=head1 NAME
DbFramework::Table - Table class
use DbFramework::Table;
$t = new DbFramework::Table($name,,,$dbh,\@forms);
$dbh = $t->dbh($dbh);
$pk = $t->is_identified_by($pk);
@fks = @{$t->has_foreign_keys_l};
@keys = @{$t->is_accessed_using_l};
@a = $t->get_attributes(@names);
@n = $t->get_attribute_names;
$html = $t->as_html_form;
$s = $t->as_string;
$sql = $t->as_sql;
$rows = $t->delete($conditions);
$pk = $t->insert(\%values);
$rows = $t->update(\%values,$conditions);
@lol = $t->select(\@columns,$conditions,$order);
$tmpl = $t->set_templates(\%templates);
$fill = $t->fill_template($template);
do_something if $t->in_foreign_key($attribute);
do_something if $t->in_key($attribute);
do_something if $t->in_primary_key($attribute);
do_something if $t->in_any_key($attribute);
@a = $t->non_key_attributes;
A B<DbFramework::Table> object represents a database table (entity).
=head2 Forms and Templates
A table can have a number of associated forms. Each form defines a
number of templates which can be used for data entry or display.
Forms associated with a table can be configured when calling new()
and/or by including the Perl code
C<$self-E<gt>form_h([form =E<gt> 'formfile' ...]);>
in the file F</usr/local/etc/dbframework/forms/$db/$table/config.pl>.
B<form> is a name used to identify the form and B<formfile> is the
name of the file containing the form definition.
Form files should be place in
F</usr/local/etc/dbframework/forms/$db/$table>. They should contain a
list of (B<template name>,B<template>) pairs, where B<template name>
is a name used to identify the template and B<template> is an HTML
template. Templates can be initialised by reading form files with the
read_form() method. The special tags which can be used in a template
are described in the fill_template() method.
All lines in F<config.pl> and I<formfile> matching the regular
expression B</^\s*#/> will be treated as comments and ignored.
use strict;
use base qw(DbFramework::DefinitionObject DbFramework::DataModelObject);
use Alias;
use Carp;
use CGI;
my %fields = (
# Entity 1:1 IsIdentifiedBy 1:1 PrimaryKey
# Entity 1:1 HasForeignKeys 0:N ForeignKey
# Table 1:1 IsAccessedUsing 0:N Key
DBH => undef,
TEMPLATE_H => undef,
FORM_H => undef,
my $formsdir = '/usr/local/etc/dbframework/forms';
=head2 new($name,\@attributes,$primary,$dbh,\@forms)
Create a new B<DbFramework::Table> object. I<$dbh> is a DBI database
handle which refers to a database containing a table named I<$table>.
I<@attribues> is a list of B<DbFramework::Attribute> objects.
I<$primary> is a B<DbFramework::PrimaryKey> object. I<@attributes>
and I<$primary> can be omitted if you plan to use the
B<init_db_metadata()> object method (see below). I<@forms> is a list
of (I<form name>,I<file>) pairs. Form files should contain a list of
(I<template name>,I<template>) pairs. (see the object method
read_form() below.)
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = bless($class->SUPER::new(shift,shift),$class);
for my $element (keys %fields) {
$self->{_PERMITTED}->{$element} = $fields{$element};
@{$self}{keys %fields} = values %fields;
attr $self;
my $config = "$formsdir/" . $self->get_db($DBH) . "/$NAME/config.pl";
# table configuration
if ( -f $config ) {
my $code = _readfile_no_comments($config,"Couldn't open form config");
eval $code;
$self->form_h($_[0]) if $_[0];
return $self;
Foreign keys in a table can be accessed using the
that foreign key objects will not be created automatically by calling
init_db_metadata() on a table object. If you want to automatically
create foreign key objects for your tables you should use call
init_db_metadata() on a data model object (see
L<DbFramework::Datamodel/init_db_metadata()>). Other keys (indexes)
defined for a table can be accessed using the I<IS_ACCESSED_USING_L>
attribute. See L<DbFramework::Util/AUTOLOAD()> for the accessor
methods for these attributes.
=head2 is_identified_by($primary)
I<$primary> is a B<DbFramework::PrimaryKey> object. If supplied, sets
the table's primary key to I<$primary>. Returns a
B<DbFramework::PrimaryKey> object with is the table's primary key.
=head2 get_attributes(@names)
Returns a list of B<DbFramework::Attribute> objects. I<@names> is a
list of attribute names to return. If I<@names> is undefined, all
attributes associated with the table are returned.
=head2 dbh($dbh)
I<$dbh> is a DBI database handle. If supplied, sets the database
handle associated with the table. Returns the database handle
associated with the table.
sub get_attributes {
my $self = attr shift;
print STDERR "getting attributes for (",join(',',@_),")\n" if $_DEBUG;
return @_ ? $self->contains_h_byname(@_) # specific attributes
: @{$self->contains_l}; # all attributes
=head2 get_attribute_names()
Returns a list of attribute names for the table.
sub get_attribute_names {
my $self = attr shift;
my @names;
for ( @CONTAINS_L ) { push(@names,$_->name) }
=head2 as_html_form()
Returns HTML form fields for all attributes in the table.
sub as_html_form {
my $self = attr shift;
my $form;
for ( @CONTAINS_L ) { $form .= "<tr><td>" . $_->as_html_form_field . "</td></tr>\n" }
=head2 in_foreign_key($attribute)
I<$attribute> is a B<DbFramework::Attribute> object. Returns true if
I<$attribute> is a part of any foreign key in the table.
sub in_foreign_key {
my($self,$attribute) = (attr shift,shift);
my $name = $attribute->name;
my @fk_names = ();
print STDERR "foreign keys: @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L\n" if $_DEBUG;
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { push(@fk_names,$_->attribute_names) }
print STDERR "Looking for $name in @fk_names\n" if $_DEBUG;
return grep(/^$name$/,@fk_names) ? 1 : 0;
=head2 in_primary_key($attribute)
I<$attribute> is a B<DbFramework::Attribute> object. Returns true if
I<$attribute> is a part of the primary key in the table.
sub in_primary_key {
my($self,$attribute) = (attr shift,shift);
my $name = $attribute->name;
my @pk_names = $self->is_identified_by->attribute_names;
print STDERR "Looking for $name in @pk_names\n" if $_DEBUG;
return grep(/^$name$/,@pk_names) ? 1 : 0;
=head2 in_key($attribute)
I<$attribute> is a B<DbFramework::Attribute> object. Returns true if
I<$attribute> is a part of a key (index) in the table.
sub in_key {
my($self,$attribute) = (attr shift,shift);
my @k_names = ();
my $name = $attribute->name;
for ( @IS_ACCESSED_USING_L ) { push(@k_names,$_->attribute_names) }
print STDERR "Looking for $name in @k_names\n" if $_DEBUG;
return grep(/^$name$/,@k_names) ? 1 : 0;
=head2 in_any_key($attribute)
I<$attribute> is a B<DbFramework::Attribute> object. Returns true if
I<$attribute> is a part of a key (index), a primary key or a foreign
key in the table.
sub in_any_key {
my($self,$attribute) = (attr shift,shift);
print STDERR "$self->in_any_key($attribute)\n" if $_DEBUG;
return ($self->in_key($attribute) ||
$self->in_primary_key($attribute) ||
$self->in_foreign_key($attribute)) ? 1 : 0;
=head2 non_key_attributes()
Returns a list of B<DbFramework::Attribute> objects which are not
members of any key, primary key or foreign key.
sub non_key_attributes {
my $self = attr shift;
my @non_key;
for ( @CONTAINS_L ) { push(@non_key,$_) unless $self->in_any_key($_) }
#=head2 html_hidden_pk_list()
#Returns a 'hidden' HTML form field whose key consists of the primary
#key column names separated by '+' characters and whose value is the
#current list of @CGI_PK
#sub html_hidden_pk_list {
# my $self = attr shift;
# my $cgi = new CGI('');
# return $cgi->hidden(join('+',@{$PRIMARY->column_names}),@CGI_PK) . "\n";
=head2 as_string()
Return table details as a string.
sub as_string {
my $self = attr shift;
my $s = "Table: $NAME\n";
for ( @{$self->contains_l} ) { $s .= $_->as_string }
return $s;
=head2 init_db_metadata()
Returns an initialised B<DbFramework::Table> object for the table
matching this object's name() in the database referenced by dbh().
sub init_db_metadata {
my $self = attr shift;
$sql = qq{DESCRIBE $NAME};
$sth = $DBH->prepare($sql) || die($DBH->errstr);
$rv = $sth->execute || die($sth->errstr);
$rows = $sth->rows;
my @columns;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++ ) {
my %row = %{$sth->fetchrow_hashref};
my $d = new DbFramework::DataType($row{Type} =~ /^(\w+)\(*.*$/,
$row{Type} =~ /^\w+\((\d+)\)$/,
my $a = new DbFramework::Attribute($row{Field},
$row{Null} eq 'YES' ? 1 : 0,
## add keys
$sql = qq{SHOW KEYS FROM $NAME};
$sth = $DBH->prepare($sql) || die($DBH->errstr);
$rv = $sth->execute || die($sth->errstr);
while ( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
for ( keys(%keys) ) {
my @attributes = $self->get_attributes(@{$keys{$_}});
if ( $_ eq 'PRIMARY' ) { # primary key
my $pk = new DbFramework::PrimaryKey(\@attributes);
$pk->belongs_to($self); # reverse reference
} elsif ( $_ !~ /^f_/i ) { # key (not foreign)
my $k = new DbFramework::Key($_,\@attributes);
$k->belongs_to($self); # reverse reference
die "no primary key defined in $NAME" unless defined($IS_IDENTIFIED_BY);
$self->_templates; # set default templates
return $self;
=head2 as_sql()
Returns a string which can be used to create a table in an SQL 'CREATE
TABLE' statement.
sub as_sql {
my $self = attr shift;
my $sql = "CREATE TABLE $NAME (\n";
for ( @{$self->contains_l} ) { $sql .= "\t" . $_->as_sql($DBH) . ",\n"; }
$sql .= "\t" . $IS_IDENTIFIED_BY->as_sql;
for ( @IS_ACCESSED_USING_L ) { $sql .= ",\n\t" . $_->as_sql }
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { $sql .= ",\n\t" . $_->as_sql }
return "$sql\n)";
#=head2 validate_foreign_keys()
#Ensure that foreign key definitions match related primary key
sub validate_foreign_keys {
my $self = shift;
attr $self;
for my $fk ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) {
my $fk_name = $fk->name;
my @fk_attributes = @{$fk->incorporates_l};
my @pk_attributes = @{$fk->references->incorporates_l};
@fk_attributes == @pk_attributes ||
die "Number of attributes in foreign key $NAME:$fk_name(",scalar(@fk_attributes),") doesn't match that of related primary key (",scalar(@pk_attributes),")";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#fk_attributes; $i++) {
my($fk_aname,$pk_aname) =
print STDERR "$fk_aname eq $pk_aname\n" if $_DEBUG;
#$fk_aname eq $pk_aname ||
# die "foreign key component $NAME:$fk_aname ne primary key component $pk_aname\n";
=head2 delete($conditions)
B<DELETE> rows B<FROM> the table associated with this object B<WHERE>
the conditions in I<$conditions> are met. Returns the number of rows
sub delete {
my($self,$conditions) = (attr shift,shift);
my $sql = "DELETE FROM $NAME";
$sql .= " WHERE $conditions" if $conditions;
print STDERR "$sql\n" if $_DEBUG;
return $DBH->do($sql) || die($DBH->errstr);
=head2 insert(\%values)
B<INSERT INTO> the table columns corresponding to the keys of
I<%values> the B<VALUES> corresponding to the values I<%values>.
Returns the primary key of the inserted row if it is a Mysql
sub insert {
my $self = attr shift;
my %values = %{$_[0]};
my $columns = '(' . join(',',keys(%values)). ')';
my $values;
for ( values(%values) ) { $values .= $DBH->quote($_) . ',' }
chop $values;
my $sql = "INSERT INTO $NAME $columns VALUES ($values)";
print STDERR "$sql\n" if $_DEBUG;
my $sth = $DBH->prepare($sql) || die $DBH->errstr;
my $rv = $sth->execute || die "$sql\n" . $sth->errstr . "\n";
my $rc = $sth->finish;
return $sth->{'insertid'}; # id of auto_increment field (DBD::mysql specific)
=head2 update(\%values,$conditions)
B<UPDATE> the table B<SET>ting the columns matching the keys in
%values to the values in %values B<WHERE> I<$conditions> are
met. Returns the number of rows updated.
sub update {
my $self = attr shift;
my %values = %{$_[0]};
my $conditions = $_[1];
my $values;
for ( keys %values ) { $values .= "$_ = " . $DBH->quote($values{$_}) . ',' }
chop $values;
my $sql = "UPDATE $NAME SET $values";
$sql .= " WHERE $conditions" if $conditions;
print STDERR "$sql\n" if $_DEBUG;
return $DBH->do($sql) || die($DBH->errstr);
=head2 select(\@columns,$conditions,$order)
Returns a list of lists of values by B<SELECT>ing rows B<FROM> the
table B<WHERE> I<$conditions> are met B<ORDER>ed B<BY> I<$order>.
sub select {
my $self = attr shift;
my @columns = defined($_[0]) ? @{$_[0]} : @{$self->get_attribute_names};
my($conditions,$order) = @_[1..2];
my $sql = "SELECT " . join(',',@columns) . " FROM $NAME";
$sql .= " WHERE $conditions" if $conditions;
$sql .= " ORDER BY $order" if $order;
print STDERR "$sql\n" if $_DEBUG;
my $sth = $DBH->prepare($sql) || die($DBH->errstr);
my $rv = $sth->execute || die "$sql\n" . $sth->errstr . "\n";
my @things;
# Can't use fetchrow_arrayref here as it returns the *same* ref (man DBI)
while ( my @attributes = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
print "@attributes\n" if $_DEBUG;
if ( $_DEBUG ) {
print "@things\n";
for ( @things ) { print "@{$_}\n" }
return @things;
=head2 fill_template($name,\%values)
Return the filled HTML template named I<$name>. A template can
contain special placeholders representing columns in a database table.
Placeholders in I<$template> can take the following forms:
=over 4
=item B<E<lt>DbField table.columnE<gt>>
=item B<E<lt>DbField table.column value=valueE<gt>>
=item B<E<lt>DbField table.column value=value type=typeE<gt>>
If the table's name() matches I<table> in a B<DbField> placeholder,
the placeholder will be replaced with the corresponding HTML form
field for the column named I<column> with arguments I<value> and
I<type> (see L<DbFramework::Attribute/html_form_field()>). If
I<%values> is supplied placeholders will have the values in I<%values>
added where a key in I<%values> matches a column name in the table.
=over 4
=item B<E<lt>DbFKey table.fk_name[,column...]E<gt>>
If the table's name() matches I<table> in a B<DbFKey> placeholder, the
placeholder will be replaced with the a selection box containing
values and labels from the primary key columns in the related table.
Primary key attribute values in I<%values> will be used to select the
default item in the selection box.
=over 4
=item B<E<lt>DbValue table.column[,column...]E<gt>>
If the table's name() matches I<table> in a B<DbValue> placeholder,
the placeholder will be replaced with the values in I<%values> where a
key in I<%values> matches a column name in the table.
sub fill_template {
my($self,$name,$values) = (attr shift,shift,shift);
print STDERR "filling template '$name' for table '$NAME'\n" if $_DEBUG;
return '' unless exists $TEMPLATE_H{$name};
my $template = $TEMPLATE_H{$name};
#print STDERR "template = \n$TEMPLATE_H{$name}\n\$values = ",%$values,"\n" if $_DEBUG;
# insert values into template
if ( defined($values) ) {
$template =~ s/(<DbField\s+$NAME\.)(\w+)(\s+value=)(.*?\s*)>/$1$2 value=$values->{$2}>/g;
$template =~ s/(<DbField $NAME\.)(\w+)>/$1$2 value=$values->{$2}>/g;
# handle multiple attributes here for foreign key values
$template =~ s/<DbValue\s+$NAME\.([\w,]+)\s*>/join(',',@{$values}{split(m{,},$1)})/eg;
#print STDERR "template = \n$TEMPLATE_H{$name}\n\$values = ",%$values,"\n" if $_DEBUG;
# foreign key placeholders
my %fk = %{$self->has_foreign_keys_h};
$template =~ s/<DbFKey\s+$NAME\.(\w+)\s*>/$fk{$1}->as_html_form_field($values)/eg;
# form field placeholders
$template =~ s/<DbField\s+$NAME\.(\w+)\s+value=(.*?)\s+type=(.*?)>/$self->_as_html_form_field($1,$2,$3)/eg;
$template =~ s/<DbField\s+$NAME\.(\w+)\s+value=(.*?)>/$self->_as_html_form_field($1,$2)/eg;
$template =~ s/<DbField $NAME\.(\w+)>/$self->_as_html_form_field($1)/eg;
sub _as_html_form_field {
my($self,$attribute) = (shift,shift);
my @attributes = $self->get_attributes($attribute);
=head2 set_templates(%templates)
Adds the contents of the files which are the values in I<%templates>
as templates named by the keys in I<%templates>. Returns a reference
to a hash of all templates.
sub set_templates {
my $self = attr shift;
if ( @_ ) {
my %templates = @_;
my @templates;
for ( keys %templates ) {
open(T,"<$templates{$_}") || die "Couldn't open template $templates{$_}";
my @t = <T>;
close T;
sub _templates {
my $self = attr shift;
sub _template {
my($self,$key,$method) = (attr shift,shift,shift);
my @fk_attributes;
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { push(@fk_attributes,$_->attribute_names) }
my $t = $IS_IDENTIFIED_BY->$method(@fk_attributes) || '';
for ( $self->non_key_attributes ) { $t .= $_->$method($NAME) }
for ( @IS_ACCESSED_USING_L ) { $t .= $_->$method() }
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { $t .= $_->$method() }
$self->template_h_add({$key => $t});
=head2 read_form($form,$dir)
Configure templates by evaluating the contents of
F<$dir/$db/$table/$form> where I<$dir> is a directory
(F</usr/local/etc/dbframework> by default), I<$db> is the name of the
database containing the table, I<$table> is the name of the table and
I<$form> is the name of the form containing the template definitions.
See L<Forms and Templates>.
sub read_form {
my $self = attr shift;
my $dir = $_[1] || $formsdir;
my $form = "$dir/".$self->get_db($DBH)."/$NAME/$FORM_H{$_[0]}";
my $templates = _readfile_no_comments($form,"Couldn't open form");
%TEMPLATE_H = eval $templates;
sub _readfile_no_comments {
my($file,$error) = @_;
open FH,"<$file" or die "$error: $file: $!";
my $lines;
while (<FH>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
$lines .= $_;
close FH;
=head2 as_html_heading()
Returns a string for use as a table heading row in an HTML table;
sub as_html_heading {
my $self = attr shift;
my $method = 'as_html_heading';
my @fk_attributes;
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { push(@fk_attributes,$_->attribute_names) }
my $html = $IS_IDENTIFIED_BY->$method(@fk_attributes);
for ( $self->non_key_attributes ) { $html .= $_->$method() }
for ( @IS_ACCESSED_USING_L ) { $html .= $_->$method() }
for ( @HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS_L ) { $html .= $_->$method() }
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DbFramework::DefinitionObject>, L<DbFramework::Attribute> and
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Sharpe E<lt>paul@miraclefish.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 1997,1998 Paul Sharpe. England. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.