qzoom - A script to print metadata from Qiime2 artifacts


version 0.13.0

SYNOPSIS [options] <artifact1.qza/v> [<artifact2.qza ...]


Main Actions

-i, --info

Print artifact information to STDOUT. Enabled by default if no other action specified.

-c, --cite

Print artifact citation to STDOUT or to file.

-x, --extract

Extract the content of the 'data' directory.

-d, --data

List all the files contained in the ./data directory of the artifacts.

Other Parameters

-o, --outdir OUTDIR

Directory where to extract files (default: ./).

-b, --bibtex FILE

Save citations to a file (append).

-r, --rename

Rename extracted files to {artifactbasename}.{ext}.

-t, --tabular

Print output in tabular format.


Print verbose output.


Get attributes from single artifact:
qzoom  data/reads.qzv

Will produce:

reads.qzv [HTML Visualization]
  UUID: 44df755f-c76f-46b8-9011-ba50f6716d4c
  QIIME2 version: 2019.10.0
  Files: 26
List multiple artifacts:
qzoom data/reads.qz*

Will simply list one artifact after the other.

reads.qza [Data Artifact]
  UUID: cf3d88d9-51e8-411a-a52b-10646b2940c1
  QIIME2 version: 2019.10.0
  Files: 10
reads.qzv [HTML Visualization]
  UUID: 44df755f-c76f-46b8-9011-ba50f6716d4c
  QIIME2 version: 2019.10.0
  Files: 26
List in tabular format:
qzoom -t data/*.qz{a,v}

Will produce:

FILENAME                       UUID                                 TYPE     VERSION         FILES
reads.qza                      cf3d88d9-51e8-411a-a52b-10646b2940c1 DATA     2019.10.0       10
reads.qzv                      44df755f-c76f-46b8-9011-ba50f6716d4c VIZ      2019.10.0       26
table.qza                      d27b6a68-5c6e-46d9-9866-7b4d46cca533 DATA     2018.6.0        1
tree-derived.qza               54e4cde6-29d4-4da9-a6f1-9324b7780819 DATA     2019.10.0       1
tree-imported.qza              c2d390bf-c37f-412e-9d17-dd8f5a7ef2cf DATA     2019.10.0       1


Andrea Telatin <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Andrea Telatin.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License