Changes for version v0.0.004 - 2022-10-07
- fixes for bugs preventing tests from succeeding on Linux and Win32-x86
- added -profile, -cachedir and -refresh options, and put them on a separate GUI tab
- option -refresh now replaces -nonetwork
- option -report "id" renamed -report "detail"
- eliminated the API distinction between user options and configuration options
- "configuration" options renamed "profile" options
- option precedence (high to low): user, profile, built-in defaults
- switched to a new caching mechanism for file portability and more suitable refresh options
- option -optfile renamed -savegui
- cached files are now named the same as the corresponding file in the NOAA repository
- replaced $HOME in profile and cache filespecs with ~ (Unix and Windows)
- got rid of the cache namespace subdirectory -- all cached files are store in the same folder
- the cache and profile filespecs are now reported in the epilog output
- Fixed the POD description for VERSIONING and COMPATIBILITY.
- for portability, replaced GIS::Distance with a custom Haversine calculation.
- for portability, the -readme option now sends text to stdout rather starting a browser on a url
Report temperature extremes from output
Fetch station and weather data from the NOAA GHCN repository
Count stations in output
Report temperature extremes from Weather::GHCN::Fetch output
Fetch station and weather data from the NOAA GHCN repository
Count stations in Weather::GHCN::Fetch station output
URI page fetch with file-based caching
common functions for GHCN scripts and modules
convert between various country codes
Access the NOAA GHCN Global Historical Climatology Network repository
provide a list of meteorological metrics to be obtained from GHCN daily data
create and manage option lists/objects used by GHCN modules and scripts
class for Station metadata
collect station objects and weather data
collect timing statistics for GHCN modules and scripts