Tree::Multi - Multi-way tree in Pure Perl with an even or odd number of keys per node.
Construct and query a multi-way tree in 100% Pure Perl with a choice of an odd or an even numbers of keys per node: local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
Multi-way tree in Pure Perl with an even or odd number of keys per node.
Version "20210602".
The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.
Multi-way Tree
Create and use a multi-way tree.
Return the root node of a tree.
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 13; my $t = new;
for my $n(1..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
is_deeply $t->leftMost ->keys, [1, 2];
is_deeply $t->rightMost->keys, [13];
ok $t->leftMost ->leaf;
ok $t->rightMost->leaf;
ok $t->root == $t; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok T($t, <<END);
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Confirm that the tree is a leaf.
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 13; my $t = new;
for my $n(1..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
is_deeply $t->leftMost ->keys, [1, 2];
is_deeply $t->rightMost->keys, [13];
ok $t->leftMost ->leaf; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->rightMost->leaf; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->root == $t;
ok T($t, <<END);
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find($root, $key)
Find a key in a tree returning its associated data or undef if the key does not exist
Parameter Description
1 $root Root of tree
2 $key Key
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
Return the left most node below the specified one
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 13; my $t = new;
for my $n(1..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
is_deeply $t->leftMost ->keys, [1, 2]; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
is_deeply $t->rightMost->keys, [13];
ok $t->leftMost ->leaf; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->rightMost->leaf;
ok $t->root == $t;
ok T($t, <<END);
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Return the right most node below the specified one
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 13; my $t = new;
for my $n(1..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
is_deeply $t->leftMost ->keys, [1, 2];
is_deeply $t->rightMost->keys, [13]; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->leftMost ->leaf;
ok $t->rightMost->leaf; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->root == $t;
ok T($t, <<END);
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Return the height of the tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 3;
my $t = new; ok $t->height == 0; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 0; ok $t->size == 0; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(1, 1); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 1; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(2, 2); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 2; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(3, 3); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 3; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(4, 4); ok $t->height == 2; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 2; ok $t->size == 4; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
Return the depth of a node within a tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 3;
my $t = new; ok $t->height == 0; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 0; ok $t->size == 0; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(1, 1); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 1; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(2, 2); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 2; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(3, 3); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 3; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(4, 4); ok $t->height == 2; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 2; ok $t->size == 4; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
delete($root, $key)
Find a key in a tree, delete it, return the new tree
Parameter Description
1 $root Tree root
2 $key Key
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
insert($tree, $key, $data)
Insert a key and data into a tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $key Key
3 $data Data
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
Make an iterator for a tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 256; my $e = 0; my $t = new;
for my $n(0..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
my @n; for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) {push @n, $i->key} # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
++$e unless dump(\@n) eq dump [0..$n];
is_deeply $e, 0;
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
Find the next key
Parameter Description
1 $iter Iterator
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 256; my $e = 0; my $t = new;
for my $n(0..$N)
{$t->insert($n, $n);
my @n; for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) {push @n, $i->key}
++$e unless dump(\@n) eq dump [0..$n];
is_deeply $e, 0;
Create a reverse iterator for a tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 64; my $e = 0;
for my $n(0..$N)
{my $t = new;
for my $i(0..$n)
{$t->insert($i, $i);
my @n;
for(my $i = $t->reverseIterator; $i->less; $i->prev) # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
{push @n, $i->key;
++$e unless dump(\@n) eq dump [reverse 0..$n];
is_deeply $e, 0;
Find the previous key
Parameter Description
1 $iter Iterator
local $numberOfKeysPerNode = 3; my $N = 64; my $e = 0;
for my $n(0..$N)
{my $t = new;
for my $i(0..$n)
{$t->insert($i, $i);
my @n;
for(my $i = $t->reverseIterator; $i->less; $i->prev)
{push @n, $i->key;
++$e unless dump(\@n) eq dump [reverse 0..$n];
is_deeply $e, 0;
print($tree, $i)
Print the keys in a tree optionally marking the active key
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $i Optional index of active key
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
Count the number of keys in a tree
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 3;
my $t = new; ok $t->height == 0; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 0; ok $t->size == 0; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(1, 1); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 1; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(2, 2); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 2; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(3, 3); ok $t->height == 1; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 1; ok $t->size == 3; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert(4, 4); ok $t->height == 2; ok $t->leftMost->depth == 2; ok $t->size == 4; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
Tree::Multi Definition
Output fields
Data at this position
Key at this position
Array of key items for this node
Iteration not yet finished
Iteration not yet finished
Current node within tree
Number of the node for debugging purposes
Current position within node
Tree we are iterating over
Parent node
Private Methods
Create a new multi-way tree node.
local $Tree::Multi::numberOfKeysPerNode = 4; # Number of keys per node - can be even
my $t = Tree::Multi::new; # Construct tree # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
$t->insert($_, 2 * $_) for reverse 1..32; # Load tree in reverse
is_deeply $t->print, <<END;
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ok $t->height == 3; # Height
ok $t->find (16) == 32; # Find by key
$t->delete(16); # Delete a key
ok !$t->find (16); # Key no longer present
ok $t->find (17) == 34; # Find by key
my @k;
for(my $i = $t->iterator; $i->more; $i->next) # Iterator
{push @k, $i->key unless $i->key == 17;
$t->delete($_) for @k; # Delete
ok $t->find(17) == 34 && $t->size == 1; # Size
Minimum number of keys per node.
Maximum number of keys per node.
Maximum number of children per parent.
Confirm that a node is full.
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
Confirm that a node is half full.
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
Return ([lower], center, [upper]) keys.
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Return ([lower], center, [upper]) data
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Return ([lower], [upper]) children
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
reUp($node, @children)
Reconnect the children to their new parent
Parameter Description
1 $node Node
2 @children Children
Split a full node in half assuming it has a non full parent
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Split a full root
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Split a full node
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Split a full leaf node in assuming it has a non full parent
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
Split a full root that is also a leaf
Parameter Description
1 $node Node to split
findAndSplit($root, $key)
Find a key in a tree splitting full nodes along the path to the key
Parameter Description
1 $root Root of tree
2 $key Key
Get the index of a node in its parent
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
fillFromLeftOrRight($n, $dir)
Fill a node from the specified sibling
Parameter Description
1 $n Node to fill
2 $dir Node to fill from 0 for left or 1 for right
mergeWithLeftOrRight($n, $dir)
Merge two adjacent nodes
Parameter Description
1 $n Node to merge into
2 $dir Node to merge is on right if 1 else left
make a node larger than a half node
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
deleteLeafKey($tree, $i)
Delete a (key, pair) in a leaf
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $i Index to delete at
deleteKey($tree, $i)
Delete a (key, data) pair in a node
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $i Index to delete at
flat($tree, @title)
Print the keys in a tree in a flat manner
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 @title Title
T($tree, $expected)
Write a result to the log file
Parameter Description
1 $tree Tree
2 $expected Expected print
disordered($n, $N)
Disordered but stable insertions
Parameter Description
1 $n Keys per node
2 $N Nodes
disorderedCheck($t, $n, $N)
Check disordered insertions
Parameter Description
1 $t Tree to check
2 $n Keys per node
3 $N Nodes
randomCheck($n, $N, $T)
Random insertions
Parameter Description
1 $n Keys per node
2 $N Log 10 nodes
3 $T Log 10 number of tests
1 delete - Find a key in a tree, delete it, return the new tree
2 deleteKey - Delete a (key, data) pair in a node
3 deleteLeafKey - Delete a (key, pair) in a leaf
4 depth - Return the depth of a node within a tree
5 disordered - Disordered but stable insertions
6 disorderedCheck - Check disordered insertions
7 fillFromLeftOrRight - Fill a node from the specified sibling
8 find - Find a key in a tree returning its associated data or undef if the key does not exist
9 findAndSplit - Find a key in a tree splitting full nodes along the path to the key
10 flat - Print the keys in a tree in a flat manner
11 full - Confirm that a node is full.
12 halfFull - Confirm that a node is half full.
13 height - Return the height of the tree
14 indexInParent - Get the index of a node in its parent
15 insert - Insert a key and data into a tree
16 iterator - Make an iterator for a tree
17 leaf - Confirm that the tree is a leaf.
18 leftMost - Return the left most node below the specified one
19 maximumNumberOfKeys - Maximum number of keys per node.
20 maximumNumberOfNodes - Maximum number of children per parent.
21 mergeOrFill - make a node larger than a half node
22 mergeWithLeftOrRight - Merge two adjacent nodes
23 minimumNumberOfKeys - Minimum number of keys per node.
24 new - Create a new multi-way tree node.
25 print - Print the keys in a tree optionally marking the active key
26 randomCheck - Random insertions
27 reUp - Reconnect the children to their new parent
28 reverseIterator - Create a reverse iterator for a tree
29 rightMost - Return the right most node below the specified one
30 root - Return the root node of a tree.
31 separateData - Return ([lower], center, [upper]) data
32 separateKeys - Return ([lower], center, [upper]) keys.
33 separateNode - Return ([lower], [upper]) children
34 size - Count the number of keys in a tree
35 splitFullNode - Split a full node
36 splitLeafNode - Split a full leaf node in assuming it has a non full parent
37 splitNode - Split a full node in half assuming it has a non full parent
38 splitRootLeafNode - Split a full root that is also a leaf
39 splitRootNode - Split a full root
40 T - Write a result to the log file
41 Tree::Multi::Iterator::next - Find the next key
42 Tree::Multi::ReverseIterator::prev - Find the previous key
This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:
sudo cpan install Tree::Multi
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.