Bio::BLAST::Database - work with formatted BLAST databases


use Bio::BLAST::Database;

# open an existing bdb for reading
my $fs = Bio::BLAST::Database->open(
             full_file_basename => '/path/to/my_bdb',
# will read from /path/to/my_bdb.nin, /path/to/my_bdb.nsq, etc

my @filenames = $fs->list_files;

#reopen it for writing
$fs = Bio::BLAST::Database->open(
          full_file_basename => '/path/to/my_bdb',
          write => 1,

# replace it with a different set of sequences

# can also get some metadata about it
print "db's title is ".$fs->title;
print "db was last formatted on ".localtime( $fs->format_time );
print "db file modification was ".localtime( $fs->file_modtime );


Each object of this class represents an NCBI-formatted sequence database on disk, which is a set of files, the exact structure of which varies a bit with the type and size of the sequence set.

This is mostly an object-oriented wrapper for using fastacmd and formatdb.



Full path to the blast database file basename. This is the entire path to the BLAST database files, except for the final suffixes (.nin, .nsq, etc).

my $basename = $db->full_file_basename;
#returns '/data/shared/blast/databases/genbank/nr'


true/false flag for whether to create any necessary dirs at format time


true/false flag for whether to write any files that are in the way when formatted


title of this blast database, if set


return whether this blast database is indexed


accessor for type of blastdb. must be set in new(), but open() looks at the existing files and sets this



Usage: my $fs = Bio::BLAST::Database->open({
                    full_file_basename => $ffbn,
                    write => 1,
                    create_dirs => 1,
Desc : open a BlastDB with the given ffbn.
Args : hashref of params as:
       {  full_file_basename => full path plus basename of files in this blastdb,
          type => 'nucleotide' or 'protein'
          write => default false, set true to write any files in the way,
          create_dirs => default false, set true to create any necessary directories
                         if formatted
Ret  : Bio::BLAST::Database object
Side Effects: none if no files are present at the given ffbn.  overwise,
              dies if files are present and write is not specified,
              or if dir does not exist and create_dirs was not specified


Usage: my $fasta_fh = $bdb->to_fasta;
Desc : get the contents of this blast database in FASTA format
Ret  : an IO::Pipe filehandle
Args : none
Side Effects: runs 'fastacmd' in a forked process, cleaning up its output,
              and passing it to you


Usage: $db->format_from_file(seqfile => 'mysequences.seq');
Desc : format this blast database from the given source file,
       into its proper place on disk, overwriting the files already
Ret  : nothing meaningful
Args : hash-style list as:
        seqfile => filename containing sequences,
        title   => (optional) title for this blast database,
        indexed_seqs => (optional) if true, formats the database with
                        indexing (and sets indexed_seqs in this obj)
Side Effects: runs 'formatdb' to format the given sequences,
              dies on failure


Desc: get the earliest unix modification time of the database files
Args: none
Ret : unix modification time of the database files
Side Effects:


Usage: my $time = $db->format_time;
Desc : get the format time of these db files
Ret  : the value time() would have returned when
       this database was last formatted, or undef
       if that could not be determined (like if the
       files aren't there)
Args : none
Side Effects: runs 'fastacmd' to extract the formatting
              time from the database files

NOTE:  This function assumes that the computer that
       last formatted this database had the same time zone
       set as the computer we are running on.
       Also, the time returned by this function is rounded
       down to the minute, because fastacmd does not print
       the format time in seconds.


Usage: $bdb->check_format_from_file() or die "cannot format!\n";
Desc : check directory existence and file permissions to see if a
       format_from_file() is likely to succeed.  This is useful,
       for example, when you have a script that downloads some
       remote database and you'd like to check first whether
       we even have permissions to format before you take the
       time to download something.
Args : (optional) alternate full file basename to write blast DB to
         e.g. '/tmp/mytempdir/tester_blast_db'
Ret  : nothing if everything looks good,
       otherwise a string error message summarizing the reason
       for failure
Side Effects: reads from filesystem, may stat some files


Usage: print "that thing is split, yo" if $db->is_split;
Desc : determine whether this database is in multiple parts
Ret  : true if this database has been split into multiple
       files by formatdb (e.g.,, etc.)
Args : none
Side Effects: looks in filesystem


Usage: print "complete!" if $db->files_are_complete;
Desc : tell whether this blast db has a complete set of files on disk
Ret  : true if the set of files on disk looks complete,
       false if not
Args : (optional) true value if the files should only be
       considered complete if the sequences are indexed for retrieval
Side Effects: lists files on disk


Usage: my @files = $db->list_files;
Desc : get the list of files that belong to this blast database
Ret  : list of full paths to all files belonging to this blast database,
Args : none
Side Effects: looks in the filesystem


Desc: get the number of sequences in this blast database
Args: none
Ret : number of distinct sequences in this blast database, or undef
      if it could not be determined due to some error or other
Side Effects: runs 'fastacmd' to get stats on the blast database file


Usage: my $seq = $fs->get_sequence('LE_HBa0001A02');
Desc : get a particular sequence from this db
Args : sequence name to retrieve
Ret  : Bio::PrimarySeqI-implementing object, or nothing if not found
Side Effects: dies on error




Robert Buels <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Robert Buels.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.