POE - the Perl Operating Environment


use POE;


In general, POE provides "kernel" services, including select(2), events signals, alarms and reusable boilerplates for common functions.

In specific, POE uses POE::Kernel and POE::Session for you.


  • POE::Kernel - main loop; select(2), signal, alarm, event services

  • POE::Session - state machine managed by POE::Kernel

  • POE::Driver (abstract) - drive (read and write) an IO::Handle

  • POE::Driver::SysRW - sysread and syswrite on an IO::Handle

  • POE::Filter (abstract) - bidirectional stream cooker; converts raw data to something useful (such as lines), and back

  • POE::Filter::Line - break input into lines; add newlines to output

  • POE::Wheel (abstract) - a way to extend POE::Session by adding or removing event handlers from state machines

  • POE::Wheel::ReadWrite - manage read/write states for a session

  • POE::Wheel::ListenAccept - accept incoming TCP socket connections

  • POE::Wheel::FollowTail - watch the end of an ever-growing file


  • tests/followtail.perl

    Starts 21 sessions, and runs them until SIGINT. 10 sessions write to dummy log files; 10 sessions follow the log tails; one session spins its wheels to make sure things are not blocking.

  • tests/forkbomb.perl

    Starts one session whose job is to continually start copies of itself (and occasionally quit). A counter limits this test to about 150 total sessions, and the kernel will respond to SIGINT by killing everything and exiting.

    This is an excellent shakedown of parent/child relationships and signals.

  • tests/objsessions.perl

    This is a version of tests/sessions.perl (see below) that uses a blessed object's methods as event handlers. Thanks to sky_GOD for the idea and original code.

  • tests/proxy.perl

    This is a simple line-based TCP proxy. It redirects connections from localhost:7777 to It shows how to use two or more wheels from a single session.

  • tests/selects.perl

    Starts two sessions, and runs until SIGINT. The first session is a TCP chargen server; the second is a simple TCP client that connects to the first. The client session has a limiter that causes the session to exit after printing a few chargen lines.

    POE::Wheel::ReadWrite and POE::Wheel::ListenAccept were based on the code here.

    This was the second test, written to exercise the select(2) logic in POE::Kernel.

  • tests/sessions.perl

    Starts five sessions that loop a few times and stop. It was written to exercise the POE::Kernel event queue.

  • tests/signals.perl

    One session that prints out a dot every second and recognizes SIGINT.

  • tests/curator.perl

    Lame attempt to exercise POE::Curator.


None known.


Copyright 1998 Rocco Caputo <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.