package VCP ;
=head1 NAME
VCP - Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
see the vcp command line.
This module copies hierarchies of versioned files between repositories, and
between repositories and RevML (.revml) files.
Stay tuned for more documentation.
=head1 METHODS
=for test_scripts t/10vcp.t t/50revml.t
$VERSION = 0.9 ;
$CHANGE_ID = ( q$Change: 4232 $ =~ /(\d+)/ )[0];
$DATE = ( q$Date: 2004/03/18 $ =~ /(\d[\d[:punct:]]+\d)/ )[0];
use strict ;
use VCP::Logger qw( lg pr );
require VCP::Plugin;
require VCP::Source;
require VCP::Dest;
#use fields (
# 'PLUGINS', # The VCP::Source to pull data from
#) ;
=item new
$ex = VCP->new( $source, $dest ) ;
$source is an instance of VCP::Source
$dest is an instance of VCP::Dest
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my $w = length $#_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#_; ++$i ) {
lg sprintf "plugin %${w}d is %s", $i, ref $_[$i];
$self->{PLUGINS} = [ @_ ];
## Make sure that plugins are DESTROY-able and can clean up any mess
## they make even if the VCP object is still referred to somewhere,
## like a global variable or a plugin.
$self->{PLUGIN_CLEANUP} = sub { @{$self->{PLUGINS}} = () };
VCP::Plugin->queue_END_sub( $self->{PLUGIN_CLEANUP} );
return $self ;
my $self = shift;
VCP::Plugin->cancel_END_sub( $self->{PLUGIN_CLEANUP} );
=item insert_required_sort_filter
Called if a sorting filter must be inserted.
Does nothing if there's already a sort filter in place.
sub insert_required_sort_filter {
my $self = shift ;
my @sort_keys;
for ( @{$self->{PLUGINS}}[ 1 .. $#{$self->{PLUGINS}} - 1 ] ) {
@sort_keys = $_->sort_keys( @sort_keys );
my @sort_filters = $self->{PLUGINS}->[-1]->sort_filters( @sort_keys );
if ( @sort_filters ) {
pr "appending required ",
join( ", ", map $_->filter_name, @sort_filters ),
@sort_filters == 1 ? " filter" : " filters";
splice @{$self->{PLUGINS}}, -1, 0, @sort_filters;
=item copy_all
$vcp->copy_all( $header, $footer ) ;
Calls $source->handle_header, $source->copy_revs, and $source->handle_footer.
sub copy_all {
my $self = shift ;
my ( $header, $footer ) = @_ ;
lg "Plugins: ",
join ", ",
map $_->isa( "VCP::Filter" ) ? $_->filter_name : ref $_,
my $dest = $self->{PLUGINS}->[-1];
for ( reverse @{$self->{PLUGINS}}[0..$#{$self->{PLUGINS}} -1] ) {
$_->dest( $dest );
$dest = $_;
local $VCP::vcp = $self; ## for debugging dumps
my $s = $self->{PLUGINS}->[0];
my $ok = eval {
$s->handle_header( $header ) ;
$s->copy_revs() ;
$s->handle_footer( $footer ) ;
if ( ! $ok ) {
my $x = $@;
die $x;
## Removing this link allows the dest to be cleaned up earlier by perl,
## which keeps VCP::RefCountedFile from complaining about undeleted revs.
$s->dest( undef ) ;
return ;
Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in
the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in
=head1 AUTHOR
Barrie Slaymaker <>