Test::Mojo::Role::Moai - Test::Mojo role to test UI components


version 0.011


my $t = Test::Mojo->with_roles( '+Moai' )->new;
$t->get_ok( '/' )
        [ '1BDI' => 'Turanga Leela' ],
        [ 'TJAM' => 'URL' ],
    'NNY officers are listed',


This module provides component tests for web pages: Instead of selecting individual elements and testing their parts, these methods test complete components in a way that allows for cosmetic, non-material changes to be made without editing the test.

These methods are designed for Mojolicious::Plugin::Moai components, but do not require Mojolicious::Plugin::Moai to function. Use them on any web site you want!



# <table>
# <thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th></tr></thead>
# <tbody><tr><td>1</td><td>Doug</td></tr></tbody>
# </table>
$t = $t->table_is( '#mytable', [ [ 1, 'Doug' ] ] );
$t = $t->table_is( '#mytable', [ [ 1, 'Doug' ] ], 'user table' );
$t = $t->table_is( '#mytable', [ { ID => 1, Name => 'Doug' } ] );

Check data in a table is complete and correct. Data can be tested as arrays (ordered) or hashes (unordered).

If a table contains a <tbody> element, this method will test the data inside. If not, it will test all rows in the table.

# <table><tr><td>1</td><td>Doug</td></tr></table>
$t = $t->table_is( '#mytable', [ [ 1, 'Doug' ] ] );

To test attributes and elements inside the table cells, values can be hashrefs with a text attribute (for the cell text), an elem attribute to test descendant elements, and other keys for the cell's attributes.

# <table><tr>
# <td class="center">1</td>
# <td><a href="/user/doug">Doug</a> <em>(admin)</em></td>
# </tr></table>
$t = $t->table_is( '#mytable', [
        { text => 1, class => 'center' },
        { elem => {
            'a' => {
                text => 'Doug',
                href => '/user/doug',
            'em' => '(admin)',
        } },
] );


# <table>
# <thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th></tr></thead>
# <tbody><tr><td>1</td><td>Doug</td></tr></tbody>
# </table>
$t = $t->table_has( '#mytable', [ { ID => 1, Name => 'Doug' } ] );
$t = $t->table_has( '#mytable', [ { Name => 'Doug' } ] );

Check a subset of rows/columns of data in a table.


qr// for text

Element text and attribute values should allow regex matching in addition to complete equality.

list_is / list_has

Test a list

dict_is / dict_has

Test a dictionary list

elem_is / elem_has

Test an individual element (using "at" in Mojo::DOM).

all_elem_is / all_elem_has

Test a collection of elements (using "find" in Mojo::DOM).

Elements should be able to test whether they are a link to a named route with certain stash values set. This allows for the route's URL to change without needing to change the test.

Methods for Moai components

Any Moai components that have special effects or contain multiple testable elements should be given their own method, with _is and _has variants.


Mojolicious::Plugin::Moai, Mojolicious::Guides::Testing


Doug Bell <>


This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.