pod2hlb - pod library to VMS help library converter.


edit pod2hlb.
perl pod2hlb


This is an extremely simple program that merely converts the PERL_ROOT:[lib.pod]*.pod,*.pm files into *.hlp files using the Pod::Hlp module. It then adds all the resultant .hlp files to a PERL.HLB library in the DEFAULT directory. You are strongly encouraged to modify the code to suit your personal preferences and/or local pod locations.

Since this program invokes the LIBRARIAN it is unlikely to work on non-VMS systems. For that reason is uses RMS style file specifications internally.


The resultant *.HLP files could be added directly to the system default help file (usually SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB). Alternatively, you may retain PERL.HLB as a separate library and install it via either copying to SYS$HELP and invoking help via:


or by defining a HLP$LIBRARY logical name such as one of the following:

define HLP$LIBRARY PERL_ROOT:[lib.pod]perl

or, if HLP$LIBRARY is already defined add an underscore and integer _n such as:

define HLP$LIBRARY_1 PERL_ROOT:[lib.pod]perl

see HELP HELP and HELP LIBRARY for further details.


Copyright (c) 1999 Peter Prymmer. This program may be used under the same terms as Perl. Peter Prymmer 1-MAY-1999. First released with Pod2Hlp1.00 Aug 19 1996.