Date::ISO - Perl extension for converting dates between ISO and Gregorian formats.


use Date::ISO;
($yearnumber, $weeknumber, $weekday) = iso($year, $month, $day);

Note that year and month here are as given by localtime, not as given by a calendar. Hence, January 1, 2001 is (101, 0, 1). This is probably undesired behavior, and may be changed in a future release.

($yearnumber, $weeknumber, $weekday) = localiso(time);
($year, $month, $day) = inverse_iso($year, $week, $day);

Or, using the object interface:

use Date::ISO qw();
my $iso = Date::ISO->new( ISO => $iso_date_string );

$iso_year = $iso->iso_year;
$year = $iso->year;

$iso_week = $iso->iso_week;
$week_day = $iso->iso_week_day;

$month = $iso->month;
$day = $iso->day;


Convert dates between ISO and Gregorian formats.


	($year, $week, $day) = iso($year, $month, $day);
    ($year, $week, $day) = iso(2001, 4, 28); # April 28, 2001

Returns the ISO year, week and day, when given the year, month, and day.

Note that years are full 4 digit years, and months are numbered with January being 1.


($year, $month, $day) = inverse_iso($year, $week, $day);

Given an ISO year, week, and day, returns year, month, and day, as localtime would give them to you.


($year, $week, $day) = localiso(time);

Given a time value (epoch time) returns the ISO year, week, and day.

OO interface

The OO interface allows you to create a date object, and determime from it the various attributes in the ISO calendar (the year, week, and day of that week) and in the Gregorian reckoning (the year, month, and day).


my $iso = Date::ISO->new( ISO => $iso_date_string;

or ...

my $iso = Date::ISO->new( EPOCH = $epoch_time );

Accepted ISO date string formats are:

1997-02-05 (Feb 5, 1997)
19970205 (Same)
199702 (February 1997)
1997-W06 (6th week, 1997)
1997W06 (Same)
1997-W06-2 (6th week, 2nd day)
1997W062 (Same as above)
1997-035 (35th day of 1997)
1997035 (Same as above)

2-digit representations of the year are not supported at this time.

Time values are not supported at this time.


Rich Bowen (


$Date: 2001/04/29 02:42:03 $

Additional comments

For more information about this calendar, please see:

To Do

Need to flesh out test suite some more. Particularly need to test some dates immediately before and after the first day of the year - days in which you might be in a different Gregorian and ISO years.

ISO date format also supports a variety of time formats. I suppose I should accept those as valid arguments.

Need methods to output epoch time, and a variety of valid ISO date strings, from a Date::ISO object.

Version History

$Log:,v $
Revision 1.15  2001/04/29 02:42:03  rbowen
New Tests.
Updated MANIFEST, Readme for new files, functionality
Fixed CVS version number in

Revision 1.14  2001/04/29 02:36:50  rbowen
Added OO interface.
Changed functions to accept 4-digit years and 1-based months.