POE::Stage::Receiver - a simple UDP recv/send component


# Note, this is not a complete program.
# See the distribution's examples directory.

use POE::Stage::Receiver;
my $stage = POE::Stage::Receiver->new();
my $request = POE::Request->new(
	stage         => $stage,
	method        => "listen",
	on_datagram   => "handle_datagram",
	on_recv_error => "handle_error",
	on_send_error => "handle_error",
	args          => {
		bind_port   => 8675,

# Echo the datagram back to its sender.
sub handle_datagram {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;
		method            => "send",
		args              => {
			remote_address  => $args->{remote_address},
			datagram        => $args->{datagram},


POE::Stage::Receiver is a simple UDP receiver/sender stage. Not only is it easy to use, but it also rides the short bus for now.

Receiver has two public methods: listen() and send(). It emits a small number of message types: datagram, recv_error, and send_error.


Commands are invoked with POE::Request objects.

listen (bind_port => INTEGER)

Bind to a port on all local interfaces and begin listening for datagrams. The listen request should also map POE::Stage::Receiver's message types to appropriate handlers.

send (datagram => SCALAR, remote_address => ADDRESS)

Send a datagram to a remote address. Usually called via recall() to respond to a datagram emitted by the Receiver.


Responses are returned by POE::Request->return() or emit().

"datagram" (datagram, remote_address)

POE::Stage::Receiver emits a message of "datagram" type whenever it successfully recv()s a datagram from some remote peer. The datagram message includes two parameters: "datagram" contains the received data, and "remote_address" contains the address that sent the datagram.

Both parameters can be pased back to the POE::Stage::Receiver's send() method, as is done in the SYNOPSIS.

"recv_error" (errnum, errstr)

The stage encountered an error receiving from a peer. "errnum" is the numeric form of $! after recv() failed. "errstr" is the error's string form.

"send_error" (errnum, errstr)

The stage encountered an error receiving from a peer. "errnum" is the numeric form of $! after send() failed. "errstr" is the error's string form.


See for known issues. See to report one.


POE::Stage and POE::Request. The examples/udp-peer.perl program in POE::Stage's distribution.


Rocco Caputo <>.


POE::Stage::Receiver is Copyright 2005 by Rocco Caputo. All rights are reserved. You may use, modify, and/or distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself.