InfluxDB::HTTP - The Perl way to interact with InfluxDB!


Version 0.01


InfluxDB::HTTP allows you top interact with the InfluxDB HTTP API. The module essentially provides one method per InfluxDB HTTP API endpoint, that is ping, write and query.

use InfluxDB::HTTP;

my $influx = InfluxDB::HTTP->new();

my $ping_result = $influx->ping();
print "$ping_result\n";

my $query = $influx->query(
    [ 'SELECT Lookups FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > '.(time - 60)*1000000000, 'SHOW DATABASES'],
    epoch => 's',

print "$query\n";



Object::Result is relied upon for returning data from subroutines. The respective result object can always be used as string and evaluated on a boolean basis. A result object evaluating to false indicates an error and a corresponding error message is provided in the attribute error:

my $ping = $influx->ping();
print $ping->error unless ($ping);

new host => 'localhost', port => 8086

Passing host and/or port is optional, defaulting to the InfluxDB defaults.

Returns an instance of InfluxDB::HTTP.


Pings the InfluxDB instance configured in the constructor (i.e. by host and port).

Returned object evaluates to true or false depending on whether the ping was successful or not. If true, then it contains a version attribute that indicates the InfluxDB version running on the pinged server.

The version attribute is extracted from the X-Influxdb-Version HTTP response header, which is part of the HTTP response from the pinged InfluxDB instance.

my $ping = $influx->ping();
print $ping->version if ($ping);

query query, database => "DATABASE", chunk_size => CHUNK_SIZE, epoch => "ns"

Used to query the InfluxDB instance. All parameters but the first one are optional. The query parameter can either be a String or a Perl ArrayRef of Strings, where every String contains a valid InfluxDB query.

If the returned object evaluates to true, indicating that the query was successful, then the returned object's data attribute contains the entire response from InfluxDB as Perl hash. Additionally the attribute request_id provides the request identifier as set in the HTTP reponse headers by InfluxDB. This can for example be useful for correlating requests with log files.

write measurement, database => "DATABASE"

Writes data into InfluxDB. The parameter measurement can either be a String or an ArrayRef of Strings, where each String contains one valid InfluxDB LineProtocol statement. All of those mesaurements are then sent to InfluxDB and the specified database.

The returned object evaluates to true if the write was successful, and otherwise to false.


Returns the internally used LWP::UserAgent instance for possible modifications (e.g. to configure an HTTP proxy).


Raphael Seebacher, <raphael at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to


Copyright 2016 Raphael Seebacher.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.