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mediathkep - Mediathek search/download tool
mediathekp [options]
- --cache_dir
Cache directory to keep downloaded XMLs, zip files and database
- --target_dir
If you use the action --download, where videos are downloaded to
- --agent
User agent I should pretend to be. (Default Mediathek-PL/0.2)
- --cache_time
Time for which downloaded files should be cached. (Default: 0)
Store your cookies somewhere else (Default in cache_dir)
- --timeout
Seconds timeout for flvstreamer. (Default: 10)
- --flvstreamer
Location of your flvstreamer binary (Default: /usr/bin/flvstreamer)
- --proxy
http Proxy to use (e.g. http://proxy:8080) !!But!! flvstreamer can only work through a socks proxy!
- --socks
Socks proxy to use for flvstreamer
- --config
Load settings from a config file: you can put all the options listed here in a config file!
- --tries
The number of tries Video::Flvstreamer should make per video There are often interruptions during a download, so a high number like 50 is pretty safe. Default is 10
- --help
Print this help out
- --action
Action options (--action ACTION)
- count
Count number of videos matching your search
- list
List the videos matching your search
- list_downloads
List the videos previously downloaded
- download
Download the videos matching your search
- del_download,$i
Deletes the video with id $i from target_dir
- add_abo,$n,$d
Create a new abo with name $n that expires after $d days. Specify search options (see below) to define the media belonging to an abo. To keep downloads forever, specify 0 days
- del_abo,$n
Delete an abo with name $n
- list_abos
Shows all abo names
- run_abo,$name
Runs the specified abo, downloading all media that is not yet in target_dir and that has not expired yet. Checks also if media has expired and removes it from the target
- refresh_media
Refresh your database from the internet
- init_db
(re)initialise your database (!!delete everything in DB!!)
Search options
One or more search options can be given
!! WARNING !! If you use the action --download, and no search options, you will download ALL the videos...
Search options can be explicit: "Arte.DE" or contain wildcards: "Doku*"