CouchDB::Client::DB - CouchDB::Client database


use CouchDB::Client;


This module represents databases in the CouchDB database.

We don't currently handle the various options available on listing all documents.



Constructor. Takes a hash or hashref of options, both of which are required: name being the name of the DB (do not escape it, that is done internally, however the name isn't validated, you can use validName for that) and client being a reference to the parent Couch::Client. It is not expected that you would use this constructor directly, but rather that would would go through Couch::Client->newDB.

validName $NAME

Returns true if the name is a valid CouchDB database name, false otherwise.


Returns metadata that CouchDB maintains about its databases as a Perl structure. It will throw a CouchDB::Client::Ex::ConnectError if it can't connect. Typically it will look like:

    db_name         => "dj", 
    doc_count       => 5, 
    doc_del_count   => 0, 
    update_seq      => 13, 
    compact_running => 0, 
    disk_size       => 16845,

Performs the actual creation of a database. Returns the object itself upon success. Throws a CouchDB::Client::Ex::DBExists if it already exists, or a CouchDB::Client::Ex::ConnectError for other problems.


Deletes the database. Returns true on success. Throws a CouchDB::Client::Ex::NotFound if the DB can't be found, and CouchDB::Client::Ex::ConnectError for other problems.


Returns a new CouchDB::Client::Doc object, optionally with the given ID, revision, data, and attachments. Note that this does not create the actual document, simply the object. For constraints on these fields please look at <<CouchDB::Client::Doc-new>>>

listDocIdRevs %ARGS?

Returns an arrayref containing the ID and revision of all documents in this DB as hashrefs with id and rev keys. Throws a CouchDB::Client::Ex::ConnectError if there's a problem. Takes an optional hash of arguments matching those understood by CouchDB queries.

listDocs %ARGS?

The same as above, but returns an arrayref of CouchDB::Client::Doc objects. Takes an optional hash of arguments matching those understood by CouchDB queries.

docExists $ID, $REV?

Takes an ID and an optional revision and returns true if there is a document with that ID in this DB, false otherwise. If the revision is provided, note that this will match only if there is a document with the given ID and its latest revision is the same as the given one.

newDesignDoc $ID?, $REV?, $DATA?

Same as above, but instantiates design documents.

listDesignDocIdRevs %ARGS?

Same as above, but only matches design documents.

listDesignDocs %ARGS?

Same as above, but only matches design documents.

designDocExists $ID, $REV?

Same as above, but only matches design documents.


Returns the name of the database escaped.

fixViewArgs %ARGS

Takes a hash of view parameters expressed in a Perlish fashion (e.g. 1 for true or an arrayref for multi-valued keys) and returns a hash with the same options turned into what CouchDB understands.

argsToQuery %ARGS

Takes a hash of view parameters, runs them through fixViewArgs, and returns a query string (complete with leading '?') to pass on to CouchDB.


Robin Berjon, <robin @t berjon d.t com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-couchdb-client at, or through the web interface at


Copyright 2008 Robin Berjon, all rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.