Reflex::Role - define a Reflex paramaterized role


version 0.080


package Reflex::Role::Streaming;
use Reflex::Role;

use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);

attribute_parameter handle      => "handle";
callback_parameter  cb_data     => qw( on handle data );
callback_parameter  cb_error    => qw( on handle error );
callback_parameter  cb_closed   => qw( on handle closed );
method_parameter    method_put  => qw( put handle _ );
method_parameter    method_stop => qw( stop handle _ );

role {
	my $p = shift;

	my $h         = $p->handle();
	my $cb_error  = $p->cb_error();

	with 'Reflex::Role::Collectible';

	method_emit_and_stop $cb_error => "error";

	with 'Reflex::Role::Reading' => {
		handle      => $h,
		cb_data     => $p->cb_data(),
		cb_error    => $cb_error,
		cb_closed   => $p->cb_closed(),

	with 'Reflex::Role::Readable' => {
		handle      => $h,
		active      => 1,

	with 'Reflex::Role::Writing' => {
		handle      => $h,
		cb_error    => $cb_error,
		method_put  => $p->method_put(),

	with 'Reflex::Role::Writable' => {
		handle      => $h,

	# Multiplex a single stop() to the sub-roles.
	method $p->method_stop() => sub {
		my $self = shift;



Reflex::Role defines a class as a Reflex parameterized role. It adds a few Reflex-specific exports to MooseX::Role::Parameterized.

It will be very helpful to understand the MooseX::Role::Parameterized declarations parameter, role and method before continuing. A basic familiarity with Moose::Role is also assumed.


Reflex::Role adds a few declarations to MooseX::Role::Parameterized. The role parameter declarations define new parameters for Reflex roles. They're shorthands for MooseX::Role::Parameterized parameter declarations.



attribute_parameter attribute_name => "default_name";

attribute_parameter declares a role parameter that will accept an attribute name from the consumer. It also specifies a default attribute name.

attribute_parameter is a convenience declaration. The synopsis declaration is equivalent to this MooseX::Role::Parameterized syntax

parameter attribute_name => (
	isa => 'Str',
	default => $default,



callback_parameter callback_name => qw( prefix attribute_param suffix);

callback_parameter declares a role parameter that will accept a callback method name. It alsp specifies a default method name, which is the catenation of a prefix, the value of an attribute parameter, and a suffix. A prefix or suffix of "_" will cause that segment of the default to be ignored.

callback_parameter is a convenience declaration. The synopsis is equivalent to this MooseX::Role::Parameterized syntax:

parameter callback_name => (
	isa     => 'Str',
	lazy    => 1,
	default => sub {
			grep { defined() and $_ ne "_" }
			$prefix, shift()->$attribute_param(), $suffix



method_parameter method_name => qw( prefix attribute_param suffix );

method_parameter declares a role parameter that will accept a method name from the consumer. It also specifies a default method name, which is the catenation of a prefix, the value of an attribute parameter, and a suffix. A prefix or suffix of "_" will cause that segment of the default to be ignored.

method_parameter is a convenience declaration. The synopsis is equivalent to this MooseX::Role::Parameterized syntax:

parameter method_name => (
	isa => 'Str',
	lazy => 1,
	default => sub {
			grep { defined() and $_ ne "_" }
			$prefix, shift()->$attribute_param(), $suffix


Reflex::Role also provides a couple declarations for standard types of methods.



method_emit method_name => "event_name";

method_emit defines a method that emits an event, via the emit() method provided by Reflex::Role::Reactive. It's common for default Reflex::Role callbacks to emit events, and method_emit will define such methods.

method_emit is a convenience declaration. The synopsis is equivalent to this MooseX::Role::Parameterized syntax:

method method_name => sub {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;
	$self->emit( event => "event_name", args => $args );



method_emit_and_stopped method_name => "event_name";

method_emit_and_stopped defines a method that emits an event and then triggers the object's eventual distruction. It takes the names of the method to define and the event to emit, and it does the rest.

method_emit_and_stopped is a convenience declaration. The synopsis is equivalent to this MooseX::Role::Parameterized syntax:

method method_name => sub {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;
	$self->emit( event => "event_name", args => $args );


I'm looking for better names for Reflex::Role's exported declarations. Please suggest some.


Nearly everything in the Reflex::Role namespace.


Reflex Moose MooseX::Role::Parameterized

All the Reflex roles.

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