Pod::Coverage - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive


# all in one invocation
use Pod::Coverage package => 'Fishy';

# straight OO
use Pod::Coverage;
my $pc = new Pod::Coverage package => 'Pod::Coverage';
print "We rock!" if $pc->coverage == 1;


Developers hate writing documentation. They'd hate it even more if their computer tattled on them, but maybe they'll be even more thankful in the long run. Even if not, perlmodstyle tells you to, so you must obey.

This module provides a mechanism for determining if the pod for a given module is comprehensive.

It expects to find either a =head2 or an =item block documenting a subroutine.

Consider: # an imaginary package Foo;

=item foo

The foo sub

= cut

sub foo {}
sub bar {}


In this example Foo::foo is covered, but Foo::bar is not, so the Foo package is only 50% (0.5) covered


Pod::Coverage->new(package => $package)

Creates a new Pod::Coverage object.

package the name of the package to analyse

private an array of regexen which define what symbols are regarded as private (and so need not be documented) defaults to /^_/, /^import$/, /^DESTROY/, and /^AUTOLOAD/.

also_private is similar to private but these are appended to the default set


Gives the coverage as a value in the range 0 to 1


Returns a list of uncovered routines, will implicitly call coverage if it's not already been called.


Due to the method used to identify documented subroutines Pod::Coverage may completely miss your house style and declare your code undocumented. Patches and/or failing tests welcome.

Also the code currently only deals with packages in their own .pm files, this will be adressed with the next release.


Examine globals and explicitly exported symbols
Determine if ancestor packages declare things left undocumented
Widen the rules for identifying documentation
Look for a correponding .pod file to go with your .pm file

This is typical of code like Data::Dumper and Quantum::Superpositions, which have extensive documentation, but Pod::Coverage declares them to have none.


Version 0.03

Applied a patch from Dave Rolsky (barely 6 hours after release of 0.02) to improve scanning of pod markers.

Version 0.02

Fixed up the import form. Removed dependency on List::Util. Added naked method. Exposed private configuration.

Version 0.01

As invaded Brighton, people taked about documentation standards. mstevens scribbled something down, richardc coded it, the rest is ponies.


Richard Clamp <>

Michael Stevens <>

Copyright (c) 2001 Richard Clamp, Micheal Stevens. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.