Mov rax, 9;                                                                   # mmap
 Xor rdi, rdi;                                                                 # Anywhere
 Mov rsi, $s;                                                                  # Amount of memory
 Mov rdx, $wr;                                                                 # PROT_WRITE  | PROT_READ
 Mov r10, $pa;                                                                 # MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON
 Mov r8,  -1;                                                                  # File descriptor for file backing memory if any
 Mov r9,  0;                                                                   # Offset into file


Nasm::X86 - Generate Nasm assembler code


Write and run some assembler code to start a child process and wait for it, printing out the process identifiers of each process involved:

Start;                                                                        # Start the program
Fork;                                                                         # Fork

Test rax,rax;
If                                                                            # Parent
 {Mov rbx, rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;
  GetPid;                                                                     # Pid of parent as seen in parent
  Mov rcx,rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
sub                                                                           # Child
 {Mov r8,rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;
  GetPid;                                                                     # Child pid as seen in child
  Mov r9,rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex r9;
  GetPPid;                                                                    # Parent pid as seen in child
  Mov r10,rax;
  PrintOutRegisterInHex r10;

Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

my $r = assemble();

#    r8: 0000 0000 0000 0000   #1 Return from fork as seen by child
#    r9: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #2 Pid of child
#   r10: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #3 Pid of parent from child
#   rax: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #4 Return from fork as seen by parent
#   rbx: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #5 Wait for child pid result
#   rcx: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #6 Pid of parent

Get the size of this file:

Start;                                                                        # Start the program
my $f = Rs($0);                                                               # File to stat
StatSize($f);                                                                 # Stat the file
PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

my $r = assemble() =~ s( ) ()gsr;
if ($r =~ m(rax:([0-9a-f]{16}))is)                                            # Compare file size obtained with that from fileSize()
 {is_deeply $1, sprintf("%016X", fileSize($0));


You will need the Intel Software Development Emulator and the Networkwide Assembler installed on your test system. For full details of how to do this see:


Generate Nasm assembler code

Version "202104010".

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Generate Network Assembler Code

Generate assembler code that can be assembled with Nasm


Set a label in the code section

   Parameter  Description
1  $l         Label


Initialize the assembler


Start;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutString "Hello World";
ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);


Layout bytes in memory and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @d         Data to be laid out


my $q = Rs('a'..'z');

my $d = Ds('0'x64);                                                           # Output area  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Vmovdqu32(xmm0, "[$q]");                                                      # Load
Vprolq   (xmm0,   xmm0, 32);                                                  # Rotate double words in quad words
Vmovdqu32("[$d]", xmm0);                                                      # Save
PrintOutString($d, 16);
ok assemble() =~ m(efghabcdmnopijkl)s;


Layout bytes in read only memory and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @d         Data to be laid out


Comment "Print a string from memory";
my $s = "Hello World";

my $m = Rs($s);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Mov rsi, $m;
PrintOutString rsi, length($s);
ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);

Dbwdq($s, @d)

Layout data

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         Element size
2  @d         Data to be laid out


Layout bytes in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @bytes     Bytes to layout


Layout words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @words     Words to layout


Layout double words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @dwords    Double words to layout


Layout quad words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @qwords    Quad words to layout

Rbwdq($s, @d)

Layout data

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         Element size
2  @d         Data to be laid out


Layout bytes in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @bytes     Bytes to layout


Layout words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @words     Words to layout


Layout double words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @dwords    Double words to layout


Layout quad words in the data segment and return their label

   Parameter  Description
1  @qwords    Quad words to layout


Insert a comment into the assembly code

   Parameter  Description
1  @comment   Text of comment



Comment "Print a string from memory";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $s = "Hello World";
my $m = Rs($s);
Mov rsi, $m;
PrintOutString rsi, length($s);
ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);


Exit with the specified return code or zero if no return code supplied

   Parameter  Description
1  $c         Return code


PrintOutString "Hello World";

Exit;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);


Save the first 4 parameter registers


Restore the first 4 parameter registers


Restore the first 4 parameter registers except rax so it can return its value


Save the first 7 parameter registers


Restore the first 7 parameter registers


Restore the first 7 parameter registers except rax which is being used to return the result

If($then, $else)


   Parameter  Description
1  $then      Then - required
2  $else      Else - optional


Mov rax, 0;
Test rax,rax;

If  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
 } sub
 {PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;
Mov rax, 1;
Test rax,rax;

If  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
 } sub
 {PrintOutRegisterInHex rdx;
ok assemble() =~ m(rbx.*rcx)s;

For($body, $register, $limit, $increment)


   Parameter   Description
1  $body       Body
2  $register   Register
3  $limit      Limit on loop
4  $increment  Increment


Return the size of a register

   Parameter  Description
1  $r         Register


Push registers onto the stack

   Parameter  Description
1  @r         Register


Pop registers from the stack

   Parameter  Description
1  @r         Register


my $q = Rs(('a'..'p')x4);
my $d = Ds('0'x128);
Vmovdqu32(zmm0, "[$q]");
Vprolq   (zmm0,   zmm0, 32);
Vmovdqu32("[$d]", zmm0);
PrintOutString($d, 64);
Sub rsp, 64;
Vmovdqu64 "[rsp]", zmm0;

PopR rax;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble() =~ m(efghabcdmnopijklefghabcdmnopijklefghabcdmnopijklefghabcdmnopijkl)s;


Peek at register on stack

   Parameter  Description
1  $r         Register


Write a new line


Comment "Print a string from memory";
my $s = "Hello World";
my $m = Rs($s);
Mov rsi, $m;
PrintOutString rsi, length($s);
ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);

PrintOutString($string, $length)

One: Write a constant string to sysout. Two write the bytes addressed for the specified length to sysout

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  $length    Length



PrintOutString "Hello World";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);


Write the content of register rax to stderr in hexadecimal in big endian notation


my $q = Rs('abababab');
Mov(rax, "[$q]");
PrintOutString "rax: ";

PrintOutRaxInHex;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Xor rax, rax;
PrintOutString "rax: ";

PrintOutRaxInHex;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble() =~ m(rax: 6261 6261 6261 6261.*rax: 0000 0000 0000 0000)s;


Clear registers by setting them to zero

   Parameter   Description
1  @registers  Registers


Reverse the bytes in rax


Write the content of register rax to stderr in hexadecimal in little endian notation


Mov rax, 0x88776655;
Shl rax, 32;
Or  rax, 0x44332211;

PrintOutRaxInReverseInHex;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble() =~ m(8877 6655 4433 2211 1122 3344 5566 7788)s;


Print any register as a hex string

   Parameter  Description
1  $r         Name of the register to print


my $q = Rs(('a'..'p')x4);
Mov r8,"[$q]";

PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok assemble() =~ m(r8: 6867 6665 6463 6261)s;


Print the instruction pointer in hex


Print the flags register in hex


Print the general purpose registers in hex


my $q = Rs('abababab');
Mov(rax, 1);
Mov(rbx, 2);
Mov(rcx, 3);
Mov(rdx, 4);
Mov(r8,  5);
Lea r9,  "[rax+rbx]";

PrintOutRegistersInHex;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $r = assemble();
ok $r =~ m( r8: 0000 0000 0000 0005.* r9: 0000 0000 0000 0003.*rax: 0000 0000 0000 0001)s;
ok $r =~ m(rbx: 0000 0000 0000 0002.*rcx: 0000 0000 0000 0003.*rdx: 0000 0000 0000 0004)s;

PrintOutMemoryInHex($addr, $length)

Print the specified number of bytes from the specified address in hex

   Parameter  Description
1  $addr      Address
2  $length    Length


Allocate memory via mmap

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         Amount of memory to allocate


my $N = 2048;
my $n = Rq($N);
my $q = Rs('a'..'p');

allocateMemory "[$n]";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Vmovdqu8 xmm0, "[$q]";
Vmovdqu8 "[rax]", xmm0;
PrintOutString rax,16;

Mov rbx, rax;
freeMemory rbx, "[$n]";
PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Vmovdqu8 "[rbx]", xmm0;
ok assemble() =~ m(abcdefghijklmnop)s;

my $N = 4096;
my $S = registerSize rax;

allocateMemory $N;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Mov rbx, $N;
PushR rbx;
PushR rax;
MemoryClear 0, $S;
Mov rbx, $N-5;
PrintOutString rax, rbx;
PrintOutMemoryInHex rax, rbx;
ok assemble() =~ m(abcdefghijklmnop)s;


Read a file into memory using mmap

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Address of file name

freeMemory($a, $l)

Free memory via mmap

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Address of memory to free
2  $l         Length of memory to free


my $N = 2048;
my $n = Rq($N);
my $q = Rs('a'..'p');
allocateMemory "[$n]";
PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Vmovdqu8 xmm0, "[$q]";
Vmovdqu8 "[rax]", xmm0;
PrintOutString rax,16;

Mov rbx, rax;

freeMemory rbx, "[$n]";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Vmovdqu8 "[rbx]", xmm0;
ok assemble() =~ m(abcdefghijklmnop)s;

my $N = 4096;
my $S = registerSize rax;
allocateMemory $N;
Mov rbx, $N;
PushR rbx;
PushR rax;
MemoryClear 0, $S;
Mov rbx, $N-5;
PrintOutString rax, rbx;
PrintOutMemoryInHex rax, rbx;
ok assemble() =~ m(abcdefghijklmnop)s;




  Start;                                                                        # Start the program

  Fork;                                                                         # Fork  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Test rax,rax;
  If                                                                            # Parent
   {Mov rbx, rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Pid of parent as seen in parent
    Mov rcx,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
  sub                                                                           # Child
   {Mov r8,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Child pid as seen in child
    Mov r9,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r9;
    GetPPid;                                                                    # Parent pid as seen in child
    Mov r10,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r10;

  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

  my $r = assemble();

#    r8: 0000 0000 0000 0000   #1 Return from fork as seen by child
#    r9: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #2 Pid of child
#   r10: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #3 Pid of parent from child
#   rax: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #4 Return from fork as seen by parent
#   rbx: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #5 Wait for child pid result
#   rcx: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #6 Pid of parent

  if ($r =~ m(r8:( 0000){4}.*r9:(.*)\s{5,}r10:(.*)\s{5,}rax:(.*)\s{5,}rbx:(.*)\s{5,}rcx:(.*)\s{2,})s)
   {ok $2 eq $4;
    ok $2 eq $5;
    ok $3 eq $6;
    ok $2 gt $6;

  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  GetUid;                                                                       # Userid
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
  my $r = assemble();
  ok $r =~ m(rax:( 0000){3});


Get process identifier


  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  Fork;                                                                         # Fork

  Test rax,rax;
  If                                                                            # Parent
   {Mov rbx, rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;

    GetPid;                                                                     # Pid of parent as seen in parent  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov rcx,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
  sub                                                                           # Child
   {Mov r8,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;

    GetPid;                                                                     # Child pid as seen in child  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov r9,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r9;
    GetPPid;                                                                    # Parent pid as seen in child
    Mov r10,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r10;

  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

  my $r = assemble();

#    r8: 0000 0000 0000 0000   #1 Return from fork as seen by child
#    r9: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #2 Pid of child
#   r10: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #3 Pid of parent from child
#   rax: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #4 Return from fork as seen by parent
#   rbx: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #5 Wait for child pid result
#   rcx: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #6 Pid of parent

  if ($r =~ m(r8:( 0000){4}.*r9:(.*)\s{5,}r10:(.*)\s{5,}rax:(.*)\s{5,}rbx:(.*)\s{5,}rcx:(.*)\s{2,})s)
   {ok $2 eq $4;
    ok $2 eq $5;
    ok $3 eq $6;
    ok $2 gt $6;

  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  GetUid;                                                                       # Userid
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
  my $r = assemble();
  ok $r =~ m(rax:( 0000){3});


Get parent process identifier


  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  Fork;                                                                         # Fork

  Test rax,rax;
  If                                                                            # Parent
   {Mov rbx, rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Pid of parent as seen in parent
    Mov rcx,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
  sub                                                                           # Child
   {Mov r8,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Child pid as seen in child
    Mov r9,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r9;

    GetPPid;                                                                    # Parent pid as seen in child  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov r10,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r10;

  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

  my $r = assemble();

#    r8: 0000 0000 0000 0000   #1 Return from fork as seen by child
#    r9: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #2 Pid of child
#   r10: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #3 Pid of parent from child
#   rax: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #4 Return from fork as seen by parent
#   rbx: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #5 Wait for child pid result
#   rcx: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #6 Pid of parent

  if ($r =~ m(r8:( 0000){4}.*r9:(.*)\s{5,}r10:(.*)\s{5,}rax:(.*)\s{5,}rbx:(.*)\s{5,}rcx:(.*)\s{2,})s)
   {ok $2 eq $4;
    ok $2 eq $5;
    ok $3 eq $6;
    ok $2 gt $6;

  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  GetUid;                                                                       # Userid
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
  my $r = assemble();
  ok $r =~ m(rax:( 0000){3});


Get userid of current process


Wait for the pid in rax to complete


  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  Fork;                                                                         # Fork

  Test rax,rax;
  If                                                                            # Parent
   {Mov rbx, rax;

    WaitPid;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rbx;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Pid of parent as seen in parent
    Mov rcx,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex rcx;
  sub                                                                           # Child
   {Mov r8,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r8;
    GetPid;                                                                     # Child pid as seen in child
    Mov r9,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r9;
    GetPPid;                                                                    # Parent pid as seen in child
    Mov r10,rax;
    PrintOutRegisterInHex r10;

  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system

  my $r = assemble();

#    r8: 0000 0000 0000 0000   #1 Return from fork as seen by child
#    r9: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #2 Pid of child
#   r10: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #3 Pid of parent from child
#   rax: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #4 Return from fork as seen by parent
#   rbx: 0000 0000 0003 0C63   #5 Wait for child pid result
#   rcx: 0000 0000 0003 0C60   #6 Pid of parent

  if ($r =~ m(r8:( 0000){4}.*r9:(.*)\s{5,}r10:(.*)\s{5,}rax:(.*)\s{5,}rbx:(.*)\s{5,}rcx:(.*)\s{2,})s)
   {ok $2 eq $4;
    ok $2 eq $5;
    ok $3 eq $6;
    ok $2 gt $6;

  Start;                                                                        # Start the program
  GetUid;                                                                       # Userid
  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
  Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
  my $r = assemble();
  ok $r =~ m(rax:( 0000){3});


Read the time stamp counter



 {readTimeStampCounter;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
my @s = split /
/, assemble();
my @S = sort @s;
is_deeply \@s, \@S;


Open a file for read

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File


Start;                                                                        # Start the program
my $f = Rs($0);                                                               # File to stat

OpenRead($f);                                                                 # Open file  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Close(rax);                                                                   # Close file
PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
my $r = assemble();
ok $r =~ m(( 0000){3} 0003)i;                                                 # Expected file number
ok $r =~ m(( 0000){4})i;                                                      # Expected file number


Close a file descriptor

   Parameter  Description
1  $fdes      File descriptor


Start;                                                                        # Start the program
my $f = Rs($0);                                                               # File to stat
OpenRead($f);                                                                 # Open file
PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;

Close(rax);                                                                   # Close file  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
my $r = assemble();
ok $r =~ m(( 0000){3} 0003)i;                                                 # Expected file number
ok $r =~ m(( 0000){4})i;                                                      # Expected file number


Map local data


Start a local data area on the stack

   Parameter  Description
1  $local     Local data descriptor


Free a local data area on the stack

   Parameter  Description
1  $local     Local data descriptor

LocalData::variable($local, $length, $comment)

Add a local variable

   Parameter  Description
1  $local     Local data descriptor
2  $length    Length of data
3  $comment   Optional comment


Address a local variable on the stack

   Parameter  Description
1  $variable  Variable

LocalData::allocate8($local, $comment)

Add an 8 byte local variable

   Parameter  Description
1  $local     Local data descriptor
2  $comment   Optional comment

MemoryClear($addr, $length)

Clear memory

   Parameter  Description
1  $addr      Stack offset of buffer address
2  $length    Stack offset of length of buffer

Read($fileDes, $addr, $length)

Read data the specified file descriptor into the specified buffer of specified length

   Parameter  Description
1  $fileDes   Stack offset of file descriptor
2  $addr      Stack offset of buffer address
3  $length    Stack offset of length of buffer

ReadFile($file, $reg)

Read a file into memory returning its address and length in the named x|y|zmm* register

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File
2  $reg       Register


Stat a file to get its size in rax

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File


Start;                                                                        # Start the program
my $f = Rs($0);                                                               # File to stat

StatSize($f);                                                                 # Stat the file  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

PrintOutRegisterInHex rax;
Exit;                                                                         # Return to operating system
my $r = assemble() =~ s( ) ()gsr;
if ($r =~ m(rax:([0-9a-f]{16}))is)                                            # Compare file size obtained with that from fileSize()
 {is_deeply $1, sprintf("%016X", fileSize($0));


Assemble the generated code

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


PrintOutString "Hello World";

ok assemble =~ m(Hello World);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Private Methods


Create a unique label


1 allocateMemory - Allocate memory via mmap

2 assemble - Assemble the generated code

3 ClearRegisters - Clear registers by setting them to zero

4 Close - Close a file descriptor

5 Comment - Insert a comment into the assembly code

6 Db - Layout bytes in the data segment and return their label

7 Dbwdq - Layout data

8 Dd - Layout double words in the data segment and return their label

9 Dq - Layout quad words in the data segment and return their label

10 Ds - Layout bytes in memory and return their label

11 Dw - Layout words in the data segment and return their label

12 Exit - Exit with the specified return code or zero if no return code supplied

13 For - For

14 Fork - Fork

15 freeMemory - Free memory via mmap

16 GetPid - Get process identifier

17 GetPPid - Get parent process identifier

18 GetUid - Get userid of current process

19 If - If

20 label - Create a unique label

21 localData - Map local data

22 LocalData::allocate8 - Add an 8 byte local variable

23 LocalData::free - Free a local data area on the stack

24 LocalData::start - Start a local data area on the stack

25 LocalData::variable - Add a local variable

26 LocalVariable::stack - Address a local variable on the stack

27 MemoryClear - Clear memory

28 OpenRead - Open a file for read

29 PeekR - Peek at register on stack

30 PopR - Pop registers from the stack

31 PrintOutMemoryInHex - Print the specified number of bytes from the specified address in hex

32 PrintOutNl - Write a new line

33 PrintOutRaxInHex - Write the content of register rax to stderr in hexadecimal in big endian notation

34 PrintOutRaxInReverseInHex - Write the content of register rax to stderr in hexadecimal in little endian notation

35 PrintOutRegisterInHex - Print any register as a hex string

36 PrintOutRegistersInHex - Print the general purpose registers in hex

37 PrintOutRflagsInHex - Print the flags register in hex

38 PrintOutRipInHex - Print the instruction pointer in hex

39 PrintOutString - One: Write a constant string to sysout.

40 PushR - Push registers onto the stack

41 Rb - Layout bytes in the data segment and return their label

42 Rbwdq - Layout data

43 Rd - Layout double words in the data segment and return their label

44 Read - Read data the specified file descriptor into the specified buffer of specified length

45 ReadFile - Read a file into memory returning its address and length in the named x|y|zmm* register

46 ReadFileIntoMemory - Read a file into memory using mmap

47 readTimeStampCounter - Read the time stamp counter

48 registerSize - Return the size of a register

49 RestoreFirstFour - Restore the first 4 parameter registers

50 RestoreFirstFourExceptRax - Restore the first 4 parameter registers except rax so it can return its value

51 RestoreFirstSeven - Restore the first 7 parameter registers

52 RestoreFirstSevenExceptRax - Restore the first 7 parameter registers except rax which is being used to return the result

53 ReverseBytesInRax - Reverse the bytes in rax

54 Rq - Layout quad words in the data segment and return their label

55 Rs - Layout bytes in read only memory and return their label

56 Rw - Layout words in the data segment and return their label

57 SaveFirstFour - Save the first 4 parameter registers

58 SaveFirstSeven - Save the first 7 parameter registers

59 SetLabel - Set a label in the code section

60 Start - Initialize the assembler

61 StatSize - Stat a file to get its size in rax

62 WaitPid - Wait for the pid in rax to complete


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Nasm::X86



Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 620:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 10 lines of content