->c->y));
# next if $i2->narrow(0);
# next if $I2->narrow(0);
my @c = $i2->pointsInCommon($I2);
next unless scalar(@c);
for my $c(@c)
{my $C = $back->convertPlaneToSpace($c);
my $d = $t->distanceToPlaneAlongLine($from, $C);
my $D = $T->distanceToPlaneAlongLine($from, $C);
next if abs($d-$D) < 0.1; # Points to close in space to disambiguate
$o{$ip}{$jp} = 1 if $d < $D; # Assumes order does not matter for coplanar triangles
$o{$jp}{$ip} = 1 if $d > $D; # Assumes order does not matter for coplanar triangles
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Order by relationship
my @p;
{my $n = 0;
for my $i(sort(keys(%o)))
{unless (keys(%{$o{$i}}))
{push @p, $P[$i];
delete $o{$i};
for my $j(keys(%o))
{delete $o{$j}{$i};
last unless $n;
keys(%o) == 0 or warn "Cycle present??";
$d->{triangles} = [@p];
Export "draw"
use exports qw(
draw ()
#_ Draw ________________________________________________________________
# Package loaded successfully