$VERSION = 0.001;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
=head1 NAME
Module::Husbandry - build and manage perl modules in a Perl module distribution
use strict;
use Fatal qw( mkdir close );
sub _x { ## "eXception"
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
if ( $options->{describe} ) {
warn @_;
else {
die @_;
sub _d { ## "describe". Return 1 if in describe-only mode.
my $options = pop;
my $msg = join "", @_;
1 while chomp $msg;
if ( defined $options->{_prog_name} ) {
my $sep = $options->{_prog_name_sep} || ":";
$sep .= " ";
$sep = "" if $msg =~ /^\W/;
$msg =~ s/^/$options->{_prog_name}$sep/gm;
$msg .= "\n";
print $msg unless $options->{quiet};
sub _d_c { # "describe command".
my $options = $_[-1];
local $options->{_prog_name_sep} = '$';
_d @_;
sub _rel($) {
my ( $p ) = @_;
require File::Spec;
$p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $p );
sub _mkdir {
my ( $dir, $options ) = @_;
unless ( -d $dir or _d_c "mkdir -p ", _rel $dir, $options ) {
require File::Path;
File::Path::mkpath( [ $dir ] );
sub _mkparentdir {
my ( $fn, $options ) = @_;
_mkdir( (fileparse $fn)[1], $options );
sub _chdir {
my ( $dir, $options ) = @_;
require Cwd;
return if $dir eq Cwd::cwd();
_mkdir $dir, $options;
chdir $dir or die "$!: $dir\n"
unless _d_c "chdir ", _rel $dir, $options;
=item parse_module_specs
my @specs = parse_module_specs @ARGV, \%options;
Parses a module specification, one of:
and returns the package name (C<Foo::Bar>) and the path to the
file (C<lib/Foo/Bar.pm>) for each parameter in a hash. The result HASHes
look like:
Filename => "lib/Foo/Bar.pm",
Package => "Foo::Bar",
Spec => $spec, ## What was passed in
Any name containing characters other that A-Z, 0-9, :, or ' are assumed
to be filenames. Filenames should begin with lib/ (or LIB/ on Win32)
or will be warned about.
The only option provided is:
as_dir Set this to 1 to suppress the add "/" instead of ".pm"
the Filename when a module name is converted to a filename.
Does not affect anything when a filename is parsed. This
is used by mvpm's recurse option.
sub parse_module_specs {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
map {
my $spec = $_;
my ( $pkg, $fn ) = $spec =~ /[^\w:']/
? do {
require File::Spec;
my $p = File::Spec->canonpath( $spec );
for ( $p ) {
( $^O =~ /Win32/
? s{^lib[\\/]+}{}i
: s{^lib[\\/]+}{}
) or warn "Module spec '$spec' does not begin with lib/\n";
( $p, $spec );
: do {
( my $p = $spec ) =~ s{::}{/}g;
( $spec, $options->{as_dir} ? "lib/$p" : "lib/$p.pm" );
Filename => $fn,
Package => $pkg,
Spec => $spec,
} @_;
=item parse_bin_specs
my @specs = parse_bin_specs @ARGV, \%options;
Parses specifications for a "bin" program, like:
and returns the program name (C<foo>) and the path to the
file (C<bin/foo>) for each parameter in a hash. The result HASHes
look like:
Filename => "bin/foo",
Program => "foo",
Spec => $spec, ## What was passed in
If a spec has no directory separators, "bin/" is prepended.
If a spec has directory separator, no "bin/" is prepended.
sub parse_bin_specs {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
map {
my $spec = $_;
require File::Spec;
my @names = File::Spec->splitdir( $spec );
unshift @names, "bin" if @names == 1;
my $fn = File::Spec->canonpath( File::Spec->catdir( @names ) );
my $program = (fileparse $fn);
Filename => $fn,
Program => $program,
Spec => $spec,
} @_;
=item parse_dist_specs
Takes a list of distributions specs (Foo::Bar, Foo-Bar) and returns a hash
Package => "Foo::Bar",
Spec => $spec,
sub parse_dist_specs {
map {
my $spec = $_;
( my $pkg = $spec ) =~ s{-}{::}g;
( my $dn = $spec ) =~ s{::}{-}g;
Spec => $spec,
Package => $pkg,
DistName => $dn,
} @_;
=item reconfigure_dist
Runs perl Makefile.PL using the current Perl.
TODO: Support Module::Build methodology.
sub reconfigure_dist {
my ( $options ) = @_;
if ( -f "Makefile" ) {
if ( -f "Makefile.PL" ) {
unless ( _d_c "touch Makefile.PL", $options ) {
my $time = time;
utime $time, $time, "Makefile.PL"
or warn "$! touching Makefile.PL";
if ( (stat "Makefile")[9] >= $time
&& ! _d_c "untouch Makefile", $options
) {
utime $time - 1, $time - 1, "Makefile"
or warn "$! touching Makefile.PL";
system "make Makefile" unless _d_c "make Makefile\n", $options;
elsif ( -f "Makefile.PL" ) {
system $^X, "Makefile.PL" unless _d_c "$^X Makefile\n", $options;
else {
warn "Can't reconfigure distribution, no Makefile or Makefile.PL found\n"
unless $options->{describe};
=item add_to_MANIFEST
add_to_MANIFEST "foo", "bar";
Adds one or more files to the MANIFEST.
## TODO: back up to the backup dirs used elsewhere.
sub _backup_and_read_MANIFEST {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @manifest;
if ( -e "MANIFEST" && ! _d_c "cp MANIFEST MANIFEST.old", $options ) {
or die "$!: MANIFEST\n";
@manifest = grep length, map {
1 while chomp;
unlink "MANIFEST.old" or die "$!: MANIFEST.old"
if -e "MANIFEST.old";
rename "MANIFEST", "MANIFEST.old"
or die "$! while renaming MANIFEST to MANIFEST.old\n";
$options->{clean_up_MANIFEST} = 1;
return \@manifest;
sub _write_MANIFEST {
my ( $manifest, $options ) = @_;
unless ( $options->{describe} ) {
## TODO: Also add other files not in MANIFEST.SKIP by default?
## Normally, this is done by the skeleton MANIFEST.
push @$manifest, "MANIFEST" unless @$manifest;
open MANIFEST, ">MANIFEST" or die "$!: MANIFEST";
my %seen;
print MANIFEST map "$_\n", sort grep !$seen{$_}++, @$manifest
or die "$! writing MANIFEST";
unlink "MANIFEST.old" or warn "$! MANIFEST.old\n"
if $options->{clean_up_MANIFEST} && ! _d_c "rm MANIFEST.old", $options;
sub add_to_MANIFEST {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my $manifest = _backup_and_read_MANIFEST $options;
unless ( _d_c
"echo ",
join( " ", map "'$_'", @_ ),
" >> MANIFEST ## and sort it",
) {
push @$manifest, @_;
_write_MANIFEST $manifest, $options;
=item rm_from_MANIFEST
rm_from_MANIFEST "foo", "bar";
Remove one or more files to the MANIFEST.
sub rm_from_MANIFEST {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my $manifest = _backup_and_read_MANIFEST $options;
unless ( _d_c
"cat MANIFEST.old | grep -v '",
join( "|", map "$_", @_ ),
"' >> MANIFEST",
) {
my %doomed = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } @_;
@$manifest = grep ! exists $doomed{$_}, @$manifest;
_write_MANIFEST $manifest, $options;
=item install_file
install_file $from_file_hash, $to_file_hash, \%macros;
Locates the approptiate file in the .newpm directory and copies it,
instantiating any <%macros%> needed.
Reads <%meta foo bar %> and <%meta foo=bar %> tags.
Meta tags
<%meta chmod 0755 %> chmod the resulting file (numeric only)
Any unrecognized meta or macro tags are ignored with a warning.
Adds file to MANIFEST.
TODO: adapt to Module::Build's manifesting procedures.
sub install_file {
my $options = @_ > 3 ? pop : {};
my ( $from, $to, $macros ) = @_;
return if _d_c "install ",
basename( $from->{Filename} ),
" $to->{Filename}\n", $options;
_mkparentdir $to->{Filename}, $options;
open F, $from->{Filename} or die "$!: $from->{Filename}\n";
open T, ">$to->{Filename}" or die "$!: $to->{Filename}\n";
my %meta;
while (<F>) {
for my $macro ( keys %$macros ) {
$meta{lc $1} = $2;
warn "install: WARNING: macro $1 in $from->{Filename} line $. ignored.\n"
for /(<%.*?%>)/g;
print T $_ or die "$! writing to $to->{Filename}\n";
close F;
close T;
if ( my $perms = delete $meta{chmod} ) {
unless ( _d_c "chmod $perms $to->{Filename}", $options ) {
$perms = oct $perms if substr( $perms, 0, 1 ) eq "0";
chmod $perms, $to->{Filename}
or warn "$! chmod( $perms )ing $to->{Filename}\n";
warn "install: WARNING: ignoring META setting",
" $_ $meta{$_} in $from->{Filename}\n"
for sort keys %meta;
add_to_MANIFEST $to->{Filename}, $options;
=item templates_for
my @from_files = templates_for @to_files;
Given a list of files to write to, find the appropriate source files.
use vars qw( $template_dir );
sub template_dir {
if ( ! defined $template_dir ) {
$template_dir = File::Spec->catdir(
$^O =~ /Win32/
? "C:\\etc"
$^O =~ /Win32/
? "newpm"
: ".newpm"
sub templates_for {
require File::Spec;
map {
my $fn = $_->{Filename};
$fn =~ s{\A[^.]*(\.|\z)}{Template$1};
Filename => File::Spec->catfile( template_dir, $fn ),
} @_;
=item test_scripts_for
my @test_scripts = test_scripts_for @modules;
Returns test scripts for any .pm and .pl file in @modules:
Filename => "t/Foo.t",
where @modules is an array of HASHes returned by parse_module_specs.
sub test_scripts_for {
map {
( $_->{Filename} =~
( ( $^O =~ /Win32/ )
? qr/\.p[ml]\z/i
: qr/\.p[ml]\z/
) )
? do {
( my $fn = $_->{Package} ) =~ s{::}{-}g;
Filename => "t/$fn.t",
: ();
} @_;
=item skeleton_files
my %skel_map = skeleton_files $target_dir;
Returns a list of from/to files to install from the skeleton directory.
sub skeleton_files {
my ( $target_dir ) = @_;
require File::Find;
require File::Spec;
my $skel_dir = File::Spec->catdir( template_dir, "skel" );
die "$skel_dir not found\n" unless -e $skel_dir;
my @files;
wanted => sub {
return unless -f;
my $to_fn = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $skel_dir );
$to_fn =~ s{\A(\.[\\/]+)+}{}g;
my $from_fn = File::Spec->catfile( $skel_dir, $to_fn );
push @files, [
{ # From file
Filename => $from_fn,
{ # To file
Filename => $to_fn,
no_chdir => 1,
return @files;
=item cppm
cppm $from, $to, \%options
Copies a file in a distribution and a related test suite (if found).
TODO: Don't rewrite changelogs. Not sure how best to recognize them; this
could be an option for the mythical .newpmrc.
TODO: Make the filename substitutions patterns case insensitive on Win32?
sub cppm {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @copies;
require File::Find;
require File::Spec;
my %substs; ## Strings to substitute as a result of the name change
my $substs_pat; ## The re that looks for things to substitute
if ( $options->{recurse} ) {
die "Sorry, -r not implemented yet.\n";
my ( $from, $to ) = parse_module_specs @_, { as_dir => 1 };
### SET from_pat, to_name
my ( $bn, $dn ) = fileparse $from->{Filename};
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $dn );
else {
my ( $from, $to ) = parse_module_specs @_;
_x "$from->{Filename} not found\n", $options
unless -e $from->{Filename};
_x "$from->{Filename} is not a file\n", $options
unless -f _;
_x "$to->{Filename} exists (and is a directory), not copying module\n", $options
if -d $to->{Filename};
_x "$to->{Filename} exists, not copying module\n", $options
if -e _;
push @copies, [ $from, $to ];
%substs = (
$from->{Package} => $to->{Package},
$from->{Filename} => $to->{Filename},
my ( $test_script_from ) = test_scripts_for $from;
my ( $test_script_to ) = test_scripts_for $to;
if (
&& $test_script_to
&& -f $test_script_from->{Filename}
) {
push @copies, [ $test_script_from, $test_script_to ];
= $test_script_to->{Filename};
$substs_pat = join(
join( "|", map quotemeta, sort keys %substs ),
$substs_pat = qr/$substs_pat/;
require File::Copy;
my ( $from_w, $to_w ) = ( 0, 0 ); # for pretty-printing
for ( @copies ) {
my ( $from, $to ) = @$_;
$from_w = length $from->{Filename}
if length $from->{Filename} > $from_w;
$to_w = length $to->{Filename}
if length $to->{Filename} > $to_w;
my $f_w = ( 0, 0 );
for ( keys %substs ) {
$f_w = length $_ if length $_ > $f_w;
my $f = "# subst: %-${f_w}s => %s\n";
_d sprintf( $f, $_, $substs{$_} ), $options for sort keys %substs;
for ( @copies ) {
my $from_fn = $_->[0]->{Filename};
my $to_fn = $_->[1]->{Filename};
unless ( _d_c
sprintf( "munge %-${from_w}s > %s\n", $from_fn, $to_fn ),
) {
open FROM, "<$from_fn" or die "$!: $from_fn";
open TO, ">$to_fn" or die "$!: $to_fn";
while (<FROM>) {
print TO $_;
close FROM;
close TO;
add_to_MANIFEST $to_fn, $options;
reconfigure_dist $options;
=item newpm
Create new modules in ./lib/... and, if it's a .pm module,
a test suite in ./t/...
Does not build the make file.
use vars qw( $time );
sub _time {
$time = time unless defined $time;
sub _newpm_installs {
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @modules = parse_module_specs @_;
my @errors;
my @installs;
for my $module ( @modules ) {
my %macros = (
PackageName => $module->{Package},
ModulePath => $module->{Filename},
Date => scalar localtime( _time ),
Year => 1900 + (localtime( _time ))[5],
push @errors, "$module->{Filename} found, can't overwrite\n"
if -e $module->{Filename};
my ( $template ) = templates_for $module;
push @installs, [ $template, $module, \%macros ];
my ( $test_script ) = test_scripts_for $module;
if ( defined $test_script ) {
my ( $test_script_template ) = templates_for $test_script;
_x "$test_script->{Filename} found, can't overwrite.\n", $options
if -e $test_script->{Filename};
push @installs, [ $test_script_template, $test_script, \%macros ];
_x @errors, $options if @errors;
sub newpm {
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
install_file @$_, $options for _newpm_installs @_, $options;
reconfigure_dist $options;
=item newpmbin
Create new script files in bin/. Does not add a test script
(since there's no safe way to test an arbitrary program).
sub _newpmbin_installs {
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @programs = parse_bin_specs @_;
my @errors;
my @installs;
for my $program ( @programs ) {
my %macros = (
ProgramName => $program->{Program},
ProgramPath => $program->{Filename},
Date => scalar localtime( _time ),
Year => 1900 + (localtime( _time ))[5],
push @errors, "$program->{Filename} found, can't overwrite\n"
if -e $program->{Program};
my ( $template ) = templates_for $program;
push @installs, [ $template, $program, \%macros ];
# my ( $test_script ) = test_scripts_for $program;
# if ( defined $test_script ) {
# my ( $test_script_template ) = templates_for $test_script;
# _x "$test_script->{Filename} found, can't overwrite.\n", $options
# if -e $test_script->{Filename};
# push @installs, [ $test_script_template, $test_script, \%macros ];
# }
_x @errors, $options if @errors;
sub newpmbin {
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
install_file @$_, $options for _newpmbin_installs @_, $options;
reconfigure_dist $options;
=item newpmdist
Create a new distribution in . and populate it from the skeleton
files. newpm() a new module.
sub newpmdist {
my $options = ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @installs;
for my $dist ( parse_dist_specs @_ ) {
my ( $module ) = parse_module_specs $dist->{Package};
my %macros = (
PackageName => $dist->{Package},
ProgramName => $dist->{Program},
DistName => $dist->{DistName},
ModulePath => $module->{Filename},
Date => scalar localtime( _time ),
Year => 1900 + (localtime( _time ))[5],
my @files = skeleton_files $dist->{DistName};
_x "No skeleton files found for dist $dist->{Spec}\n", $options
unless @files;
push @installs, $dist->{DistName};
push @installs, map [ @$_, \%macros ], sort @files;
push @installs, _newpm_installs $module->{Package};
push @installs, "reconfigure!";
require Cwd;
my $d = Cwd::cwd();
for ( @installs ) {
if ( ref $_ ) {
install_file @$_, $options;
elsif ( $_ eq "reconfigure!" ) {
reconfigure_dist $options;
else {
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $d, $_ );
_chdir $dir, $options;
_chdir $d, $options;
=item mvpm
mvpm $from, $to, \%options
Changes the name of a file in a distribution and all occurences of the
file's name (and, if applicable, package name) in it and in all other
A backup of any files changed is placed in .newpm/bak_0000 (where 0000
increments each time).
TODO: some kind of locking so simultaneous mvpms don't happen to choose
the same backup directory name.
TODO: Don't rewrite changelogs. Not sure how best to recognize them; this
could be an option for the mythical .newpmrc.
TODO: Make the filename substitutions patterns case insensitive on Win32?
use vars qw( $workdir );
sub _workdir {
$workdir = ".mvpm.d" unless defined $workdir;
sub _mk_bak_dir {
my $options = pop;
my $wd = _workdir;
require File::Spec;
my $max = 0;
for ( glob( "$wd/bak_*" ) ) {
/\bbak_(\d+)/ or warn "Unusual backup dir name: '$_'\n";
my $n = $1 || 0;
$max = $n if $n > $max;
my $bd = sprintf "$wd/bak_%04d", $max + 1;
die "BUG: trying to reuse backup dir $bd" if -e $bd;
_mkdir $bd, $options;
return $bd;
sub mvpm {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @moves;
require File::Find;
require File::Spec;
my %substs; ## Strings to substitute as a result of the name change
my $substs_pat; ## The re that looks for things to substitute
if ( $options->{recurse} ) {
die "Sorry, -r not implemented yet.\n";
my ( $from, $to ) = parse_module_specs @_, { as_dir => 1 };
### SET from_pat, to_name
my ( $bn, $dn ) = fileparse $from->{Filename};
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $dn );
else {
my ( $from, $to ) = parse_module_specs @_;
_x "$from->{Filename} not found\n", $options
unless -e $from->{Filename};
_x "$from->{Filename} is not a file\n", $options
unless -f _;
_x "$to->{Filename} exists (and is a directory), not moving module\n", $options
if -d $to->{Filename};
_x "$to->{Filename} exists, not moving module\n", $options
if -e _;
push @moves, [ $from, $to ];
%substs = (
$from->{Package} => $to->{Package},
$from->{Filename} => $to->{Filename},
my ( $test_script_from ) = test_scripts_for $from;
my ( $test_script_to ) = test_scripts_for $to;
if (
&& $test_script_to
&& -f $test_script_from->{Filename}
) {
push @moves, [ $test_script_from, $test_script_to ];
= $test_script_to->{Filename};
$substs_pat = join(
join( "|", map quotemeta, sort keys %substs ),
$substs_pat = qr/$substs_pat/;
require Cwd;
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $cwd );
my $is_d = -d;
$File::Find::prune =
$p eq template_dir
|| $p eq _workdir
|| $p eq "blib"
|| $p eq "pm_to_blib"
|| $p =~ /^change/
|| ( $is_d && substr( $p, 0, 1 ) eq "." );
if ( $File::Find::prune ) {
_d "# ignoring $p", $is_d ? "/..." : (), $options;
return if $is_d;
if ( -B ) {
_d "# ignoring binary file $_", $options;
return if $p eq $from->{Filename}
|| (
&& $p eq $test_script_from->{Filename}
open FROM, "<$p" or die "$! while scanning $p\n";
while (<FROM>) {
if ( /$substs_pat/ ) {
my $f = {
Filename => $p,
push @moves, [ $f, $f ];
close FROM or die "$! closing $p\n";
require File::Copy;
my $bak_dir = _mk_bak_dir $options;
my ( $from_w, $to_w, $bak_w ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); # for pretty-printing
for ( @moves ) {
my ( $from, $to ) = @$_;
= File::Spec->catfile( $bak_dir, $from->{Filename} );
$from_w = length $from->{Filename}
if length $from->{Filename} > $from_w;
$bak_w = length $from->{BakFilename}
if length $from->{BakFilename} > $bak_w;
$to_w = length $to->{Filename}
if length $to->{Filename} > $to_w;
for ( @moves ) {
my $from_fn = $_->[0]->{Filename};
my $bak_fn = $_->[0]->{BakFilename};
File::Spec->catdir( $bak_dir, $_->[0]->{Filename} ),
File::Copy::copy( $from_fn, $bak_fn )
or die "$! copying $from_fn to $bak_fn\n"
unless _d_c
sprintf( "cp %-${from_w}s %s\n", $from_fn, $bak_fn ),
my $f_w = ( 0, 0 );
for ( keys %substs ) {
$f_w = length $_ if length $_ > $f_w;
my $f = "# subst: %-${f_w}s => %s\n";
_d sprintf( $f, $_, $substs{$_} ), $options for sort keys %substs;
for ( @moves ) {
my $from_fn = $_->[0]->{Filename};
my $bak_fn = $_->[0]->{BakFilename};
my $to_fn = $_->[1]->{Filename};
unless ( _d_c
sprintf( "munge %-${bak_w}s > %s\n", $bak_fn, $to_fn ),
) {
open BAK, "<$bak_fn" or die "$!: $bak_fn";
open NEW, ">$to_fn" or die "$!: $to_fn";
while (<BAK>) {
print NEW $_;
close BAK;
close NEW;
unlink $from_fn or die "$! unlinking $from_fn"
if $from_fn ne $to_fn && ! _d_c "rm $from_fn\n", $options;
reconfigure_dist $options;
=item rmpm
Removes any modules and tests named after a package (or module) name.
Warns about any other files that refer to the doomed package.
A backup is made in the backup directory (.mvpm/... for now, will change)..
TODO: Allow a site-specific rm command to be used, like 'trash', so
this command may be better integrated with a user's working environment.
This will wait until we restructure the directories.
sub rmpm {
my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] ? pop : {};
my @deletes; ## Those who are about to die, we salute you...
require File::Find;
require File::Spec;
my %spoor; ## Strings to scan for before deleting
my $spoor_pat; ## The re used to scan for %spoor
my @spoor; ## filenames, line numbers and lines of spoor that
## will be left behind.
if ( $options->{recurse} ) {
die "Sorry, -r not implemented yet.\n";
my @doomed = parse_module_specs @_, { as_dir => 1 };
### SET doomed_pat
# my ( $bn, $dn ) = fileparse $from->{Filename};
# File::Find::find(
# {
# no_chdir => 1,
# wanted => sub {
# my $p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $dn );
# ## TODO
# },
# },
# $dn
# );
else {
my @doomed = parse_module_specs @_;
for my $doomed ( @doomed ) {
_x "$doomed->{Filename} not found\n", $options
unless -e $doomed->{Filename};
_x "$doomed->{Filename} is not a file\n", $options
unless -f _;
push @deletes, [ $doomed ];
%spoor = (
$doomed->{Package} => undef,
$doomed->{Filename} => undef,
my ( $doomed_test_script ) = test_scripts_for $doomed;
if (
&& -f $doomed_test_script->{Filename}
) {
push @deletes, [ $doomed_test_script ];
$spoor{$doomed_test_script->{Filename}} = undef;
$spoor_pat = join(
join( "|", map quotemeta, sort keys %spoor),
my $spoor_pat_re = qr/$spoor_pat/;
require Cwd;
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
## TODO: generalize all or part of this so mvpm() and rmpm() can
## share it.
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $p = File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $cwd );
my $is_d = -d;
$File::Find::prune =
$p eq template_dir
|| $p eq _workdir
|| $p eq "blib"
|| $p eq "pm_to_blib"
|| $p =~ /^change/
|| ( $is_d && substr( $p, 0, 1 ) eq "." );
if ( $File::Find::prune ) {
_d "# ignoring $p", $is_d ? "/..." : (), $options;
return if $is_d;
if ( -B ) {
_d "# ignoring binary file $_", $options;
return if grep $p eq $_->{Filename}, @doomed;
open SURVIVORS, "<$p" or die "$! while scanning $p\n";
while (<SURVIVORS>) {
if ( /$spoor_pat_re/ ) {
1 while chomp;
push @spoor, [ $p, $., $_ ];
close SURVIVORS or die "$! closing $p\n";
if ( @spoor ) {
my ( $sfn_w, $ln_w ) = ( 0, 0 );
my @spoor_recs;
for ( @spoor ) {
local $_ = [ "$_->[0],", @{$_}[1,2]];
push @spoor_recs, $_;
$sfn_w = length $_->[0] if length $_->[0] > $sfn_w;
$ln_w = length $_->[1] if length $_->[1] > $ln_w;
my $spoor_format = "%-${sfn_w}s %${ln_w}d: %s\n";
_d_c "grep -r '$spoor_pat' .", $options;
printf $spoor_format, @$_ for @spoor_recs;
my $bak_dir = _mk_bak_dir $options;
my ( $from_w, $bak_w ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); # for pretty-printing
for ( @deletes ) {
my ( $from ) = @$_;
= File::Spec->catfile( $bak_dir, $from->{Filename} );
$from_w = length $from->{Filename}
if length $from->{Filename} > $from_w;
$bak_w = length $from->{BakFilename}
if length $from->{BakFilename} > $bak_w;
require File::Copy;
for ( @deletes ) {
my $from_fn = $_->[0]->{Filename};
my $bak_fn = $_->[0]->{BakFilename};
File::Spec->catdir( $bak_dir, $_->[0]->{Filename} ),
File::Copy::copy( $from_fn, $bak_fn )
or die "$! copying $from_fn to $bak_fn\n"
unless _d_c
sprintf( "cp %-${from_w}s %s\n", $from_fn, $bak_fn ),
for ( @deletes ) {
my $from_fn = $_->[0]->{Filename};
unlink $from_fn or die "$! unlinking $from_fn";
rm_from_MANIFEST $from_fn;
reconfigure_dist $options;
=item usage
sub usage {
my ( $messages, $spec ) = @_;
my $prog_name = basename $0;
push @$messages, "\nSee $prog_name --help for details" if @$messages;
my $message = join "\n", @$messages, @$messages ? ( "", "" ) : ();
my $examples = $spec->{examples};
my $desc;
$desc = $spec->{description} if ! length $message;
$desc ||= "";
my $options =
join "\n", map {
my $name = join ", ", grep length, split /\|+/;
my @desc =
length $messages
? ()
: do {
my $desc = $spec->{$_};
$desc =~ s/^(\w+:)?(\w+=)?\s*//;
$desc =~ s/^/ /;
1 while chomp $desc;
( $name, @desc );
} grep /^-/, sort keys %$spec;
1 while chomp $message;
1 while chomp $examples;
1 while chomp $desc;
s/^/ /mg for ( grep length, $examples, $desc, $options );
$message = "$message\n\n" if length $message;
$examples = "Usage\n\n$examples\n\n" if length $examples;
$options = "Options (may occur anywhere except after a '--')\n\n$options\n\n" if length $options;
$desc = "Description\n\n$desc\n\n" if length $desc;
my $usage = "$message$examples$options$desc";
$usage =~ s/%p/$prog_name/g;
print $usage;
exit length $messages ? 1 : 0;
=item parse_cli
my ( $options, @params ) = parse_options @ARGV, \%spec;
Reads the command line and parses out the options and other parameters.
Options may be intermixed with parameters.
Options -h|-?|--help and -- do the normal things always.
-n|--describe print out what *would* happen, but do nothing.
sub parse_cli {
my ( $cli, $spec ) = @_;
my ( %options, @params ); ## These shall be returned if all is ok.
$options{_prog_name} = basename $0;
my %options_spec;
my @errors;
my $check;
my ( $min_params, $max_params );
my $found_examples;
$spec->{"-h|-?|--help"} = "Display full help";
$spec->{"-n|--describe"} = "Describe what would happen without doing it";
$spec->{"--"} = "Mark end of options";
for ( keys %$spec ) {
my $desc = $spec->{$_};
if ( substr( $_, 0, 1 ) eq "-" ) {
my $type = "flag";
$type = $1 if $desc =~ s/^(\w+)://;
my $canonical_spelling;
$canonical_spelling = $1 if $desc =~ s/^(\w+)=//;
my @spellings = split /\|/;
unless ( defined $canonical_spelling ) {
$canonical_spelling = $spellings[-1];
$canonical_spelling =~ s/^-+//;
$canonical_spelling =~ s/\W/_/g;
$canonical_spelling =~ s/^(\d)/_$1/;
my $action =
$type eq "flag" ? sub { $options{$canonical_spelling} = $desc }
: do {
push @errors, "Unrecognized option type '$type:'";
$options_spec{$_} = $action
for @spellings;
elsif ( $_ eq "check" ) {
$check = $desc;
elsif ( $_ eq "param_count" ) {
if ( $desc =~ /\A(\d+)\.\.((?:\d+)?)\z/ ) {
( $min_params, $max_params) = ( $1, $2 );
$max_params = 1_000_000_000 unless length $max_params;
else {
( $min_params, $max_params) = ( $desc, $desc );
elsif ( $_ eq "examples" ) {
$found_examples = 1;
elsif ( $_ eq "description" ) {
## ignore it, it's optional
else {
push @errors, "unrecognized option spec key '$_'";
push @errors, "examples missing from command line parsing spec"
unless $found_examples;
my @checks;
if ( defined $min_params ) {
push @checks, sub {
join "",
@_ < $min_params
? (
"missing parameter",
$min_params - @_ > 1 ? "s" : (),
": expected ",
$min_params != $max_params ? "at least " : (),
", got ",
scalar @_,
: @_ > $max_params
? (
"extra parameter",
@_ - $max_params > 1 ? "s" : (),
": expected ",
$min_params != $max_params ? "at most " : (),
", got ",
scalar @_,
: ();
push @checks, $check if $check;
require Carp, Carp::croak( join "\n", @errors ) if @errors;
$options_spec{"--"} =
sub { push @params, splice @$cli; last };
$options_spec{"-h"} =
$options_spec{"--help"} =
$options_spec{"-?"} =
sub { usage [], $spec };
while ( @$cli ) {
my $p = shift @$cli;
if ( substr( $p, 0, 1 ) eq "-" ) {
my $d = $options_spec{$p};
unless ( defined $d ) {
push @errors, "unrecognized option: $p";
if ( ref $d eq "CODE" ) {
last unless defined $d->();
else {
require Carp;
Carp::confess "BUG: $d is not a CODE ref";
else {
push @params, $p;
push @errors, grep defined && length, $_->( @params, \%options )
for @checks;
usage \@errors, $spec
if @errors;
return ( @params, \%options );
ASSumes a dir tree and file naming conventions like:
This probably won't work out all that well for XS distributions, not
sure how they work. Let me know and we'll see if we can add it :)
Not tested on Win32.
Does not know about Module::Build.
Does not use anything like a .newpmrc file.
Copyright 2002, R. Barrie Slaymaker, Jr., All Rights Reserved
=head1 LICENSE
You may use this module under the terms of the BSD, Artistic, oir GPL licenses,
any version.
=head1 AUTHOR
Barrie Slaymaker <barries@slaysys.com>