Reflex::Acceptor - non-blocking client socket acceptor


version 0.055


package TcpEchoServer;

use Moose;
extends 'Reflex::Acceptor';
use Reflex::Collection;
use EchoStream;  # See eg directory.

has clients => (
	is      => 'rw',
	isa     => 'Reflex::Collection',
	default => sub { Reflex::Collection->new() },
	handles => { remember_client => "remember" },

sub on_accept {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;
			handle => $args->{socket},
			rd     => 1,

sub on_error {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;
	warn "$args->{errfun} error $args->{errnum}: $args->{errstr}\n";


Reflex::Acceptor takes a listening socket and produces new sockets for clients that connect to it. It is almost entirely implemented in Reflex::Role::Accepting. That role's documentation contains important details that won't be covered here.

Public Attributes


Reflex::Acceptor defines a single attribute, listner, which should be set to a listening socket of some kind. Reflex::Acceptor requires an externally supplied socket so that the user may specify any and all applicable socket options.

If necessary, the class may later supply a basic socket by default.

Reflex::Role::Accepting explains listener in more detail.

Public Methods


pause() will temporarily stop the server from accepting more clients. See method_pause in Reflex::Role::Accepting for details.


resume() will resume a temporarily stopped server so that it may accept more client connections. See method_resume in Reflex::Role::Accepting for details.


stop() will permanently stop the server from accepting more clients. See method_stop in Reflex::Role::Accepting for details.



on_accept is called whenever Perl's built-in accept() function returns a socket. Reflex::Role::Accepting explains the data returned with on_accept. If necessary, that role will also define a default on_accept handler that emits an "accept" event.


on_error is called whenever Perl's built-in accept() function returns an error. Reflex::Role::Accepting explains the data returned with on_error. If necessary, that role will also define a default on_error handler that emits an "error" event.

Public Events

Reflex::Acceptor emits events related to accepting client connections. These events are defined by Reflex::Role::Accepting, and they will be explained there.


If no on_accept handler is set, then Reflex::Acceptor will emit an "accept" event for every client connection accepted. Reflex::Role::Accepting explains this event in more detail.


If no on_error handler is set, then Reflex::Acceptor will emit an "error" event every time accept() returns an error. Reflex::Role::Accepting explains this event in more detail.


The SYNOPSIS is an excerpt from eg/


Reflex Reflex::Role::Accepting Reflex::Role::Connecting Reflex::Connector

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