# This script simulates parallel execution of commands
# on several session to potentially different servers
use strict;
use Libssh::Session qw(:all);
use Time::HiRes qw (usleep);
my $ssh_host = "";
my $ssh_port = 22;
my $ssh_user = "libssh";
my $ssh_pass = "centreon";
sub print_output_callback {
my (%options) = @_;
if ($options{exit} == SSH_ERROR) {
my $error_msg = $options{error_msg};
print "== execution failed: $error_msg\n";
return 0;
my $rc = $options{exit_code};
my $stdout = $options{stdout};
my $stderr = $options{stderr};
print "=> rc = $rc\n";
print "=> stdout:\n$stdout";
print "=> stderr:\n$stderr" if (defined($stderr) && $stderr);
print '+'x8 . "\n";
return 1;
sub init_session {
my $session = Libssh::Session->new();
if ($session->options(host => $ssh_host, port => $ssh_port, user => $ssh_user) != SSH_OK) {
print $session->error() . "\n";
if ($session->connect() != SSH_OK) {
print $session->error() . "\n";
if ($session->auth_publickey_auto() != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
if ($session->auth_password(password => $ssh_pass) != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
printf("auth issue: %s\n", $session->error(GetErrorSession => 1));
return $session;
sub init_nsessions {
my ($num) = @_;
die "You can't init less than one session." if ($num < 1);
my @all_sessions = ();
for (0 .. $num - 1) {
my $session = init_session();
push(@all_sessions, $session);
return @all_sessions;
my @all_sessions = init_nsessions($NUM_PARALLEL_CONNECTIONS);
my @all_channels = ();
my %has_returned = ();
my $sleep_seconds = 1;
for my $i (0 .. $#all_sessions) {
my $session = $all_sessions[$i];
my $cmd = "sleep $sleep_seconds && ls ~";
print "== calling non-blocking '$cmd' for session[$i]\n";
my $channel_id = $session->add_command_internal(
command => {cmd => $cmd, callback => \&print_output_callback}
if (!defined($channel_id)) {
print "== failed to start execution via session[$i]\n";
my $channel = $session->get_channel(channel_id => $channel_id);
push(@all_channels, [$channel, $channel_id]);
$session->set_blocking(blocking => 0);
$sleep_seconds += 1; # each command will sleep a second longer before calling ls
my $max_exec_time_seconds = $sleep_seconds + 2;
my $max_exec_time_microseconds = $max_exec_time_seconds * 1000000;
my $poll_interval_microseconds = 200000; # 0.2s
my $max_polls = $max_exec_time_microseconds / $poll_interval_microseconds;
my $poll_count = 0;
while(1) {
# check if timeout exceeded
if ($poll_count > $max_polls) {
die sprintf("Parallel calls failed to finish in %s seconds", $max_exec_time_seconds);
print "== polling channels...\n";
# check if every channel has already returned
last if (scalar(keys(%has_returned)) == scalar(@all_sessions));
# poll all channels again and check if there are any finished executions
for my $i (0 .. $#all_sessions) {
next if (exists $has_returned{$i});
my ($channel, $channel_id) = @{$all_channels[$i]};
my $session = $all_sessions[$i];
my $rc = $session->channel_get_exit_status(channel => $channel);
if ($rc != -1) {
print "== session[$i] has finished.\n";
$session->execute_read_channel(channel_id => $channel_id);
usleep ($poll_interval_microseconds);
print "== all sessions have finished execution\n";