Reflex::Role::InStreaming - add streaming input behavior to a class
version 0.088
use Moose;
has socket => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'FileHandle', required => 1 );
with 'Reflex::Role::InStreaming' => {
handle => 'socket',
cb_data => 'on_socket_data', # default
cb_error => 'on_socket_error', # default
cb_closed => 'on_socket_closed', # default
sub on_socket_data {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
print "Socket received data: $arg->{data}\n";
sub on_socket_error {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
print "$arg->{errfun} error $arg->{errnum}: $arg->{errstr}\n";
sub on_socket_closed {
my $self = shift;
print "Connection closed.\n";
Reflex::Role::InStreaming is a Moose parameterized role that adds streaming input behavior to Reflex-based classes. It comprises Reflex::Role::Collectible for dynamic composition, Reflex::Role::Readable for asynchronous input watching, and Reflex::Role::Reading to perform input.
See Reflex::Stream if you prefer runtime composition with objects, or you just find Moose syntax difficult to handle.
Required Role Parameters
The handle
parameter must contain the name of the attribute that holds a filehandle from which data will be read. The name indirection allows the role to generate methods that are unique to the handle. For example, a handle named "XYZ" would generate these methods by default:
cb_closed => "on_XYZ_closed",
cb_data => "on_XYZ_data",
cb_error => "on_XYZ_error",
method_stop => "stop_XYZ",
This naming convention allows the role to be used for more than one handle in the same class. Each handle will have its own name, and the mixed in methods associated with them will also be unique.
Optional Role Parameters
Please see "cb_closed" in Reflex::Role::Reading. Reflex::Role::Reading's "cb_closed" defines this callback.
Please see "cb_data" in Reflex::Role::Reading. Reflex::Role::Reading's "cb_data" defines this callback.
Please see "cb_error" in Reflex::Role::Reading. Reflex::Role::Reading's "cb_error" defines this callback.
Please see "method_stop" in Reflex::Role::Readable. Reflex::Role::Readable's "method_stop" defines this method.
See eg/ in the distribution.
Reflex Reflex::Role::Readable Reflex::Role::Reading Reflex::Stream
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