Net::SMS::O2_DE - a module to send SMS messages using the O2 Germany web2sms! Only for Internet-Pack users with free sms.


Version 0.03


use strict;
use Net::SMS::O2_DE;

my $sms = Net::SMS::O2_DE->new(
    autotruncate => 1,
    username => '01701234567',
    password => 'SECRET',
    sender => 'YourMother',
    recipient => '+4917676543210',
    message => 'a test message',

$sms->verbose( 1 );
print "Quota: " , $sms->quota(). "\n";
$sms->message( 'a different message' );
print "sending message to mobile number ", $sms->recipient();


A perl module to send SMS messages, using the O2 web2sms gateway. This module will only work with mobile phone numbers that have been registered with O2 ( and uses form submission to a URL that may be subject to change. The O2 service is currently only available to german phone users with internet pack.

There is a maximum length for SMS message (1800 for O2). If the sum of message length exceed this, the behaviour of the Net::SMS::O2 objects depends on the value of the 'autotruncate' argument to the constructor. If this is a true value, then the subject / message will be truncated to 1800 characters. If false, the object will throw an exception (die). If you set notruncate to 1, then the module won't check the message length, and you are on your own!

This implementation is based on the module Net::SMS::O2.

The HTTP requests are sent using Net::SMS::WEB which uses LWP::UserAgent module. If you are using a proxy, you may need to set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable for this to work (see LWP::UserAgent).


There is no check if you entered a valid tel number or frequency or other fields.



The constructor for Net::SMS::O2_DE takes the following arguments as hash values (see SYNOPSIS):

autotruncate (OPTIONAL)

O2 has a upper limit on the length of the message (1800). If autotruncate is true, message is truncated to 1800 if the sum of the length exceeds 1800. The default for this is false.

notruncate (OPTIONAL)

Of course, if you don't believe the O2 web interface about maximum character length, then you can set this option.

username (REQUIRED)

The O2 username for the user (assuming that the user is already registered at Normally your phone number (eg. 017801234567)

password (REQUIRED)

The O2 password for the user (assuming that the user is already registered at

sender (OPTIONAL)

The sender of the sms. You can set a string value which the recipient sees as sender. Defaults to undefined which means your number is set as sender or if anonymous is set the message is sent by anonymous.

anonymous (OPTIONAL)

If anonymous is set and sender is undef the sms will be sent as anonymous

recipient (REQUIRED)

Mobile number for the intended SMS recipient. Format must be international (eg. +4917801234567)

message (REQUIRED)

SMS message body.

verbose (OPTIONAL)

If true, various soothing messages are sent to STDERR. Defaults to false.

flash_sms (OPTIONAL)

If true uses FlashSMS. Defaults to undef which means FlashSMS is off.

schedule_start (OPTIONAL)

If you want to schedule the sms set the parameter frequency to desired value. This is the start time using epoch time of the scheduling. The value is given in seconds from epoch (eg. use time function). ATTENTION: Must be multiple of 900 sekonds (=15 minutes). if not the value will be round up internally to the next quarter of the hour.

schedule_end (OPTIONAL)

If you want to schedule the sms set the parameter frequency to desired value. This is the end time using epoch time of the scheduling. The value is given in seconds from epoch (eg. use time function). ATTENTION: Must be multiple of 900 sekonds (=15 minutes). if not the value will be round up internally to the next quarter of the hour.

frequency (OPTIONAL)

Frequency for scheduled sms. Use one of the following values (default is 5):

5 : only once
6 : hourly
1 : dayly
2 : weekly
3 : monthly
4 : each year


All of the constructor arguments can be got / set using accessor methods. E.g.:

$old_message = $self->message;
$self->message( $new_message );


Calls the page to get the FlowExecutionKey for handling login and sending sms. Called by login.


Logs in with specified username and password. Calls get_flow_execution_key which is required for the whole communication. After login changes from the login page to the SMS-Center page to set cookies properly.

If already login was already called and not yet logout, this function returns immediatly because assumes that you are already logged in. If you want to force a new login, call logout first.


Logs you out from the current session. Use login to relogon. There can be a parameter with '1' to force logging out


Returns the current available free sms.


This method is invoked to actually send the SMS message that corresponds to the constructor arguments an set member variables. Returns 1 on success. Otherwise croak will be called with the error message. Login will be automatically performed if not yet called. You have to call logout manually if you want to close the current session.


Net::SMS::Web. Net::SMS::O2.


Stefan Profanter, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-sms-o2_de at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::SMS::O2_DE

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2011 Stefan Profanter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.