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# Manage the POE::Kernel data structures necessary to keep track of
# session aliases.
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.312'; # NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
# These methods are folded into POE::Kernel;
package POE::Kernel;
use strict;
### The table of session aliases, and the sessions they refer to.
my %kr_aliases;
# ( $alias => $session_ref,
# ...,
# );
my %kr_ses_to_alias;
# ( $session_id =>
# { $alias => $session_ref,
# ...,
# },
# ...,
# );
sub _data_alias_initialize {
$poe_kernel->[KR_ALIASES] = \%kr_aliases;
sub _data_alias_relocate_kernel_id {
my ($self, $old_id, $new_id) = @_;
return unless exists $kr_ses_to_alias{$old_id};
$kr_ses_to_alias{$new_id} = delete $kr_ses_to_alias{$old_id};
### End-run leak checking. Returns true if finalization was ok, or
### false if it failed.
sub _data_alias_finalize {
my $finalized_ok = 1;
while (my ($alias, $ses) = each(%kr_aliases)) {
_warn "!!! Leaked alias: $alias = $ses\n";
$finalized_ok = 0;
while (my ($ses_id, $alias_rec) = each(%kr_ses_to_alias)) {
my @aliases = keys(%$alias_rec);
_warn "!!! Leaked alias cross-reference: $ses_id (@aliases)\n";
$finalized_ok = 0;
return $finalized_ok;
# Add an alias to a session.
# TODO This has a potential problem: setting the same alias twice on a
# session will increase the session's reference count twice. Removing
# the alias will only decrement it once. That potentially causes
# reference counts that never go away. The public interface for this
# function, alias_set(), does not allow this to occur. We should add
# a test to make sure it never does.
# TODO It is possible to add aliases to sessions that do not exist.
# The public alias_set() function prevents this from happening.
sub _data_alias_add {
my ($self, $session, $alias) = @_;
$kr_aliases{$alias} = $session;
$kr_ses_to_alias{$session->ID}->{$alias} = $session;
# Remove an alias from a session.
# TODO Happily allows the removal of aliases from sessions that don't
# exist. This will cause problems with reference counting.
sub _data_alias_remove {
my ($self, $session, $alias) = @_;
delete $kr_aliases{$alias};
delete $kr_ses_to_alias{$session->ID}->{$alias};
### Clear all the aliases from a session.
sub _data_alias_clear_session {
my ($self, $sid) = @_;
return unless exists $kr_ses_to_alias{$sid}; # avoid autoviv
while (my ($alias, $ses_ref) = each %{$kr_ses_to_alias{$sid}}) {
$self->_data_alias_remove($ses_ref, $alias);
delete $kr_ses_to_alias{$sid};
### Resolve an alias. Just an alias.
sub _data_alias_resolve {
my ($self, $alias) = @_;
return undef unless exists $kr_aliases{$alias};
return $kr_aliases{$alias};
### Return a list of aliases for a session.
sub _data_alias_list {
my ($self, $sid) = @_;
return () unless exists $kr_ses_to_alias{$sid};
return sort keys %{$kr_ses_to_alias{$sid}};
### Return the number of aliases for a session.
sub _data_alias_count_ses {
my ($self, $sid) = @_;
return 0 unless exists $kr_ses_to_alias{$sid};
return scalar keys %{$kr_ses_to_alias{$sid}};
### Return a session's ID in a form suitable for logging.
sub _data_alias_loggable {
my ($self, $sid) = @_;
"session $sid" . (
(exists $kr_ses_to_alias{$sid})
? ( " (" . join(", ", $self->_data_alias_list($sid)) . ")" )
: ""
=head1 NAME
POE::Resource::Aliases - internal session alias manager for POE::Kernel
There is no public API.
POE::Resource::Aliases is a mix-in class for POE::Kernel. It provides
the features to manage session aliases. It is used internally by
POE::Kernel, so it has no public interface.
=head1 SEE ALSO
See L<POE::Kernel/Session Identifiers (IDs and Aliases)> for the
public alias API.
See L<POE::Kernel/Resources> for for public information about POE
See L<POE::Resource> for general discussion about resources and the
classes that manage them.
=head1 BUGS
None known.
Please see L<POE> for more information about authors and contributors.
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# TODO - Edit.