NAME - Calculations using haversine formula
use Haversine;
my $degrees = recalculate_coordinate([51, 12, 0], 'deg');
my $radians = recalculate_coordinate([51, 12, 0], 'rad');
my $km = points2distance($start, $end);
my $degrees = azimuth($start, $end, 'deg');
recalculate_coordinate($location, $as)
Convert a tupe of (degrees, minutes, seconds) to a normal form.
- $location
An arrayref of three components: degrees, minutes, seconds.
- $as
Return value type. Can be specified as 'deg', 'min', 'sec' or 'rad'; default return value is a proper coordinate tuple.
points2distance($start, $end)
Calculate distance (in kilometers) between two points given as (lat, long) pairs based on Haversine formula ( Implementation inspired by JavaScript implementation from
Accepts coordinates as tuples (deg, min, sec), but coordinates can be given in any form - e.g. can specify only minutes: (0, 3133.9333, 0) is interpreted as (52.0, 13.0, 55.998000000008687) which, not accidentally, is the latitude of Warsaw, Poland.
azimuth($start, $end)
Calculate azimuth (bearing) of one point from another given as (lat, long) pairs based on Haversine formula
elevation($ground, $star)
Calculate the elevation of a star as seen from a point on the ground. 'star' is the declination and hour angle (lat, long) of the star, 'ground' is the (lat,long) of the ground point.
The elevation is just the complement of the angular distance between the two ground points. We assume that the star is at infinity. Not quite true for the sun or moon.
Raphael Mankin, <rapmankin at>
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You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DateTime::Event::Jewish
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