Manage Zendesk connection, get tickets etc. This is a work-in-progress - we have only written the access methods we have used so far, but as you can see, it is a good template to extend for all remaining API endpoints. I'm totally open for any pull requests! :)
This module uses MooseX::Log::Log4perl for logging - be sure to initialize!
- cache
Provided by MooseX::WithX - optionally pass a Cache::FileCache object to cache and avoid unnecessary requests
- zendesk_token
- zendesk_username
- default_backoff Optional. Default: 10 Time in seconds to back off before retrying request if a http 429 (Too Many Requests) response is received. This is only used if the Retry-Time header is not provided by the api.
- zendesk_api_url
- user_agent
Optional. A new LWP::UserAgent will be created for you if you don't already have one you'd like to reuse.
- init
Create the user agent and credentials. As these are built lazily, initialising manually can avoid errors thrown when building them later being silently swallowed in try/catch blocks.
- get_incremental_tickets
Access the Incremental Ticket Export interface
!! Broken !!
- search
Access the Search interface
- query
Required. Query string
- sort_by
Optional. Default: "updated_at"
- sort_order
Optional. Default: "desc"
- size
Optional. Integer indicating the number of entries to return. The number returned may be slightly larger (paginating will stop when this number is exceeded).
Returns array of results.
- get_comments_from_ticket
Access the List Comments interface
- ticket_id
Required. The ticket id to query on.
Returns an array of comments
- download_attachment
Download an attachment.
- attachment
Required. An attachment HashRef as returned as part of a comment.
- dir
Directory to download to
- force
Force overwrite if item already exists
Returns path to the downloaded file
- add_response_to_ticket
Shortcut to Updating Tickets specifically for adding a response.
- ticket_id
Required. Ticket to add response to
- public
Optional. Default: 0 (not public). Set to "1" for public response
- response
Required. The text to be addded to the ticket as response.
Returns response HashRef
- update_ticket
Access Updating Tickets interface.
- ticket_id
Required. Ticket to add response to
- body
Required. HashRef of valid parameters - see link above for details.
Returns response HashRef
- get_ticket
Access Getting Tickets interface.
- ticket_id
Required. Ticket to get
- no_cache
Disable cache get/set for this operation
Returns ticket HashRef
- get_many_tickets
Access Show Many Organizations interface.
- ticket_ids
Required. ArrayRef of ticket ids to get
- no_cache
Disable cache get/set for this operation
Returns an array of ticket HashRefs
- get_organization
Get a single organization by accessing Getting Organizations interface with a single organization_id. The get_many_organizations interface detailed below is more efficient for getting many organizations at once.
- organization_id
Required. Organization id to get
- no_cache
Disable cache get/set for this operation
Returns organization HashRef
- get_many_organizations
- organization_ids
Required. ArrayRef of organization ids to get
- no_cache
Disable cache get/set for this operation
Returns an array of organization HashRefs
- update_organization
Use the Update Organization interface.
- organization_id
Required. Organization id to update
- details
Required. HashRef of the details to be updated.
- no_cache
Disable cache set for this operation
returns the
- list_organization_users
Use the List Users interface.
- organization_id
Required. Organization id to get users from
- no_cache
Disable cache set/get for this operation
Returns array of users
- get_many_users
Access Show Many Users interface.
- user_ids
Required. ArrayRef of user ids to get
- no_cache
Disable cache get/set for this operation
Returns an array of user HashRefs
- update_user
Use the Update User interface.
- user_id
Required. User id to update
- details
Required. HashRef of the details to be updated.
- no_cache
Disable cache set for this operation
returns the
- list_user_assigned_tickets
Use the List assigned tickets interface.
- user_id
Required. User id to get assigned tickets from
- no_cache
Disable cache set/get for this operation
Returns array of tickets
- clear_cache_object_id
Clears an object from the cache.
- user_id
Required. Object id to clear from the cache.
Returns whether cache_del was successful or not
Copyright 2015, Robin Clarke
Robin Clarke <>
Jeremy Falling <>