Reflex::Callback::Promise - Condvar-like non-callback adapter
version 0.004
Used within Reflex:
use Reflex::Timer;
use ExampleHelpers qw(eg_say);
my $pt = Reflex::Timer->new(
interval => 1 + rand(),
auto_repeat => 1,
while (my $event = $pt->wait()) {
eg_say("promise timer returned an event (@$event)");
Low-level usage:
use Reflex::Callback::Promise;
my $cb = Reflex::Callback::Promise->new();
$cb->deliver( greet => { name => "world" } );
my $event = $cb->wait();
print "event '$event->{name}': hello, $event->{arg}{name}\n";
Reflex::Callback::Promise maps the generic Reflex::Callback interface to non-callback promises, which are kind of like condvars. In most cases, Reflex::Callbacks' cb_promise() or other syntactic sweeteners will be used instead of raw Reflex::Callback::Promise objects.
Reflex::Callback::Promise's constructor takes no parameters. It creates a promise queue that is populated by deliver() and drained by wait(). Furthermore, wait() will block as necessary until it can return an event. This requires the help of some form of concurrency, currently hardcoded to use POE.
A future version may delegate the POE dependency to a subclass.
Reflex::Callback::Promise's wait() method retrieves the next pending event held in the object's queue. If the queue is empty, wait() will dispatch other events until some asynchronous code enqueues a new event in the promise's queue.
Reflex::Callback::Promise's deliver() enqueues events for the promise. As with other Reflex::Callback subclasses, this deliver() accepts two positional parameters: an event name (which IS used), and a hashref of named parameters to be passed to the callback.
Deliver doesn't return anything meaningful, since the code to handle the event isn't executed at the time of delivery.
Reflex Reflex::Callback Reflex::Callbacks
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