use 5.010;
use strict;
our $Config;
our $Log;
our $Alert;
our $EngineName;
our $EngineInstance;
sub new {
my ($class,$options) = @_;
# set some defaults
my $attributes = {'method'=>''};
# load options
if (ref($options) eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $option (keys %{$options}) {
$attributes->{$option} = $options->{$option};
# pull in some Service::Engine globals
$Config = $Service::Engine::Config;
$Log = $Service::Engine::Log;
$EngineName = $Service::Engine::EngineName;
$EngineInstance = $Service::Engine::EngineInstance;
my $self = bless $attributes, $class;
return $self;
sub sendEmail {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
$Alert = $Service::Engine::Alert;
my $status = 1;
my $msg = $args->{'msg'};
my $options = $args->{'options'};
my $handle = $args->{'handle'};
my $contacts = $options->{'contacts'};
my $groups = $options->{'groups'};
my $recipients = $Alert->get_recipients({'groups'=>$groups,'contacts'=>$contacts});
my $handle_config = $Config->get_config('alerting')->{'modules'}->{'Email'}->{$handle};
if (ref($handle_config) ne 'HASH') {
$Log->log({'msg'=>"Missing $handle config " . Dumper($handle_config),'level'=>2});
return 0;
$args->{'from'} = $handle_config->{'from'};
$args->{'smtp_ip'} = $handle_config->{'smtp_ip'};
$args->{'smtp_port'} = $handle_config->{'smtp_port'};
$args->{'subject'} = "$EngineName" . "[$EngineInstance] ALERT: $msg";
$args->{'force_text'} = 1;
if (!$args->{'from'}) {
$Log->log({'msg'=>"Missing required account options to send Email " . Dumper($handle_config),'level'=>2});
return 0;
foreach my $recipient (keys %{$recipients}) {
if ($recipients->{$recipient}->{'email'}) {
$args->{'to'} = $recipients->{$recipient}->{'email'};
my $status = $self->_send_email($args);
$Log->log({'msg'=>"could not send mail to $args->{'to'}",'level'=>2}) unless $status;
return $status;
sub _send_email {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $msg = $args->{'msg'};
my $to = $args->{'to'};
if (!$msg || !$to) {
$Log->log({'msg'=>"Missing required options to send email " . Dumper($args),'level'=>2});
return 0;
# send our email here
my $smtp = Service::Engine::Utility::Email->new();
my $response = $smtp->send($args);
return $response;