Qiime2::Artifact - A parser for Qiime2 artifact files


version 0.10.2


use Qiime2::Artifact;

my $artifact = Qiime2::Artifact->new( {
      filename => 'tree.qza'
  } );

print "Artifact_ID: ",  $artifact->{id};


A module to read metadata and content of Qiime2 artifacts. From Qiime 2 documentation: "Artifacts are QIIME 2 results that are generally considered to represent intermediate data in an analysis, meaning that an artifact is generated by QIIME 2 and intended to be consumed by QIIME 2 (rather than by a human). Artifacts can be generated either by importing data into QIIME 2 or as out from a QIIME 2 action. When written to file, artifacts typically have the extension .qza, which stands for QIIME Zipped Artifact."



Load artifact from file. Parameters are: filename (required).

Artifact object

id (string)

Artifact ID (example: cfdc04fb-9c26-40c1-a03b-88f79e5735f1)

version (string)

Artifact ID (example: 2019.10.0), from the VERSION file

archive (int)

Artifact archive version, from the VERSION file

filename (string)

Full path of the input artifact.

visualizazion (bool)

Whether the artifact looks like a visualization artifact. True (1) if the data contains index.html.

data (array)

list of the files included in the 'data' directory

ancestry (array of array)

A list of levels of ancestry, each containing a list of Artifact IDs. The first element is a list with the Artifact self ID. The last should contain the source artifact. See also parents. Example:

"ancestry" : [
parents Hash

Hash with all the provenance artifacts. Each parent has as key an Artifact ID, having as attributes:


List of artifact IDs originating the parent.


Hash with key, format, uuid.


Structure containing citations, parameters, inputs and other attributes.


Andrea Telatin <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Andrea Telatin.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License