Changes for version 0.06 - 2017-05-21
- New features
- Add disassembly control files to allow iterative disassembly sessions Change output format of constants from 0xFD to $FD. Add a space between operands, ld a, $FD. Add defb2 for data to be shown in binary, %11111101.
Changes for version 0.06 - 2019-03-17
- Bug Fixes
- Update tests to allow for the refactor of File::Slurp With thanks to the Pull Request author: Chase Whitener
- Other
- Use Class::Accessor instead of Class::XSAccessor to remove dependencies from XS modules.
Disassemble the flow of a Z80 program
Format output of disassembler
One Z80 disassembled instruction
Label used in the disassembled program
All labels used in the disassembled program
Memory representation for Z80 disassembler