GHCN::TimingStats - collect timing statistics for GHCN modules and scripts
use GHCN::TimingStats qw(:all);
The GHCN::TimingStats module provides a class and methods that are used to collect timing statistics from within GHCN modules or from application scripts that use GHCN modules.
The module is primarily for use by module GHCN::StationTable.
new ()
Create a new TimingStats object.
Start a timer labelled $timer. Timer labels prefixed with underscore (_) are considered to be internal and not included in the overall duration.
stop ($timer, $note='')
Stop the timer labelled $timer, with an optional note.
get_timers ()
Get a sorted list of all the timer labels that have been created so far by invoking the start() method.
Get the time that has elapsed for the timer labelled $timer.
get_note ($timer)
Get the note associated with the timer labelled $timer.
finish ()
Finish this set of timers and calculate the overall duration, excluding the duration of any internal timers (those with labels that are prefixed with '_'). The overall duration is associated with label '_Overall'.
Defined by Object::Pad. Included for POD::Coverage.
Defined by Object::Pad. Included for POD::Coverage.