Date::ICal - Perl extension for ICal date objects.
use Date::ICal;
$ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19971024T120000' );
$ical = Date::ICal->new( epoch => time );
$hour = $ical->hour;
$year = $ical->year;
$ical_string = $ical->ical;
$epoch_time = $ical->epoch;
$ical->epoch( time+60 ); # Set the time a minute ahead
Date::ICal talks the ICal date format, and is intended to be a base class for other date/calendar modules that know about ICal time format also.
See for details
Date::ICal has the following methods available:
A new Date::ICal object can be created with any valid ICal string:
my $ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19971024T120000' );
Or with any epoch time:
my $ical = Date::ICal->new( epoch => time );
If you call new without any arguments, you'll get a Date::ICal object that is set to the time right now.
my $ical = Date::ICal->new();
$ical_string = $ical->ical;
$ical->ical( '19981016' );
Retrieves, or sets, the date on the object, using any valid ICal date/time string.
The ICal representation is the one authoritative value in the object, and so if it is changed, it must be able to indicate that the other values are no longer valid. Or set the correctly. Or something. Comments welcomed.
$epoch_time = $ical->epoch;
$ical->epoch( 98687431 );
Sets, or retrieves, the epoch time represented by the object, if it is representable as such. (Dates before 1971 or after 2038 will not have an epoch representation.)
Internals note: The ICal representation of the date is considered the only authoritative one. This means that we may need to reconstruct the epoch time from the ICal representation if we are not sure that they are in synch. We'll need to do clever things to keep track of when the two may not be in synch. And, of course, the same will go for any subclasses of this class.