Tree::Term - Create a parse tree from an array of terms representing an expression.
The expression to parse is presented as an array of words, the first letter of each word indicates its lexical role as in:
my @e = qw(b b p2 p1 v1 q1 q2 B d3 b p4 p3 v2 q3 q4 d4 p6 p5 v3 q5 q6 B s B s);
a assign - infix operator with priority 2 binding right to left
b open - open parenthesis
B close - close parenthesis
d dyad - infix operator with priority 3 binding left to right
p prefix - monadic prefix operator
q suffix - monadic suffix operator
s semi-colon - infix operator with priority 1 binding left to right
v variable - a variable in the expression
The results of parsing the expression can be printed with flat which provides a left to right representation of the parse tree.
is_deeply parse(@e)->flat, <<END;
q2 d4
q1 q4 q6
p2 q3 q5
p1 p4 p6
v1 p3 p5
v2 v3
Create a parse tree from an array of terms representing an expression.
Version 20210629.
The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.
Create a parse tree from an array of terms representing an expression.
Parse an expression.
Parameter Description
1 @expression Expression to parse
ok T [qw(b b p2 p1 v1 q1 q2 B d3 b p4 p3 v2 q3 q4 d4 p6 p5 v3 q5 q6 B s B s)], <<END;
q2 d4
q1 q4 q6
p2 q3 q5
p1 p4 p6
v1 p3 p5
v2 v3
Print a parse tree to make it easy to visualize its structure.
flat($expression, @title)
Print the terms in the expression as a tree from left right to make it easier to visualize the structure of the tree.
Parameter Description
1 $expression Root term
2 @title Optional title
ok T [qw(p2 p1 v1 q1 q2 d3 p4 p3 v2 q3 q4 d4 p6 p5 v3 q5 q6 s)], <<END;
q2 d4
q1 q4 q6
p2 q3 q5
p1 p4 p6
v1 p3 p5
v2 v3
Hash Definitions
Tree::Term Definition
Description of a term in the expression.
Output fields
Operands to which the operator will be applied.
Operator to be applied to one or more operands.
Parent term if this is a sub term.
Private Methods
new($operator, @operands)
New term.
Parameter Description
1 $operator Operator
2 @operands Operands.
Depth of a term in an expression.
Parameter Description
1 $term Term
List the terms in an expression in post order
Parameter Description
1 $expression Root term
1 depth - Depth of a term in an expression.
2 flat - Print the terms in the expression as a tree from left right to make it easier to visualize the structure of the tree.
3 listTerms - List the terms in an expression in post order
4 new - New term.
5 parse - Parse an expression.
This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:
sudo cpan install Tree::Term
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.