Statistics::Distribution::Generator - A way to compose complicated probability functions
Version 0.003
use Statistics::Distribution::Generator qw( :all );
my $g = gaussian 3, 1;
say $g; # something almost certainly between -3 and 9, but probably about 2 .. 4-ish
my $cloud = (gaussian 0, 1 x gaussian 0, 1 x gaussian 0, 1);
say @$cloud; # a 3D vector almost certainly within (+/- 6, +/- 6, +/- 6) and probably within (+/- 2, +/- 2, +/- 2)
my $combo = (gaussian 100, 15 | uniform 0, 200); # one answer with an equal chance of being picked from either distribution
This module allows you to bake together multiple "simple" probability distributions into a more complex random number generator.
- logistic
Standard Logistic Distribution
- supplied VALUE
- supplied CALLBACK
Allows the caller to supply either a constant VALUE which will always be returned, or a coderef CALLBACK that may use any algorithm you like to generate a random number
- gamma ORDER, SCALE
Gamma Distribution
The distribution function is
p(x) dx = {1 \over \Gamma(a) b^a} x^{a-1} e^{-x/b} dx for x > 0.
- x
Allows you to compose multi-dimensional random vectors.
$randvect = $foo x $bar x $baz; # generate a three-dimensional vector
- |
Allows you to pick a single (optionally weighted) generator from some set of generators.
$cointoss = supplied 0 | supplied 1; # fair 50:50 result of either 0 or 1
The main body of this work is by Paul W Bennett
The idea of composing probabilities together comes from a paper by TODO: CITE THE PAPER HERE
The implementation of the Gamma Distribution is by Nigel Wetters Gourlay.
Almost no error checking is done. Garbage in will result in garbage out.
Build in more probability density functions.
Artistic 2.0