
Parser::LR - Create and use an LR(1) parser.


Create an LR grammar from rules expressed one rule per line of a string. Each rule starts with an expandable symbol followed by one possible expansion as a mixture of expandable and terminal symbols:

  my $grammar = compileGrammar(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

Print the grammar with printGrammar (substituting non recursive expandables):

  ok printGrammar($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

Use the grammar so created to parse a string an array of terminal symbols into a parse tree with parseWithGrammar:

my $tree = parseWithGrammar($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

Print the parse tree tree with printParseTree:

  ok printParseTree($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

Or print the parse tree as XML with: printParseTreeAsXml and apply Data::Edit::Xml to process it further:

  ok printParseTreeAsXml($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>


Create and use an LR(1) parser.

Version 20191110.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Create and use an LR(1) parser.

Construct an LR(1) parser from a set of rules using compileGrammar; use the parser produced to parse sequences of terminal symbols using parseWithGrammar; print the resulting parse tree with printParseTree or printParseTreeAsXml.


Compile a grammar from a set of rules expressed as a string with one rule per line. Returns a "Parser::LR::Grammar Definition".

   Parameter  Description
1  $rules     Rule definitions
2  %options   Options


if (1) {
  my $grammar = 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

  ok printGrammar($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

  my $tree = parseWithGrammar($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

  ok printParseTree($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

  ok printParseTreeAsXml($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>

  ok printGrammarAsXml($grammar) eq <<END


Parse, using a compiled $grammar, an array of terminals and return a parse tree.

   Parameter   Description
1  $grammar    Compiled grammar
2  @terminals  Terminals to parse


if (1) {
  my $grammar = compileGrammar(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

  ok printGrammar($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

  my $tree = 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

  ok printParseTree($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

  ok printParseTreeAsXml($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>

  ok printGrammarAsXml($grammar) eq <<END


Print a $grammar.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar


if (1) {
  my $grammar = compileGrammar(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

  ok 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

  my $tree = parseWithGrammar($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

  ok printParseTree($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

  ok printParseTreeAsXml($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>

  ok printGrammarAsXml($grammar) eq <<END


Print a $grammar as XML.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar
2  $indent    Indentation level


Print a parse tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar
2  $tree      Parse tree
3  $indent    Optional indent level


if (1) {
  my $grammar = compileGrammar(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

  ok printGrammar($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

  my $tree = parseWithGrammar($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

  ok 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

  ok printParseTreeAsXml($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>

  ok printGrammarAsXml($grammar) eq <<END


Print a parse tree as XML.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar
2  $tree      Parse tree
3  $indent    Optional indent level


if (1) {
  my $grammar = compileGrammar(<<END);
A  A + B
A  B
B  B * C
B  C
C  n
C  ( A )
C  [ A ]
C  { A }
C  ( )
C  [ ]
C  { }

  ok printGrammar($grammar) eq <<END;
    Rule  Symbol  Expansion
 1     0  A       A          +  B
 2     1  A       B
 3     2  B       B          *  n
 4     3  B       B          *  (  A  )
 5     4  B       B          *  [  A  ]
 6     5  B       B          *  {  A  }
 7     6  B       B          *  (  )
 8     7  B       B          *  [  ]
 9     8  B       B          *  {  }
10     9  B       n
11    10  B       (          A  )
12    11  B       [          A  ]
13    12  B       {          A  }
14    13  B       (          )
15    14  B       [          ]
16    15  B       {          }

  my $tree = parseWithGrammar($grammar, qw/( [ { }  ]  +  [ { n }  ] ) * [ n + n ]  /);

  ok printParseTree($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
    Rule  Expandable         Terminal
 1     1  A
 2     4    B
 3    10      B
 4                           (
 5     0        A
 6     1          A
 7    11            B
 8                           [
 9     1              A
10    15                B
11                           {
12                           }
13                           ]
14                           +
15    11          B
16                           [
17     1            A
18    12              B
19                           {
20     1                A
21     9                  B
22                           n
23                           }
24                           ]
25                           )
26                           *
27                           [
28     0      A
29     1        A
30     9          B
31                           n
32                           +
33     9        B
34                           n
35                           ]

  ok 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗔𝘀𝗫𝗺𝗹($grammar, $tree) eq <<END;
<A rule="1">
  <B rule="4">
    <B rule="10">
      <"(" pos="0"/>
      <A rule="0">
        <A rule="1">
          <B rule="11">
            <"[" pos="1"/>
            <A rule="1">
              <B rule="15">
                <"{" pos="2"/>
                <"}" pos="3"/>
            <"]" pos="4"/>
        <"+" pos="5"/>
        <B rule="11">
          <"[" pos="6"/>
          <A rule="1">
            <B rule="12">
              <"{" pos="7"/>
              <A rule="1">
                <B rule="9">
                  <n pos="8"/>
              <"}" pos="9"/>
          <"]" pos="10"/>
      <")" pos="11"/>
    <"*" pos="12"/>
    <"[" pos="13"/>
    <A rule="0">
      <A rule="1">
        <B rule="9">
          <n pos="14"/>
      <"+" pos="15"/>
      <B rule="9">
        <n pos="16"/>
    <"]" pos="17"/>

  ok printGrammarAsXml($grammar) eq <<END

Parser::LR::Grammar Definition

LR parser produced

Output fields

dfa - DFA from grammar

expandables - Expandable symbols

expansionStates - States we can expand in

finalState - Final state at end of parse

grammar - Grammar from which the NFA was derived

longestRule - Longest rule

nfa - NFA from grammar

optionalExpandables - Expandables that can expand to nothing

reducers - The expandables an expandable can reduce to

rules - Rules

start - Start symbol

startTerminals - Terminals that start rules

terminals - Terminal symbols

Parser::LR::Rule Definition

A parsing rule

Output fields

expandable - Symbol to expand

expansion - Symbol expansion

print - Rule printer

rule - Rule number

Private Methods


Print a rule

   Parameter  Description
1  $rule      Rule


Find the longest rule that completely matches the top of the stack.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar
2  @stack     Stack


Check whether we have a partial match with the top of the stack.

   Parameter  Description
1  $grammar   Grammar
2  @stack     Stack


Reduce by the specified rule and update the stack and parse tree to match.

   Parameter  Description
1  $rule      Rule
2  $stack     Stack
3  $tree      Parse tree


Parse, using a compiled $grammar, an array of terminals and return a log of parsing actions taken.

   Parameter   Description
1  $grammar    Compiled grammar
2  @terminals  Terminals to parse


Print a symbol in a form acceptable as Xml

   Parameter  Description
1  $symbol    Symbol


Print a parse tree produced from a grammar by parseWithGrammarAndLog as XML.

   Parameter  Description
1  $tree      Parse tree
2  $grammar   Grammar


1 compileGrammar - Compile a grammar from a set of rules expressed as a string with one rule per line.

2 longestMatchingRule - Find the longest rule that completely matches the top of the stack.

3 parseWithGrammar - Parse, using a compiled $grammar, an array of terminals and return a parse tree.

4 parseWithGrammarAndLog - Parse, using a compiled $grammar, an array of terminals and return a log of parsing actions taken.

5 partialMatch - Check whether we have a partial match with the top of the stack.

6 printGrammar - Print a $grammar.

7 printGrammarAsXml - Print a $grammar as XML.

8 printParseTree - Print a parse tree.

9 printParseTreeAndGrammarAsXml - Print a parse tree produced from a grammar by parseWithGrammarAndLog as XML.

10 printParseTreeAsXml - Print a parse tree as XML.

11 printRule - Print a rule

12 printSymbolAsXml - Print a symbol in a form acceptable as Xml

13 reduceStackWithRule - Reduce by the specified rule and update the stack and parse tree to match.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Parser::LR



Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.