Changes for version 0.83 - 2002-02-25

  • The classes now use bytes. I did this change because I found out that the regular expressions sometimes work as unicode and sometimes as bytes. What I prefer to have is kind of a class switch that will let the user of the class choose if he wants the class to run using 'bytes' or 'utf8'. I think that if the user uses encoding="UTF8" in his XML, he should be able to tell the class to run using 'utf8' pragma. But in other cases, the user might want to run it using the 'bytes' pragma. But I don't know how to program such a switch between pragams. Probably, if it is a problem for you, you know more about unicode, and maybe you have an idea how to solve it. So please write me your ideas.
  • Fixed the way the class reads the phrases from the XML file. Specifically - fixed the way white characters are treated. Now the phrase will be accppted as it is between the tags and will include all the white characters there. Added the as_is_between_tags method, and the PHRASEBOOK_AS_IS_BETWEEN_TAGS environment to provide the ability to get back to the old behavior of the classes - for legacy purposes.


Implements the Phrasebook pattern
Implements the Phrasebook pattern for SQL statements.