Reflex::Role::UdpPeer - Add non-blocking UDP networking to an object.
version 0.011
This UDP echo service comes from a more complete program, eg/ in Reflex's tarball.
package Reflex::UdpPeer::Echo;
use Moose;
with 'Reflex::Role::UdpPeer';
sub on_udppeer_datagram {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $data = $args->{datagram};
if ($data =~ /^\s*shutdown\s*$/) {
datagram => $data,
remote_addr => $args->{remote_addr},
sub on_udppeer_error {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
warn "$args->{op} error $args->{errnum}: $args->{errstr}";
Programs may inherit from Reflex::UdpPeer rather than use the Moose role directly.
package UdpEchoPeer;
use base 'Reflex::UdpPeer';
Reflex::Role::UdpPeer implements non-blocking UDP socket work. This isn't very hard, since UDP sockets don't normally block anyway.
Public Attributes
Reflex::Role::UdpPeer will create a UDP socket during construction. The socket will be bound to the port (numeric or symbolic name) specified in the "port" attribute.
This may change in the future. Reflex really should be letting you create and provide your own handle, via a "handle" attribute, bound and otherwise set up how you like it.
"max_datagram_size" sets the limit for recv() calls. It defaults to 16KB (16384). This may change in the future.
Public Methods
Reflex::Role::UdpPeer's send() is a wrapper around Perl's built-in send() function. It checks the return value, and it will emit() an "error" message if send() fails.
This may also change, as the conventions for failure events solidify. Your feedback will help expedite the solidification.
destruct() clears the UDP peer's "handle" attribute and performs other cleanup to shut down the object.
The name will probably change to stop() or shutdown() as naming conventions standardize.
Public Events
Reflex::Role::UdpPeer emits "datagram" events when datagrams arrive. These events include two named values: "datagram" contains the data returned by recv(). "remote_addr" holds the datagram sender's packed address.
Reflex::Role::UdpPeer will emit() an "error" event if send() fails. It follows a standard convention for reporting errors or failures. Errors include three fields: "errfun" describes the function that failed, generally "send" or "recv". "errnum" and "errstr" hold the numeric and stringified versions of $!
at the time of the failure.
Programs should not examine $!
directly, as the value of this global special variable may have changed between the time of failure and the time of callback.
Reflex generally uses "failure" rather than "error" to indicate failures. This "error" event may be renamed later to conform with that emerging conventino.
eg/ inherits from Reflex::UdpPeer.
eg/ uses a Reflex::UdpPeer object as a helper, and composes with it in a has-a relationship.
eg/ composes an ojbect with Reflex::Role::UdpPeer.
Reflex Reflex::Object Reflex::UdpPeer
"ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" in Reflex "ASSISTANCE" in Reflex "AUTHORS" in Reflex "BUGS" in Reflex "BUGS" in Reflex "CONTRIBUTORS" in Reflex "COPYRIGHT" in Reflex "LICENSE" in Reflex "TODO" in Reflex