Changes for version 1.300 - 2009-10-26
- changed copyright to Net Style Ltd. without license changes
- improved POD documentation
- added INTERVAL_MINUTE and LANG_DE constants
- fixed facility support in
- fixed error handling in NetSDS::DBI::_connect()
- removed clone() support from NetSDS::Class::Abstract (move to separate module)
- removed Class::Accessor inheritance due to Class::Accessor::Class do the same things
- simplified abstract constructor (now we accept only hashes)
- removed Storable based (de)serialization from abstract class
- implemented own error handling instead of Class::ErrorHandler
- updated testcases
- fixed some small bugs
Service Delivery Suite by Net Style
common application superclass
FastCGI applications superclass
JSON-RPC server framework
superclass for all NetSDS APIs
API to configuration files
common NetSDS constants
DBI wrapper for NetSDS
read/write Event Details Records
abstract application feature
syslog wrapper for applications and classes
NetSDS template engine
simple API to gettext
in lib/NetSDS/App/
in lib/NetSDS/App/